[] Mystery Box
If you want to know why I am willing to answer.
I'm interested. My own list goes something like this:
1) Mystery Box (Most likely Mirage) - most likely Mirage. 'Nuff said.
2) Warren Peace - Warren not only knows how to cook (if his skillset is similar to canon's) but he also likely knows Cantonese, and may even know Mongolian. And frankly I think Doof and his semi-familial organization would be good for him. Between Doof and Goofy he'll have twice as much paternal support as he ever got from Barron Battle.
3) Juniper - Honestly she's fun, not really threatening, and seems desperate to be part of a team again. Plus it'd be nice to have a female team member around for Vanessa to talk to.
4) Mezmerella - Campy as hell,and a bit overdramatic, but she also knows where to draw the line and not to take a single step further.
5) Momakase - She's kind of got control issues, especially with things like how the sushi she prepares is eaten, and being the top chef in that cooking contest thing, no matter what.
6) Frugal Lucre - Frugal's entire style is at odds with Doof's. And his attitude makes me want to fire him out of a cannon-inator, into oncoming traffic.