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well, it's "worse" if we believe that we don't actually "need" one of the upgraded skills you're spending multiple AP on in the short term, as if we don't than it's simply better to spend 1 ap per turn for the next 8 turns.I think we're going to have to agree to disagree, as I'm simply not convinced re: PM, and I'm getting soured on being told that my plan is "objectively" "mechanically" worse.
Also 2 ap, while a bit worse, is not TOO big of a difference. I'd be much more strongly against 3 ap, but 2 is acceptable.
now, the skills you're spending 2 ap on are
--[X] Continue Your Training (2 AP): You've come to a new plateau in your abilities and mapped the new edges of your gift. Now seems like a fine time to push the boundaries, or pick up some new tricks. Follow Dazarel's training regime.
--[X] Style Training (2 AP) [Tien Style] (1 Free AP)
--[X] Strengthen Host Bond (2 AP) (1 Free AP)
so, the question is: Do you think we'll need any of these in the next turn/couple of turns in particular?
are you planning to CONTINEU spending 2 ap per turn each turn for the foreseeable future (let's say until the invasion in 8 turns (4 in case something goes wrong))?
if the answer is yes to even one of this, than "mechanically objectively worse" it's a bit of an exaggeration.
That said, I still prefer investing mostly 1 ap in each, but the ones you spend 2 ap in are mostly fine to me. they're among our most important AND the ones with the most progress before they can be considered mastered after all.