Omake: The Root (Meaning) Of All Evil (Incorporated)
A lot of things didn't make sense about Doofenshmirtz to Agent Russ. How a man seemingly as brilliant as the doctor was also so... dimwitted at times was one of them. Another confusing thing was the amount of traps that were installed in his headquarters. A hideously designed building in downtown Danville with large lettering right in front for the whole world to see 'Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated'.
Evil! Right in the name! Who did that? No one, that's who! What's worse was that Doofenshmirtz didn't change the name to Evil Incorporated after he had declared himself the 'ruler of the tri-state area' in celebration of his apparent 'victory' or anything like that. No, that wasn't the story at all. A little digging into public records revealed that 'Evil Incorporated' was the first name it was registered under. This was years ago! Why had no one batted an eye at it then, and why the heck is it called 'Evil Incorporated'?
"It doesn't make any sense! Who calls their own company evil and why?" Agent Russ said aloud in the empty break room he had hunkered down in while he read over the public records he had pulled from the Danville public archives.
At least, he thought the break room was empty. Instead of silence a voice replied "Gosh Mr. Russ, sometimes I wonder the same thing."
Goofy himself was standing by the 'cheap-coffee-inator' that took up an entire wall of the break room, idly drinking from a white mug. The words '#1 DAD' scrawled in childish handwriting on it's side. The toon took another sip of his coffee before speaking again. "I've seen the signs and all, but I'm a bit nervous to talk to the Doc about it. I guess we could could just ask him. He's a friendly fella after all."
Agent Russ cursed his own inattentiveness at missing the toon who had apparently been in the room before he had even entered before replying. "I can't do that. It would be too odd to ask a question like that."
"Nah. Not really." A third familiar voice replied casually.
On the other side of the 'cheap-coffee-inator' was Dr. Doofenshmirtz himself. He too was drinking from a white mug with the words '#1 DAD' on it but this mug was different. It looked like it had been shattered at one point and painstakingly pieced back together, the numerous visible cracks being evidence of that event.
"Eah. To be honest no one's really asked me that question before. Like you said, it's a little bit, yeah, too awkward."
"If you don't want to talk about it that's fine" Agent Russ said, backpedaling.
"Nah. It's fine, just you know. Flashbacks. Or memories I guess? I gotta explain a few things before I get into the whole thing." Dr. Doofenshmirtz took a sip of his own coffee before setting his mug down. "I'm off to get a whiteboard, and some markers. Can't forget the markers again. I'll be right back. Promise!" Then the man left the break room.
Agent Russ felt awkward just sitting there in the break room waiting for Doofenshmirtz to come back but Goofy felt none of that awkwardness. He continued to jut stand and relax, occasionally drinking his coffee. A few times Russ felt like saying something it died in his throat before he could say it. There was just such an odd atmosphere going on, he didn't know what to do.
Eventually Dr. Doofenshmirtz returned wheeling in a whiteboard and he placed it near one of the walls so Goofy and Russ could easily see it.
"Alright. Let's start with the beginning. As you probably know, I'm a immigrant. Kinda important to my whole background really. I won't go into the whole enchilada right now, and just settle for the bargain taco. I, am from Drusselstein." Doofenshmirtz writes the name Drusselstein on the whiteboard and directly below it writes 'Germanic'.
"It's the old country, if that makes sense to you. Anyways, the native language is German but the dialect attaches a few caveats to some terms, grammar is slightly different, and there a few words unique to the region. It's even in the name." Doofenshmirtz then draws a line through the middle of Drusselstein, seperating it into 'drussel' and 'stein'.
"The word 'stein' is just German and translates into stone. On the other hand 'drussel' is one of the region specific words we have because of Saxon and Norse influence in our early history. Roughly it means 'carved', or more specifically 'hewed from'. Which means the name of my homeland in English would be 'Hewed from Stone'. Interesting huh? Anyways lets move on a bit to the company name." Doofenshmirtz erased the whiteboard before continuing.
"When I came to America it was slightly unexpected. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do exactly. Before I spent a stint as an art student and I enjoyed myself but I wasn't the same ever since the incident with my masterpiece and my brother Roger... you know what I'll get into that later. Not really important. Long story. Anyways, I wanted to do something new. I wanted to be a self made man! Inventing had always been a passion of mine and made a portable grill and became a bratwurst vendor!" Doofenshmirtz looked so proud of himself at that declaration. Then his face fell a moment later.
"It didn't work out. For reasons... The bratwurst business didn't work out, let's leave it at that. I still made a bit of money and then decided I needed to create a company for myself that would just make some cash. I really needed it. So I looked around and found that there was a niche that needed to be filled in the tri-state economic landscape. There was no company that would create and distribute cheap goods anywhere to be found. When I say cheap, I mean really cheap. Small rubber hoses, cheap plastic parts, low quality gravel, and stuff like that. Cheap stuff. Things that people needed that didn't cost much but no one could sell them and really make a profit. I of course am a genius and could innovate ways to produce the cheap goods for even cheaper and make a profit that way. Thus after I had bought the building we are standing in, which was cheap as well because of a noise pollution problem, I registered my own company name." Doofenshmirtz then wrote on the whiteboard '
Doofenshmirtz Ubel Eingearbeitet'. He then tapped the words twice.
"You may notice that this isn't English, and you would be correct! That's what I intended to name the company when I founded it. I thought people would be more willing to buy from a company with a foreign sounding name. Like Toyota, Volva and Ferrari... I can only think of car companies right now but you know what I mean. Before I had the name finalized I did a small phone census and people didn't like the name because it sounded 'too foreign'. Which is sad really, for a lot of reasons, but that's the nature of business I guess. So I used a newly created 'Transcriber-Translator-Inator' to translate all of my native tongue I used in the official documents to English and write it for me. In the process '
Doofenshmirtz Ubel Eingearbeitet' became 'Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated'. Let's talk about this." Doofenshmirtz circled 'ubel' and 'evil' on the whiteboard.
"I intended for 'ubel' to have two meanings. It
can be translated into 'evil' or 'wrong' and it most commonly is, but I intended it to be used as the secondary meaning of 'cheap'. Specifically, 'a cheap economic good', which is a heavy meaning for just one word. The other meaning of 'ubel' that I intended to use is Drusselstein specific and would translate to 'stranger' or 'outsider'. The word 'ubel' in my company name would then represent what my company would produce and have a term tied to my past. The Inator unfortunately used the literal translation and labeled it as 'evil'. The papers were finalized so I was stuck with the name 'Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated'. I shrugged my shoulders and moved on." Doofenshmirtz furrowed his brow after that.
"You know, it was just after that when OWCA started breaking into my facilities to investigate me for some weird reason. I didn't know it was them at first, I just thought it was regular corporate espionage. Obviously I created anti-intrusion countermeasures to stop them, but OWCA escalated as well. Huh. I guess that's my 'start of darkness' that everyone goes on about. Never thought about it like that before." Doofenshmirtz put a cap on his marker and set it down.
"Any questions? No? Good. Because talking about bargain bin tacos has made me hungry so I'm out for lunch. My business phone will be on so if you guys need me for anything while I'm on lunch break don't be afraid to give me a call. Toodles." Doofenshmirtz walked out leaving Ross in a stunned state.
Goofy just took another sip of his coffee before commenting, "Gwarsh. So that's how it happened."