The Commodore has taken notice of the patronage you've given his organization! A member of his family, Olivia Dickens, is now available to use as a free hero unit once per year! She does not grant an extra action and does not have loyalty, but also does not take up a unit slot. The Dickens may offer more rewards if you continue using them!
Public opinion has decreased sharply! Government opinion has decreased! You had to pay reparations for all of the property damage caused by LOVEMUFFIN and OWCA, costing you 3 income!
Jumba has amused himself by creating a massive biological beast modeled on the Long of China! The dragon has taken up roost in Castle Doofhawk, seems to like the city and, knowing Jumba, probably has some sort of horrific biological warfare techniques up its metaphorical sleeves. Not only that, the man… alien seems brimming with other new ideas. The results of Jumba's Experiment! roll are now weighted towards the positive. The beasts aren't viable for mass production due to the sheer bespoke work that goes into their genes, so you'll have to put your plans on creating a dragon army on hold.
There will be a twelve hour moratorium on voting.
The Commodore forwarding one of his family as a once-a-year "free" Intrigue HU (as in "doesn´t take up one of our unit slots and doesn´t bleed our coffers/action economy dry in terms of loyalty maintenance) is very welcome, since thanks to us being strapped for easy cash and Russ as our best Intrigue guy being MIA right now, we can definitely use the help right now. But remember, guys: only once every six turns, mathematically speaking.
Jumbas PA now being slanted towards positive results is very good, since it´s essentially a second Inator roll in practice - although I´d rather not take advantage of that boon right now, since we still have to smooth over the PR and economy troubles of this turn.
As for...
LOVEMUFFIN adored their escapades and increased their loyalty by 15! They demand to be put on projects like this in the future!
...How about "No and fuck off, you egocentrical wastes of human DNA!!!"?
Sorry for that outburst but that´s the straw that not only broke the camel´s back, that straw caused PETA and even the more mellow animal rights groups to get up in arms against us for nightmarish cruelty to animals.
Weird similes aside, I can´t believe that there are people who genuinely want to keep this maniacs - no, these *terrorists* - around and piss off actually useful HUs in the process.
Yes, we told them to "do Mad Science" and yes, we should have guessed something like this would happen with how unstable and egocentric those assholes are.
But they have shown quite clearly that they don´t respect our "claim" over the Tri-State Area one bit and expect us to *laude them for destroying our toys and hurting those under our protection/thumb*
Do you think that the Joker would just shrug and nod upon some two-bit idiot like the Toymaker stirring up shit in "HIS" city? Nope, Mistah J would obliterate that whacko with extreme prejudice.
Granted, Doof is nowhere near as homicidal as Joker, but *He is about as petty as the Clown*...and now those idiots went ahead and fucked up things for who is their FUCKING BOSS.
Again, while we DID essentially gave them carte blanche to do whatever they want just to not hear their moping for a single turn, that´s only more reason to own up to that error in judgement since as their boss, their fuckups implicitly and - as seen during the convo between Russ and *His* boss at the FBI - EXPLICITLY as well reflect back at us and make us look like a fucking national threat. Honestly, I wouldn´t be surprised if some in D. C. are banging the drums of war against us right now because of that and are only being kept at bay by David working a bit of his magic because we still have enough goodwill with him for Xanatos to at least consider this and accident/oversight on our part and not a deliberate chest-thumping at Uncle Sam´s address.
Let´s face it: LM are a relic of the "Old Doof Era", where we didn´t give a hoot about others until things went our way and where things were just a game for us and OWCA. But these times *are gone*. For better or worse, Doof is now an authority figure and person of the public life. What we do will have big repurcussions for us and those close to us.
Mind you, I am NOT saying, that we should abandon all zaniness and become "bargain-bin Xanatos" at all or that we should just quietly drop that whole "Supreme Ruler of the Tri-State Area" Shtick - I am simply saying, that we should be *smart* about how to apply our Card-Carrying Evil Mad Scientist spiel in order to profit from it instead of being hindered by it.
For example: Nobody is saying that our new product line of power armor for the Army can´t include wacky tchotchkes like a cup-holder or a coffee machine - heck, I expect that kind of stuff to become a big selling point among many jarheads on the field far away from any amenities. No, I simply don´t want our power armor to end up boiling those soldiers alive within thanks to the water leaking.
So yeah, chaos is all fine and dandy for me...until it blows up in our face like that