While you watch the last rays of the off color orb that is apparently the sun here slip below what for lack of a better word you will call a horizon, you spot an opening. Horvath has just finished speaking to the woman (duck?) of the hour, giving you a chance to make your own introductions.
Diplomacy Check: Make your introductions
DC 80 needed: 38+18+16+10+7=89
Bare Success
"Ah, hello Ms. De Spell. I wanted to thank you for putting on this little auction."
Not exactly the most polished of openings, but it's better than you usually do.
"A pharmacist?" She asks, in much the same tone you used when first you recognized Monty Hall.
You suppose it was too good to last. "Hey, you know I just dropped like, a whole lot of figures on your auction? I bought the talisman? And the scrolls? And the sandwich?"
"What does a pharmacist want with a magical sandwich?" Magica asks.
Your eye twitches a little.
"Maybe he's just really hungry." Janna suggests.
Russ puts you out of your misery. "This is Doctor Heinz Doofenshmirtz, CEO of Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated, one of the largest corporations west of the Mississippi."
"And ruler of the Tri-State Area." You insist.
Russ sighs.
"Oh I see." Magica replies after a moment, apparently moving you up a few notches from 'strange annoyance' to 'strange annoyance with money'. "I certainly appreciate your business, Doctor."
"Yeah about that, I was wondering." You begin. "You can turn stuff to gold at will right? So why are you running an auction selling one-of-a-kind magic for money?"
Magica smiles. "Funny thing about being able to turn anything to gold. Oh sure, you turn your entire house to gold and it's a marvelous time at first, but then you wake up and realize you've crashed Italy's gold markets and now you have John. D. Rockerduck breathing down your neck. Last thing I want is for him to tell Ol' Penny Pincher I took his Number One Rand years ago. Apparently gold has little intrinsic worth beyond what society places upon it due to arbitrary scarcity. Who knew? The Midas Touch is all well and good for getting rich, but if I wanted to be really, really rich, I had to find something gold couldn't buy."
"Like happiness?"
"No, like one of a kind magical artifacts."
"Oh." You pause for a second. "Speaking of one of a kind magical artifacts, just what was up with that thing that was almost stolen earlier? You know, the one Xanatos bought?"
Diplomacy Check: Convince Magica to reveal what the item was
DC 130 needed: 37+18+16+10+7=88
"Strictly confidential, I'm afraid. But speaking of what was bought tonight," Magica asks, "Why did you drop seven figures on that Sandwich? I mean, it certainly is an excellent sandwich, but I was not expecting that sort of interest."
"I have a couple of people back home who would really appreciate it." You reply. "Plus it's supposed to be like, the perfect sandwich, right? So maybe I can reverse engineer it from first principles and advance the science of sandwich making by decades."
"I'll level with you. You probably could, it's an exceptionally good sandwich, but it won't cause you to achieve Sandwich Nirvana or anything. It's not a Goblin Dog. Not even my money can buy its way to the front of that line, apparently." She says with what you think is a hint of bitterness. You make a mental note to remember the term 'Goblin Dog' for later.
"Where do you get these artifacts from, anyway?"
"Oh, some of them are from my own collections, but most of them come from prospectors. You know, Adventure Capitalists and the sort. You'd be amazed how many ancient ruins there are, and how many poor schmucks are willing to dig through them to find the metaphorical wheat amidst the very literal curses."
"Oh you don't need to tell me sister." Feldrake notes, apparently having taken a shine to this duck. "I built some of them myself."
Magica Occult Roll: Do you recognize this artifact?
DC 100 needed: 56+42+10=108
Bare Success
Magica looks at Feldrake for a few long seconds, her face twisting in contemplation. "You wouldn't happen to be the infamous Lord Feldrake, would you?"
Feldrake's unmoving face doesn't grin hugely as his form doesn't seem to puff up. "The one and only! I have returned from centuries of slumber to exert my will upon this world once more! And attempt to conquer it sometime in the next ten thousand years! I'm not even touching the mess of paradoxes that likes to pretend it's a timeline."
After a second, he amends, "And this is my acolyte, Janna. She's very impressive. Janna, when you die, I'd be honored to put your skull in my throne room!"
"Dude, aren't I supposed to be staying under the radar?"
"Look at her Janna, she has such a trustworthy face!"
Magica smiles. "People have said that, yes. Briefly."
Learning check: Can you think of a topic change?
DC 100 needed: 57+38+18+10+7=130
"So." You say, hoping to move on quickly. "You must have a lot of contacts with people who find artifacts then. I… hrm. Would you by any chance know of a man… dog… toon… named Dr. Kranz?
"Ohhh! You know Kranz?" Magica asks.
"My friend threw him through a mountain." Janna says conversationally.
Max sulks. "I don't wanna talk about it."
"Ah yes." Magica nods. "That's him. A bit excitable, poor dear. I take it you're in a bit of a competition?"
"Maybe?" Janna replies, waving her hand back and forth.
"It was kinda unclear if he was going to recur." Feldrake agrees.
"Well! If you ever find any magical items that aren't the right fit, let me know. I'd be happy to take it off your hands. For a finder's fee, of course."
"Oh, definitely." Feldrake purrs. "Actually, I might want to stop by anyway, if-"
Magica takes one glove off and flexes the gold fingers. "Come back when you have limbs."
"Fair enough, shutting up."
With Magica added to your contacts list, you really only have a couple of people left you want to talk to; those two mysterious redheads you saw… wait. You could have sworn there were two of them, but the one in the suit and the surly expression seems to have disappeared. Oh well. You resolve to go ahead and speak with the other before she can vanish too.
The woman has her almost wine-colored hair up in a coif, rising practically straight up over a sharp widow's peak; the product in there must be the real miracle worker of the evening. She's wearing something that looks a bit like a sweatshirt and a pair of tight jeans; she's far more casually dressed than most of the people here. You can already see Vanessa appreasing her and deeming her counterculture aesthetic good enough to be seen in public with.
As you approach, that odd ringing in your ears returns. It's irritating, like a low wail you can't quite hear.
Occult Check: Identify the Ringing
DC 100 needed: 76+4+10+12+10=112
Janna waves Feldrake surreptitiously in front of her for a few seconds. "It's coming from her." She says quietly, giving you a side glance as your party approaches. Vanessa seems to grow a few shades less interested in making her acquaintance, and you think you see Russ double check his weaponry. "Whatever she is, it ain't normal. Watch it."
Considerably more cautious but undeterred, you press on. "Hello there, miss. I saw you at the auction, but I don't believe I ever got your name."
The woman turns, and for the first time you notice the shiny, metallic box sitting on her throat. "Name's Molly." She says, her voice based somewhere in Ireland but filled with synthetic undertones. "Who's askin then?"
"I am Doctor Heinz Doofenshmirtz!" you declare, "And I am not a pharmacist!"
"Arroight." She replies, metallic tones still managing to convey doubtfulness.
"I'm just trying to network, you know, get to know who's who in the magical community! You seem like somebody who's… who. So I thought I'd-"
"Hello Molly." a flat voice says beside you, and it takes you a moment to recognize Xanatos' aide de camp, Owen. You did not notice him showing up.
"Owen." Molly replies, synthesizer conveying the same coldness.
"So uh, you two know each other?" You ask awkwardly.
"Casually." Owen replies, only the mildest hint of emotion speaking volumes in his otherwise expressionless voice. "We met at a social event some time ago. I do hope you haven't been accosting these fine associates of Mr. Xanatos, Molly."
Molly makes an odd 'pfff'ing sound that you think might be equivalent to a snort. "Xanatos. Still serving then I take it, Owen?"
"We must all do what we can with what Fate gives us." Owen replies. "As I'm sure you know."
Owen turns to you. "I would recommend not dealing with Miss Molly if possible Doctor, she's a rather disreputable sort. Her mouth has a tendency to get her in trouble."
Diplomacy Check: Salvage this conversation!
DC 100 needed: 57+18+16+10+7=108
Bare Success
"Uh… listen-" you start to apologize, before Molly rolls her eyes and leaves without another word.
You could've imagined that going better, but you suppose it could've gone worse too. At least no one got horribly offended, the worst that the redhead gave you was a bit of snark. You get worse from Vanessa.
All in all, it seems like your attempts to network were a success! You got to know a few big names in the Bazaar and you managed to avoid horribly offending anyone! Once all this eldritch networking is over, you'll probably just take a day or two in the city to let Max and Vanessa have some fun. They were pretty bored today, and deserve some time to themselves.
As the fairy lights flicker on in the growing darkness, you make your way over to the food trucks- never let it be said the Bazaar does not change with the times- and look over the offerings. One of the stalls seems to be selling some form of horrific 'sausages inna bun' that were either made for trolls or from them. A sign advertises them as '100% Off.' You think about the many definitions the word 'Off' can have. On second thought, maybe you'll eat later.
"You know, this wasn't so bad." Max admits. "Sure, the Bazaar was weird, but my life was only threatened for like, two minutes. Comparatively, it was almost nice."
Russ stops short.
"Uh… something wrong there big guy?" Janna asks.
Russ slowly, defeatedly exhales. "Max… why?"
Behind you, the band on stage starts to play a lively tune. You can't see who's singing but it sounds pretty catchy! The crowd seems to agree, most of them are already swaying back and forth in time with the music.
"I put a spell on you… and now you're mine!"