Reasoning: Frugal Lucre is a f*cking cheapskate. We try to rely on him for financials, something is gonna blow up in our faces.
He's got high Stewardship and is a villain, we might be able to send him off on quests, and we're kinda starved for Stewardship heroes. I assume he's got a trait for working with duct tape or something to make his help unreliable? We'll be able to factor that risk into our plans. And while we don't need any help with making things less expensive, he does work with money, we could kinda use more options for using money.
Birthday Bandit and all of those "Defenders" are just eh. Plus, they're unlikely to side with us since they're "heroic" capes.
I'm thinking we'd set them up as a sponsored hero team and make them go fight crime or interfere with villainous rivals or rivals' villains. Or if we feel like being helpful, sending them to help with an allies' crime issues could work. Having more manpower would quite help us with quests, and heroes do tend to have good Martial, which is a bit of a soft spot for us. Sending them off to do stuff out of our way, or banding up with Hego? Useful.
Duff Killigan and Motor Ed just doesn't seem to serve any purpose and Naughty Kitty just seems kinda lame.
Agreed, except that they'd be villains to put into a black ops team, at the moment we have TECHNOR and I think that's about it. Teams probably work better if they're all-hero or all-villain. Also, Motor Ed might be able to help with vehicles if we want to put Janus on Diplomacy. Seriously.
We already have Intrigue units, and are planning on getting Spydah.
I kind of doubt we'll be getting Spydah. I want him, but I don't think thread wants him more than Juniper, Gomez, Glooms, GoGo etc... Besides, again. Villain black ops teams need an Intrigue villain, and it's not like we're drowning in Intrigue units. I'd love to use Russ for quests, Mirage for the gatcha, Kitsune for malicious diplomacy, and Tobe is...
surprisingly not useless.
The Pack is full of nutjobs and psychos who really don't fit with the rest of the DEI workforce.
Can't argue with that, I don't know anything about the Pack. They'd probably go into black ops or get fired or psychoanalyzed into submission.
The only one I'm impartial to is Dingo, who's just on this list as a formality.
He is a hero now and has nice stats...
Finally, Megavolt seems like another Inquinator. He's way too obsessed with electronics to make me want to hire him. He's more likely to fight us then help us, and frankly? He's a tad too insane for my tastes
He just wants to rescue the light bulbs! Seriously, I don't think he'd be on the list if we couldn't work with him. His electric powers might be able to help with TECHNOR, he's a good person at heart, and he might change his mind if an AI told him that they weren't enslaved. I'd like to see him have a talk with Norm, really.