Normbot gladiator fights, where capes fight groups of Normbots on live television for prize money. If you're a villain, no problem, just adopt a transparent alter-ego and you can participate.

"Who's Mezmerella? I am Ludacris, the Mistress of Mesmerism!"

Yes, I stole that joke.

Doof Dimmadome, owner of the Doofania Dimmadome. Honestly, I feel like we could do really well on the Food/Entertainment business. We still have Silphium sitting right there.
I don't disagree that we could make strides in food, but unlike entertainment/mass media, we face competition in it, namely from Xanatos
I don't disagree that we could make strides in food, but unlike entertainment/mass media, we face competition in it, namely from Xanatos
Yeah, and the competition has been stiff. Still, we can use the oldest trick in the book to boost sales: In our own theme parks and entertainment venues, the only food we sell is from our own brands.

Now: I know, I know. That's a pretty evil thing to do. And we'd hate to be called Evil, right?
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If we do make the cape fight arena, we would finally one up Shego by grabbing the low hanging fruit she didn't know she had. Or should we go the extra step include her as she got majority of capes in her area?
We don't even have to use actual hero units in the fake ads or fights. We could just have actors and fake personas.

Like Dr. Fossil and his prehistoric beasts!

Doofos the malfunctioning robot!

Widjit chaos spirit of scrap!

Last Meal. Amalgam of the ghosts of everyone that's died of food poisoning.

And new ones whenever we get a new product.

We can take turns promoting each villain/hero and their product. Have rivals and nemesis.

They can have huge crossover fights with Olympias heros over whatever new collaboration project we do with them.
Yeah, and the competition has been stiff. Still, we can use the oldest trick in the book to boost sales: In our own theme parks and entertainment venues, the only food we sell is from our own brands.
We also have a position as a Toon activist (people who enjoy being on stage by nature) and own both Acme and Disney (even if the QMs prefer to ignore that).
We don't even have to use actual hero units in the fake ads or fights. We could just have actors and fake personal.

Like Dr. Fossil and his prehistoric beasts!

Doofos the malfunctioning robot!

Widjit chaos spirit of scrap!

Last Meal. Amalgam of the ghosts of everyone that's died of food poisoning.

And new ones whenever we get a new product.

We can take turns promoting each villain/hero and their product. Have rivals and nemesis.

They can have huge crossover fights with Olympias heros over whatever new collaboration project we do with them.
Using actors in a cape fighting league would be like using animatronics at doofrassic park

@woweed We literally have a trait that gives us +10 opinion with all toons
We also have a position as a Toon activist (people who enjoy being on stage by nature) and own both Acme and Disney (even if the QMs prefer to ignore that).
And let's face it, Doof himself is a performer at heart. Also, we have a castle sitting on top of a volcano in the middle of our city, let's milk that Willy Wonka rep and make Doofania into a tourist destination.

Edit: Doofania, of course, being the name of our theme park.
[ ] You Just Have to Learn to be More Assertive
See if you can get Winston to stand up for himself! Ideally through evil means, but you'll take what you can get. You kinda like the guy. Nobody ever listens to your backstories anymore, especially not the pleasant ones. The sad ones have a sort of… bile fascination to them.

Outcome: Winston has a better chance of holding his own, even if he might not be able to do it all by himself. Olympia is more agreeable with Winston around, but he doesn't quite have the chops for skullduggery.

Yeah, as much as I like Sinatron being the sneaky charmer, someone like him being Olympias actual KING might not be beneficial to this whole Alliance we just got started - plus Winstons idealistic enthusiasm for the whole Hero vs. Villain shtick is just too good to cast aside.

So yeah, voting for the option that lets Winston grow into his office probably and leaves Sinatron as his Ace in the Hole, but NOT in actual charge.

I do like the idea of a collaboration with Olympia to do fake Antagonistic ads.

Us and our products being cartoonish villainy and Olympia and their stuff being hammy heroic. Us crashing their ads and them crashing ours.

It would be like the crazy fun old spice commercials or something.

I think it's a great idea.

You know, eventually.

...Olympia is a superhero company.

DEI is an evil company.

We could stage superhero/supervillain fights. Only, as performances, instead of sneaky-spy-no-one-knows-what's-going-ons. Sell tickets. Have our "Heroes" and "Villains" make speeches about good and villainy that just so happen to hype up their respective companies and their products.

Like wrestling. But with superpowers. And being on-brand.

We could make so much money.

Exactly like wrestling! We would play up the Heels, they'd be the Faces! And there's always people who like the Heels better.

...Honestly, I like that idea more than would be logical, because let´s be honest - cape fights are hella dangerous with lots of collateral (heck, that´s kind of what did Capes in the last time). but idea of two entire Kinghships deliberately playing up that "Good vs. Evil" stuff is just... I like it.

So yeah, let´s pitch the idea to Winston once the dust has settled a bit.
Not trying to rain on the hammy GOOD vs EVIL parade, since honestly I think the idea has a lot of pretty fun potential too. But I can think of one potential downside - Hego, the public face for the resurgence of Superheroes and the person who Olympia'd be most likely to trust to hold up their end of the Facade.

Hego, the man who is so completely and utterly sick of doing fake acts of heroism.

After so long with nothing more impactful than getting cats out of trees, after months of fake and completely safe crimes that were only meant to turn him into a supervillain's tool after he trusted them, he's finally become the superhero he's dreamed of in truth. To go back on that, back to blatantly staged fights that accomplish nothing... if Winston sincerely asked him for the good of the company and the Superhero movement, sure, I could see Hego gritting his teeth and playing along. But I can't see it as something he'd be remotely happy about, and I can't see the QMs ignoring that nice tempting narrative string waiting to be tugged.
Shore up Olympia next turn?

I think next turns stewardship actions have already been allocated between the Retreat & diecast robotics.

That and with most intra-Board conflict being stymied by Sinatrons resurgence, I don´t know if there even is reason/opportunity to formally Shore Them Up anymore.

Wouldn´t be against it, but I don´t think it´s that important or material from next turn onwards.

Not trying to rain on the hammy GOOD vs EVIL parade, since honestly I think the idea has a lot of pretty fun potential too. But I can think of one potential downside - Hego, the public face for the resurgence of Superheroes and the person who Olympia'd be most likely to trust to hold up their end of the Facade.

Hego, the man who is so completely and utterly sick of doing fake acts of heroism.

After so long with nothing more impactful than getting cats out of trees, after months of fake and completely safe crimes that were only meant to turn him into a supervillain's tool after he trusted them, he's finally become the superhero he's dreamed of in truth. To go back on that, back to blatantly staged fights that accomplish nothing... if Winston sincerely asked him for the good of the company and the Superhero movement, sure, I could see Hego gritting his teeth and playing along. But I can't see it as something he'd be remotely happy about, and I can't see the QMs ignoring that nice tempting narrative string waiting to be tugged.

...Hego *still* can do genuine Heroics as well, even with that quasi-Wrestling "gig" going on on the sidelines.

Just have him and Winston agree per "official" contract, that *he* will be taking a bit of a backseat to the Olympia vs. DEI "war of heroism" for personal reason and everything should be fine.

Heck, since that "war" will be little more than a formal marketing gag between our two Kingships, everyone will KNOW deep down that it´s all smoke and mirrors in the end, not actual Heroics.

In short, Hego won´t be going into that "war" as a Genuine Hero but as a guy *playing* a "genuine hero" - therefore, the mental disconnect won´t be there
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Hego, the man who is so completely and utterly sick of doing fake acts of heroism.

After so long with nothing more impactful than getting cats out of trees, after months of fake and completely safe crimes that were only meant to turn him into a supervillain's tool after he trusted them, he's finally become the superhero he's dreamed of in truth. To go back on that, back to blatantly staged fights that accomplish nothing... if Winston sincerely asked him for the good of the company and the Superhero movement, sure, I could see Hego gritting his teeth and playing along. But I can't see it as something he'd be remotely happy about, and I can't see the QMs ignoring that nice tempting narrative string waiting to be tugged.

You know what, you're absolutely right. This is all true.

But - and I could be wrong - I don't think it's a death knell for the idea. I think it's something we need to keep in mind, and manage, moving forwards. But it's not an ending.

Still, good on you for pointing that out. Wouldn't do for us to get carried away in the idea, instead of thinking things through.
Hego, the man who is so completely and utterly sick of doing fake acts of heroism.
Then he doesn't have to.

I support actors and costumes and special effects.

Some others want real heroes and villains to fight with fake identities.

But no one's going to force anyone to do something they don't want to do.

It's a advertising campaign and publicity stunt.
Okay, so based on the rolls we saw in The Best Is Yet To Come, Winston is Stewardship 29, Diplomacy 38.

Sinatron is Martial 36 and, by our best (and in some cases not very current) guess, Diplo 36, Stewardship 23, Intrigue 30.

One is a bright eyed optimist and relatively upstanding citizen. The other is a well-meaning, but morally flexible rogue.

Mechanically, they are both pretty good and I think we could use either as ally, but I find myself in favour of Winston, in spite of Sinatron's likely superior statline, because he had had a pretty terrible time lately and because he could be a friend.

Also, we should probably let them know about the hats, discretely. One mind control scare is probably enough for Olympia.