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Dragon Ball: After the End​

Centuries after Earth fell, the survivors' descendants are still only barely coming to their feet. On their new, hidden homeworld of Garenhuld, Kakara, the young heir to one of the two royal houses, must find her place as her society approaches a period of renewed turmoil.
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Stop: Stop
stop @NegativeJ, take a threadban for a week and 25 points in a violation of rule four.

Your behavior has been disruptive. Incredibly disruptive. We do not like it when people try to deliberately stir shit up. You're trying to stir shit up. Don't.

Take time off to think about what you've done and why you're not going to do it again.

Everyone else? Keep questing and have fun.
Information: Official Staff Communication
So If I do it off forum... It's fair game...

official staff communication Nothing in the rules prevents you from going elsewhere to advertise. We don't really mind what you do on other platforms.

But inherent to this idea is bring people to this thread. There's no loophole - if you went to Mars to vote brigade, that brigade would have to come here eventually.

At which point you would be fair game.

Just saying.
Stop: Infractions are a delusion of the mind
Your delusion goes deeper than I thought. Not only do you believe in going completely against what we know from our own experiences and the very word of the GM herself, the only other possible path that you believe exists is also completely made up.

We are not going to walk up to Dandeer, turn Super Saiyan, and start telling her we're going to train her son whether she likes it or not. What the other option actually is is simply to ignore her, to not ask her for permission to train Jaron, and then simply train him. I have no idea what thought process led you to believe this would be anything else. I'll grow worried if that is what you think would "hit all her trauma points, remind her of her abuser, and trigger her PTSD", but I am giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming that this is not what you think.
infractions are a delusion of the mind Please refrain from using 'delusional' as a pejorative; this doesn't merit infraction but it does merit a warning for marginal behaviour. Please refrain from this in the future, as it can quickly become a serious breach of Rule 3.
Information: Official Staff Communication
My apologies for taking you seriously.

Perhaps I should not make the same mistake again.

Awfully snide for somebody who has to use the ignore tool on criticism.

official staff communication This kind of snippy posting is not really on. You're supposed to be adults, right? Act like it.

I don't like popping up like this, so I'd remind everyone in the thread that the best way to avoid getting interrupted is to be chill. Both generally and with each other. Bristling at another user's post? Getting worked up about the votes being made? Step away from the computer for a little bit. With respect to PoptartProdigy, this is still just a Dragon Ball fanfic, not the actual direction of survivors of a colossal apocalypse. There's no need to get up in someone's face over it. Yeah?
Dial it down a notch
dial it down a notch Let's table the tangent on rape culture. It's not doing the thread's tone any good and if the discussion has gone far enough that it's frustrating the QM, well, that's about as close to the textbook definition of disruption as it gets. This is also a general request that everyone take a step back and chill a bit, because otherwise we're headed for infractionville.
Warning: DON'T DO THIS
I don't think it's possible to argue with Simon. Evidence and arguments don't matter to him. He's picked his choice and he will make up as much stuff as he's allowed to to justify his choice.
don't do this These are serious accusations. You don't fling them around just because you're mad. 3 days to cool off.
Information: Addendum
Okay, going to be honest Terra, that's kind of Scummy. It might have been socks, it might just have been People who had been lurking Making their first post for something they saw as making a difference.
addendum A report alone isn't enough to make us remove an account. We collect the evidence available to us and then make our call. Most socks are caught without a user report at all - but this doesn't mean you shouldn't report.

If you suspect a sock, report them. It's better than throwing accusations in the thread.
Hmmmm, quick question.

Can we opt to go and do what we reeeeeally want to do to Dandeer to something else instead?

Can we go instead and kill something unobtrusive like a rat or bear to bleed of the pressure so to say? Would this avoid having to roll anything?
just for future notice When the QM gives you a flat, uncomfortable 'no' to your suggestion of 'how about they just murder some animals in a fit of rage?', you really don't need to drag out the discussion. No infraction or anything here, but we are making a note in case this sort of weirdness pops up again.
Alert: Thread Policy
thread policy While debating the merits of respective questing philosophies is interesting, the author has asked that it be taken elsewhere. Further discussion will be treated as disruptive and potentially infracted under Rule 4. With that in mind, take care and be sure to enjoy the quest.

Edit: This post will be unstickied in a few hours.
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