7/10 split is pretty greedy in my opinion but would maximize our gains from this Auction since the Morganian book has most of the benefits of the Merlinian one while having little interest focused on it.

So, the Huntsclan were a distraction for Demona's theft and/or covert deal for the Talisman. Weird that they'd be cooperating given their goals, so maybe Demona is using her magical disguise to use the Huntsclan as pawns; she has fooled much smarter people with that before.

"Nicely done." You whisper to Xanatos, who responds with a look you can't quite parse.
Wow, did we just accidentally insult Xanatos? That's pretty funny.

Remember, Horvath didn't spend anything, neither did the other redhead, or Pandarus. Take that into account when making your plans.
So any chance of the Merlinian Encantus would require us to go all in. Don't know if Pandarus would be interested in the evil book, but he seems interested in the Talisman. Maybe a 7 Morganian/10 Salem book would be the "safest"? They may have some overlap, I will admit. If we bid 10 for the Talisman, I expect to tie Pandarus and have a coinflip. Needless to say, I really don't want to go back with money home.
There is way to much interest in the Encantuses and Talisman to win with even a 10 bid.

Slight interest was one above minimum. So 8. Moderate interest would be 2 or 3 higher so 9 or 10.

If we want the book or the Talisman we need to go all in. There is extreme interest in both. So I would imagine 11 or 12.

If we split the bid we won't get anything.
You now have a good idea of what a relative cost is when someone has a 'passing interest' and is 'fairly interested'. It's up to you how you think you should extrapolate that out for the big ticket items.

Okay, so of the items we know.

There's a vague, general interest in the item. Beside you, you notice Xanatos studying the item critically. You doubt he'd be particularly put out if you managed to snag it, but it looks like he's at least considering the item simply because it likely contains spells he's never seen before.
Xanatos consider is 5 on a 4 item.

Xanatos looks like he's mildly interested in the item, strangely enough. He probably wouldn't be too upset if you took a stab at it, but he's certainly displaying more interest than most of the other auctiongoers. The 'Drake Stone' fellow seems to take an interest too, but he's quickly shut down by what is clearly his superior. Pretty much every caster in the audience is dismissing this lot, especially the Brit in the bowler. He looks like he's had a few too many good meals to go in for this sort of thing, if you know what you're saying. Which you do. Because you're you.

Mildly intrestedis a 5 on a 4.

This seems to be the item Xanatos mentioned earlier. He gives you a sidelong glance as if to confirm your thoughts on the matter. It seems like he thinks your technological flair could jury rig some proper use out of an item that for anyone else is just a one way ticket out of this universe. Other than Xanatos, Monty Hall perks up a little at the mention of the key. He seems to be playing second fiddle to the blonde guy though, so possibly he won't be able to bid anything crazy high. You wonder why he would be interested in a magical key that opens doors to randomly selected dimensions.

Won't bid anything crazy high apparently translates to a 4. Since we won it outright.

Given this, we can probably extrapolate out that the 7 items, being about double, will have a doubled increase, as such a 9 is what we would be looking at for mild interest, and a 10 to guarantee against that.

Of the 4

Oh yes, this seems to be a very popular one. The dignified-looking British fellow in the bowler hat looks particularly interested at the mention of the 'Merlinian' encantus, and the weird magician guy with white hair next to him gets an elbow in the ribs. Janna looks like she's about to start salivating over the thought of the Morganian volume. Owen's posture shifts just a bit too, but you're not sure about which edition.

All sorts of people around the auction are interested in the talisman. Everyone from Xanatos to the bowler hat man look at the talisman with interest, even that one weird redhead in the back row. This is going to be one of the hottest items of the night.

Eh, you're not sure. The thing creeps you out, so you figure it'd probably creep everyone else out too. Janna might already be drooling over it, but she loves creepy stuff like that so she doesn't count.

Both the tailman and the Merlinian encantus are outright interest. Given we would need 10 points to secure them at mild, we would need more than 10, as such either of those should have us dump 17 points in. The other two are more of a gamble, the Morganian encantus has at best Owen interested, and even then only a bit of a posture shift, then again, Owen is defined by restraint, but we might see that as a mild interest. If so we could drop 10 on it, and gamble that there isn't really any interest in the Manual of Witchcraft and Alchemy so we can drop 7 there, but... eh? Or switch around, since Owen might be interested in the Merlinian one.

We could drop 9 points on one, but unlike round 2, there isn't a point refund if we don't win, so I'd rather not. Honestly, the Manual of Witchcraft and Alchemy would probably get us fighting the Sanderson sisters, which might be fun. Janna could use her first set of pathetic mages to crush beneath her heels.

EDIT: Also, we could forge the devil's signature, identity theft the devil!
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I think 10 on the evil encantus could work, then put 7 on the creepy spell book

[ ] Plan: Safe Split
-[ ] Spend points on the Morganian Encantus
--[ ] 10
-[ ] Spend points on the Manual of Witchcraft and Alchemy
--[ ] 7
YES, The Russ+Max interaction we were hoping for!
Also Janna got to be pretty badass

It seems like they're talking about convincing Doof to uphold the Masquarade.

Also, things I want, one of the Encatantuses, probably merlinian, and the Talisman
That's the surface level thing. A diplomacy thing.

the words to focus on are the last ones.

a Person is intelligent People are animals

We both know this.

he is for whatever reason nudging Doof towards a more autocratic viewpoint. Possibly to " help" him with civil administration later on?

it implies we've been misreading things here.

the bad part is we need him onboard because there are too many fires to put out ourselves
I think we will lose on the witch book, we failed the check so there's probably a good amount of interest in it.

I'm going to go with 17 on Merlin
Yeah, if we split the Bid the safest would be Morgan/Salem books. That would immediately make us a target for the Sanderson sisters however. But that's only a problem if we can't take them. But I do think the 7 should go on the Morganian Encantus since we know it has little interest while the interest in the Manual is totally unknown. That feels safer for me, and they are both evil magical manuals anyway, with that overlap I would be fine with getting just one.
But I do think the 7 should go on the Morganian Encantus since we know it has little interest

Horvath was explicitly interested in the book.

People please be smart here. We will not win a minimum bid. Best to guarantee one item.

Edit: My apologies. It was the merlin one he was interested in. Still the rest of my point stands.
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The leader of the group appears to be a lithe woman with a long blonde braid whose mask made it difficult to determine her age. Twenties, if you had to guess. Her glowing green spear with lines of circuitry across it and the gruesome, reptilian skull she was wearing were good indicators that the lady meant business. You wonder who she is.

"It's Thorn! She's coming for our skins!"

Unhappy young adult, senses tingling. Must, recruit, and therapy.
Horvath was explicitly interested in the book.

People please be smart here. We will not win a minimum bid. Best to guarantee one item.
The dignified-looking British fellow in the bowler hat looks particularly interested at the mention of the 'Merlinian' encantus
He seems to direct his interest to the Merlinian Copy. We did pass the DC by a fair margin, so if he was interested in the Morganian copy we'd know. The only risk for the copy would be Owen, but even he might not be interested in it. If there's any item we can put a minimum bid on, it's this one.
One thing people are overlooking about the good encnatus is that since it's easier to learn from, we can use it to teach more people, whether that manifests as a lower minimum occult to use, or less personal actions spent reading it.
Can we make a copy of the Scrolls of Jo Lan and trade them for a copy of the Cookbook? I remember that Xanatos wanted them both and it seems pretty harmless and is a good show of "trust" to an "ally". The items seem to be valuable due to the info inside and not anything intrinsic.
Okay people are sleeping on the talisman here.

First off it's A part of a set of it doesn't combo with other Talisman I'll eat someone else's hat.

secondly the ability of astral projection is some high grade magic

thirdly RUSS suggested we get it. He doesn't do impulse buys he believes that thing is extremely useful and valuable.

Forthly it gives the user the ability to enter DREAMS and fight POSSESSION. That's extremely important considering a certain Triangle in our future.

and finaly we have low key goal to collect them all and complete the set. There's no way there isn't a magical effect there
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Okay people are sleeping on the talisman here.

First off it's A part of a set of it doesn't combo with other Talisman I'll eat someone else's hat.

secondly the ability of astral projection is some high grade magic

thirdly RUSS suggested we get it. He doesn't do impulse buys he believes that thing is extremely useful and valuable.

Forthly it gives the user the ability to enter DREAMS and fight POSSESSION. That's extremely important considering a certain Triangle in our future.
Makes sense

The top 3 plans (not in any specific order) right now seem like

10 on evil encantus + 7 on witch book -> nab the lesser sought after but still useful stuff
17 on good encantus -> teach people magic easier
17 on talisman -> recommended by russ, anti-bill and such, combos with current talisman
Makes sense

The top 3 plans (not in any specific order) right now seem like

10 on evil encantus + 7 on witch book -> nab the lesser sought after but still useful stuff
17 on good encantus -> teach people magic easier
17 on talisman -> recommended by russ, anti-bill and such, combos with current talisman
I do think there's a solid case for Encantus(evil) 9/Manual 8. I'm sure someone wants the manual and that means a minimum bid of 8
If you held a gun to my head I'd say the pure talisman bid.

but personally I want to try a minimum bid on the evilbook ( not manuel) and everything else on the Talisman
Looks like that bet of 3 on the Sandwich did come back to haunt us... If we had 20 points here instead of 17, it would have been safer for us to try and get two items, but as it stands, we can only safely go for one item, given how competitive this round of the auction is going to be and how much more useful all the items in this round are compared to the Sandwich.
I'm tempted to go all-in on the talisman on the off-chance Grunkle Mal has an Encantus somewhere that he hasn't told us about simply because we never asked.

Even if he doesn't, he should still have some lesser magical books, and since it's for general education rather than some specific spell, this is an instance where quantity might beat quality, so.

Edit: Eh, you know what? We still have a full magical world tour to complete, and the Baazar ain't going anywhere. We can pick up more magic books later. In a choice between an item that is not unique and one that is one of a kind (and part of a set)...
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[ ] Plan: Expert Advice
-[ ] Spend points on the Yáng Talisman
--[ ] 17

It's part of a set we have, and it's good enough that not only is everyone else interested, even Russ reccomends we go for it. Ordinarily, I'd be down for the encantus, but we already have Janna's knowledge of the Mewni Spellbook and Felldrake and Malifishmirtz's spellbook and the scroll; we aren't hurting on sources of mystical knowledge.