The point is that the FPSSJ should be an elected body, alongside or part of a similarly elected democratic government (Scions, Lords/Ladies and previous Lords/Ladies could still retain the same right in some sort of constiutional monarchy). "Why him and not" be could then be answered "because you bloody hell voted for him", which is a better explanation than "because nepotism".
The thing is,
people accept nepotism as long as it's part of a closed social system and the monarchs don't disgrace themselves too badly over time.
It's not optimal but we can
live with it, which under present conditions is very important.
In addition, due to the population boom under Berra/Vegeta/Yamma/Apra, the Clans are losing much their power and relevance, and Poptart's mentioned that Berra's having trouble controlling the current population, so we really do need a government reform (for instance, I'm not sure if there's any kind of civil service). Clan Heads probably aren't going to support a stronger central government that takes away their privileges, so we might as well go for democracy rather than absolute monarchy.
Again, I'm not sure that all the same forms of government that work well for normal humans will work well for a race of fighty, recklessness-prone individuals who can obtain the powers of Superman through moderately intense martial arts training.
There's really no reason the rulers would need to be able to personally overpower all their subjects at once to make society work, every government on Earth seems to be fine without.
The ruler doesn't need to be able to overpower all their subjects. They
DO need to be able to arrange to have any given thousand of their subjects overpowered before they cause unacceptable collateral damage.
We have no viable means of doing that in the face of a thousand rebellious FPSSes... and a thousand FPSSes is a perfectly reasonable threat parameter for "weird revolutionary conspiracy/cult threat" in a population where everyone's a super-saiyan.
Right now the current system is necessary for hiding from the Enemy as well as from the Garenhulders, but it might not be the best system if we want to actually defeat the Enemy or any truly powerful enemies, and it's certainly wouldn't be necessary if the Enemy is defeated.
Okay, but we VERY much need to balance the ideal goal of defeating the Enemy against the need to survive long enough to do so.
Like, if Kakara dies peacefully in her old age, having left behind her a happy, successful lineage of royals on an only mildly reformed Garenhuld,
without having made more than incremental progress towards Operation Kill the Enemy, I'm still going to count that as a win condition unless given reason to do otherwise.
The thing is that they wouldn't be able to show their true maximum anywhere, since there's no wards other than the hall strong enough for them to hide behind, so any attempt to gain FPSSJ would be noticed.
If there's one thing Dandeer's taught us, it's that sorcerors can do
really freaking impressively powerful things without anyone noticing. I wouldn't bet on sorcerors NOT being able to secretly construct wards capable of hiding FPSS-level powers, at least on the scale of a small training chamber. The Hall is far, far larger than that, after all.
I suspect that one of the main reasons none of the Houses get to have super-saiyan-grade wards under the existing systems is that the royals can take that as
a priori evidence of an intent to train super saiyan and stage a revolt, at which point they just penalize the House, confiscate its assets, and otherwise grind its face into the dirt.
In the absence of an official monopoly on the transformation, that doesn't work.
And the point of a more democratic form of government where everyone is a Super Saiyan (or even a FPSSJ, though I agree that's risky due to the risk of somebody accidentally going SSJ2 and alerting the Enemy) is that you can't just gather a small group of people to overthrow the government, since they'd be outnumbered by the just-as-individually-powerful loyal citizens.
No, but you can have small groups of people feud among themselves and blow holes in continents as collateral damage. You can have quite sizeable conspiracies develop in secret, which then strike in a coordinated fashion. You can have, in general,
That doesn't change the fact that, taking both personality and talents into account, he's probably just as suited for the role of strongest fighter than any current FPSSJ save Jaffur (Kakara's more talented than Tabe, but she doesn't really have a drive to train unless she has a specific goal). Heck, that lady who fought Cynthia in the tournament would probably absolutely wreck every single current FPSSJ at equal power levels.
Going by what I've seen and what I know about Mitsuba...
Mitsuba Roma would win handily against Kakara in a fight at equal power levels, by virtue of having Master rank in a style and a few actual combat traits. But that really isn't saying very much given how not-fighty-specced Kakara is.
I'm pretty sure at this point- not 100%, but
pretty sure, she could take Apra. Though I may just be underwhelmed by her performance against Yammar. I mean JEEZ if she'd just held out long enough for us to senzu, we'd have won this one, I don't blame Grandma for having her heart in the right place but JEEZ.
I don't know about Lord Vegeta; we haven't really seen him fully cut loose. As of about eight years ago,
she thought she could do it. Probably.
But in a fight between her and Jaffur or Berra at equal baseline power levels?
Honestly, I'd place odds on Berra, though not easily, and he'd probably win by abusing the
hell out of Instant Transmission, which she does not have, and which he's integrated into his Goku Style to a remarkable degree. They're both masters of a style, but he's inspired in the art of dueling on a level she can't quite match, and I'm sure he has some respectable combat traits. Plus, y'know, being an expert in the art of tactical teleportation, which makes Mitsuba's version of distance control rather harder to maintain.
I'd definitely bet on Jaffur being able to beat Mitsuba at equal power levels. Jaffur, as he was at quest start, was almost certainly more than a match for her. Remember that he was giving her a bit of a workout in
Auger, even at five and a half or so with his style still in the nascent prototypical form and half his signature attacks unfinished.
And I'm inclined to add Yammar to the list of "royals who could probably beat Mitsuba in a fair fight at equal power level," too. In his case that's in large part due to extended training; Yammar is at least in his fifties and aging like fine wine as far as his martial skills are concerned. Whereas Mitsuba is, what, thirty-four? I don't remember exactly, but she's got about half his experience.
Jaffur, to be fair, has half
her experience, but he's a combat prodigy on a level that she isn't, not that she'd let that discourage her permanently.
EDIT: Just to be clear, I'm not saying Mitsuba is any better as a fighter than any of the other top-tier Cap Circuit contenders; the only reason she's
that good is because, well, plot necessitated that she be a Cap Circuit contender.