Xanatos Enterprises
[ ] Build up moon base
DC 300 (Global Action)
50+38 (Stewardship)+ 35 +20 (Trait) +20 (Government Funding) +15+8=186
[ ] Purchase Wynncomm
DC 90
88+38 (Stewardship)+ 35+22+8=191
Okay, let's take a look at the mechanics for Xanay.
1) Xanatos has at least two Stewardship actions per turn. Not a surprise.
2) Xanatos shows up as having 38 Stewardship, so no changes there.
3) The hero or heroes assigned to these actions have 35 Stewardship and maxed loyalty. I suspect that this may be Owen and that he has some kind of trait that lets him tackle several actions in the same turn, like Khan's Atomic Genes.
4) There is a +20 trait that kicks in for space or construction related activities. At a guess, it is something inspired by the fact that Xanatos relocated a castle from Scotland to the top of the Eyrie building.
5) No explanation is given to the +22 that shows up in the Wynncomm purchase or the +15 in the moonbase action.
[ ] Research FTL travel
DC 88 (Reduced by Bare Failure)
83+28 (Learning)+28+28+29+7+20 (Government Funding)=223
Massive Success
[ ] Study genetic diseases
DC 130
71+28 (Learning)+28+20 (Trait)+29+7=183
Highlights of this section
1) Xanatos has two Learning actions per turn.
2) Xanay has an impressive Learning 28, which makes his baseline equivalent to Wendy Wower. Looks weirdly high, but then the man has been known to do some of his own hi-tech work.
3) Both Drakktech and Xanatos Enterprises seem to have put heroes with 28 Learning in the FTL research action. Based on the Odd Robot action, Shego may have put Drakken on doing this this turn.
4) The genetics action is
very likely Anton Sevarius. That would make him 28 Learning with +20 in a trait relevant to genetic actions.
5) No clue what the +29 in both FTL travel and genetic diseases is supposed to represent.
Let's move on to Shego.
[ ] Push Exclusion Zone Reclamation Project
DC 110
61+18 (Diplo)+30+4=113
[ ] Collab with ENCOM on VR
DC 70
91+25 (Learning)+55 (Collab)+20+5=196
Critical Success!
[ ] Try to break Impervium
DC 180
73+20 (Learning)+30+7=130
Expected Failure
1) Shego's fluctuating stats pop up again.
2) We have seen Shego's Diplo being higher, but we have seen it at 18 before in the ENCOM outreach action of a few turns back.
3) Loyalty is maxed in the +20 Learning hero involved in the ENCOM collaboration and the +30 Learning hero in the Impervium action. The +30 Diplo from the Zone Reclamation action seems to be in the 25-49 range.
4) I am actually really curious about why Shego's stats can change in the same turn. Maybe it is something like her getting a penalty when she takes more than one national of the same type every turn?
Xiangqi Group
[ ] Buy out Dian Nao
DC 120
34+58 (Stewardship)+36+5= 133
There aren't very many potential kings with Stewardship in the 50+ range. The fact that this is computer related and that Glomgold shows up later in this with 59 kind of points towards this being the MCP making some moves to consolidate its grip on the electronic market.
US Government
[ ] Pass FEMA expansion
DC 53 (Reduced by bare fail)
11+32 (Stewardship)+26+25+6=100
Silicon Hearts
[ ] Release Season 15
DC 60
55+22 (Stewardship)+18+10+1=106
The Circle
[ ] Expand outreach programs
DC 100
47+30 (Stewardship)+24+6=107
Assorted stewardship actions by the US government and the possible Bill cultists. Also, I've no clue about who the Silicon Hearts people are supposed to be. Does this ring a bell to any of you?
[ ] Poach Olympia Resources
DC 120 (Increased by Sinatron)
68+27 (Stewardship)+33+4=132
[ ] Release the Mustang AI
DC 120 (Reduced by ???) Critical 11- 85+
87+91+23+22 (Learning)+26+5=254
1) Double crits for Doom are very annoying, but then we'd be laughing our assess off if he had managed to get a double critfail.
2) Stewardship 27, Learning 22. Learning is consistent with old actions (research robotics, research flying mass transit), but Stewardship seems to be lower than some old actions, although consistent with the most recent ones (like releasing flying cars, from last turn).
3) There is a good Stewardship hero (+33) of mid-low loyalty and an unremarkable Learning hero (+26) with mid-high values.
Glomgold Enterprises
[ ] Purchase Pizza Planet
DC 90
27+59 (Stewardship)+29+5=120
As the Franchise Wars rage on, Glomgold Enterprises has announced its acquisition of Pizza Planet, the most popular pizza chain in North America. The transfer of ownership went seamlessly, as it seems like the World's Richest Duck is attempting to play his own hand in the ongoing conflict between brands.
[ ] Move into Idaho
DC 120
97+35+59 (Stewardship)+29+25+5=250
Critical Success!
Glomgold has made significant inroads into the state of the potato, taking advantage of Olympia desperation to snap up subsidiaries and front businesses. While their recent stabilization has made further acquisition difficult, the beast has had a bite taken from its flank.
Let's talk Glomgold.
1) To no one's surprise, Glomgold has 2 stewardship actions per turn.
2) Glomgold has also improved from his old value of 58 Stewardship up to 59.
3) He seems to have the same Stewardship hero in two actions, unless he has two stewards with identical score and similar levels of loyalty. Oddly enough, I cannot help but notice that that value is half of Glomgold's own Stewardship rounded down. It may be a weird mechanic or something like that.
4) The +25 in the Idaho action may be a situational bonus provided by Olympia's current weakness.
[ ] Absorb Light Bright Energy
DC 100
86+24 (Stewardship)+29-7=132
[ ] Exhume the Corpse of Mighty Joe Young
DC 120
83+36 (Learning)+37+20-9=167
1) It is easy to see when Sycorax is making actions for itself and when it is something ordered by Yokai. The actions taken by Amara on her own (like the Poultry Palace action from last RR) have positive bonuses, while those taken under Yokai's orders have loyalty maluses.
2) This turn both the absorption of the small Zaibatsu by Bakaemono and the gorilla action by Sycorax have
maxed negative loyalty. The Zaibatsu heads truly and sincerely want Callaghan dead.
3) Also, Yokai has 36 Learning. Not sure if we had that value from earlier.
4) Amara's Learning has improved to 37. The 29 Stewardship hero is probably Mirage's friend.
Khan Industries
[ ] Purchase Louie's Place
DC 80 (Reduced by ???)
56+33 (Stewardship)+25+6=120
1) 33 as Khan's
Stewardship is weird. That value has shown up previously in Diplo actions and I was pretty sure that his Stewardship was 42 (increase international shipping, sell fusion power to the United States).
2) There is probably a mystery box in Louie's place. I am not very interested in it, however.
Seth Supplies Co
[ ] Take advantage of retail competition
DC 95
89+33 (Stewardship)+30+3=155
[ ] Offer corn contracts
DC 120
2+33 (Stewardship)+30+5+3=73
1) A quick look at Strategemini's rolls collection suggests that Toffee used to have 34 Stewardship in the early turns. Maybe one of the critfails damaged that score?
2) Also,
Big City Greens reference.
DC 190
[ ] Steal the spaceship
76+68 (Martial)+50=194
This one is interesting because of what it tells us about Heroballs.
If I remember correctly, the B team included Deva (Martial 42), Nikola (Martial 33), Krakatoa (Martial 54), Candela (Martial 40), Opacity (Martial 33) and Bracer (Martial 58). That's a daunting array of high martial characters, but ultimately it only adds up to 68 Martial.
Heroball seems to have kept that +50 trait that manifests when they are doing supervillainy, though.
In any case, this sounds like the kind of thing that we want to remember for the design of our own spec ops team.