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Was it a mistake to specify a Willpower Push when it might not have been necessary?

Probably? I mean, speaking personally that was one of the reasons I didn't like the vote. Aside from the fear of it taking too much time if we failed the negotiation part, I really didn't think the consequences of failing a Push would be helpful in the slightest right now.
Yeah considering that was our will power push just now I'm gonna go ahead and say that the aforementioned success wasn't ours.
An 80-90 might be enough to resist willpower push failure, at least?

Alternately, omake bonuses might fix things.
@PoptartProdigy Given that [Convincing Dandeer to let you combat-train Jaron.] didn't get used (IIRC) because it was unnecessary given what we did, could it work right now to convince her?
@PoptartProdigy Given that [Convincing Dandeer to let you combat-train Jaron.] didn't get used (IIRC) because it was unnecessary given what we did, could it work right now to convince her?
While I'd bet the answer is "no", it could be argued that convincing Dandeer not to leave Jaron Sealed is, by extension, convincing her to let him be combat-trained, given her apparent reasons for said Sealing.

I still bet the answer is no.
While I'd bet the answer is "no", it could be argued that convincing Dandeer not to leave Jaron Sealed is, by extension, convincing her to let him be combat-trained, given her apparent reasons for said Sealing.

I still bet the answer is no.
There's been precedent of allowing unused-unable-to-be-used bonuses to be used for something else related, IIRC.
There's been precedent of allowing unused-unable-to-be-used bonuses to be used for something else related, IIRC.
To be clear, I'm perfectly okay with it just not being usable, too. No big deal either way, just wanted to point out that it wasn't actually (I don't think, anyway) used, in spite of being crossed out.
Canon Omake: Mastery

The core of the first Super Saiyan transformation shares much in common with a willpower push. It is done in response to great need, and it has a broadly similar effect on the psyche.
The best metaphor you've heard for the difference? Yoki are like struggling to push a gate wider, but Super Saiyan is like pushing open another door entirely - the initial rush of power is hard to regulate, but with practice you can do it comfortably, and even keep it open while resting.
And so your exercise for the time being is simply to meditate while staying transformed. It is a strangely relaxing challenge, and you welcome it. You succeed surprisingly quickly.

(A/N: That link is to something I think mirrors the Super Saiyan mechanics a tiny bit better than the metaphor I used in the story. There's a reason it affects Base Power Cap, after all.)
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The core of the first Super Saiyan transformation shares much in common with a willpower push. It is done in response to great need, and it has a broadly similar effect on the psyche.
The best metaphor you've heard for the difference is that while Yoki are like struggling to push a gate wider, Super Saiyan is like opening another door entirely - the initial rush of power is hard to regulate, but with practice you can do it comfortably, and even keep it open while resting.
And so your exercise for the time being is simply to meditate while staying transformed. It is a strangely relaxing challenge, and you welcome it. Your success is surprisingly fast, on several levels.

(A/N: That link is to something I think mirrors the Super Saiyan mechanics a tiny bit better than the metaphor I used in the story. There's a reason it affects Base Power Cap, after all.)

...I think that's more of a micro-omake to be honest.
he's pretty good, though the numbers in his quests tend to get absurdly high. Someday i should get back to AGG Rise...
Only a little bit!
[Sword Skill: 8,640,000]
Oh yeah, that would be awful. There's hope though - a 55 to stabilise the damage isn't too bad. Assuming it's a Willpower roll to avoid falling apart on a failed Willpower Push, there's a pretty good chance that it's a DC100 as standard, which a 55 (+54) would pass.
Think it'd only be +44.
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