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What is Disney Villains Victorious?

This quest will be based on a campaign setting (DVV: Gridlocked) where all your favorite Disney villains won and rule the world! Only this isn't a fairy tale- it's the Gridlocked expansion, which means a near-future United States torn apart by the sinister Syndrome, the diabolical Judge Doom… and… I've got no alliteration for Xanatos. Look, it's like Shadowrun with Disney characters. Okay? Okay.

The World at Large

The world of the quest may seem superficially similar to our own, but there are several things about it that make the setting unique. You will learn more about the world and its history as the quest progresses.


There are some men and women who can rise above mortal limitations and exhibit extraordinary capabilities, whether through biological or technological means. While the term for such individuals has historically been 'super', 'capes' has seen rising popularity in recent years after many people seemed to realize that you do not, in fact, need superpowers to be a hero or villain- technology works just as well, or even better in some instances. This has seen some quiet support online from various social media platforms, as apparently some people do not appreciate technology being slighted.

Superpowers range from the generic to the more esoteric, although there have been very few 'city breaking' levels of power recorded. There's certainly no Superman equivalent, even the strongest of the flying bricks can't even approach light speed. Most criminals and the heroes that respond to them are street tier at best, and if they're capable of punching above their weight class very few people document it.

Thanks to the omnibus Superhero Relocation Act, biological Supers are exempt from Good Samaritan laws, considered illegitimate vigilantes, and can expect to be bankrupted and worse if their secret identities are ever exposed. Different regions have different degrees of enforcement of the Act: Kronos territory ruthlessly enforces the SRA, while California turns a blind eye to super activity and Drakktek states like Colorado openly flout the law.


Toons, short for Cartoons, are creatures of ink and whimsy created when an animator truly, deeply believes in their art. While no one knows exactly how toons come to be, come to be they do, full of vim and vigor and a desire to entertain. Most, though not all, toons entertain through comedy, and cannot resist a good joke or a chance to make others smile and laugh. Incredibly resilient, toons have a small degree of reality-warping called Toonforce, and can dish out and withstand incredible degrees of damage without actually killing anyone. Most toons would never dream of seriously injuring another person, and they themselves can be permanently killed only by the acetone-turpentine mix known as Dip.

Just like in Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Toons have a well-documented presence in the world. Unlike most strange or supernatural things, Toons are well known, if not exactly popular. Toons were once the biggest thing in entertainment, but several high profile murders by once-beloved toon star Roger Rabbit, followed by the destruction of Toontown LA to make way for the Interstate highway system, have scattered and marginalized them. A few stars of yesteryear like Donald Duck and Bugs Bunny may still be scraping by, but even famous toons can be found desperate for work.

Some toons can be very similar to their on-screen personas, rather like method acting taken to the extreme, but other toons are quite different in their private lives than the characters they played in theaters.

Anthropic Animals

Several cities on the West Coast are populated by walking talking animals. While the line between funny animal and toon can sometimes be unclear, anthropic animals generally do not possess a toon's obsession with comedy or physical resilience. For all intents and purposes, they are furrier- or featherier- people. They are mostly found in the regions of Calistota, Zootopia State, and Cape Suzette.

Robots and Artificial Intelligence

Following the work of renowned, if eccentric, roboticist Trevor Trengrove, basic AI has begun to promulgate throughout the world. The Trengrove 'Funtelligence' system (referred to as the positronic brain by anyone with an ounce of self-respect) is capable of basic conversational skills, problem solving, and very limited adaptation. While not quite enough to pass the Turing test, high-end AIs closer than not to sentience are beginning to pop up, especially in San Fransokyo. Even your very own Normbots, while based on your own AI research and not Trengrove's stupidly-named system, are basically at-par with his work. Norm may be a real swell guy, but a stunning conversationalist and improviser he is not. Rumors of more advanced, truly sentient robots persist, but so far you've not been able to track down any examples.

The Masquerade

'The Masquerade' is a general term used to describe the many secret worlds that are hidden throughout Gridlocked America, that people 'in the know' are aware of but the average joe is not. There are two big secrets in the country that most Kings know about: The existence of magic, and the existence of aliens. There may be other hidden worlds as well, places and people even most Kings have no idea of. Details on these hidden worlds are something you'll have to find out through research…

Or you could just read the setting lore. Cheaters.


You are almost certain magic exists. I mean, why else would all of Drusselstein require lawn gnomes to ward off wood witches and gremlins? Regardless, if you want to get any real specifics on what magic is, how it works, and who has it, you're going to have to look into things.


Likewise, aliens probably exist. You remember that Meep guy, and besides that it's just statistics, come on. Your ideas for spaceflight are unfortunately primitive at the moment, but you might one day be able to see what is out there yourself. Hopefully it's friendly!

The Government

Despite you openly declaring yourself Supreme Overlord of the Two-And-A-Half-State Area, the United States remains under the control of its primary governing body… at least in theory. In practice, the leaders of the megacorporations dotted around the map exert more power than the federal government can muster, but the average civilian wouldn't suspect anything is up. The government puts much effort into keeping its own weakness secret, and the powerful in Gridlocked mostly oblige them. No king wants to be fighting in an all out war, and so they're more or less willing to do things subtly. Even most of your citizens probably see you as a joke or a parody villain rather than an actual dictator. This may chafe at your ego, but trying to make people really take you seriously might draw the ire of what's left of ol' Uncle Sam.


Throughout the quest, you might notice that some things don't exactly line up. Dates may contradict each other, events could've happened in the past that outright invalidate others, and some people could inexplicably be holding positions of power for decades despite not looking a day over thirty. Rest assured that these are not just multiple simultaneous mistakes on the part of the QM- there's an actual in-universe explanation for this.
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OWCA and Doof
The current situation with O.W.C.A. and L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N. has for whatever reason reminded me of a distant memory from my long forgotten youth. And so I decided to throw this together. Who knows, maybe this will earn some XP we can spend on keeping open war from breaking out in our offices.

Here's the story- of a man named Doof, who was leader of the evil L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N.
Unimpressive villainy, was their forte,
Until they got one win.

Here's the story, of a man named Francis, who was leader of a group with no cool name.
Things were going well till Doof knocked down their hideout,
Ain't that a crying shame.

So now today, the good guys work with bad guys
Who's to know if this arrangement will last long
Can these two groups learn to function together
Or will their hatred prove too strong?

OWCA and Doof. OWCA and Doof.
We'd better hope the walls are bulletproof!
The Root (Meaning) Of All Evil (Incorporated)
Omake: The Root (Meaning) Of All Evil (Incorporated)
A lot of things didn't make sense about Doofenshmirtz to Agent Russ. How a man seemingly as brilliant as the doctor was also so... dimwitted at times was one of them. Another confusing thing was the amount of traps that were installed in his headquarters. A hideously designed building in downtown Danville with large lettering right in front for the whole world to see 'Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated'.

Evil! Right in the name! Who did that? No one, that's who! What's worse was that Doofenshmirtz didn't change the name to Evil Incorporated after he had declared himself the 'ruler of the tri-state area' in celebration of his apparent 'victory' or anything like that. No, that wasn't the story at all. A little digging into public records revealed that 'Evil Incorporated' was the first name it was registered under. This was years ago! Why had no one batted an eye at it then, and why the heck is it called 'Evil Incorporated'?

"It doesn't make any sense! Who calls their own company evil and why?" Agent Russ said aloud in the empty break room he had hunkered down in while he read over the public records he had pulled from the Danville public archives.

At least, he thought the break room was empty. Instead of silence a voice replied "Gosh Mr. Russ, sometimes I wonder the same thing."

Goofy himself was standing by the 'cheap-coffee-inator' that took up an entire wall of the break room, idly drinking from a white mug. The words '#1 DAD' scrawled in childish handwriting on it's side. The toon took another sip of his coffee before speaking again. "I've seen the signs and all, but I'm a bit nervous to talk to the Doc about it. I guess we could could just ask him. He's a friendly fella after all."

Agent Russ cursed his own inattentiveness at missing the toon who had apparently been in the room before he had even entered before replying. "I can't do that. It would be too odd to ask a question like that."

"Nah. Not really." A third familiar voice replied casually.

On the other side of the 'cheap-coffee-inator' was Dr. Doofenshmirtz himself. He too was drinking from a white mug with the words '#1 DAD' on it but this mug was different. It looked like it had been shattered at one point and painstakingly pieced back together, the numerous visible cracks being evidence of that event.

"Eah. To be honest no one's really asked me that question before. Like you said, it's a little bit, yeah, too awkward."

"If you don't want to talk about it that's fine" Agent Russ said, backpedaling.

"Nah. It's fine, just you know. Flashbacks. Or memories I guess? I gotta explain a few things before I get into the whole thing." Dr. Doofenshmirtz took a sip of his own coffee before setting his mug down. "I'm off to get a whiteboard, and some markers. Can't forget the markers again. I'll be right back. Promise!" Then the man left the break room.

Agent Russ felt awkward just sitting there in the break room waiting for Doofenshmirtz to come back but Goofy felt none of that awkwardness. He continued to jut stand and relax, occasionally drinking his coffee. A few times Russ felt like saying something it died in his throat before he could say it. There was just such an odd atmosphere going on, he didn't know what to do.

Eventually Dr. Doofenshmirtz returned wheeling in a whiteboard and he placed it near one of the walls so Goofy and Russ could easily see it.

"Alright. Let's start with the beginning. As you probably know, I'm a immigrant. Kinda important to my whole background really. I won't go into the whole enchilada right now, and just settle for the bargain taco. I, am from Drusselstein." Doofenshmirtz writes the name Drusselstein on the whiteboard and directly below it writes 'Germanic'.

"It's the old country, if that makes sense to you. Anyways, the native language is German but the dialect attaches a few caveats to some terms, grammar is slightly different, and there a few words unique to the region. It's even in the name." Doofenshmirtz then draws a line through the middle of Drusselstein, seperating it into 'drussel' and 'stein'.

"The word 'stein' is just German and translates into stone. On the other hand 'drussel' is one of the region specific words we have because of Saxon and Norse influence in our early history. Roughly it means 'carved', or more specifically 'hewed from'. Which means the name of my homeland in English would be 'Hewed from Stone'. Interesting huh? Anyways lets move on a bit to the company name." Doofenshmirtz erased the whiteboard before continuing.

"When I came to America it was slightly unexpected. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do exactly. Before I spent a stint as an art student and I enjoyed myself but I wasn't the same ever since the incident with my masterpiece and my brother Roger... you know what I'll get into that later. Not really important. Long story. Anyways, I wanted to do something new. I wanted to be a self made man! Inventing had always been a passion of mine and made a portable grill and became a bratwurst vendor!" Doofenshmirtz looked so proud of himself at that declaration. Then his face fell a moment later.

"It didn't work out. For reasons... The bratwurst business didn't work out, let's leave it at that. I still made a bit of money and then decided I needed to create a company for myself that would just make some cash. I really needed it. So I looked around and found that there was a niche that needed to be filled in the tri-state economic landscape. There was no company that would create and distribute cheap goods anywhere to be found. When I say cheap, I mean really cheap. Small rubber hoses, cheap plastic parts, low quality gravel, and stuff like that. Cheap stuff. Things that people needed that didn't cost much but no one could sell them and really make a profit. I of course am a genius and could innovate ways to produce the cheap goods for even cheaper and make a profit that way. Thus after I had bought the building we are standing in, which was cheap as well because of a noise pollution problem, I registered my own company name." Doofenshmirtz then wrote on the whiteboard 'Doofenshmirtz Ubel Eingearbeitet'. He then tapped the words twice.

"You may notice that this isn't English, and you would be correct! That's what I intended to name the company when I founded it. I thought people would be more willing to buy from a company with a foreign sounding name. Like Toyota, Volva and Ferrari... I can only think of car companies right now but you know what I mean. Before I had the name finalized I did a small phone census and people didn't like the name because it sounded 'too foreign'. Which is sad really, for a lot of reasons, but that's the nature of business I guess. So I used a newly created 'Transcriber-Translator-Inator' to translate all of my native tongue I used in the official documents to English and write it for me. In the process 'Doofenshmirtz Ubel Eingearbeitet' became 'Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated'. Let's talk about this." Doofenshmirtz circled 'ubel' and 'evil' on the whiteboard.

"I intended for 'ubel' to have two meanings. It can be translated into 'evil' or 'wrong' and it most commonly is, but I intended it to be used as the secondary meaning of 'cheap'. Specifically, 'a cheap economic good', which is a heavy meaning for just one word. The other meaning of 'ubel' that I intended to use is Drusselstein specific and would translate to 'stranger' or 'outsider'. The word 'ubel' in my company name would then represent what my company would produce and have a term tied to my past. The Inator unfortunately used the literal translation and labeled it as 'evil'. The papers were finalized so I was stuck with the name 'Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated'. I shrugged my shoulders and moved on." Doofenshmirtz furrowed his brow after that.

"You know, it was just after that when OWCA started breaking into my facilities to investigate me for some weird reason. I didn't know it was them at first, I just thought it was regular corporate espionage. Obviously I created anti-intrusion countermeasures to stop them, but OWCA escalated as well. Huh. I guess that's my 'start of darkness' that everyone goes on about. Never thought about it like that before." Doofenshmirtz put a cap on his marker and set it down.

"Any questions? No? Good. Because talking about bargain bin tacos has made me hungry so I'm out for lunch. My business phone will be on so if you guys need me for anything while I'm on lunch break don't be afraid to give me a call. Toodles." Doofenshmirtz walked out leaving Ross in a stunned state.

Goofy just took another sip of his coffee before commenting, "Gwarsh. So that's how it happened."
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Musical Announcement for Space
(Musical Announcement for Space)

"Boss, what with the moon soundstage in your office? It's going to make it a bit tricky to vacuum under it."

Goofy gestures towards the vacuum in his hand, as Heinz waves in a chorus to the soundstage while a number of Normbots adjust the lights and microphone systems.

"Ah, excellent timing my Head of Janitorial Works. And by that I mean cellent timing! I always work best with a live audience to my musical numbers. I wanted to announce my development of Doofenshmirtz Evil Space Program to all of Doofania and what better way to do so other than song?"

"You're going to space? Gosh, isn't that a big step up."

"Not really, I've gone to outer space a few times before, and while those times did each end with me foiled and riding a fiery escape pod back to Earth, I happen to have more space experience than anyone other an astronaut or an alien. And yes, I'd met an alien, so I know what I'm talking about.

As for why I want to have the ability to go to space at any time I want to, it's actually a short backstory for once. As I stood there waving watching the truck holding my hated brother Roger drive away, once of the happiest moments of my life by the way; the driver said to him that he would at least still have the same stars out there that the Tri-State Area does. So, I thought to make a Different-Star-Inator to change that, but when I did some checking of the star charts and it would take like thirty different Inators to get the job done, so it seemed simpler just to get out into space and change the stars that way."

"Seems a bit complicated, but I'm sure that Max would be proud to have an astronaut as a dad and it would be cool to go to outer space."

Doofenshmirtz nods while some of the chorus girls help into a spacesuit with the Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated logo on it.

"Anyways it time for my number so just stand there while I get to work."

"Hello Doofina, this is your ruler Dr Heinz Doofenshmirtz, here with an important announcement for you all and done in the best way possible."

Doofenshmirtz gestures at the moonscape which he stands in as the chorus girls enter in a row behind him carrying a large book prop.

♪♪ Every night the stars come out, reminding me of all those louts
Newer memories is what I want, So we're going to the starssss! Going to Starss! ♪♪

Doof flicks the book prop off the stage as he waves towards the sky.

♪♪There will no place where I can't reach, Outer Space we will breach
We're restarting the space race, So we're going to the starrss! Going to Starss! ♪♪

A mockup of a rocket rises up from the soundstage which Heinz stands upon. The choir girls wave sparklers as he rises up.

♪♪All the nights we'll explore, people will beg for my space tour
That is what your ruler demands, that we're going to the starsss! Going to the Starrs!♪♪

"Hmm, maybe the lyics need a bit more work. Take five girls, we have some rewrites to do."
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The Ghost in the Machine
The Ghost in the Machines

Fliwick had just finished the installation of DOOFos and was currently crossing his fingers. After the necessary reboot he was hoping he had not just thrown money away, again. Damn Heros Duty to tartarus the glitches had only started after plugging the modern machine in. He had done fine enough with the classics thank you very much! But Encom had now bricked his PC twice in a row. That was unacceptable!
The PC came on with a neat little jingle. Something about Evil being incorporated? He would never understand new fads these days. After using the computer for a few moments he noticed that although the user interface acted like usual the performance was much better. No matter what he tried from HD streaming to Video Chat it worked like clockwork. Best hundred dollars he had ever spent in his opinion.

Once she had a name. Like everything else about her that too had faded with time. Sure the fact she technically did not exist allowed her to get away with a lot. With the right extra life here and power-up there she had really stuck it to old Turbo no matter what he called himself these days. But that was all she felt like. A nuisance that nobody ever really cared about. Holding up in the one game they dare not breach. After all Heros Duty held the beacon and for all his bravado that was the one threat he truly feared.
This left them in a bit of a stand off. He had the corridors to that game blocked off. Only her intangibility allowed her access. But that same power meant she could do nothing physical against him. Around and around they went with no end in sight.

Until today when she witnessed something new. The Cybugs were being repelled from Litwick's PC for some reason. Investigating the computer showed her it was running a new OS. One without the design flaws of the last one. Seeing a chance before her she quickly slipped into the PC and changed the code to be permanently hostile to all viruses in any shape or form. It felt good to those skills she had developed spying on Turbo for something positive for once.

THIS WAS IT! Her final chance to be rid of Turbo forever. Mr. Litwick was an older gentleman who used his PC for very little. Which meant tons of storage for hiding programs. She might not be able to kick his butt but there were plenty of programs that both could and would want to. This was the start of something beautiful.

And with that thought the girl once known as Vanellope looked up to the sky, smiled, and said "Ralph, wherever you are I hope you are proud of me."
The Thin Red Line of Courage
The Thin RED Line of Courage, AKA How To Act like an Idiot and Never Get Caught

"Have a nice night "Chief" Bonkers" my sarcastic secretary Barbera says before locking up.
"Good night to you too Barbs!"
I say before I hear the door close. Alone with my thoughts at last I mutter under my breath, "Hopefully Negaduck gets you on the way back."
Sometimes it is hard to keep the pretense up of a likeable goofball all day but then I think of the joke I am playing on the whole department. It brings a smile to my face. Did they really think I would never read the documents I am forced to rubber stamp. Or be able to read the mood at work and see which way the wind blows. Thank god both Lucky and Miranda got promoted so they would never have to see what this precinct has become.

After making several copies of all the new legislation I close up for the night. Now the real work begins. Making sure I am not followed I head on down to the old Ink and Paint club. Knocking on the door the grill is slid open and I am asked "Penny for your thoughts?"
To which I reply "I would prefer a nickel if you have one?"
He responds "What good is s nickel?"
And I say "It let's you ride the Red Car."
Finally satisfied the gorilla steps out the way and says "Good evening Chief Bonkers."

One of the members looks up at me and asks what have I got for them this time. To respond I pull out the copied laws and hand them over. "Straight from the presses. These new laws are not scheduled to go into effect until next week. That should buy some time to warn everyone and let others know they need to lie low."

This is now my real job. Inside man for the Red Car. Everyone looks at me and sees a fool. What they should see is an actor who is used to time crunches. An actor who has a huge network of former fans he was never mean to who are happy to gossip with him. One of these days you are going to pay for making a mockery of the Police department Doom. And on that day I will openly laugh long and hard at the fate you so richly deserve. FOR TAKING MY FAUN AWAY FROM ME!

AN: Did you ever wonder why in the later season with Miranda Bonkers acted much more incompetent? In the first episode of the show we see him quickly read a script for that morning's performance. He also treated everyone on set from fan to guard with respect and courtesy. That creates networks of devoted followers and shows us he is attentive to his duties.

TL:DR. Bonkers almost has to be aware of what is going on even if he acts like he is too dumb to notice.
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Advice of the Ancients: Never Meet the Huntsclan (Non-Canon)
Advice Of The Ancients: Never Meet The Huntsclan:

"... so, why exactly is my PMC attacking a hospital?" You ask, your voice filled with pure annoyance. Though, you do have to admir, Khan did instill quite a bit of discipline in these guys. The green and purple armored soldier before you doesn't seem to have a tinge of fear when confronted with an annoyed boss! Amazing!

"We are not attacking the hospital, My Lord!" The soldier/mercenary answers with a bow. Oh, it's this guy. "Nay, we were defending the patients and thr loyal staff of this hospital after we fouled up an attemped kidnapping! Then, once we had restrained the perpetrator, to our amazment multiple doctors, nurses, and even a janitor tried to attack us! And, once we had forced them back, a strange group of people wearing all green broke in and tried to tale the child we had rescued!"

"..." You try to find the proper words to express your... confusion? Yes, confusion. "... you were attacker by a bunch of doctors?"

"Aye. And they did not use mere medical tools against us, but swords and staffs!"

"Ooookkkkaaaayyy. Uh..." Well, this is certainly something you never expected. Really, this is unexpected. "... good work. Er, do you know why a bunch of random guys were trying to kidnap a kid?"
"Perhaps. The infant has a strange birthmark that the Khan seems to know of, said mark being in the shape of a dragon."

"Hmm." You think you remember something about a dragon birthmake in your great 65^th grunkle's book. What was it... you think it you remember reading... 'Beware the children born with the dragon on their flesh, for they are the chosen of the Huntsclan, enemy to all those who dabble in magic. If ye take only a single piece of advice from this book, know this. Never neet the Huntsclan. And, if you do not heed that, never cross the Huntsclan.' Yeah, that was it. "Huh, guess they must have a lot of staying power to be around for thousands of years."

"'They', my lord?"

"Yeah, that spell book of my mentions some weird guys from a long time ago called the Huntsclan. Supposed to be very scary and all that. Now... where exactly is Gengis? He still needs to finish his English lessons."

"Dueling with one of, what we assume to be, leaders of these mysterious foes. The rest of my comrades cannot assist him as they're-" The soldier stops as his radio blares to life.

"All but one enemy neutralized. Remaining tango fled down into the sewers. Attempted to capture her, but she managed to give us the slip. Repeat, last tango fled into the sewers."

... well, that's just great. Ugh. You'll have to Normbot guards for this hospital, and probably every other hospital just in case, as well as the sewers. And right before your big heist too.


OAN: So... this is a thing? Not sure why, but my muse just... wanted to make an omake with our PMC. Originally it was just going to have some of the higher ranking PMCs talking with Doof about our Martial actions and out quest, giving different thoughts and opinions on them. Then somehow that mutated so the PMCs called him "Khan Doof" as well. Then it mutated into pur PMCs joining in on our planning session for the heist. THEN that's where the Huntsclan somehow became a part of the idea, where they tried to steal our spell book during said meeting. Then... after reading the Disney Wikia page one them, that somehow transformed the idea into... this.

... and I still don't know where this random PMC officer who speaks in Ye Old English comes from.

Anywho, probably not my best omake, mor the longest. Sorry 'bout that.
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Little Buddy
Little Buddy

Alfredo stood shoulder to shoulder with a dozen culinary experts. He'd never seen a kitchen as advanced as The Sands Casino's most exclusive restaurant. Self-cleaning stoves, a freezer that could approach absolute zero, and some kind of computer built into all of it! And now he was lucky enough to get a spot on its kitchen staff. After the fiasco at his old job, Alfredo felt lucky just to be there. He wasn't going to let a few rumors about Mr. Pine get in his way. Besides, there was no way he could be worse than his last boss.

Today was the day of the kitchen staff meeting. The boss himself was coming down to say a few words, then he could get started working on the menu for opening night. Alfredo wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead. He really wanted to make a good first impression. He whispered to himself. "You can do this. You can do thi- augh." The chef to his right, an absolute mountain of man with flowing black hair, elbowed him in the side. Alfredo doubled over, barely having time to respond before the jock launched into a happy spiel.

"I'm gonna let you in on a little secret, if you don't rat me out."

Alfredo's face went flush. "Rat? You? Uh- uhm." He could feel his lunch rising out of his stomach, but forced it back down.

"I know we're supposed to wait for the old bossman to start planning the menu, but I couldn't resist. I'm submitting my great great great great grandfather's famous recipe for spinach puffs."

"Oh- uh, that's great." Alfredo let out a sigh of relief and straightened his toque.

"You see, to get the flavor juuust right-"

The bronze-skinned adonis was thankfully cut short by the kitchen doors flying open. There was Mr. Pine, wearing a ten thousand dollar suit and million dollar smile. His bright hair was slicked back with an enormous amount of gel.

"Chefs!" Mr. Pine clapped his hands together. "I am so glad you all could be here. As I'm sure you all know, I've spared no expense to make the gala the most memorable, exciting experience most people will have in their short little lives. That's why I've brought you all here - culinary experts from every corner of the world . If you don't believe me..." He took a step closer and scanned the line before saying, "Peru."

The muscled man to Alfredo's left called out. "Reporting for duty!"


From further down the line, a feminine voice said, "Here."

Were we supposed to know about the role call? Alfredo tugged on his sleeves, wondering what other info he'd missed out on.



Mr. Pine continued listing countries until every chef in the room announced himself. Every chef... except Alfredo. He probably just forgot. Probably. His boss clasped his hands behind his back. "The theme of LaRue's menu is a world tour! You can showcase the best dishes from your home country!" Mr. Pine tapped his wrist, generating a small holographic display above it. It dissipated a moment later. "Well, it looks like that's all the time I have. Have your dish submissions in by Thursday. Impress me and- well I'm always looking for good talent for more permanent employment." Mr. Pine pressed his finger to his ear as he walked out the door. "Sharon, what's my next appointment?" Alfredo's fellow chefs moved to their stations with purpose.

He, however, was paralyzed by his nerves. Did Mr. Pine not list my his home country on purpose? Could he tell I almost threw up? He needed a few seconds alone. Alfredo rushed to the pantry and locked the door behind him. In the relative security of the cucumbers and carrots, he felt his blood pressure dropping back to normal levels. Alfredo took a breath and lifted his toque. Standing in his curly mess of red hair was a dark-furred rat.

"Alright little buddy, this is the big times. Now I know you're nervous, but you're coming to come through for me, right buddy?"

Alfredo's right hand suddenly flew up to his forehead. He smacked himself in the face in something roughly approximating a salute.

"G-good, now we-"

His phone's buzz interrupted him. Alfredo fished his phone out of his pocket to view the text.

'Chef Linguini...You don't know me, but I could really use your help.'

Alfredo screwed up his face. His phone buzzed with a second text.

'Please hear me out?'
At the Heart of it All
At the Heart of it All

"So, Mr Goof, how can the greatest therapist ever created help you?"

The Toon in question chuckled as he lay on a couch in TECHNOR's office. "Aw, shucks, just call me Goofy. Everyone does!"

TECHNOR rolled his eyes and clicked his pen. The latter was nothing more than a calculated move- the greatest therapist ever created didn't need anything as pedestrian as a pen to take notes, not when he had his superior mechanical mind. But doing so anyway set his patient at ease, which was a necessity when one's patient didn't take well to supervillains.

"Very well, then, Goofy. Let me repeat myself: how can I help you?"

Goofy's perpetual smile dimmed by 15 percent. Judging by that, and the absence of anyone who needed, in the Head Janitor's eyes, their spirits lifted, this problem couldn't be related to the plight of Toons. TECHNOR's previous sessions with Goofy had consistently reported a smile dimmage of at least 20 percent in those cases.

"Well, I've been having these real weird nightmares lately…" Goofy trailed off obviously reluctant to continue. This piqued TECHNOR's interest, however. This issue wasn't related to the systemic racism Toons were suffering under, and yet the patient was keeping it close to his chest. This was new. Almost nothing got Goofy Goof down. TECHNOR shifted a few gigawatts from his optics (this would be an auditory experience) into his processor core, and prompted "No, no, please continue."

Goofy shifted, before answering. "All right. Well, the first one I can remember went like this."


Clad in shining armor, Goofy nailed another shadowy creature in the hole where it's heart should be. It promptly exploded, leaving umbral residue on his shield. Goofy chanced a look around the castle tower they were in. There was Donald, slinging spell after spell into the unceasing horde of heartless monsters. Goofy let out a cry as they inevitably overwhelmed the noble duck- but he was too far away. All Goofy could do was hold the line down here.

On the platform above, two humans, one with spiky brown hair and the other clad in black, dueled with key-shaped blades. It took everything Goofy had to keep the unending swarms on the lower level, so that they wouldn't overwhelm his friend like they had Donald.

Goofy shifted his attention back to creatures surrounding him. Barrel into that cluster there. Slam aside the pair of ambushers sneaking up behind him. Dodge a swipe from the wyverns above. Ignore the increasing number of wounds-

A cry from above interrupted Goofy's concentration. The black-clad swordsman stood triumphant over his friend. Despair lanced through Goofy's heart then. Goofy stopped fighting, heedless of the more literal despair around the knight. If he had fallen, then that was it.

Darkness covered all.


"...and the rest of the dreams go like that. It's not always in a castle, though. Sometimes it's a spaceship, or a desert. And the guy in black sometimes looks different. What do you think, Techie?"

TECHNOR ignored the nickname, no matter how much it grated on him. In any other context the robot would snap at those who dared call him something so undignified, but not during a therapy session. Instead, TECHNOR spent a few million cycles on analyzing the data presented to him.

"These nightmares are obviously caused by stress. You and I both know that the world is rapidly spiraling out of control. Who wouldn't feel surrounded by despair in these times? I recommend you take a vacation, get away from the politics and intrigue for a while. I hear Cape Suzette is lovely this time of year."

Goofy levered himself to his feet, and offered a gloved hand to TECHNOR, which the robot tentatively took. "Gee, thanks Techie. A vacation does sound nice, and if it's on doctors orders, well, what else am I gonna do?"

TECHNOR waved off the Toon as he left the therapist's office. Though it may have been interesting at first, Goofy's nightmare's were obviously caused by stress, and nothing more. TECHNOR filed the session into his archives. He had a heist to prepare for.

If TECHNOR still had his advanced optics active, rather than the low power simple ones, he may have noticed the wisps of Darkness leaking from Goofy's chest.

Got into Kingdom Hearts lately, and a rabid plotbunny attacked me. I figure this'll be non-canon; if Kingdom Hearts shows up at all in DoofQuest, it'll be real endgame shit.
Xanatos Nega-Quest
Xanatos Nega-Quest, one update previous:

Physician's Here said:
Well, it's confirmed. Trevor's just as much of a showboat and a thief as he was in the original timeline.

On the plus side, we've got Doofenshmirz approaching on our six. Now that's someone I'm really interested in talking to.

harleyhex said:
Physician's Here said:
On the plus side, we've got Doofenshmirtz approaching on our six. Now that's someone I'm really interested in talking to.

Doof might be funny, but we have more important things to do at this Gala. We need to keep track of what Syndrome's doing, primarily, and Toffee may be reasonable if we approach him right. I warned people that Trevor was going to be a dead end; we can't afford to get sidetracked again!

Physician's Here said:
harleyhex said:
Doof might be funny, but we have more important things to do at this Gala. We need to keep track of what Syndrome's doing, primarily, and Toffee may be reasonable if we approach him right. I warned people that Trevor was going to be a dead end; we can't afford to get sidetracked again!

I'm not interested in Dr. Heinz because he's hilarious. I'm interested in him because he's the perfect combination of brilliant and utterly imbecelic. His "-inators" defy science and magic alike, and often work on abstract conceptualization to do their jobs. The "Can't-Make-Up-Your-Mind-inator" destroys, specifically, people who can't make up their mind.

That level of tech would make making Doof our ally worthwhile by itself, but again, the man's a moron. Easily lead, clumsily inept, easily foiled should he get any ideas about turning on us. He's as useful a puppet as we're likely to find, and probably? One of the few forces in the setting that could stand up to our triangular friend in Oregon. We need him.

Brighttail said:
Yeah, talking with Doofenschmirtz isn't going to be funny.

It's going to be hilarious. I vote for any option that lets us get closer to the buffoon.

EnergeticPringlEgalitatrian said:
I'm with PH, Doof is all asset, no brain. If we're willing to let him appear to be in charge, he could conquer the world for us. And even if things don't go that far, tonight I predict some easy Intrigue and Diplomacy checks, some amusing dialogue, and a working relationship with a brilliant inventor.

Xanatos Nega-Quest, after last update:

EnergeticPringlEgalitarian said:
what the shit

what the fuck

KinghtdeDress said:

Hop2It said:
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh why is Heinz Doofenschmirtz dating Shego?

Also how is Heinz Doofenschmirtz dating Shego?!

Nagical said:
Everyone who's terrified of Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz now say "Aye".

Hop2It said:
Nagical said:
Everyone who's terrified of Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz now say "Aye".


EnergeticPringlEgalitarian said:
Nagical said:
Everyone who's terrified of Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz now say "Aye".


SylaWisdom said:
Nagical said:
Everyone who's terrified of Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz now say "Aye".


Brighttail said:
I was right! That was hilarious!
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