Max Martial Check: 7+8+10+10(Tooned Out)+14+10+10+7+20(accumulated narrative/metaphysical weight)=96
Winifred Occult Contest: 31+30+20+20+5= 106
Bare failure!
"Hoover Dam it boy!" Russ bellows, jigging furiously. "Now look what you've done!"
Russ says what I believe, HOOVER DAM IT MAX! YOU HAD ONE JOB, AND A PILE OF BONUSES, YOU HAD +89 on that roll. and you rolled a 7.
Wait a second. Puck wasn't Titania's child! He was her servant! Titania didn't even have any children!
And Puck wasn't even his NAME! it was Robin Goodfellow.
Puck's declaration is cut off by a furious shriek from… Winnifred?! How?! You saw her burn to ash, so how could she be... standing behind your group, with both of her sisters, looking more furious than you've ever seen her before.
ome on, you're amazing! You managed to make ballroom dancing look cool! What could happen?"
Okay, no. Max is a danger to himself and others, we need to stage an intervention. Hoover Dam it, Max!

Think of me as a hag do ye? Man of action, bold and spry, fade and wither, til' ye diiieeeee!" Winnifred cackles as bolts of green lightning spring from her fingertips.
"Horrid hags, beware my light!"
It's Hal Jordan! Or possibly John Stewart, anyways, Green Lantern is here to save us!
Then the trumpets kick it.

"It's close to midnight, and something evil's lurking in the dark…"
QM, why do you do the things you do?
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Oh, joy. They respawn.
We'll have to keep this up til dawn.

... I don't suppose we could, say, relocate the candle to somewhere several time zones east of here?
The music changes again. A long-forgotten boombox, still embedded in the windshield of a crashed Huntsvehicle, crackles to life.

"Hoover Dam it boy!" Russ bellows, jigging furiously. "Now look what you've done!"

A look of apoplectic fury passes over Horvath's face as he began jigging in place as well, completely interrupting the spell that he was trying to cast. Drake Stone starts to actively fight back against the spell too now, looking abjectly horrified that he's being forced to dance to this hillbilly trash.

Janna looks about as mad as you've ever seen her. "We're not getting anywhere casting by ourselves! If you want to dispel this thing, cut it off at the source!"

"We've been trying." Russ replies. "But there's a lot of weight behind a coven of three witches attacking on Halloween night.

"It's an ancient idea." Russ says, taking in the lithe young blond and the portly middle-aged witch still lying on the ground. "The Maiden, the Mother and…"

Russ turns to see Winnifred, three feet away, glaring daggers at him.

"...and the Other One."

Winifred Occult Check: 69+30+20+20+5=144
Russ Martial Contest: 83+20+14+10+7=144
bLuewErewOlf25 Intrigue Check: Keep Your Cool
DC 100 Needed
Roll: 49+30+5 = 85.

Also that saucy tie roll. That's something you don't see every day.
"Winnie!" Mary cried. "Look!"

Pulled out of the jacket of Eli Pandarus, the Wizard of Wall Street, blinking in the dim streetlight, was the Manual of Witchcraft and Alchemy.

"I paid tens of millions of dollars for that!" Pandarus protests partway through a jig.

"I sold my immortal soul for it, so there!" Mary replies, snatching the book from his protesting fingers.
The lady's got a point. Money comes and goes, but the worth of the soul is priceless.
Horvath looks on in disbelief mixed with disgust at the cackling madwoman who'd gotten the better of him. She was distracted on two fronts, this was the perfect opportunity to break the spell. If only his feckless inferior was not so incompetent…

Pandarus fumes as the artifact of power he had obtained was clawed away from him. The tale of how Monty Hall had become his go-to mystical accomplice was a long and complicated one, but it often gave him cause to bemoan his current lack of spellcasting power.

The two men look up at each other, and the same thought passes through each of their minds at the same time. Wait a moment, what am I doing? I have a perfectly serviceable dark wizard right here.

Nothing else needed to be said. The two men approached each other, fighting off the power of the groove to begin a counterspell.

"Hey!" Janna called out. "You two need a little extra oomph over there?"

Janna Diplomacy Check: Convince the Wizards to let you help
DC 50
75+18+6+10-40(total novice)+20(Good impressions)+7=96
Excellent success!

"The girl has potential." Horvath admits.

"And cunning." Pandarus agrees. The two of them shift slightly to make room for a third point in the flow of magic.
"Our apprentices suck! How come the pharmacist is the one with the good apprentice?"
Never underestimate our Evil Benefits. And also our code to be unwilling to backstab perfectly good employees.
"Why, the lass picks her studies well." Puck grins, floating down.

Janna stares at the physical embodiment of chaos for a moment, steeling herself, and then says,

"Hey, what's up?"

"Why, I suppose it would be me." Puck replies, hovering up and down by way of demonstration. "But if you speak in the rhetorical sense, I did wonder if you might assist me in dispatching these vile crones."

Janna Intrigue Check: Keep Your Cool
DC 150 needed

"EEEEEEEEEEEE!" Janna squeals.

Janna pauses, and leans casually against a wall. "...Yeah totally sure dude. I mean whatever, if you want. Like as long as there's no secret fairy debts or something."

Puck chuckles. "Very well then. A gift, willingly given. On both sides." He winks knowingly.

"I just got my scam shut down by Puck." Janna says, slightly dazed.
Hah! Janna and Puck are getting along like a house on fire. Not three witches on fire though, because they're cheaters. That might be how Xanny managed to recruit Janna to his side in the bad timeline.
We are going to get more updates and fight scenes till Max actually passes a check. looks like it might take a few days.

A 12 then a 7 Max? Really?

When you get a +100 divine intervention bonus from the forces beyond you're going to roll a nat one aren't you.
"It's an ancient idea." Russ says, taking in the lithe young blond and the portly middle-aged witch still lying on the ground. "The Maiden, the Mother and…"

Russ turns to see Winnifred, three feet away, glaring daggers at him.

"...and the Other One."

Nice Discworld reference there...what´s next? Princess Coffee Java only operating once FTB-enabled? (read: once she´s got a Fluffy Teddy Bear from her "dad" to love for Christmas?)

But anyway, the Sanderson Witches continue being an utter pain in the ass, with even Puck not quite crushing them at times. Then again, things are starting to "heat" up for them regardless thanks to everyone getting back on their feet.

So we´ve got two options how to deal with those bitches:

- Stall them until sunrise, where they *Should* get weakened or even banished, depending on how exactly their "contract" with "The Dark One" works
- Go back to that dumb Candle and snuff it, so that they get banished (Max did note that the Candle he was lighting back in that restroom was burning Black, so he *might* connect the dots with the Witches mentioning a Black Candle empowering them)
Oh good. We're much better at singing than dancing.
You know, that'd actually be fun?

Oh, Pandarus and Horvath think they're so high and mighty, forming a magical trio with Janna, ignoring us, Doctor Heinz Doofenshmirtz! Well, we'll show them. We'll form our OWN trio! With blackjack and hookers! We grab the Glooms, who have been similarly slighted (Hildy can actually sing), form an impromptu musical group, and sing the zombies to death! How do you like me now, Horvath!

Also, this is just mounting evidence that we need Love Händel as a Hero unit. Obviously, they're the perfect zombie-killer unit.
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Nice Discworld reference there...what´s next? Princess Coffee Java only operating once FTB-enabled? (read: once she´s got a Fluffy Teddy Bear from her "dad" to love for Christmas?)
Thats a discworld reference? Mother, Maiden, Crone is a trope, thats existed since at least ancient greece, probably longer.
Can someone explain the significance of Hoover Dam, by the by?
Russ swears by american ideas and landmarks, ex. "Mount Rushmore" so its combining, "God Damn it" with the Hoover Dam, to create the ultimate american expression of frustration "Hoover Damn it!"
Well, something significant happened involving Titania, sufficiently public for Pandarus to know about it.

Maybe a very pissed off Oberon killed Fox during the events of The Gathering, causing Titania to show up and off her weakened husband in retaliation? It seems like a possibility given canon events that may or may not have any relevance, but doesn't explain Pandarus knowing about that.

Also, I am now convinced that there is something bizarre going on with that Xanatos Intrigue score.

Puck is 55 in the Occult scale, same as the Commodore in the Intrigue scale and David is canonically good, but not that good. I am starting to think that there may be something to my old joke about him knowing lots of things.

Puck - 55
Magica De Spell - 42
Maxim Horvath - 38
Winifred Sanderson - 30
Pandarus - 29
Mary Sanderson - 20
Sarah Sanderson - 20
Drake Stone - 20
Glooms - 19
Monty Hall - 14
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So, I doubt I could crawl through a thousand pages to find the answer to this question, so has there been a verdict on owl house and amphibia content?
Individually the sisters are weaker than most of the notable casters here, but they seem to be able to freely share their occult scores and have the metaphysical bonus of 3 witches attacking during Halloween