Voting is open
[X] Plan Demigoddess
-[X] Oppose the motion
-[X] Shut up the screams by turning super saiyan then moving to the stage to stand next to Celeran.
-[X] Adress the problem: half of our society is used to autority figures mediating more closely in their affairs and the resulting unrest is affecting the whole. It is your duty to take a more active role in your society to help with this and the cult is an important part of it.
-[X] Offer to mediate until the current crisis is resolved. You are still learning but with advice from your elders (implying grandma and Celeran though not outright mentioning them) you will get through this situation, as saiyans always have.
-[X] Leverage your position as the gold and that it happened in these times, as well as the feeling you had regarding training Oozaru. Leave open to interpretation the possibility of divine inspiration.
-[X] Act confident, with autority. Give the Vegetans something familiar to latch into.
-[X] Move on the discussion to the religious matters they are here to discuss. Act as observer and defer to those who know more of the subject.
I don't think I like Plan Demigoddess at all.

Firstly, what kind of mediator are we going to become? We can't really mediate religious matters because we don't know anything about the Ancestor Cult's doctrines, and we can't mediate non-religious matters because we don't actually have the authority to do that so I doubt Berra would let us do so, and letting Berra prevent us from doing this would be very bad for our reputation. The only way we can possibly get away with this is becoming Berra's mouthpiece, but that's not going to help our reputation either.

Secondly, assuming this mediator thing would be permanent, Kakara would

Thirdly, Kakara would pretty much have to pretend to be a believer, which would make it impossible to tell the public about her real beliefs without negatively impacting her reputation and possibly setting the Faith against her.

Fourthly, Kakara's a nine year old kid. She's a demigod in the Faith, yes, but so is Berra, and the Gokun members of the Faith are still not completely satisfied with the Lord Goku as a mediator, so why would they be satisfied with a nine year old Scion? I mean, Lord Berra's even got a reputation as a wise an excellent mediator, but again, the Gokun members of the Faith still want a religious head with actual authority.
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Fourthly, Kakara's a nine year old kid.

I'm seeing a lot of people worrying about Kakara's ability to handle this situation, and have actually fielded PM's on the matter. I've answered it there, best to answer it here:


I'll tell you if Kakara is genuinely unable to execute a plan you come up with, but that will be more in line with, "Yeah, that's physically impossible," rather than, "I find it unrealistic that a shounen protagonist would be as implausibly mature as you're planning on her acting." This is Dragon Ball; Gohan was making philosophical speeches on the nature of bravery and commitment while holding off world-ending blasts at this age. Kakara can deal if your votes can deal, and your votes dealing is entirely dependent on your ability to social. Not that there are no checks, but taking the right approach can minimize the risk thoroughly.

Also: I've noticed a frightening number of people discounting reputations and traits outright or simply mentioning them as side notes in their plans. Accord them greater importance than that. Read them through. Apply them to this situation. Realize the ludicrous array of bonuses pointing at Kakara at the moment. You all are in a position of incredible power at the moment, and while ordinarily I'd just laugh my evil laugh and watch the chaos, in this case it feels like some people genuinely don't understand how the system applies at the moment.

That is all. Carry on. :D
Yeah, I did read that. But, again, the Gokun members of the Faith are not satisfied with Lord Berra, who has a reputation for being wise and fair, as a mediator. Why would they be happier about Kakara, who is a total unknown with zero experience? In the Faith's eyes, they're both divine, so that shouldn't make a difference.
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Let's throw everything behind oddball.

Can Kakara power up to her absolute max, solemnly stand, slowly walk with thunderous steps, and make herself a sandwich at the catering table?

How about suddenly taking Fennella up on that sparring match, overhead, complete with solar flare?

We could just chuck a powerball into the air. Six thousand saiyans suddenly going great ape will shut down the discussion pretty quick.
Let's throw everything behind oddball.

Can Kakara power up to her absolute max, solemnly stand, slowly walk with thunderous steps, and make herself a sandwich at the catering table?

How about suddenly taking Fennella up on that sparring match, overhead, complete with solar flare?

We could just chuck a powerball into the air. Six thousand saiyans suddenly going great ape will shut down the discussion pretty quick.

... if you formalize it into a vote and get any traction, I'd probably vote that first one. It sounds glorious.
I'm more hung up on the next few parts than done, but go ahead, I'm taking a break.
When and why did the culture/rulership style of Clan Goku change from that of Clan Vegeta? Did it happen slowly or did a single ruler change it?

Were the rulership styles of Clan Goku and Clan Vegeta different at Lord Oni Goku's time? How long ago did Oni Goku live, anyways?

Do people generally think that Garla's decision to split the the Saiyans into two clans was a good or a bad idea? Do different segments of the population have different opinions? For example, do the Vegetans think that everyone would be better off if Clan Goku had never been created?
When and why did the culture/rulership style of Clan Goku change from that of Clan Vegeta? Did it happen slowly or did a single ruler change it?

Were the rulership styles of Clan Goku and Clan Vegeta different at Lord Oni Goku's time? How long ago did Oni Goku live, anyways?

Do people generally think that Garla's decision to split the the Saiyans into two clans was a good or a bad idea? Do different segments of the population have different opinions? For example, do the Vegetans think that everyone would be better off if Clan Goku had never been created?
Pretty quickly. The first Gokun literally didn't live under a prince, after all, and thus had far less respect for the station. Deformalizing things was just smart strategy unless the Lords wanted to claim the title of Prince. The first few, for a variety of reasons, did not, and eventually the culture had just calcified around the idea of Gokun Lords being informal leaders.

Very different, and TBD.

In general it's recognized as having given rise to a system that worked as intended for over two centuries, but Vegetans tend to be wistful about the halcyon days of the unified saiyan race-in-exile.
I would find it amusing if the Sokidan was technically lost, until someone realized the Hellzone Grenade was based off it.

Or vice versa.

Kinda curious about how the House/Clan system works, so, questions. Some of them might not make much sense if my assumption about the answer to the first question is wrong, though.

Every Saiyan is part of a House, right? For example, if Celeran hadn't become the High Priest and instead fathered 99 children, these children would have been part of House Peat, and so would any of Celeran's grandchildren and so on, right?

If the above assumption is correct, if two Saiyans from different have children, which House do the children belong to? Do they belong to the mother's house, the father's house (probably less likely), does it depend on which parent is more closely related to the Head or do the parents/the Heads of the parents' houses decide on a case-by-case basis? Are there different rules if the parents are married than if they aren't?

For that matter, the Saiyans do have some kind of marriage, right? If so, how exactly does it work, and how are unmarried relationships/children born outside of marriage viewed? If two Saiyans marry, does one of them join the other's House, and if so, which?

Are there different rules for the ruling Houses than the other Houses? Currently I'm assuming that the only members of House Goku and House Vegeta are the Matriarchs, Lords, Scions and any unmarried siblings of the former. If so, though, what happens if an unmarried sister of a Scion/Lord has a child with a human?

(I was about to ask about children with unknown fathers too, but then I realized there'd be no such thing since Seers exist).

Are there any Saiyans that don't belong to a House?

What kind of authority do the Heads have, exactly? Are Saiyans allowed to "appeal" decisions made by the Heads to the Lords, and if so, when can they do so and which kind of decisions can they appeal?

Do Heads generally dislike if other members of their House are stronger than they are, and do they have the ability to punish members of their House for being too strong?
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How can you lose that?o_O

Not caring. Much like Goku did.


How much of a malus to speed is USSJ? Is USSJ faster or slower than Golden Oozaru?

Crippling. USSJ will cut your speed by half, while putting an immense drain on your stamina as well. Technically speaking, it's the same speed as Golden Oozaru while being stronger to boot, but you won't maintain it for very long and once you're done with it, you'll pretty much be out of the fight due to exhaustion.


Kinda curious about how the House/Clan system works, so, questions. Some of them might not make much sense if the my assumption about the answer to the first question is wrong, though.

Every Saiyan is part of a House, right? For example, if Celeran hadn't become the HIgh Priest and instead fathered 99 children, these children would have been part of House Peat, and so would any of Celeran's grandchildren and so on. right?

If the above assumption is correct, if two Saiyans from different have children, which House do the children belong to? Do they belong to the mother's house, the father's house (probably less likely), does it depend on which parent is more closely related to the Head or do the parents/the Heads of the parents' houses decide on a case-by-case basis?? Are there different rules if the parents are married than if they aren't?

For that matter, the Saiyans do have some kind of marriage, right? If so, how exactly does it work, and how are unmarried relationships/children born outside of marriage viewed? If two Saiyans marry, does one of them join the other's House, and if so, which?

Are there different rules for the ruling Houses than the other Houses? Currently I'm assuming that the only members of House Goku and House Vegeta are the Matriarchs, Lords, Scions and any unmarried siblings of the former. If so, though, what happens if an unmarried sister of a Scion/Lord has a child with a human?

(I was about to ask about children with unknown fathers too, but then I realized there'd be no such thing since Seers exist).

Are there any Saiyans without Houses?

What kind of authority do the Heads have, exactly? Are Saiyans allowed to "appeal" decisions made by the Heads to the Lords, and if so, when can they do so and which kind of decisions can they appeal?

Do Heads generally dislike if other members of their House are stronger than they are, and do they have the ability to punish members of their House for being too strong?

Your initial assumption is correct. However, marriage is treated as taking somebody into your House, so when two saiyans get married, one person in the couple has to take the other's surname. This isn't weighted towards either gender; men can take women's as easily as the reverse. The way this goes depends on the couple in question; technically it's up to them, but in reality Heads have a lot of authority over the process. This also greatly simplifies the children question. In the case of bastard children, if the parents aren't married, they may either marry immediately or they get the opportunity to decide who gets the kid. If both want the kid, they fight for it. If one wants the kid, they get the kid. If neither wants it, the child becomes their Lord's responsibility. However, having a child out of wedlock is something that tends to be social suicide, being viewed as deeply irresponsible and a permanent black mark. That coupled with responsible and comprehensive sex education means it rarely happens.

They do have marriage. It works basically the same as human marriage. Unmarried but permanent relationships are viewed as particularly strange and definitely off, and there's significant pressure on those involved to tie the knot.

Ruling Houses tend to pay close attention to the marriages of their children, for obvious reasons. Lords run the gamut from discouraging unacceptable partners to outright forbidding matches they disapprove of. In general, however, it technically works just like any other House. Unmarried siblings are permitted to marry out, but by tradition leave their surnames behind. If they have a kid with a human, standard procedure applies.

There are no Houseless saiyans. You can never leave your House.

Heads are invested with varying amounts of authority, but all of it is cultural rather than legal. In general, Heads are trusted to ride herd on their Houses and make sure nothing needs to come to the Lord's attention, through whatever means they deem appropriate. But they and their families may freely bring matters before their Lord, however. That said, the authority of the Heads is reinforced by the fact that if somebody appeals a Head's decision and the Lord think that their time is being wasted, they can do essentially whatever they want to the appealer. Thus, it is accepted that you always bring matters to your Head first, and have a damn good case ready before you go to your Lord.

Heads' positions are not open for challenge, being matters of inheritance as held by House tradition (generally a copy of the inheritance laws of the ruling Houses) and thus -- outside of any personal competitiveness -- they have no reason to feel insecure about strength. They can punish people for being too strong, but unless they're actively suppressing the development of Super Saiyans, that's one thing that Lords will reliably call bullshit on. That said, Heads and their heirs are traditionally exempt from the social pressure against improving your strength above 1-3 million. They don't all hit their cap -- for instance, just because all humans are technically capable of pulling buses by hand doesn't mean we all put in the lifetime of training to get there -- but a Head will generally sit pretty at six million or above.

Has foot fired Kamehameha been lost?

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