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Canon Omake: Second Thoughts
Okay, this is a bit more serious than the last omake... :)

Second Thoughts

Tarra, native of the debris field that once was Lonabar and now was memory, blinked in surprise as their target rose into the air. Then watched, wary, as the taller girl wearing schoolchild clothes spooled up to a power level that matched their heaviest bruiser, and smashed the tranq-prod aside. As an utterly squishy, obvious civilian boy suddenly flared with the energies of a ten-year veteran, as though by magic from nowhere.

This was getting weird. Weird, and bad, and she knew it.

Once, she'd harbored fancies that the fleet- or some of it- could simply hide here on Garenhuld. Blend in. With the right technologies and tools it could be done. They might never suspect aliens walked among them. But that was a foolish idea. Perhaps half the fleet consisted of humans that could pass for natives of Garenhuld, or near-humans that could pass with minor cosmetic surgery. What would the other half do? Even suggesting something like that could sow chaos among the alliances holding them all together.

No, they would have to stay together. And on a planet like this, that meant conquest. The locals were blinkered xenophobes; if a starship had touched down on this planet in the last thousand years, there were no traces of it. The scouts, or the army behind them, would have to impel the natives to accept their presence with a clenched fist, not an open hand.

Which had seemed easy at first. At a glance, the natives had seemed utterly, stupidly ignorant of the nature of true power. They had no chance at all of against an army of warriors that could fly like falling meteors and shatter mountains with a wave of their hands. The planet was defenseless-

Until suddenly, it wasn't. Someone had spirited away their starship. That could have been done by locals with no powers, conceivably. Maybe. But then had come the battle last year. Someone had taken Meerak. Meerak wasn't one of their strongest, but he wasn't going to roll over and play dead for a fragile candyfloss thing like ramjet fighters or an armored division.

No, there were native champions on this planet, and they were very, very good at hiding.


After long months of searching, they'd finally found one- and then this. What was the plan now, to kidnap a child and take them hostage? Against an unknown number of enemies? If there were three of the secret warriors training at this school alone, how many more were there across the planet? Even if the mousy little girl with the brown hair and the improbable power level were some kind of freak by local standards, the mission was a failure, plain and simple.

The trouble was, the boss didn't seem to have read the memo. Didn't notice what was changing, as the taller girl hovered in front of him, talking like a miniature vest-pocket queen. Maybe there was a way to blend in, if native champions this good at hiding were already doing it.

But their pseudo-avian commander, for all that he was a canny warrior and a great tactician with centuries of experience, was a warrior, Tarra thought grimly. No more, no less. Military reconaissance was his strength, and diplomacy his crushing weakness. He'd spent his first days on this world expecting to conquer it, and hadn't handled the frustration well.

Songs-through-Murk crossed his arms. "Then you are naive and a waste of our time. This conversation is over. This is your last chance."

And of course her hotheaded cousin Meldax would be the one to point out to him the stupidity of all this. Meldax, who had barely finished his training before everything went to hell. Her jaw flexed as she listened to Songs-through-Murk curse him for his disrespect, watched Meldax's shoulders bunch and caught his eye with a quick motion of her hand. None of that. Hold steady. She knew the boy would be tempted to try and snap Songs-through-Murk's neck for that last sneering remark, and knew how terribly that would end, even if he had the power to do it in theory.

In theory- the old warrior had killed more than one being well out of his weight class, in the centuries of his life. She knew that, and gestured him to stillness again.

But then blue-plumed Trillar joined the argument in the curious manner of the Ythni, complete with wing gestures. Trillar, normally the coolest head of their team, if not the oldest. Songs-through-Murk's glared back at him; even through the translator, his voice was angry and rich with betrayal. "You too, Trillar?"

Tarra shook her head. She wasn't a young woman anymore. She wanted a home, not a war. A place to live, to abide, not a place to conquer- let alone to die. "They're right, boss." she growled into her scouter. Then she spoke further, and further. She knew there would be division, she knew there would be trouble. But she was no longer able to care.
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Non-Canon Omake: Chiaotzu Style
Omake: Chiaotzu Style

An eclectic style that is unique in how little it focuses on hand-to-hand combat. Rather, this style focuses almost entirely on ki talents and seeks to avoid close combat as much as possible, relying instead on weaponized telekinesis and piercing Dodon Rays in battle, augmented by a sharp control of their sensory and telepathic abilities. Practitioners mimic their progenitor not just in combat, but in lifestyle, as a philosophy of humility, integrity, and self-sacrifice is deeply ingrained in all modern forms of the style's teachings. Many people find practitioners to be overly passive and devoid of proper Saiyan pride, but when there is a desperate need, you will find no braver warriors anywhere on Garenhuld. Enhanced by passive, compassionate, and loyal traits. Further mastery blocked by aggressive, impulsive, and self-interested traits. Will probably worry everyone who cares about you as a person. Involved techniques: Flight, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Dodon Ray, Super Dodon Blast, Mimicry, Self-Destruct Bombs. Penalized techniques: Deceit, Intrigue, Hand-to-hand Combat (all).

A/N: I've had this idea for quite a while, since I noticed Chiaotzu's exclusion from the style list. Finally just sat down and finalized the flavor and mechanics of it. I hope it's balanced. Figured penalizing all CQC would be good recompense for actually weaponizing Telekinesis and getting Mimicry. In addition, there are restrictions on what kind of person can Master this style, so intense study kinda restricts our traits, as well as penalizing Deceit and Intrigue. Hope you guys like it.
Last Chance
[X] Try to negotiate a complete cease-fire. It'll mean making promises backed by your position of authority, and definitely will take some of your people scrambling to get Meerak to a radio to vouch for your sincerity and trustworthiness, but if you convince enough of the scouts that a fight isn't necessary right now, you may be able to pressure the leader into admitting that a surrender is his only choice. But you're not even sure if it's possible...

Last Chance
"This doesn't have to be a fight," you say, your hands folded at your waist. "I don't want to fight today. And none of you have to."

The argument subsides slightly, the scouts turning towards you again. Below, you see the crowd beginning to disperse, although to your senses they're barely moving.

Dad, send somebody to get Meerak on the radio, you send. I think I can talk this down, but I need him vouching for me. And...I need to make promises.

Dad doesn't hesitate for a moment. Make them. If you can defuse this without a fight, I want you to try. I'll get my people ready to jump in if it falls through. Our Sorcerer is ready to snare the bruiser. If it comes to a fight, keep Jaron safe. He's still the Scion, and he's the weakest of you three. We'll protect the civilians.

Yes, Dad. Thank you

You turn to face the scout's leader. "I don't know why you're here. But we don't have to be enemies. I am your host, and if you're willing to accept my hospitality, we can talk about what you need."

For a moment, silence. Then... of the human that's been arguing for your side speaks up, this time aloud. "Boss. Look at this mess. Why are we so hell-bent on fighting when this girl is standing here telling us over and over that we don't have to?" She folds her arms. "I don't-"

The leader whirls on her, a sharp whistle piercing the air. It's untranslated, but it is unmistakably violent disagreement.

"We're not here to play nice, Private," snarls one of the other aliens. "Do our orders say, 'negotiate?' No. We're out here to find a new place to rule. We're not here to be refugees." The disgust in his voice for the term makes you blink.

"The situation has changed!" snaps one of the other scouts -- the other human on-side for you. "We've been kicked off of every planet we visited so far. Look at how far out we are! There's nothing left! I don't think that we can take this one. You want to die?"

"Even if we do, the fleet will smash them," says another.

"I don't know," says a blue-skinned alien. It looks like an amphibian. "Sir, I'm not questioning you, but...I think they make sense. Our orders don't demand suicide."

"I agree!" roars a reptilian alien.

A sharp whistle cuts through the air as the leader imposes order, glaring around the circle.

Then its eyes fall on you, narrowed in what looks like a hateful glare.

Your stomach drops. That doesn't look like indecision.

Dad, get Meerak on the radio right now!

Ten seconds!

We don't have ten seconds, it's about to attack!

Your eyes dart around the circle. There's your three advocates, probably two more that you've swayed, four others that you think are conflicted enough to stand down if you push, and the rest...

You grit your teeth. Crap.

Then their scouters crackle. "This is Meerak. Sir, what are you doing? They're telling me that you're starting a fight; we agreed to talk!"

The leader's eyes widen and it whistles, the translator activating. "...'we?'"

"Sir, I-"

"You weren't just captured. You surrendered to them."

"Boss, you haven't felt this girl's father, he is too strong for us-"

"You coward. You traitor. You've been working with them to sell us out!"

"I've been trying to make sure that we can find someplace to live!"

"When I find you, I am going to kill you, Meerak."

"Boss!" shouts the woman on your side. "He didn't betray us! We wouldn't still be-"

The leader lets loose a shriek. "I HAVE HEARD ENOUGH! I AM NOT GOING TO STAND HERE AND WATCH MY SOLDIERS SLIP AWAY ONE BY ONE!" It powers up, and four of the other scouts follow suit, including the bruiser. "THIS PLANET IS OURS! ATTACK!"

The bruiser turns towards you faster than any of the other, firing a blast at your face at full power. You barely manage to lean aside and kick it up into the air where it won't do any harm before powering up yourself. You hear a shriek of outrage from Maya as she darts into the air and sends the scout reeling with a powerful kick.

The other scouts form up and dart in towards you, auras flaring. The three you have already convinced dart back in shock and outrage, and the four who are still uncertain look as though they're struggling to decide what to do.

And your Dad's voice rings in your mind. All teams, go now!

Despite some limited success, a fight has broken out. The fight itself is going to be won; the scouts remain unaware of your backup and are badly outnumbered. The question is how you conduct yourself. For the following votes, if you are unsure of your stance on one of the tasks, you do not have to vote for it.

[ ][ORDERS] Do as Dad said, and glue yourself to Jaron throughout the fight.
[ ][ORDERS] You can act more freely if you leave Jaron behind. He should be safe enough.

[ ][IFF] Engage all of the scouts. Everything is hostile.
[ ][IFF] Do not engage the three you convinced.
[ ][IFF] Engage only those scouts which you can confirm as actively hostile.

[ ][AIM] Fight to withdraw you and your friends from the press and help the teams protecting the civilians.
[ ][AIM] Target the bruiser and get her out of the fight before she does serious damage.
[ ][AIM] Go straight for the leader.
[ ][AIM] Forget the fight; make certain that the four scouts showing signs of trying to figure out what to do don't join the fight. Get them to surrender.
[ ][AIM] Write-in.


Let me stress that the bonuses expended on these rolls were not wasted. They allowed you to push four of the scouts over the edge into indecisiveness. You knocked the majority of the unit out of the fight through peaceful means. Let me also say that calling Meerak was not a trap. When rolls fail, I have to depict how and why they did, and I decided that in this case, the failed roll to force a surrender happened because the leader was outraged by Meerak's attempted mediation rather than soothed. Had the roll succeeded, it would have worked. It didn't, and I decided that that would be the turning point.

Again, I'm not out to trap or railroad you. This is just a normal failure on an nigh-impossible task.

And now, we get our first actual superpowered battle since the Sealing. :D Have fun, folks! I hope you enjoyed.

It has come down to the end. Kakara must face down those of the scouts she hasn't swayed from their course of action. Will the young Scion stand and fight, try her hand at last-ditch calls for surrender, or withdraw with her friends to allow the arriving saiyan forces free reign in the coming fight? Find out next time, on the continued season finale of Dragon Ball AE!

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It All Breaks Loose
[X][ORDERS] Do as Dad said, and glue yourself to Jaron throughout the fight.
[X][IFF] Engage only those scouts which you can confirm as actively hostile.
[X][AIM] Forget the fight; make certain that the four scouts showing signs of trying to figure out what to do don't join the fight. Get them to surrender.

It All Breaks Loose
As the various teams of Masqued saiyan warriors erupt from hiding, you dodge back, getting out of the circle and returning to Jaron and Maya.

"Stay close to me!" you shout as the first blasts flash forth.

"What are we doing?" asks Jaron, eyes flickering as he looks from one scout to the next.

You look past the fight, though. The scouts are already falling like tenpins. Your help won't be needed here.

No, you have a different target in mind.

You reach out and pull Jaron in close, scowling into his face as he squawks in surprise. "I am going to talk. You are going to stay back, never get more than ten feet away from Maya, and yell if you need help. Got it?!"

He nods, eyes wide. "...okay, yeah."

"Now you listen." You let go, snorting in frustration.

"Why are you talking?" asks Maya, sounding a bit outraged. "Look what just happened!"

"I did," you reply, looking up. "And some of them aren't joining in."



You appear in front of one of the aliens -- one of the four who's wavering in their convictions. "Stand back and don't get in the way," you say, staring into their eyes. "I told you that you don't have to fight. That doesn't change just because your boss decided he has to." You lean in a little closer. This scout is a fair amount weaker than you at your current level, and he leans away in response. "Don't make me fight you anyway," you say.

He takes a step back, raising his hands. "I'll stand down."

You point wordlessly at the ground, and he slides down out of the sky.

You might have been a bit short, but you also might be a little angry with how this has developed.

You turn-

* * *
-you open your eyes blearily, and see something blue.

Ah. The sky.

With a sudden, crashing impact, you slam into something heavy and solid, and that gets you the rest of the way up.

You snap your head up and try to figure out what just happened.

Over a mile distant, the fight rages, although you see fewer and fewer of the scouts fighting with every second. You dimly feel your father and something immense, some massive power level beyond what you've ever felt outside of a fellow saiyan, both engaging the scouts' bruiser.

Then you blink. That's Maya, and she's flaring at one and a half million.


You grunt, trying to stand, and then realize the second part of your conundrum -- you're stuck in the ground.

That's the last piece of the puzzle you need.

You got knocked the hell out. Probably by the bruiser, given how completely out you were for a second.

And by how much you're smarting at the moment. Ow.


Jaron appears out of thin air, dirt spraying as he skids to a halt next to you. "Are you alright?!"

"Urgh. Fine," you say, tugging at your limbs. They're stuck in very deep. "What happened?"

"You got hit. The green one, with-"

"-the head like a potato," you finish, sighing. "What happened next?"

"Maya...went insane?"

You glare at him. He shrinks back. "Look, I don't know what else to call it! She went nuts on that thing. Her and your Dad."

"Not you too?" you ask, giving him an unimpressed look.

"I thought you could use my help more than them," he says. "Also, I don't know where the leader is anymore and thought he might be coming here."

Your eyes widen. "Crap." You flare, and the earth halfway entombing you shatters. You float onto your feet.

Okay. You got knocked out by the bruiser. Dad engaged, and Maya went berserk -- a willpower push; you'd bet anything on it.

"What about the people I was trying to convince?" you ask, looking around you. You landed in a wooded area, thankfully, but that means there's plenty of cover. Your sight lines are short.

"I mean, there was the one," says Jaron, taking a cue from your posture and sliding into a fighting stance. "You convinced him. I think I saw another dropping out too, and I know the group you convinced first thing were talking to some others."

You let out a quick breath. Unexpected help is always welcome.

"How touching."

You don't even register turning before your blast clears your palm, streaking towards the source of the sudden voice.

The birdsong alien ducks anyway, letting the blast streak past. You hurriedly detonate it before it can clear the trees and strike buildings. "So, you've taken out half of my team without even firing a shot. Well done, child. Tamar is going to like you." It comes to a halt across from the two of you. "I, on the other hand, have precious little left to lose." It reaches up to its strange scouter and deactivates it. "This next part? This is just between you and me. No audio transmissions; just visuals. I know I'm going to lose. You are far more powerful than I. You have reinforcements close to hand. I'm going to lose." Its eyes narrow, and it lets out a hideous shriek. "I still win, though. The fleet is desperate. If my team had said so, they might have turned away. But now? We've come too far. The ships won't last much longer. There's no time to turn back and pick a weaker prospect. As impressive as this world is, it has no orbital defenses. It's the only thing our fleet could survive attacking. We're out of options." It straightens. "And with me gone, Tamar will be nearly blind with rage. My master's vengeance is coming, little human. And even with your remarkable strength, you won't compare to him."

The alien fires up his aura. Jaron, by your side, does the same. "He'll end up just like the rest of you," says your friend.

"Maybe so." The alien's head tilts down and its eyes narrow. "Or maybe he will murder you all."



Both Jaron and the leader vanish, but once your eyes catch up, their progress is obvious and slow -- the leader lunging in, Jaron darting off to the side.

And Jaron is looking away from you.

Your fingers snap up to frame your face. "Taiyoken!"

The leader lets out a mangled howl as you blind it, and Jaron immediately pivots on his feel, kicking forward into a spin that cracks his foot across the alien's face.


You appear behind the leader, catch it out of mid-air, and drag it down into the ground at rock-shattering speeds.

Credit to it, it recovers swiftly enough, tumbling to its feet and warding you off with an energy slash. But then Jaron zips past, kicking across at ankle level as he does, and the leader goes down once more.

This time, you rocket into the air and hammer it into the dirt.

So it goes. You and Jaron constantly alternate to keep the leader on the back foot and on the ground. You keep at a distance, pelting it with ki blasts, and exploiting your flight to get better angles. Jaron, landlocked and still desperately new to ki, continually closes to deliver punches and kicks.

He does so with a skill that surprises you; you knew from your sparring sessions with your friends that Jaron was skilled for your age, but you're beginning to suspect cross-pollination from Jaffur as well.

In any event, the fight is a farce. The leader is completely unable to deal with the two of you, as far behind as it is; while the two of you don't forget to take it seriously, there's nothing the alien can do to really pin either of you down -- the one time its gets its hand around Jaron's ankle, you blast the back of its skull, slamming its face into the ground.

The two of you are just too fast, too tough, and too strong.

It is over swiftly. The leader collapses, chest heaving. Jaron and you blur back into view, staring down at it.

It's beaten.

" what do we do?" asks Jaron, breathing hard and eyes wide. "Kill it? That's what it wants."

"It's a person, Jaron," you say, frowning at him.

"I- yeah, I know," he says, flushing slightly. "I just...what is it?"

"...I am male," says the scout, scowling at the two of you.

"...right," says Jaron, glaring back.

"I will not be taken alive," it says, static lacing its translator. "I will not."

You narrow your eyes at it. That sounded...ominous.

One way or another, the scouts you hoped to stand down, stood down. Maya has figured out Willpower pushes. Completely unrelatedly, you got knocked the fuck out for a second by the bruiser. You and Jaron have defeated the scouts' leader, working in tandem. What will you do with him now?

[ ] Turn him over to Dad.
[ ] That last statement sounded ominous. You've had enough of doomsday weapons today. Take him into space and leave him there. His armor is still intact enough for him to survive. You'll deal with him later.
[ ](x0.5) Kill him. It's what he wants...and you feel sick just thinking about it. But just what are you going to do otherwise?
[ ] Write-in.


The vote weighting is due to Kakara being a twelve-year-old who is deeply unprepared for the act of taking a life, not a trait.

Hope you enjoy, folks! I'm crashing as we speak, so I don't have much commentary for you today, but as always I hope you all have had fun. Talk out your options and lets get ready to put this thing to bed.

And congratulations, on a truly successful fight!

See ya!

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[X] Walk Away

You stare down at the leader, scowling as your mind races.

It's the scouter that's the issue. Everything you do is recorded -- but not audibly. Sure, they could read your lips...

...but a first impression is hard to shake. This man has primed you for failure. He's set up a scenario where anything you do lets him win.

You glance at Jaron, and see that your friend is twitchy as hell. He shifts from foot to foot, eyes locked unblinkingly on the scouts' leader.

You turn back to it. "What's your name?"

It blinks. "...Songs-Through-Murk."
Communication: 73, Pass
You frown. "That seems like naming a human, 'Words.'"

The alien sinks back and lets out a weak-sounding trill. You realize after a moment that it's laughter. "I never said that it was a good name." It looks you dead in the eye. "Are you going to make me wait?"

You stare for a moment longer-

-before it clicks. You straighten out of your stance. "Sure am."

And then you turn on your heel, tugging Jaron with you, and start to walk away.

"...what are you doing?"

Jaron stares at you like you're nuts. "Karen-?"

You squeeze his arm for a second, and he shuts up.

"This is not over. GET BACK HERE."

You keep walking.

Ki Manipulation [Kakara vs. Leader and Jaron]: 97 vs. 65 and 12. Easy pass
You hear him shift with a gasp of agony, feel the painfully slow welling of ki-

-Jaron tears his way out of your grip, picking up a rock to throw it at the alien with enough force to kill in a lethal reaction that you remember, you couldn't forget-

-a blast flies from your hand to disintegrate the rock mid-flight-

-you catch the leader's ki blast on your palm where it sits, thrumming.

You stand crouched, clothing and hair still settling from the speed of your turn. As your bangs settle in front of your eyes, you still keep staring at the leader. He gapes back at you. You vaguely see Jaron doing the same.
Ki Control: 58. Pass
Your close your fingers around the blast and snuff it out. Then you straighten, giving the leader one last cool look, grab Jaron firmly by the wrist, and take off at a slow pace, leaving the leader behind and flying back towards the main fight.

You hear nothing from the leader as you go.

* * *

You and Jaron touch down just as the bruiser cannons into the asphalt at your feet, completely unconscious. Jaron stares. "What did Maya do?"

"She won," you say, giving him a gentle push back.


Maya rockets into you. You grunt, stumbling back a step as your friend hugs you.

"AreyouokayIthoughtyouwerehurtandyouweregoneIwassoscaredand-" She swallows before letting out the last of her breath in a quiet sob.

You just hug her back, ignoring your ribcage creaking. You've learned by now that Maya likes the reassurance. "I'm fine. Just got knocked around a bit."

"I felt something going on over there," says your father, sinking down to the ground beside you and letting his aura wink out. "Did the leader try to jump you two while you were down?"

You look back. "...he wanted me to kill him. I left him alone. He's still there."

Dad tilts his head. You can see him wondering -- questioning your decision-

-he lets it go and nods, making a sharp gesture to a team of warriors. They spring into the air and fly off towards the leader. Dad steps forward and hugs you, not even trying to dislodge Maya.

Then he turns to Jaron. " fought with my daughter?"

Jaron stares up at your father, wide-eyed. Jaron nods.

Dad stares for a moment. You wonder if Jaron can see the conflict in your father's eyes like you can.

But then the conflict vanishes, and Dad steps forward, squeezing Jaron's shoulder. "Good job." Then he takes a step back. "Well, kids, the battle is over. Good job, all of you. Now..." He glances over.

The crowd from the school has evacuated, but they didn't vanish. You can see them a few hundred yards away.

Staring at you.

"Oh, crap-"

"Karen Marsden," says Dad, shooting you a warning glance.

"Dad, what do we do-?"

"We adapt," he says.

Sorcery? you ask, finding the prospect distasteful but not knowing any other way-

Even that wouldn't work,
he says. About half of them have camera phones. Maybe a quarter of those used them, at a guess. And according to the reports that are flooding in...just about all of those have posted the videos online. We're trending already. The ki secret, at least, is out of the bag. He sighs aloud. "Well, kids. I suppose that our cover is well and truly blown. I'll need to talk to them, and explain. Gary!"

One of the Masqued saiyans runs over. "Sir!"

"I want you to personally escort young Mister Somerlad and Miss Webley to their homes. Explain what's happened, but if they ask anything else, simply tell them that I will be present to answer their questions shortly."

"Sir. Alright, kids. Come with me."

Jaron squints suspiciously at the man. Maya burrows deeper into your arms.

You look up. "Uh, Dad? Maybe I should do it?"

Dad looks at you. "Actually, that does sound like a better idea. I still expect you back home by bedtime, though, young lady." We need to address the Clans. Or I do. I've been stepping up your training this year; consider this an exam. Watch carefully, and learn.

You stare up at him and solemnly nod. "Yes, Dad."

You take off with your friends in tow, mind whirling.

That fight has only just begun. Now you get to once again deal with your least favorite kind of struggle.


* * *
From the instant you pass through the wards, you can tell that the Training Hall is in an uproar.

You can hear your father and Lady Dandeer shouting at each other.

Rushing down the stairs, you come into the open air and take stock. Saiyans stand in a milling mass -- nearly every single member of your world in one place. It's chaos.

And at the center of it all, the Lord and Lady of Goku and Vegeta.

"You had no right to make this decision without me, and much less to involve my son!"

"The situation happened to me, Dandeer, not because of any of us! I didn't choose this situation, and I didn't bring your son into it. Blame the scouts, not me!"

"YOU MADE AN ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE HUMANS! You told them about ki! First that upstart girl, and now this! You've been stepping over line after line, Berra, and now you-"

Your emotions freeze over the longer she speaks, and you eyes narrow when she mentions Maya.


You transform and power up to full as you land -- from an outsider's perspective, you just appear, flaring at your full power. Panicked or outraged shouts turn to gasps of shock as the crowd shrinks away from your presence.

You stare Dandeer down for a long moment. She stumbles back, cringing.

After the moment passes, and silence falls, you speak. "Dad didn't choose what to do at the school. I did. The scouts were about to blast the crowd. We needed to make time. So I did."

"And you brought my son into it?" seethes Dandeer, gathering a bit of backbone.

"He brought himself," you say, tone cold. "I didn't do anything."

"But you trained him," she hisses. "Your little friend wasn't enough for you, so you just had to go to my son and teach him how to use his ki! How dare you? How dare you?!"

While silence had already fallen, now it turns murderous. It takes a few moments, but Dandeer eventually registers the sudden shift in mood. She turns out to the audience of the entire saiyan race, trembling.

Almost every Vegetan in the crowd contemplates murder as they stare at the woman who just admitted to wanting to keep their Scion from ever again being able to serve his duties.

"I didn't teach him anything, actually," you say, folding your arms. "He did this all by himself. He saw Maya and me using ki, and boom. Figured it out in a minute. Pretty good, huh?"
Deceit: 74, pass
The crowd mutters. The Vegetans look a mixture of proud and even angrier -- such a promising Scion! So wasted.

"Kakara," says Dad, nudging you. "That's enough."

You purse your lips, but nod. You let your aura snap free and dissipate, releasing your transformation.

Your father steps forward.
Berra Communication: 156, pass
"I understand that you're all feeling threatened right now," he says, looking across the crowd. "This is not what I wanted to happen when I woke up this morning. First nuclear weapons, then the scouts showing up to attack my daughter's school-" he cuts himself off, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Events got away from us all. In retrospect, perhaps I should have contacted the scouts to let them know what was going on and try to ensure that they didn't intervene. Or maybe that would just have let them make their strike at a better time and place for their plans. I don't know. What I do know is this: the ki secret is out, yes, but people don't know that we're saiyans. Over the next few months, I'm going to work with the nations of Garenhuld to manage this period of coming out. I have faith that we can do this.

"The most important thing I have to keep in mind with every decision I make is this: 'Does this keep us safe? Does this endanger us?' I have kept those same things in mind today. We were exposed -- unavoidably. The decision that stood before me was whether to get our intervention over with before vanishing once again, or stopping to explain. One would tell people that there is a society of superpowered fighters with an interest in remaining hidden, and nothing more. The other allows us to demonstrate that we are obviously human -- we were once hidden, but now can come forth. One allows the possibility of hiding saiyans -- those long-lost refugees, should the wider galaxy hear of us. One does not."

Dad straightens. "I think over every decision I make, and today was no different. I chose the safer option. Now we can finally act somewhat openly. Our true nature must still remain hidden, but we can come out to the world in the open. And remember this: that even should the worst happen, and the Garenhulders force us away, there is nothing they can do to harm us. They are not the threat. I acted today to contain the true threat, as is my duty." He straightens. "My duty is to safeguard our society from the Enemy. I have done so today."

The crowd doesn't cheer. It's not that kind of speech. But they look back at your father with a humbled solemnity. Nobody questions him.

Something clicks for you, watching this. Time after time this past year you've watched your father step forward to calm people panicking over the war and the scouts. Somehow, he always calms them even when you'd swear they were about to riot.

It makes sense, though, watching him now. It's not magic -- it's not even hard. He's just telling them what happened exactly in the way they need to hear it to calm them down. He's working with their worldview to get them to fall in line, instead of trying to change everything about them in a single conversation.

And more than that, you recognize something else: that everything he has done is part of a plan.

He didn't just tell the crowd, "Trust me, I thought this through." He told them, "I did this to protect us from the Enemy."

But revelations like this aren't part of the traditional understanding of Lordly duties. Not in Clan Goku.

Over the past year, and the last three minutes, you've seen your father convince the people that the Lord Goku needs to have more power to act to do his job...without any of them realizing it.

You see him looking at you out of the corner of his eye.

You nod in return. I understand.

He smiles. Good. Then maybe it's time to move onto the next lesson.

Trait Lost! Reflective: You have had your beliefs directly challenged. While your worldview is stable enough at the moment, the question still remains: what will you come to decide about your view on violence? You don't know yet. "Pacifist," its sub-trait, and "Convictions" remain disabled, but you no longer suffer a penalty to Willpower. You have until [ERROR DATA NOT FOUND] to get Kakara back to more settled ground on the matter of violence and her stance on it. After that time has elapsed, she will begin taking scaling Willpower penalties over time due to increasing existential crisis. I will not explicitly announce it in updates when this occurs, but there will be indications in the text when it's on its way, and when it's occurring, and I will update the character sheet with the information. Pay attention...:evil:

Traits Developed! Pacifist+Open-Armed-->Protector: Meerak forced you to confront the question of what kind of person you really are. It was a painful year, figuring out the answer, but now you have it. You have your powers so that you can keep people safe. Everybody. Even those who don't want to be. People who are working to hurt others need to be stopped, but that doesn't mean you need to sink to their level. At the end of the day, the wicked need to be stopped, but you aren't them -- and you won't become them. That might mean that you need to talk them down, or it might mean that you need to fight. So be it. But no matter what, you know one thing about yourself: Thou shalt not kill. You gain heavy vote weighting against the use of lethal force on sapient beings, and will never default to it of your own will, even against Hated Enemies. The use of lethal force will never be presented as a default option; the players must write such options in if they want them. However, Kakara now gains a moderate bonus on all checks made in service of actions taken to protect the lives or safety of others. You no longer encounter barriers or penalties to combat skill training. This trait may, still, be developed further...

Victory Gained! Capture: Through words and nonlethal force, you ended the threat of the Scouts and brought out the secret of ki to Garenhuld in a way that can be managed. While the long-term ramifications are unclear, one thing is certain: this day was a win. The turmoil from your earlier defeat at Meerak's hands has been wiped away.

Skill Developed! Communication [Talented-->Exceptional].

Skill Developed! Intrigue [Competent-->Talented].

Year 4 concluded.

For the past few months, you have been working your way towards another vision. You still have little control over these, especially since your focus has shifted towards Mind Projection, but you can steer your way towards one particular aspect of the art.

[ ] What was.
[ ] What is.
[ ] What will be.


Productive update!

I hope you all have enjoyed Year 4, folks. This year was by far the longest, in terms of thread space, of any year since the quest began! 218 pages later since the last year post, we've brought on a lot of new faces and gone through quite a ride. Not only that, but as of two days ago, we passed a very important milestone.

It's a bit late, but happy one-year anniversary, everybody!

This past year has been incredibly fun for me, and I look forward to another year writing Kakara's adventures with you all. I'm just glad I was able to close the year out at such a convenient time.

On this spectacular note, I bid you all adieu for now! I sincerely hope that you've enjoyed the update. Share your thoughts, and go nuts with the voting; no moratorium this time.

Thanks again for all coming together to make this one of the best rides of my life. And strap in for Year 5; we've got more things coming down the pipeline, and I guarantee that some are going to take you way off-guard.

No teasing, @The Fourth Monado. ;)

Have fun, everybody!

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Compliant Omake: Groundbreaking Science
So me and @fictionfan were talking about the book idea in PM since I had time, I cooked this intro post/chapter up myself. Note that some parts of it are taken from the dbz wiki on ki. Thoughts?​
Groundbreaking Science

This blog is an introduction to the teachings of ki and the many advantages and philosophies there-in. Yes, ki. This is the energy that is often introduced as the source of supernatural power for many martial art philosophies and in is very common in some forms of modern fiction. Today? I'm here to tell you that it is all true.

I'm sure you've seen the videos and heard the rumors. Superhuman people who can fly and fight aliens in a school. You've heard the announcements and I'm sure you are nervous about what this new thing is. We are Garenhulders after all, and we understand the dangers that any new technology can bring.

But this is not new. This is a way of life and philosophy practiced by families for generations. This is not something new or other. Ki is life itself, and the birthright of any human. You just need to reach out and take control.

Ki-Users are present all around you and they aren't your enemies. They are your friends, and classmates. Your colleagues and lovers. Ki has improved all our lives and now that ki is out in the open, I am here to share with you it's secrets and history.

An important aim of the blog is to make the key concepts and philosophies that underlie the teaching of ki accessible to all readers as well as to suggest ways in which these philosophies might be dealt with in our modern world. While the blog is informed by research into the nature and teaching of many traditional families, it is planned and presented in a way that is directly accessible to our common man.

The blog will also provide an overview of issues involved in the teaching of ki itself and in the reason for the secrecy of ki and it's training. They will be discussed and presented to you beside numerous uses and techniques for potential users and perhaps even teachers to draw on in their learning of this ancient art.

We will also discuss the implications for the topic being discussed and provides tasks for readers to carry out that encourage them to reflect on their own beliefs and practices in relation to teaching the use of ki. We will also include suggestions for the practical application for this art in daily life of the people.

While many of the sources of this information will be kept secret in order to protect the identity of providers, we encourage the reader to learn of ki themselves to understand it before judging the people who use it and the art itself and we encourage the traditionalists of this art to be willing to come forth and converse with your friends and neighbors, so that we can all move forwards for a Better Life Through Ki.

What is Ki?​

Ki can be called the "latent energy" of the body, or in other words the "life force" found in every living being. Ki is not a simple singular force but made up of multiple components, including: Genki (lit. "Energy"), Yūki ( lit. "Courage") and Shōki( lit. "Mind"). Ki can also be "positive" or "negative" depending on the user.

This force is a tangible energy inside every living being, with its major focus being in the center of the body. By drawing it out, an individual is able to manipulate it and use it outside the body. It is the source for many, many incredible abilities and limits of it's potential are only in the limits of one's imagination.

You must have heard of the woman who could lift a car to save her child, or the strength that someone desperate can have. All of these are unconscious and temporary uses of this miraculous energy. Ki can be said to be the formalized development of these abilities.

Initially, it was designed for use in combat due to the requirements of a certain level of focus, strength of body and strength of mind that were only present in advanced practitioners of martial arts. Ki could be used for many different techniques, and many families guard those secrets jealously.

Because there are physical limits to the strength of the body itself, it was necessary to increase one's ki to overcome this barrier and become stronger. Usually, the more concentrated the masses are, the more time the user requires to draw it out. In olden times, when fighters gather ki, they were able to gain enhanced strength, speed, endurance, and can increase the power of their attacks as well. Normally, the more the ki is increased, the harder it is to control, so ki control is also important.

Now, most of these families still practice martial arts to keep with tradition and instead the use of ki is used to enhance one's quality of life and in ways that are almost like magic. Advanced applications of ki include telekinesis, energy projection, the ability to sense the life-force of others, and even limited healing of the body.

Even if you never learn any of these skills, simply the requirements for ki mean that training for it's use also trains the user's mind, spirit and body. You are hardier and much stronger than the common man. To live a life of ki is to live a healthier life.

In fact, many martial artists who aren't inducted into the use of ki but are still some of the best, are often known to access ki subconsciously. Many of you will also grasp it's use rather quickly. If you want to try it, or think that you have the capability, we suggest you try the exercise given at the end of this chapter and tell us your experiences.

Even if you don't grasp it, it will help you when we come to the later chapters and began real instruction into the basics of ki and the many philosophies concerning it's use. We will also covering many simple tricks and exercises that can be used to enhance the quality of one's life and training.
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[X] What is.

"The revelation of beings with superhuman abilities has rocked the world, and an unofficial ceasefire has developed across the front with Province Tastreya," says the reporter against a backdrop of Aramaian soldiers on the front. "Despite the abortive nuclear exchange, tensions are down. Many now fear what these new beings are capable of, and some even suggest that the strike failed due to these beings' efforts. It is a time of uncertainty and fear here on the front, but for once, it isn't pointing north. The upcoming talks with Mr. Brandon Marsden next week promise to draw a large audience from the soldiers here, just like the rest of Garenhuld. Only adding to the confusion are the aliens hostile to this secret society of superhumans. It seems that questions abound from every quarter, and no less here. This is Andrew Sutherland, signing off-"

Sophie turns off the TV. An uneasy silence falls in the room.

You're in the basement of Sophie's house -- hers is biggest. The Misfits got together first thing possible after the fight -- the day after, in fact.

So far it's been very awkward. Nobody is really saying anything. Sophie's mother is worried. You all sat and stared at each other for twenty minutes before Sophie wordlessly turned on the TV, hoping for a distraction.

The news was on.

Jennifer is the one to break the stifling quiet. "What the hell, you two? Why didn't you ever say anything?"

Maya flinches and hunkers down, mumbling incoherently.

"Wasn't our secret to share," you say, looking your friend square in the eyes. "There are more than just us. Me bringing in Maya was big enough. If it weren't for the aliens..."

"Where are they from?" asks Gemma -- for once, with no book at all.

"We do- don't know," says Maya, wringing her hands in her lap. "Somewhere further into the galaxy."

You say, "We didn't have a lot of warning-"

"Did you not trust us?" asks Sophie.

You blink and look at your friend. She's looking away.

"Did you think we wouldn't be able to keep it secret?" she says.

You shift. "That's not it. I didn't even tell Maya at first. I couldn't. It's not just my secret."

She nods, still looking away. "How long have you known?" she asks Jaron.

"...I never knew," says Jaron, rubbing at the back of his head. "I don't know what happened, back at the school. I just saw what they were doing, made sense. And I couldn't just watch, not while-" He stops, grimacing.

She lets out a helpless little laugh and shakes her head.

"I still think you should have told us," says Jenny.

"It's not just our secret," you say, starting to feel annoyed.

"No! It's not!" She sits up and forward. "It's important to us too! We noticed you two going off alone all the time. We thought that you were-" She cuts off and blinks, shaking her head with a slight flush. "We didn't think it was something huge or anything. Nothing like this! And the first thing we hear about it is aliens blowing up the school. Aliens!" She crosses her arms. "And you knew that they were coming and didn't tell us."

" wasn't supposed to turn out that way," you say.

"Yeah, well it did-!"

Something snaps, and you lunge to your feet. "Do you know how many nukes I had to stop yesterday?! Ten! Ten! One of them was so new, it went up into space! Aramaia wanted revenge for the invasion so bad they invented a whole new way to kill a lot of people just to make sure it got through. Tastreya isn't big enough to have ten things to nuke! I had to stop them from murdering a country! And then I get back to school and the aliens show up! And then I try to talk to them but their stupid leader won't let me get them all, we have to fight, and this big secret my people have been keeping for centuries gets blown open in five minutes! And now I have to sit here and listen to you yelling at me about it! So no, Jenny, I'm not sorry. I didn't ask for this to come out this way. We were going to tell you later, when we could do this quietly! But now because of some stupid aliens, I have to deal with the whole world being afraid of me, and you too!"

A deafening silence falls. Maya gapes at you. Jaron sinks back into the couch cushions. Gemma and Sophie stare at you, eyes wide. Jenny looks stricken.

You swallow and tell yourself not to cry.

"I- I'm not scared of you, Karen," she says, ducking her head. "I'm just mad. I- we're supposed to stick together. We're not supposed to have secrets."

"Everybody has secrets," you say in a bitter tone of voice.

Jaron flinches.

Sophie sits forward. "Maybe. But you can't blame us for wanting to know."

You don't really trust yourself to say anything right now. So you don't.

"...I'm not mad at them," says Jaron.

"Of course you're not," says Jenny. "You get superpowers."

"...yo- you could to- too," says Maya. "Anybody ca- can."

You snort. "Not like you, Maya."

She flushes bright red and mumbles something.

Gemma sighs, pushing her glasses up her nose. "I think we're going to need to think about it," she says. "This is big."

"Yeah," says Jenny.


"...maybe we could play a game?" says Sophie.

You, Jaron, and Jenny snort. Maya and Gemma look away.

"Yeah," says Sophie, more firmly this time. "We can play a game." Without further ado, she hops to her feet and walks over to the cabinet by the wall. She opens it up and starts rummaging through it. "My family has a lot of games. We can play Moneybags!"

Jaron winces. "Again, Soph?"

You see your friend ducking her head and blushing as she smiles at Jaron's use of the nickname. "It's fun!"

"You always win."

"It's a team game," she says, sitting back down and putting on the box. "You can play with me this time."

He frowns. "It's not supposed to be a team game, we just wind up hating each other if we play it separately. And I don't need help."

She gives him a big grin. "Is that a no?"

His face twitches. "...fine."

Sophie looks up at you. "Will you be on our team too, Karen?"

You look down at her moment. She looks back, hopeful and worried.

You sit down jerkily.

Sophie's answering grin lights up the room.

* * *
"This makes no sense," says Jaron, scowling. "Why can't I just not pay?"

"We," says Sophie in a serene tone, doling out the play money.

Jaron flushes and mutters, "We. Fine. It's stupid. The idea is that we're paying rent, right? We can't afford it. Why not just go sleep somewhere we own?"

"'Cause you landed on our space and not yours," crows Jenny. "Pay up, suckers!"

Jaron grumbles as Sophie hands over the cash.

* * *
"Agh! C'mon, how'd you get the whole corner? That's the third turn in a row we landed on one of your spaces," says Jenny.

Gemma hands over the cash, ignoring your bluenette friend.

"'Cause we got there first," says Jaron, displaying unholy levels of smug. "Pay up, suckers."

Jenny's eye twitches. You and Maya share bewildered glances.

* * *
"This is getting boring," you say, head propped up on your hand. "We're just circling the board now. We land on a space. You land on a space. We pass some money around. Nothing ever changes."

"Technically, we're gaining a few dollars every...three turns," volunteers Gemma.

Jaron grumbles. "I know."

"I have an idea for what we can do!" says Sophie, smiling.

* * *
"Sophie?" says Maya, for once without a single stutter.

"Yeah?" says Sophie, idly ruffling through her bills again.

"Your ideas are terrible," says your littlest friend.

"Hey, splitting up the properties between the six of us made things more interesting," says Sophie.

"I'm out," says Maya, resting her head in her hands. "I lost three turns later."

"It made things more chaotic," says Gemma. "Jaron, it's your turn."

"Hang on a second," he says before turning back to Jenny. "All of the greens for the reds!" he says, waving deeds at her. "Come on, mine are worth more!"

"I'm not giving you another corner," says Jenny. "I know better now."

* * *

"I know," says your blue-haired friend, scowling.

Gemma doesn't stop, sighing. "You gave him a corner..."

"Wow, really? Thanks, Gemma, I didn't realize that!"

Jaron keeps snickering to himself, handing his massive stack of cash and deeds over to a shell-shocked Sophie.

"...I lost?" she says, wide-eyed.

"Sure did," he says, grinning wider than you've ever seen him. "To me. Just now."

You lift your head off of Maya's, blinking groggily. "Wazzappenin?"

"Jaron won," says Gemma, hiding her mouth behind her hands. Her eyes sparkle oddly.

"Mmgh," you reply, nodding. "S'weird."

"Mm-hm!" says your blonde friend, shoulders shaking slightly.

You blink, waking up a bit more. "Wha' time izzit?"

"Twelve past ten," says Jenny, grinning broadly at you.

You blink awake in a heartbeat. "What? It's been three hours?!"

"The rest of us kept playing after you and Maya fell asleep," says Gemma before ducking behind her hands again.

You blink and look down at Maya, where her head rests on your shoulder. You nudge her. "Maya? Maya, wake up, it's late. We're all going to need to go home soon."

Your friend frowns and grumbles to herself, burrowing into your side. Gemma lets out a quiet squeak.

You shake your head. "Maya, come on."

"...nuh uh..."

Gemma's eyes look like they're going to burst out of their sockets. "So cute, so cute, so cute!"

Jenny snicker and whispers something into Maya's ear before leaning back. The mousy little girl frowns sleepily.

Then her eyes snap open. "Eep!" She shoots upright, rigid and straight as an arrow.

"There you are," you say, giving her a lopsided smirk. "You were tired."

She buries her face in her hands. "Mmmmmmmmnoooooooooooo..."

You laugh quietly before looking back to Sophie and Jaron, on your right.

Sophie has, as usual, snapped out of her fugue and turned the tables on Jaron. You watch her lean into his side, looking up at him with a wide grin. "You're pretty good at this," she says, blinking innocently. "I thought you didn't like this game."

Jaron leans away (it doesn't help; she just follows) and laughs nervously, rubbing at the back of his scalp. "Ahehe...Karenpleasehelp-"

You look to your left. Gemma is still quietly squeeing to herself. Jenny is grinning like a shark as she nudges Maya. Your best friend just shrinks further in on herself, keeping her face hidden.

You snort quietly and look down with a smile, eyes closed.

There's a lot going on in the world, right now.

It's good to know that you still have all of your friends.


Your eyes flutter open. Now?!

Then you hurriedly shut them.

Your friends don't need to see them filming over white.

Okay, okay. Fine, I guess this is happening now. What is, what is, what is-

* * *


* * *
The human you saw in your first vision of the scouts is sitting at a desk in a darkened room, brooding like Jaron sometimes does when he's feeling dramatic.

The door behind him slides open, casting light into the room. "Tamar, sir, the fleet is ready to move." Silence. "...Master?"

He shifts. "Get them moving, Keira. Heading is still Murk's last location."

"...Master, I-"

"My decision is final."

"Master, his scouting party was-"

Tamar turns his chair around. As the light hits his face you memorize as much as you can -- blocky features, blond, brown eyes. He stands. "Murk has been under my command since day one. He is my respected subordinate and friend. Leaving him in those savages' hands is not an option. They have the capacity to mount stiff resistance? Fine. I'll break them myself." He scowls. "I've been too gentle. Too afraid of an engagement. This just forces me to choose. The enemy has our people. We can't just leave them there. And there are traitors I have to deal with."

Keira steps forward a bit. You notice that while Tamar is armored -- masking his power level from you -- she is not. "I understand, but I worry that the fleet won't be able to take it. None of us are as powerful as you, Master. I worry that we'll fail you if we have to follow you onto this battlefield." She ducks her head, and you shiver slightly at the utter submission she displays.

"I don't need you all to keep up with me," says Tamar. "I just need you to stay out of the way while I deal with that freakishly strong girl and the leader. The rest of you should be able to handle the rest."

"...sir." She ducks her head.

"We're going to be able to do it, Keira," he says, clapping his hand on her shoulder and forcing a grin. "They won't be able to keep us out. Our wandering is at an end."

"I hope so," she says. "The ships aren't going to last much longer."

"I know," he says, turning away. "Yet another reason to curse these primitives, for forcing me to make this decision. We don't have the luxury of waiting any longer. Honestly, five-to-one I would have ordered this assault anyway. Now?" He sits back down. "This just confirms what I'd already planned. Get them moving, Keira."

The woman bows. "Yes, Master."

* * *


* * *
Your eyes flutter open again.

Well, it looks like the fleet is definitely coming your way. As expected.

You'll need to let Dad know.

I indulged my fluffy ways here. And I regret nothing.

Next update is the Year 5 post, folks! I hope you've enjoyed this momentous year, and that you have plenty ideas for the year to come! While I'm writing the Year 5 post, feel free to chime in with ideas I promised to include -- although bear in mind that the more you suggest, the more things between which you have to choose. ;)

Have fun!
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Year 5: Legends
Year 5: Legends
You twist in your slumber.

Not yet.

It has been...far too long. Too long, too far away from the warmth of the center, where the light is thick and the prey plentiful.

Not yet.

But something has changed. Something near you has prodded you in a way few things have before.

Not yet.

Distant shiftings far away, too large to dare, have passed you by. Nearby things have been too silent to be worthy of notice.

Not yet.

But now...

Not yet.

In those senses you alone possess, in that ringing sense of not-hearing that makes you great...

Not yet.

Something has caught your notice.

Not yet.

Perhaps it would not once have...

Not yet.

...but by sheerest...chance, yes, chance...

Not yet. have caught it.

Not yet...

It is time to hunt again.

* * *
You are Kakara Goku.

You slowly come awake, a feeling of dread settling over you.

Your head comes alive with voices ranging from professional to panicked as the Seers of Garenhuld start asking back and forth if everybody did just see that.

You swallow hard, and open up a link to your father.

Something is coming.

* * *​

Actions Available! [16 (10 Base, 2 from Hopeful, 1 from A Cause, 1 from Ambitious, 2 from Multiform]

Opportunities Available! Please read even old options carefully; some have changed from last year.

Maintaining the appearance of being a human is exhausting, but in the event of somebody investigating Earth, potentially vital. This is your part in it.

Attend School (Mandatory, choose one of the following): Time-consuming, tiring, and the part that you're most likely to be discovered doing. Unfortunately, you really have no choice. Current grades: trending A- once again after last year's effort. Effect: Attend school.
-[ ] Slack (1 action): You have better things to do! Slack off on schoolwork to focus on other pursuits. Your parents are closely watching you. They will not appreciate you doing this. Effect: Possible grade loss. You're smart and this is primary school, you have a decent chance of not dropping a grade. You will automatically drop a relationship level with your parents by taking this option, and next year will encounter hard restrictions on your actions as they crack down on perceived delinquency.
-[ ] Maintain Grades (2 actions): You're good where you are, and you have a lot to do. Let's just get the effort in to stick it out and then focus on other things. Effect: Maintain grades.
-[ ] Raise Grades (3 actions): Your grades are back to where they should be, but you could get some points with your parents -- and look better to Garenhuld at large, which is important, although not critical -- if you get them even better. Effect: Hit the books for a possible grade gain. You are very smart, and thus should probably succeed.

[ ] My Best Friend (1 action, may be taken more than once): In particular, there's one person you want to spend more time with this year. Effect: Take the time to improve your relationship with one non-saiyan person in particular (including Jaron).

[ ] Queen of the School (1 action): At a time like this, being popular and well-liked has never been more critical than ever. Effect: Socialize as a human and expand your current social circle. You'd do very well here, most likely. Opens social opportunities in the human world and makes you look less strange and intimidating.

[ ] The Power of Learning (1 action): Quite aside from school, the human world has always fascinated you. Maybe you can learn something from them? Effect: Become a bookworm in (insert field of study) or just read as widely as possible if nothing specific catches your eye. This is something you'd be good at.

[ ] Better Living Through Ki (1 action): With the first stage of the Masquerade falling, the human part of Garenhuld has to be pretty nervous about the superpowered people in their midst. They're always uncomfortable with new things. Well, nothing like showing them that it's an ancient tradition reduced to the level of a space heater to convince people that they're working with something well-tested! Effect: Write a blog or book series on some of the more casual, everyday uses of ki that your people have invented over the years, along with exercises on how to harness one's ki and brief histories on the long, long history of the art. Grant human population of Garenhuld low-level access to ki-use and reduce tensions -- if successful. There will be a mini-event.

[ ] The Ship Has Been Sunk, Now Hand Out the Life Preservers (1 action): Well, that secret's blown. Humans know about ki. The fleet is coming. Something is coming. Your friends will be safer if they're able to protect themselves than not. Effects: Instruct your friends in the arts of ki. Potential disapproval from their parents.

[ ] Improve Masque Affinity (1 action): The human world of Garenhuld offers many intriguing possibilities. Now that you're comfortable in your Masque, you feel that you could explore them...but you also know that you could improve your Masque to increase the amount of power available to you in it. Effect: Grind your Masque Affinity, improving your transformation time and available power level while in human form. Success in this is no longer guaranteed.
-[ ] By sparring practice.
-[ ] By other means (write-in).

[ ] Out To the Club (2 actions): You're feeling confident enough in your Masque that you can start spending more time among humans. Your school has a bunch of clubs, it occurs. Kid stuff, but it'd help you get introduced to various things early. Which is what it's for... Effects: Propose a type of club to try joining; sports, academic, hobby, etc. Run it by me and I'll tell you if it's plausible for a primary school student. Has social benefits in the form of new contacts and relationship grinding with fellow Misfits in the same clubs, and also grinds related skills.

[ ] Train Maya (1 action): Your father would likely be willing to handle this, but Maya is your friend first. Effects: Continue Maya's ki training instead of handing over to your father.

[ ] A Scion's Stewardship, Human-Facing (2 actions): Dad has come to you and told you that you're ready to assume a more active role in the rulership of your people. He's offered you a choice, if you feel ready as well: help him deal with the revelation to the humans of Garenhuld, or help him manage the saiyans during this time. You think you could learn the most from the humans, at the moment. Effect: Working under your father, take an active hand in the rulership of the Exiles as it regards to the humans of Garenhuld. Will be represented by a variety of mini-events, and offers manifold skill training opportunities as well as intangibles such as political reputation and experience, along with being able to directly and more significantly than any one or even two other option(s) affect the coming-out period as a public figure.
While the Masquerade is important, you are nobility. You really do need to pay attention to this stuff. And now that you've reached the peak of your power, you have more time than ever.

...but then again...

[ ] Train Transformations (2 actions): It is absolutely, spectacularly illegal. It would make you the most hated villain in your people's history in a heartbeat. It would almost certainly shatter the Masquerade and send the word of your people's presence racing to the Enemy's ears...and put you on the path to regaining your old strength, and possibly defeating it. A small part of you wants to do it -- especially with that...whatever it is...approaching. Effects: Success not guaranteed. Starts doomsday timer to the Enemy's arrival on Garenhuld. Survival of immediate Exile reaction not guaranteed. REPRESENTS A PARADIGM SHIFT IN THE TONE AND PACE OF THE QUEST. In secret moments, try to break through your barriers yet again, and achieve the form of Super Saiyan 2.
Being a warrior is about more than brute strength. Master the art of combat to gain your people's respect. With your new thoughts on the nature of violence and your responsibility with regards to it, you no longer suffer any penalties to these actions, and with the threat you've sensed coming, you feel like you need to practice, hard. As Scion, you will be part of the first line of defense if it's as bad as you fear.

[ ] Train Hand-To-Hand (2 actions): Jaffur showed you exactly how far you have to go. You've learned your lessons from him in dueling, and can't really improve it much farther besides, but you can improve other forms of combat as well. Effect: Train your skill in hand-to-hand combat, and thereby your facility in its involved talents.

[ ] Train Ki Manipulation (2 actions): You already have something of a gift in this, although again Jaffur proved more skilled in the combat applications. Maybe you could close that gap. Effect: Train your skill in ki manipulation, and thereby your facility in its involved talents. You are a prodigy, and in time think that you could be truly spectacular here.

[ ] Train Specific Skill (1 action, may be taken multiple times): As you train your skill in an overall field, your skill at individual techniques will rise to match it, but maybe you can focus on something in particular. Effect: Choose a specific Skill you wish to train or learn. Crowd fighting? Fighting in a team? Specific ki projection techniques like the Kikoho? Odder stuff, like the kaio-ken? This would give a much higher chance of success than simply training the whole related field.

[ ] Command Theory (1 action): War is on the horizon, and you must be prepared to lead your people. Open war is at most a year away, even ignoring that odd vision you've had. Your people have largely lost the art of mass combat. Perhaps you would serve them best at a desk as a military theorist. Effects: Train your Command Training skill with results that are not guaranteed and will not be revealed until your theories are applied in combat. You are intelligent and trained; you think you should do well here.
The mark of a true warrior is one who unifies their various skills and abilities into a cohesive whole. If the past couple of years have taught you anything, it's that your lack of a style to call your own seriously hampers you in battle.

[ ] Train Style [Variable] (1 action): You've gained a comprehensive library of styles, and can now choose to pick one to begin training in if you please.

[ ] Study Jaffur's Form (1 action): You know the first step here, but more will take time. And with Mato now on the case, you aren't the only one learning...and that said, you haven't checked in on his progress yet... Effect: Spend more time trying to figure out further requirements for Jaffur's form. With your brain and having made a breakthrough, you know progress to be a near-certainty. Mato working on it means somebody else to make progress as well.
-[ ] With Mato. Effects: Social with Mato, two minds working in concert on the problem instead of separately.
-[ ] Without Mato. Effects: Don't bother with it. Your purpose in getting him to work on it is achieved.

[ ] Create Style (2 actions): Your path is your own. You will build a style for yourself. Effect: Invest immense time and energy into building a form from the ground up. It won't be easy, but the rewards are potentially enormous. Work closely with your QM to determine the mechanics. Do not vote for a specific style with this option; it'd never pass. If this option makes it into a yearly plan, there will be a vote later for what exactly it will be.
You are a Seer, an heir to the legacy of Bardock. This alone has radically changed your path in life. Yet despite this, you cannot ignore the impact of Sorcery on your life.

[ ] Train With Sensei (1 action): Nothing for it but time. Effect: Grind your talent in Seer abilities. Sensei tells you that this will be gruelingly hard, and take years to master no matter how much of a prodigy you are. You can now devote two total actions to training with Sensei Carrick.
-[ ] Train Mind Projection: You have learned as much of this skill as you strictly need in order to contact Jaffur, but...well, more can't hurt, can it? Even if he is now expecting you...

[ ] Beg Sensei To Teach You [Write-In Specific Technique] (1 action): Waiting is boring. Effect: Make a hard Communication check to convince Sensei to deviate from his plan and then train the skill selected. More likely to succeed if you convince him that this skill is useful for the conspiracy. I'll tell you if what you want to learn is not a thing.

[ ] Study Magic (1 action): You aren't a Sorcerer, and you're slightly relieved about that, to be honest. But it remains significant to you, and you want to study it. In particular, you've started wondering just what kinds of things Dandeer may be capable of... Effect: Begin scholarship into the ways of magic.
You are a part of this society, and it's the people who make it tick.

[ ] Socialize! (1 action, may be taken multiple times): These are the only people you can be truly honest with. You want to talk to them! But who...? Effect: Spend large amounts of time with existing friends or acquaintances to improve relationships (specify who at one person per action; Betarel may be included, but all such interactions would involve an Intrigue check with a very low chance of failure and therefore discovery by your father).

[ ] Making Friends (1 action): You kind of have a small social circle now. Let's fix that! Effect: Take advantage of social opportunities to meet new people and establish relationships.

[ ] A Scion's Stewardship (2 actions): Dad has come to you and told you that you're ready to assume a more active role in the rulership of your people. He's offered you a choice, if you feel ready as well: help him deal with the revelation to the humans of Garenhuld, or help him manage the saiyans during this time. You think you could learn the most from the saiyans, at the moment. Effect: Working under your father, take an active hand in the rulership of the Exiles as it regards to the Exiles themselves -- especially given your ongoing conspiracy. Will be represented by a variety of mini-events, and offers manifold skill training opportunities as well as intangibles such as political reputation and experience, along with gaining a more direct view of the society you're moving in, and how you might exploit it to the end of breaking the Seal.
You know some of the details of Jaffur's Seal, and have a group of allies. What else is there to do? YOU MUST TAKE AT LEAST ONE ACTION FROM THIS CATEGORY.
[ ] Set the Record Straight (1 action): The official story is that you helped Seal Jaffur. It'll mean publicly opposing your Dad and making a definite enemy out of Lady Vegeta, but you could come forward and make your stance on the matter clear. Effect: Share the truth of the Sealing with your people. Increases societal unrest and earns you enemies, but may reveal potential supporters for the conspiracy.

[ ] Contacting Jaffur (1 action): Your plan with the Senzus calls for your to find a way to project yourself into Jaffur's mind yet again in order to communicate with him. The last time was purely by accident, so there are no guarantees, but you need to try. Sensei has proclaimed you to be ready for this, and you're already a little behind schedule. Effects: Using your newly-trained skill in Mind Projection, try to project your mind into Jaffur's Seal in order to move the plan forward. High odds of success.

[ ] Investigate Clan Vegeta (1 action): You want to know what's going on over there, and that would be a step towards breaking Jaffur's Seal. You're not unwelcome there anymore, although plenty still resent you for what (they believe you) did during the Sealing, and it remains an act of espionage. Effect: In secret, sneak around Clan and House Vegeta to find out more about the situation there, including specifics about its ruling House. If caught, enormous repercussions would ensue.

[ ] Investigate Clan Goku (1 action): It would be rather easier to sound out your own Clan. Nobody would question that. Effect: Openly and at no risk, poll your Clan to find out the specifics of any tensions regarding Jaffur's Sealing.

[ ] Teach the Senzus Instant Transmission (1 action, may be chosen up to three times): It is so useful. And given how much time you'd need to invest, so risky. Effects: Gamble big and take the time to teach the Senzus how to use Instant Transmission. Each time the action is taken allows you to teach more people in one go; you could probably teach an twentieth of them for every action invested. However, each additional action doubles the chance of discovery, which is by default low-moderate.

[-] Smash the Seal (1 action): You have waited long enough and know all you need to, in your estimation. Go. Gather what you have, and go. Effect: Go with whatever you've accomplished by year's end, and try to break the Seal. Having settled on a concrete plan of action, there needs to be a dire change in circumstances before you can pick this.
Sometimes, you just want to do things on your own time.

[ ] Ki (1 action, may be taken multiple times): Despite your disinterest in fighting, you really do like using your Ki, and you're good at it! Effect: In your spare time, improve Ki Talents (1 per action).

[ ] New Tricks (1 action): You are a prodigy in ki use. Surely you should be able to figure out some new techniques. Effect: Learn a new Ki Talent and set your starting skill level. Possibly reveal exceptional hidden talents. Write in ideas if you have something in mind (for this option, should be something canonical to Dragon Ball, not speculative; ki healing, hypnosis, and mind delving come to mind as viable options, among others. I reserve veto rights on balance grounds if some minor villain in a video game or the earliest days of Dragon Ball displayed abilities that would be horrifying on a Super Saiyan). If you leave it blank, Kakara will develop whatever talent she has the most native talent in.

[ ] Research Project (1 action): You've been thinking lately, and there are some lost techniques that would be really useful to have. Come to think, you have some ideas for entirely new techniques. Maybe you could look into developing them? Effect: This is your general research option. Use this to conduct experiments into new uses of ki or even entirely new techniques, be they combat-based or not.

[ ] The Examined Life (1 action): You are made up of many small facets. After your revelation with your sense of pacifism, you want to reflect on another, and delve into its secrets. Effect: Select one trait to reflect on and develop, excluding Pacifist and Hopeful, which must be further developed through play.

[ ] Transcendence (1 action): During Aramaia's attempted nuclear attack on Tastreya, you broke through to something new. Something incredible. An understanding of your ki sense that you've never heard of anybody achieving before. You feel like you're on the verge of something revolutionary...if only you reach... Effect: With the event-lock broken, train your Ki Sense skill towards Elite. May be taken multiple times, will need to be taken at least twice to have even a single-digit chance of success this year.

[ ] Write-In (actions variable): You are Kakara Goku, and you have your own ideas on what to do.


There is a change in voting policy from previous year posts in this post:

We will now be voting by plurality-rules approval voting. [technobabble]Thanks to a brief experiment with NetTally, I know that it works if I partition votes by line.[/technobabble]

What this means:

You may now vote for all of the plans which appeal to you. For instance, if Player A drafts Plan Pacifist and Player B drafts Plan Seal Cracker, and you like both, you may vote for both. Whichever plan secures the most votes, by however large or slim a margin, will be the winning plan.

You do not have to change how you format your votes:

NetTally allows me to delete options at will. Provided you all continue to use the following format

[X] Plan Social Victory
-[X] Sub-Option 1
-[X] Sub-Option 2
-[X] Etc.

I will be able to simply delete any vote with the -[X] format and then read the tally normally.

Players from the quest Marked for Death will probably be happy about this:

That is a good thing, seeing as they are players here as well. ;)

This is on a trial basis:

If for some reason this leads to an unmitigated disaster -- which I doubt -- it will not recur next year.

Thank you for your time.

You may have noticed that your State of Emergency is no longer active. This is intentional; it has been stepped down with the capture of the scouts (yes, all of them).

Please use the traditional moratorium to remind me of any options I promised you but some way or another forgot, in addition to discussion.

Welcome to year five, folks. Been a while at this, haven't we? :) This one promises to be a big year.

And finally...Kakara turns 13 in the middle of the year. As a reminder, shipping and romance will be a secondary aspect of this quest at its absolute most prominent. That said, those who have been waiting may now proceed. However, I remind you that shipping is tertiary to secondary in focus. Devouring threadspace with pages-long waifu and husbando wars is the very definition of disruptive. I trust you all to be mature and refrain; I would like the reminder anyway to reassure those who are concerned.

And on a happier, note, I hope you all are looking forward to this upcoming year as much as I am! See you around the thread, folks!

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Ready Up
[X] Plan Training Montage
-[X] Maintain Grades
-[X] Better Living Through Ki
-[X] The Ship Has Been Sunk, Now Hand Out the Life Preservers
-[X] Train Maya
--[X] Rise slowly to displayed power levels close to her maximum, and keep pacing her. Possibly 'cross' her briefly during training, now and then, to motivate her.
-[X] A Scion's Stewardship, Saiyan-Facing
-[X] A Scion's Stewardship, Human-Facing
-[X] Command Theory
-[X] Train Tien Style
--[X] Train with Mom
-[X] Study Jaffur's Form
--[X] With Mato
-[X] Research Project: Perfect Multiform
-[X] Transcendence
-[X] Train With Sensei
-[X] Contact Jaffur
--[X] Make Sure to Tell Jaffur About the Alien Invasion

Ready Up
News of the year!

Hello, folks, and welcome to Saiyan Radio. I'm Papata Fren, your host, here to bring you the breakdown on what all went down last year. We've brought you the news all year long, and now it's time to break down the biggest events for all us lonely Exiles.

As a reminder to all you folks, this channel
is encrypted, and the local humans don't even know that this frequency works, so please do clear your surroundings before tuning in. If you're hearing indecipherable static, that's good! On the other hand, it means you're trying to tune in from a non-networked radio, so you should feel very silly.

Sorry that we're a few days late on the broadcast -- when all that stuff went down around year's end, we got caught up in the shuffle just like everybody else. Saiyan Radio has been completely down, as I'm sure you've noticed. But enough of that.

Folks, we have a very special round up to give today. Man, we thought the Sealing was big. We thought the systemic collapse of law and order in Clan Vegeta was significant. We thought Kakara Goku coming into the public eye was a big deal. We thought an
alien invasion was reason to get fussed.

Nope. Because folks, this year topped them all. THE MASQUERADE HAS FALLEN!

Well, a part of it, anyway. First of all, it turns out that the unimaginative savages we're sharing a rock with honestly thought that nukes were a grand idea. Nukes! Really?!
I could pop this planet like a zit, and I'm below average! It's made it through three centuries of people like us being around, but the Garenhulders barely split the atom forty years ago and already they're trying to turn whole countries into rubble. The fuck, folks?

But anyway. Lord Goku and Scion Kakara destroyed the nukes, so given what happened next the children should know that they're not
allowed to turn their planet into a radioactive wasteland.

And what happened next, you ask? Well, it turns out that the scouts we've been hiding from didn't feel any particular need to help out with a nuclear exchange, and in fact decided that it was the perfect opportunity to follow Scion Kakara back to her school and jump her.

Bastards. I don't think anybody feels sorry for the beating they received. Honestly, I'm amazed she took as much trouble as she did talking them down.

But something else happened. Scion Jaffur -- or his Masque,
whatever the hell is going on there -- broke through. Powered up to three hundred thousand and took out the leader with Scion Kakara. What I wouldn't have given to have seen it...

It doesn't look like the Seal is broken, but
something happened. Maybe Jaron Somerlad is more important than anybody gave him credit for.

All of this happened in public, so the secret of ki is out. We're still humans as far as the natives are concerned, but they know about ki. This...this is big.

For now, I'm Papata Fren, and this has been the news of the year.

* * *
Dad grunts in annoyance, switching off the radio before turning back to his training. "You're sure you can't tell me anything about what Jaron did?"

You cross your arms. "Dad..."

He sighs. "Fine, fine." He transforms with a flash and starts firing blasts. "I'm pleased to see you starting to take your combat training more seriously. Given that vision you had, we need to be as ready as possible. Are you certain that you're doing enough, though? I'm happy to see you adopting a style, but whatever this vision was about, it was big. Big enough to get every Seer's notice."

"About time they caught something," you grumble.

He shoots you a chiding look. "Glass houses, Kakara. Besides, remember that I've had the Seers busy myself. They can only See so much."

You twitch. Of course, the Seers have been scrying out possible failure states for the attempt at breaking the Seal as well, so you can't really throw stones there either.

"Back to the point," says Dad. "You're sure you're doing enough?"

You shift, uncomfortable. Are you doing enough? Enough for a threat that had every Seer on the planet waking up in a cold sweat in the same instance? I mean, there's the multiform research project, but you don't expect that to bear fruit for years, and it seems a little reckless to assume that this threat that woke up all of the Seers is distant. There's studying Jaffur's form, but you know that that's a labor of years. Training your friends...for all that you plan to, it's probably not going to help with something of this magnitude.

So, in response to your vision, in the short-term you are getting into...entry-level Tien Style training. Maybe your work on military theory, if that counts.

Crapbaskets, are you doing enough?

Before you can respond, though, Mom shows up. "Alright, Kakara, come with me. It's time for your training."

You blink, looking up at her. "Huh?"

"Training time, kiddo," she says, patting you on the shoulder. "Come on. I've been waiting for you to figure out that you were taking this route for years."

You splutter. "What?"

"C'mon, it's been obvious that you've been leaning towards Tien Style," says Mom. "The Solar Flare, the multiform-"

You choke. "I haven't-"

"Kakara," says your father. "Your mother and I do talk to people from time to time. Even you're not fast enough to be in two places at once, let alone three."

"For what it's worth," says Mom, "I'm impressed. You got pretty good for somebody working on their own."

You look down at the ground. "Can I just not keep secrets or something?"

"Sure you can," says Dad. "I'm sure you have a couple things I don't know about. But seriously, when I'm talking to Mato and he tells me that he had a conversation with you at a time when I know you were studying with me, it's not hard to put it together. If it's any consolation, I don't think you'd make that mistake today."

You groan, hiding your face.

Your Mom chuckles and steps over to your Dad, whapping him across the chest. "Alright, Babe, enough teasing. Get! You can train somewhere else!"

He gives her a teasing smile. "Ah, can't I watch my girls having fun?"

"Not if you're going to be a little shit, like you are," she says, rolling her eyes. "Go!"

He takes off, laughing.

Your mother turns back to you. "Alright! I think our first lesson should be practical work. You tend to do better with that. We can cover the theory later. For now, show me your stance."

You nod, still not quite looking at her, and sink into a fighting stance.

Silence. You look up. You cringe at the look on your mother's face. "'s bad, isn't it?"

"No, no," she says, shaking herself. "It's stable. It's pretty good. It just tells me that you tend to spar with your father, which isn't really news. It just looks more Goku than Tenshinhan. Here. You want to bring your weight back a bit. You're not getting ready to charge. You really want to root yourself." She guides your leg into a different position. "Feel that?"

You shift your weight. You're not as braced as your usual stance, but you still move less. This stance feels like it takes shocks better. "Yeah."

"Good," she says. Then, expression unchanging, she tugs, hard, in the opposite direction. You yelp as you go head over heels and your Mom hoists you up by the ankle. She smirks at you, bringing your face level with hers. "Still needs work."

"Very funny, Mom! Let me go!"

She rolls her eyes and obliges. You catch yourself in mid-air and right yourself, settling gently to the ground.

"Tenshinhan Style is the art of being able to do either of those things," she says. "Stand like a rock, or break your opponent's stance at its root. Everybody gets distracted by the fancy attacks and multiform, but they're really cheating themselves if that's all they do. The greatest strength of Tenshinhan is in its ability to engage at any range, in any way it needs to. Stick with this form, and you'll always know what to do, whatever the situation. You'll never be as good on the offense as a Goku Stylist...but you can blast at them from range all day long. You'll never snipe a Vegeta Stylist out of the sky, but you can tear them apart in close quarters." She smiles. "This is a good style. And I think you're going to enjoy it."

You smile back, hesitantly. You hope that she's right.

Style Gained! Tenshinhan [Novice].

Skill Gained! Kikoho [Unlearned].

Skill Gained! Dodonpa [Unlearned].

For those wondering, the relevant Intrigue check to keep Multiform a secret happened years ago. Kakara being discovered as a result of being multiformed between studying with Berra, training Maya in secret, and reconciling with Mato was the result of this check, not the cause of it occurring in the first place. Keeping multiform a secret required a yearly Intrigue check. You actually passed your first. The one you failed was the second. Berra won the check 119 to 74

For a while, I tried to push myself to write more, but honestly this is a good place to break for now.

Vote: Of the following two scenes, which would you rather see first? This is not voting on what the next bit will be; just determining which will occur first.

[ ][SCENE] Seer training.
[ ][SCENE] Misfits and Maya training.

Furthermore: Papata Fren has contacted your father, asking for a live interview with you, a request which he has passed to you.

[ ][NEWS] Accept the interview.
[ ][NEWS] Do not accept the interview.
[ ][NEWS] Accept the interview, on the condition that it is not live.


As per the usual, if you have an opinion only on one task, you don't have to vote for the other.

Have fun, everybody! Welcome to Year 5!

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Canon Omake: Writing Practice
Writing Practice​

To my Lord and Father,

While many of this is something I have discussed with you in person or will discuss with you in the coming days, in an attempt to organise my own thoughts and to keep you upraised of my actions, I include here many of my plans as Scion. I also have several proposals for the coming year that may require your permission or benefit from your insight. I hope to capture many of those proposals in writing for inclusion into the official records in a future date.

To begin with, I would like to address the official actions I will undertake as the Scion this year. While ideally, I would work on polishing my skills to a higher level and learning of the political knowledge concerning our Houses with the Breaking of the Masquerade and the Invasion, this is a delicate time for our People. By now my skills are at an adequate level to assist you in your duties and while I have much to learn, hands-on training is what I need to increase my skills from their current level. As such, I fully intend to take you up on your offer for taking up official duties to both learn and help our people. While a bit unorthodox at my age, I believe that the crisis requires my full attention on both the saiyin and human sides of this equation and I shall do my best to live up to the expectations you have placed on me.

While I am aware that I am not required to take on this much responsibility at my age and I am also aware that the attack on my school has put my Masqued identity into the public spotlight and that there is no way to reverse that now. As such, I fully intend to use that to the best of my ability. I intend to leverage this, besides the through the negotiations with a slightly unorthodox idea. What would you think of introducing ki to the Garenhulders through the manner of a blog?

The idea comes from records of Ancestor Gohan considering something similar. He intended to publish a book called Ground-breaking Science to introduce the use of ki to the society of Earth at large. Of course, such an idea would not work in the same form on Garenhuld as the situations are truthfully very different, but I believe that the idea itself still has value. Rather than introducing Ki as a combat system but I intend to introduce it as just a life-changing idea that dramatically improves the value of one's life.

Due to my own views, I have a unique perspective on the use of ki which I believe will aid me in this endeavour and will help me set the tone of how ki is referred to for humanity. The Secret is out, but we can use this oppurtunity to mould how the use of qi is seen in society and at the same time disseminate the basics of qi manipulation through out the population. This increases the base power level of the planet which would work to lower casualties in the coming invasion and since it puts the focus on me, we can use to manipulate my public image to my liking. We can also use the blog to promote a philosophy closer to our personal agenda.

Politically, it will let us prepare for giving out the secret of qi as it is sure to come up during negotiations and while it is sure to cause chaos in the short-term, with the invasion eminent we can manipulate the chaos to our favour and end up on better situation compared to before.I would also prefer to run this through with my mother, as her teaching skill should help us improve the quality of the message and the teachings.

Besides the political worries, it will allow us to introduce qi as a tradition going back centuries as it actually is and reassure the Garenhulder's conservative tendencies while also cutting down on any potential discrimination towards ki-users that comes up.

In addition to this, I intend to begin training up my friends in the use of ki. The blog itself will allow me to reassure their parents, and it will spread an image of openness to the public. As Maya will also be training with us, it will both increase her training time and begin slowly introducing ki as a responsibility to her as she will undoubtedly be greatly involved with this in the future. From this, based on the situation at the end of the year there will be multiple methods for us to proceed further. On a personal note, it will make my friends more likely to survive any dangers from the invasion or simply due to association to myself.

The final piece on the agenda is the oncoming invasion. I feel like I need to address this somewhat. While I officially haven't done much regarding this besides organising theories for command for use in the battle, I am simply focusing on training to prepare as best as I can. While I have been focusing on its techniques for years now, I have finally begun official training in the Tien Style and hope to master to enough to help me by the time the invasion arrives.

Beyond that, I have begun focusing on my Seer training and will be spending extra time with Sensei in order to hone my Sight in the hopes that I might glean something for both the Invasion and the unknown threat that we have seen visions of. Specifically, perhaps due to an offshoot of my Sight I was able to sense the final nuke heading towards Tastreya with my Ki Sense. While possibly a fluke, I intend to attempt to harness this capability for the future. Besides the sheer usefulness of this ability, it might also allow us to pierce the Cloaking around the Invasion Fleet without relying on the Sight and depending upon the potential interactions with Instant Transmission, would let us engage them before they are able to land and minimize casualties.

I look forward to speaking with you on the specifics of these proposals, Father.

Scion Kakara

This is a letter to her father written by Scion Kakara during the aftermath of the Breaking of the Masquerade. While seemingly formal, other records confirm that the Scion and Father shared a warm and informal relationship despite the chaos in the Sealing and thus the letter highlights the Scion's extreme resolve and rigid focus to her duties and training from a young age. It is likely the letter is simply practice for the Scion, either in order to acclimate to the formality in the Vegetan houses or the Garenhulder Governments. The letter takes an even more interesting twist when the reader recalls the conspiracy the Scion was involved in and considers the actions that are no doubt being taken under the surface.
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Voting is open