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You are voting for what Kakara spends the next few seconds doing.


This is the single most helpful and good-GMing thing you could possibly say in this situation.

Specifying the timeframe, with the implication that assuming Dandeer isn't literally two seconds from victory we'll have a chance to try something else if our first gambit doesn't work, is so very, very helpful.

Thank you SO MUCH.
I can't make myself read it.... Is the Witch dead?
No, we're still working on that. We're right back where we started, just specifically voting on what Kakara does in the next few seconds instead of trying to come up with a complicated plan in which she launches a barrage of gambits that would take up minutes of subjective time.

We only get one Gambit.
To be fair, the monkey ball is a pretty good gambit. It's one of the things at our disposal Dandeer is least likely to have prepared for.

It sounds like the Rival equivalent of Yandere.

Like what Joker feels for Batman, but a touch less acerbic.
Fortunately, Jaffur doesn't have to commit crimes to get Kakara's attention. And that's a good thing.

We only get one Gambit.
Huge shot in the dark: It's a stretch given my understanding of magic, but maybe take advantage of the genkidama making skill to have everyone here register as "Dandeer Vegeta"?

Monkeyball is probably a better shot, especially since it should break any masque type effects.
I can't make myself read it.... Is the Witch dead?
No, we're doing a revote, but Poptart didn't want to post nothing but a vote, so also gave us a look into Jaffur's head.

Dude is, well...see my post above?
I wonder if we could yell loud enough that the sound is enough to hurt Dandeer? Her protectors would have a hard time blocking that.
I wonder if we could yell loud enough that the sound is enough to hurt Dandeer? Her protectors would have a hard time blocking that.
Dandeer almost certainly put up a shield good enough to stop that kind of casual area effect from blotting her out as the first thing she did. I don't expect a cheap shot area attack to work.

Dandeer's defenses are almost certainly as good as any regular saiyan's including an elite (baseline, non-gold) warrior. We're not going to be able to put her down without an attack that's either focused enough that a super-saiyan with more combat experience than us (e.g. Berra and Vegeta) can block it, or powerful enough to plausibly affect a super-saiyan, or both.

That means our big options for 'nonlethal unblockable disruption' on Dandeer are Solar Flare and the oozaru powerball.

Solar Flare in particular is almost certainly worth trying, though it may just get us booted by Berra after he vips to our side when he sees us winding up for the attack.


Also, I strongly suspect Jaffur will try the 'yell hella loud' strategy whether he means it specifically as an anti-Dandeer attack or not, because he is super pissed.
Solar Flare in particular is almost certainly worth trying, though it may just get us booted by Berra after he vips to our side when he sees us winding up for the attack.
If he VIPs to the other side that gives us an opening. During this fight we are going to have to keep in mind who the actual target is.
Nah, the bat and joker lack the definitely present yandere element. Although I'm using yandere here as "crazy love" not "crazy and in love".
Fair enough on the definition, though I think you're wrong on the Joker and Batman.

The Joker has the crazylove for The Bat. On any given day he either wants to make him laugh, or make him die, but more than that he basically exists to test The Bat. Nothing else is really real to him, you know? Just Batman. Batman is, unironically, Joker's world. Without him the Joker retires/kills himself/goes into a fugue state.
Jaffur... bullshit. Just bullshit. You are in love, its just a proper saiyan love separated from procreative urges. For any other species it would be a mental disorder, but for a saiyan its probably the healthiest feeling possible if ever reciprocated.

Admittedly the universe would be on fire, everywhere and forever to a point that even Beerus would say is excessive, but that is a small price to pay.

If the feeling can't be reciprocated then you are fucked. As is the situation.
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More in favor of the monkey ball idea. We only get one Gambit.
there is also a chance that, if Berra/Vegeta/Yammar see it and become Oozaru, that might free them from the mind control.
The Oozaru transformation DOES have an effect on the mind after all. Might give them a new willpower check.

Or just make them stronger. Could go both ways.

Jaffur... bullshit. Just bullshit. You are in love, its just a proper saiyan love separated from procreative urges. For any other species it would be a mental disorder, but for a saiyan its probably the healthiest feeling possible if ever reciprocated.

while i'm not against romancing Jaffur (in a few years, after he gets A LOT of therapy and decides that he wants us to convert him/teach him/make him understand MORE than he wants to push us to the breaking point just to see what happens), he sure as hell isn't in love right now, saiyan or otherwise.
while i'm not against romancing Jaffur (in a few years, after he gets A LOT of therapy and decides that he wants us to convert him/teach him/make him understand MORE than he wants to push us to the breaking point just to see what happens), he sure as hell isn't in love right now, saiyan or otherwise.
No argument that it wouldn't work, though in my mind its more incompatible worldviews than anything else.
Personally, this update just convinces me that we must pick up the planning for the anti Jaffur contingencies that were dropped after we went into his mind and he seemed somewhat sane. Even if he thinks highly of Kakara, with the way his mind seems to work I am not sure that is entirely a good thing.
No argument that it wouldn't work, though in my mind its more incompatible worldviews than anything else.
i don't think that's an healthy worldview. Or mindset.
He's a bit better than he was before (at least in my opinion), and the Genkidama might have helped him, but it's like going from actively suicidal to "merely" depressed. He sure isn't "fine" yet.

Give him a few years and some "therapy no jutsu", and then we can talk about it.

At least his obsession is not COMPLETELY negative. between the "always angry" and the "wants to push us to the breaking point to see what would happen" there is also his "wants to understand us" and "He wants to feel the anger drop away again"
Well they would also be slower. Slower is bad when you have guard something. Also GO gets rid of alot of their skill advantage. They haven't spent their whole life training it.
True. But there is a risk they might break the wards. As Golden Oozaru they're strong enough to do it.
[] Write in: Monkey Ball Gambit

Is this a valid vote? I'm not sure I'm grokking the new format.
You want this one:
[ ][ACTION] Figure out a gambit to neutralize the Lords without fighting them. They might be mind-controlled, but maybe they're on some really restrictive programming that you can exploit? Without knowing what that programming is?
-[ ] Write in the gambit. Up to one, please; you have limited time and concentration.
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