TECHNOR the Mechanical Man: An excellent generalist and leadership-minded person. Technor would be interested in having minions to boss about with his obviously superior intellect.
Specialization: All-Rounder
Traits: N/A
Mezmerella: Intrigue specialist, with a focus on supervillainy. Memerella prefers to operate solo and call her own shots, but wouldn't be averse to having a few goons to order around.
Specialization: Intrigue, Supervillainy
Traits: What's The Password, Trust In Me, ???
Gomez: Gomez would be ecstatic at the idea of being bossed around by a big strong villain.
Specialization: Occult, Learning
Traits: Insufficiently Analyzed Magic, Summoner's Circuit
Juniper: Juniper would be interested in a long-term teamup.
Specialization: Martial
Relevant Traits: Combos Chicas, Duet Act
Lizzy: Lizzy has no strong opinions on working with a team besides a general discomfort with people.
Specialization: Martial, Learning
Traits: Only My Enemies
Genghis Khan: Genghis is perfectly capable of commanding subordinates, however due to the way he operates and his level of competence, any hangers-on attached to Khan are unlikely to be much more useful than Khan operating solo.
Specialization: All-Rounder, Martial, Warfare
Traits: Artifact of the Past, Atomic Genes