@Arathnorn Would the following be acceptable collaborations?

Officially Re-Join the US Government (assisted by the US Government)

Clear the name of Bonkers Bobcat (assisted by the US Government)

Investigate Negaduck's Plan (assisted by Xanatos Enterprises)
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Martial: Collaboration with Shego on the drug trade DC 230
21(Doof)+12(Coyote)+55(Khan)+72(Shego)+11(Loyalty)=+172 (41% CoS)

Diplomacy: Officially rejoin the US Government DC 140
18(Doof)+14(Goofy)+Cruella(~35)=+67 (CoS 27%)

Stewardship: Clear the name of Bonker Bobcat
24(Doof)+13(Janus)+41(Moseby)+36(President Martinez)=+114
(CoS 64%)

Intrigue: Investigate Negaduck's Plan DC 160
(CoS 78%%)
( With Russ: CoS 92%)

^Learning: Metahuman Genome DC 160
38(Doof)+20(Ludivine)+39(Jumba)+30(Genetics specialty)+6(Loyalty)=+127
(CoS 63%)

^^Occult: Summon Celena the Shy DC 100
4(Doof)+22(Tom)+20(Raise the dead)=+46
(46% CoS)
The biggest questions I have here are if we can get Xanay and Martinez on Negaduck and Bonkers. I doubt the government want to form a legal team for a single toon, and I question if Xanatos is concerned enough with Negaduck (It's possible, but he also might see Negaduck as a very, very bad thing to get involved with)

Also for Negaduck Russ would probably be better, since he has a Higher Intrigue, a bonus for dealing with toons, and a bonus for dealing with secrets, and higher loyalty. If the Loyalty boost pushes him to beyond the 50 Threshold and the uncover secrets applies, he can get to a +169 if Xanatos helps.
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The biggest questions I have here are if we can get Xanay and Martinez on Negaduck and Bonkers. I doubt the government want to form a legal team for a single toon, and I question if Xanatos is concerned enough with Negaduck (It's possible, but he also might see Negaduck as a very, very bad thing to get involved with)

Also for Negaduck Russ would probably be better, since he has a Higher Intrigue, a bonus for dealing with toons, and a bonus for dealing with secrets, and higher loyalty. If the Loyalty boost pushes him to beyond the 50 Threshold and the uncover secrets applies, he can get to a +169 if Xanatos helps.
Not sure if Russ's bonus to actions involving toons will still be there in the same way after he gets back. The revelation of a murderous toon (that wasn't the Negaduck aberration) hit him really hard.
"Agent Russ." Mirage says carefully. "If there was another toon h-"

"I know." You reply, careful to modulate your breathing. "I saw-"

You clutch the talisman and steel yourself. It's moronic, but saying it out loud feels like it will set it in stone. "A toon... did this. Most likely either working for or with Judge Doom."

The other toons around you share a grim silence. You all understand what that means. The thought of it swirls inside you, gnawing away at the last thing you let yourself believe hadn't yet been broken.
So he might lose the bonus until he gets over that shock. Maybe there will be something else to replace it, such as a inquiry bonus into Negaduck and the murderous toon, but could just as well be a malus.
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@Arathnorn Would the following be acceptable collaborations?

Officially Re-Join the US Government (assisted by the US Government)

Investigate Negaduck's Plan (assisted by Xanatos Enterprises)

I'm going to guess no on the first one.
To quote the action description: "Note that the DC for this roll represents not convincing the government or other parties to agree to it, but getting Doofenshmirtz to consider the idea in the first place."
Like.. narratively speaking, I don't see how it would work out.
(Unrelated, but one of the rewards for the action is a "Massive opinion boost with the federal government", which I suppose is technically true but is a strange way to describe a nullification of an opinion loss. The government's not going to be grateful, is what I'm saying.)
@Arathnorn Would the following be acceptable collaborations?

Officially Re-Join the US Government (assisted by the US Government)
Like.. narratively speaking, I don't see how it would work out.

Narratively speaking I could see it going along the lines of Doof thinking about whether he wants to rule his own country and then calling up another King to get their opinion on the state of affairs and they could try and talk him into accepting things as they are.

Imagine that event from Xanatos or Shego quest's perspective:

Dr Doofensmirtz has come to you for life advice as a fellow villain who has found success but seems to be doing more with it. You have the opportunity to influence one of the defining traits of another King; there will be consequences no matter the option.

[] Tell him he should accelerate his plans - Doof will act to actually split from the US government; if he succeeds, having a "foreign" ally could be useful but it will undercut the government's rule.
[] Tell him it's fine to stay as is - Doof will continue to talk as though he is the ruler of a sovereign nation, though no one will actually take him seriously unless he does something with it.
[] Talk him into toing things down - Let him keep thinking he's in charge and just paying lip service to avoid causing a stir so he has more freedom
[] Tell him flat out to quit playing - the rules have changed and he needs to get with the times

... well shit, now I want to try writing that omake; eh, maybe when I replace my laptop, this borrowed one doesn't work with me so well

(Unrelated, but one of the rewards for the action is a "Massive opinion boost with the federal government", which I suppose is technically true but is a strange way to describe a nullification of an opinion loss. The government's not going to be grateful, is what I'm saying.)

Moving from negative to neutral is still technically an increase; it means that Doof is more willing to play by the rules which is the most important thing for them since, technically speaking, every time Doof talks about Doofania, he's undercutting the legitimacy of the US, it's jsut that no one takes him seriously.
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Can anyone think of ways to improve our standing in Insurance / Legal?

Something I think we could do to expand our hold in the industry is establish/buy some law firms. I think this would also be a justifiable way to lower the DC of legal actions as well. Could make clearing the name of Bonkers Bobcat easier and possibly profitable. As taking on such a high profile case would be free advertising.

@Arathnorn @Made in Heaven Would the above be possible and what would the DC be?

Also, does going down the dinosaur tech tree effect our standing in the genetics industry at all?
... Question. Can we ask for a Stewardship or Diplomacy Action to produce and release an album of Doofenshmirt's best songs? Considering that at least a number of the musicals in Phineas and Ferb are actually composed and sung in-character, and Doof is actually shown to be a skilled musician who can play the piano and the guitar, even if with a terrible singing voice?
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It's Glomgold, I don't think that's possible.

Sure it is.

We rebranded insuricare to be exceptionally friendly towards supers because 1) it was a nice thing to do and 2) we wanted to neutralize Doom attacking us over the SRA.

That was eight turns ago and Insuricare has been operating at a loss since then.

I don't much care about undoing that, but if we ever want to expand into Legal for whatever reason the logical first step would be to turn Insuricare back into a business that makes money, instead of one that costs us money.

There would be consequences, no doubt, but the path to a solidified presence in the Legal industry starts there.
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... Question. Can we ask for a Stewardship or Diplomacy Action to produce and release an album of Doofenshmirt's best songs?
A critical success could entail Hail Doofania going viral and further advancing Doofenshmirtz' agenda of officially replacing Danville once and for all.

Though it might be beneficial to use resident singers as guest artists to cash in on starved muppet fans and diehard woweroos.
I know, meant for that to be taken as a joking reply.

How about trying to passing the buck off onto the Government? They tried to give domestic aid due to damages caused during Kataclysm because of the supervillain attack. How using lobbying and Et cetera to change things so we keep the goodwill from the change, but move on to facilitating all the claims for the government or getting the government to reimburse Insuricare when it pays out for super related incidents?
Seriously, Doof has such instant hits under his belt as:

- Back In Gimmelshtump;
- Kick My Way Into Her Heart (ft. Love Handël);
-My Goody Two Shoes Brother;
- Impress My Professor;
- My Nemesis;
- The Inator Method;
- Happy Evil Love;
- Talk to Him;
- I Really Don't Hate Christmas;
- Yodel Yodel Obey Me;
- The Doof Raps on Rap (by Dr. OG);
- I'm Handsome; (Can we get Sinatron to sing this?)
- Seen fiddling around with turning the jingle into an actual piano song, said he should get around to finishing it;

Thirteen tracks is an enough for an album, and all of those are hit songs, in a Weird Al Yankovich "satire/comedy song" way.

(Norm can do a special feat with his Real Boy song)
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Thinking on potential write-ins we could do to compete in the Franchise Wars. A lot of them are 'pie in the sky' kind of thing and won't be done anytime soon, so I'm just spitballing here:


Using Diecast Robotics to deliver food to people's homes. Think DoorDash, but not horribly exploitative and done by cute robots - we'll probably have to do something about AI before rolling them out, but the WALL-E model will be really popular with customers on account of them being durable and adorable buggers.

IRL what prevents robots from being used en masse for these purposes is:
a) high cost of mass production
b) shit decision-making when not handheld by human operators
c) need for constant maintenance on account of mechanical complexity

Diecast Robotics bypasses every single one of these problems - they're cheap, simple in construction and can operate on their own even without possessing sapience. Food delivery market is an untapped goldmine for urban centers (as many have seen IRL during the Covid lockdowns) since getting food delivered to your home is pretty convenient - so if we can bypass the cancer that is gig economy, we shall beat a lot of our competition to the punch by offering a mass-scale delivery service no one really has a counter to.


Using Digitizer Codes to streamline the logistics of our food production. I don't know if it can be done on a required scale, we need to clarify the specifics of how SHV laser works in action - but theoretically if you put a dish in the digital world, you can press CTRL+V on it when you need a copy and have it ready instantly.

For the purposes of mass production, it will save us a fortune when it comes to storage, preservation and transportation - we can ignore dates of expiration altogether, we save on physical space and logistical capacity that would be occupied by warehouses/production facilities/moving the goods, and it allows for easy expansion because we just need to set up a SHV laser to produce food en masse. We create a single logistics hub with the SHV, have it produce the dish and have the personnel move it where it should be.

It protects us from sabotage, too; even if our competition gets our hands on the SHV laser, without algorithms it's nothing more than a laser pointer. The only ones who can contest this front of Franchise Wars is ENCOM, who do not appear to be interested, and every other megacorp has no presense in the digital world.


It makes more sense than it seems.

The lifeblood of a successful franchise is advertisement. It's not enough to simply exist - you must shove yourself in people's faces, constantly being visible, presenting yourself as something they want and something they need. And as it happens, ad industry is what keeps the entertainment industry running a lot of the time. There are entire shows created purely to advertize a given product, but even disregarding those, a significant portion of revenue for TV networks and movie studios comes from commercial breaks and product placement.

Obviously, it goes the other way too. Entertainment is one of the most effective vehicles (heh) to advertize your product, because ads appeal to the lizard part of our brains that associates the product with cool things on the screen. SPLIT/SECOND is the perfect means to introduce our burgeoning food franchises to the masses in an exciting and appealing way.

Besides. Every live event makes most of its money on snacks.
@Arathnorn I understand the first two options are unavailable right now, but you could clarify if they're theoretically possible to do as envisioned here? Maybe give an approximate DC for implementing them?
The first two are either impossible due to reasons of logistics or simply are working with technology you don't understand.

The last is plausible, but you should probably start with, you know, turning what is currently a small, quasi-legal street race into an actual sponsored, promoted event.

And it's also a double-pun, because what would you do to an ink blot? Wipe it off, creating...A clean slate.

To be fair, given that 4-star Diplo, I get the sense Kermit disliked being a spokesman because of the exact circumstances (namely, being a spokesman for someone who kidnapped him and owns a company that sells the legs of frogs which....Probably makes him a bit uncomfortable, I would feel). He loves interacting with people. It's just the context.

Also, given our recent desires to prep our Occult stuff for Toffee, I wonder... @Arathnorn What would the DC be on "Reach to Lao Shi/The Morgonians?" Now that we know THEY'RE the real powers behind the Magus Bazaar.
You... did... that. You can work with them now. If you want.

@Arathnorn Would the following be acceptable collaborations?

Officially Re-Join the US Government (assisted by the US Government)

Clear the name of Bonkers Bobcat (assisted by the US Government)

Investigate Negaduck's Plan (assisted by Xanatos Enterprises)
Xanatos states that he has made preparations and suggests you do the same.

Can anyone think of ways to improve our standing in Insurance / Legal?

Something I think we could do to expand our hold in the industry is establish/buy some law firms. I think this would also be a justifiable way to lower the DC of legal actions as well. Could make clearing the name of Bonkers Bobcat easier and possibly profitable. As taking on such a high profile case would be free advertising.

@Arathnorn @Made in Heaven Would the above be possible and what would the DC be?

Also, does going down the dinosaur tech tree effect our standing in the genetics industry at all?
The American Bar Association's Model Rules of Professional Conduct specify in Rule 5.4 that nonlawyers cannot partner with or share legal fees with lawyers and cannot hold ownership interest in law firms.

Yes, but you've already gotten the main 'genetics' benefit of dinosaurs.
Seriously, Doof has such instant hits under his belt as:

- Back In Gimmelshtump;
- Kick My Way Into Her Heart (ft. Love Handël);
-My Goody Two Shoes Brother;
- Impress My Professor;
- My Nemesis;
- The Inator Method;
-Lies (are the glue);
- Happy Evil Love;
- Talk to Him;
- I Really Don't Hate Christmas;
- Yodel Yodel Obey Me;
- The Doof Raps on Rap (by Dr. OG);
- I'm Handsome; (Can we get Sinatron to sing this?)
- Seen fiddling around with turning the jingle into an actual piano song, said he should get around to finishing it;

Thirteen tracks is an enough for an album, and all of those are hit songs, in a Weird Al Yankovich "satire/comedy song" way.

(Norm can do a special feat with his Real Boy song)

Personally, I´d add "Der Kinderlumper´s gonna getcha" to the list.
Personally, I´d add "Der Kinderlumper´s gonna getcha" to the list.
I had originally added "Der Kinderlumper" and "Evil Tonight" to the list, but I took them out because I felt that they didn't quite fit the bill for a commercially-released album.

Most of the songs on the list are either profoundly autobiographical, profoundly easy to relate to, or both. There's the "Evil" twist to the lyrics, but everyone can relate to things like wanting to impress your professor, disappointing your parents, looking for love, finding a best friend (nemesis), and the importance of communication. I Really Don't Hate Christmas is a perfect satyrical christmas song.

On the other hand, you have songs that sound immensely satyrical (even though they were sung seriously): Yodel Yodel Obey Me is a criticism of the music industry, The Inator Method is a criticism on self-help seminars, Lies is a criticism on... Well, white lies. Doof Raps on Rap is a completely self-aware song about old people not understanding rap.

Der Kinderlumper is an immensely cool song with a lot of pizzaz, and more entertaining than some of the songs on the list, but it doesn't really... Say anything? If you don't know what a Kinderlumper is, it barely even makes sense. Likewise, Evil Tonight was mostly Lovemuffin introducing themselves, and makes no sense without Lovemuffin.

I also took out "There's a Platypus Controlling Me" because even though it's an awesome song, I think Doof trying to sing the line "there's no platypus controlling me" would be too sad.
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