Winning Plan:
[X] Plan: Ring A Ding
-[X] Combat Organized Crime in Doofania
-[X] Reach out to the Red Car
-[X] Buy out Mendel Grumman
-[X] Investigate the Sands Gala
-[X] Make Fake Poker Chip
-[X] Study Historical Magic Systems
Dr. Doofenshmirtz
-[X] Plan a heist
-[X] Spend time with Vanessa
-[X] Tinker with your Inators
-[X] Make up with Roger
-[X] Read your spellbook
-[X] Help Dr. Doof
--[X] Reach out to the Red Car
-[X] Work on an extra action
--[X] Develop Energy Weapons
Genghis Khan
-[X] Learn English
Agent Russ
-[X] Help Dr. Doof
--[X] Investigate the Sands Gala
Wile E. Coyote
-[X] Early Access Dummy
--[X] Develop Energy Weapons
Major Monogram
-[X] Help Dr. Doof
--[X] Combat Organized Crime in Doofania
Norm Prime
-[X] Follow Father around
-[X] Do Good Deeds
Dennis The Duck
-[X] Search for Donald
-[X] Help Dr. Doof
--[X] Make a fake poker chip
-[X] Get in touch with your old friends
-[X] Help Dr. Heinz
--[X] Buy out Mendel Grumman
Will you activate an Inator next turn
-[X] Yes
[ ] Combat organized crime in Doofania
DC 70
Bare Failure
Monogram has put enormous effort into rooting out any remaining gangsters in your territory, most of which can trace their roots back to either the St. Canard breakout, low-level bleedover from Drakktech cape crime or the Kronos' corps' continuing mob problems. In a perhaps rather expected turn of events, their current evil schemes were foiled but the ringleaders escaped, remain at large, and will eventually reorganize. Monogram expressed disappointment in the fact that they did
not behave like L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N., which may be responsible for the failure of OWCA's agents. They're just not used to fighting villains who
don't just give up when you foil their immediate plans.
[ ] Reach out to the Red Car
DC 50
Decent Success
Goofy was able to get in touch with the Red Car after a few fraught moments. Sending one of the most famous Toons of all time did a lot for convincing the 'leadership', such as it was, that you meant business. The Red Car now has a fairly favorable opinion of you as a whole, and they've requested you help build up the network of agents smuggling Toons out of Toontown. This isn't going to be easy, considering just how
effulgent most Toons are, but it will earn you yet more goodwill in the Toon community and a clandestine network already very willing to help in any strikes against Doom.
Reward: Regular contact with Red Car established- positive relations
New Intrigue action: Build the Toontown Railroad
[ ] Buy out Mendel-Grumman Corporation
DC 70 (Reduced by XP)
Critical Success
To be continued in interlude: Doof Finds a Way
[ ] Investigate the Sands Gala
DC 40 (Reduced by leaked information and XP)
Critical Success
Agent Russ had absolutely no compunctions about looking into a megacorp. As long as you don't ask him for information on something masquerade-breaking or, you know,
evil, you should be good.
Agent Russ has been able to independently confirm both the floor plan of the Sands matches the blueprints
and the computer 'Chip'. It exists, and Russ is quite confident that it works because he's seen it in action. Syndrome has already upgraded part of his Omnidroid forces with the software, allowing him to roll out massive increases to reaction time, physical telemetry, and overall combat effectiveness in minutes. The only reason Syndrome hasn't rolled it out to his entire force by now is that he is planning to do so during the gala as yet another PR stunt in an evening made of nothing
but PR stunts. Furthermore, Russ has uncovered some chatter amongst low-ranking Kronos scientists that the Chip is not the only major computing breakthrough that Kronos is prepared to show off. Details are even more sparse than on the Chip, but there are whispers of some sort of breakthrough in AI...
If this is a trap, the bait is exceptionally high-value, but everything indicates that the Gala is exactly what it bills itself as.
[ ] Make a fake poker chip
DC 70 (Reduced by XP)
Spectacular Success
TECHNOR, THE MECHANICAL MAN was pleased by this assignment as it meant he got to flaunt his skills with technology! In no time at all he was able to produce a replica poker chip with the exact same specifications as the one set to appear in the Kronos gala, only this one had a little surprise of his own. He loaded it with the most evil program known to man- a copy of ENCOM OS Centennial Edition! This, when combined with a virulent virus of his own design, would surely brick any network it's attached to.
[ ] Study Historical Magic Systems
DC 55
The legion of random scientists and underlings you assigned to look into historical magical systems got a bit distracted halfway through. Their research efforts devolved into an impromptu DD&MD session crossed with a book club discussion of
The Lord of the Rings trilogy. You can't really blame them
too hard, they're basically fumbling around in the dark since they know nothing about magic, but you don't think anything much is going to come of this unless you invite them to your planned game night.
[ ] Develop energy weaponry
DC 40 (Reduced from plasma sidearm recovery)
Critical Success
Somehow, L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N. managed to make leaps and bounds in the development of energy weaponry after reverse engineering the sidearm retrieved from Hawaii. Possibly having live, wily target practice helped. Seriously, you had to check their work twice just to make sure they weren't making hundreds of simultaneous errors. In defiance of all predictable odds, Rodney (still resting upside down in a beanbag chair with a permanent look of disapproval etched onto his face) managed to lead his merry band of misfits into breaking some serious ground on the topic. Your laser weaponry is now man portable and is at least on par with the example of the sidearm you recovered from the Galactic Federation. Perhaps with more research you can even surpass them!
New actions available: Upgrade Normbots with Energy Weapons, Upgrade Norm Prime with Energy Weapons, Outfit PMC with Energy Weapons, Further Energy Weapon Development!
Dr. Doofenshmirtz
-[X] Plan a heist
You're so excited at the thought of planning a heist to humiliate your second- no, wait, with Judge Doom spying on you it would now be
third- most hated enemy, Syndrome! It will be just like in the movies, where you move in with a team of experts, swoop in under his nose, and take all of the goods for yourself! There's still a lot to think about, though…
To be continued in a separate post.
-[X] Spend time with Vanessa
You were pretty busy these last couple months, but you still managed to find some time to spend with your daughter! One night you and Vanessa went out to see Dr. Zone XXVIII: The Disambiguation of the Trashcandroids, and it was just as good as the reviews said! Vanessa certainly seemed to enjoy herself, though you noticed something a bit odd... That actor, Orton Mahlson? He barely seems to have changed a bit in the last sixty years he's been doing this! The company must have
really good makeup artists or CGI. Regardless, you finally wore Vanessa down into spending some time as a DEI intern- the fact that you already have someone else in her age group helps, and she wants some work experience for when she finally moves out of the nest.
Reward revealed: Vanessa unlocked as a hero unit! 108/100!
-[X] Tinker with your Inators
You've always had time for your inators, no matter what else was going on, and last month was no different. This time you've managed to cobble together two separate inators to unveil to your waiting employees!
-[X] Make up with Roger
Surprisingly, this wasn't nearly as painful or as awkward as you had feared. Roger was still living in his apartment near the Little Drusselstein district and seemed remarkably dour when you first called him up. It looked like he had got the news as well. After inviting him over to lunch you started to commiserate about your awful parents, and even Roger readily admitted that they weren't all that great despite showing clear favoritism to him for most of his life. He wasn't even sarcastic or snarky about it! You haven't made any truly groundbreaking progress, but you're well on your way to burying the hatchet for good.
-[X] Read your spellbook
You didn't have a ton of time to devote to studying your spellbook, but you managed to squeeze in a little reading before bed. Your understanding of the mystical and arcane has increased slightly!
Reward revealed: Doof gains a (low) Occult stat (87/150)
Genghis Khan
-[X] Learn English
198+47+10=255/250- Temujin is now fluent in English! You're really impressed with his tutor's work, and are considering hiring them in a more permanent capacity. His stats have improved, and he can now be put on most (non-tech focused) actions without penalty!
Temujin can now communicate clearly with others. Temujin now has an odd combination of a Mongolian and an Austrian accent.
Option to recruit Professor Von Drake unlocked!
Norm Prime
-[X] Follow Father around
Norm unfortunately managed to not be very useful in his attempts to aid you. You receive a (very minor) penalty to Inator rolls this turn as he has gotten in your way a bit with his giant clumsy robot feet.
-[X] Do Good Deeds
Hego took some time out of his day to go around Doofania and help people in need of it, and boy, did they ever need it! He saved three people from fires, helped five old ladies cross the street, took two separate cats down from trees, and even managed to tackle someone trying to rob the Doofenshmirtz Evil Liquor Store to the ground! Doing good deeds feels good!
Hego has gained a minor loyalty boost.
Dennis The Duck
-[X] Search for Donald
After getting over his initial excitement at being recruited into your paramilitary corps, Dennis went about searching for Donald in a much more methodical way. Apparently the little guy can get a lot done if he puts his mind to it, it's just that… it's often hard for him to put his mind to it. This time he started a campaign on social media to see if Donald might be lurking there, but unfortunately there wasn't much luck to be had.
You are fairly certain that Donald is not hiding in Doofania or any surrounding territories, nor has he been there in the past year or so.
-[X] Get in touch with your old friends
Max decided to look for his old friends after settling in at his new internship. From the looks of things PJ had run into some trouble with the law a year or so back and was serving time in prison, while Bobby- that weird guy who was way too obsessed with cheez whiz- dropped off the grid entirely. That… was about it for Max's friends group, unfortunately. He really wasn't that popular in high school, and the X-Games incident torpedoed any friendships he was developing in college. Max commented to his father that he'd like to help PJ if he could manage it, though he didn't want to get him in further trouble with the law.
Inator Rolls
- The Flash-Trainer-Inator! Doof gets +1 free martial!
- The Sleep-Inator! +5 to all of Doof's personal actions!
(Voting for Inators will occur in the heist planning post.)