Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! He got it! He got it!!!!! I am completely serious when I say that I had to stop reading for like 2 minutes when I read that first line because I was giggling like an ADHD schoolgirl on a sugar rush. Also, am I the only one who finds it hysterical that Joe thinks Tinkers cheat like motherfuckers when his power looks at Tinkers, scoffs, and mutters "Amateurs" because they aren't cheating enough? No, just me? Okay then.
Right? The man whose power delivers him a volcano, mechs, and human souls thinks that Tinkers are cheating?
That would be terrifying, Contessa is often depicted as being over reliant on her power not sure if that was canon or fanon though but the sheer horror of having what 20 or 30+ years of absolute certainty that anyone outside of Scion and Endbringers (Her mental Eidolon count's as she has known the man for decades it is bound to be pretty accurate) could be removed or guided to the right path with minimal difficulty and then suddenly this new guy appears increasing his power at rates never before seen, breaking all the preestablished rules about powers many of which she had helped to figure out.
It's pretty heavily fanon - We see her fight the Irregulars, containing Mantellum, and she's able to plan around them pretty well despite him generating a pretty significant blindspot.
Well, I for one am excited for the new Tinker!Aisha. Not only has she picked up the equivalent of a few doctorates, but now she can become a better Armsmaster.
I actually am super excited for an 'Aisha realising how incredible her progress is and scaring the shit out of Brian with her competence' scene, actually. I think there are several fun angles of the Aisha drama to see, but the most wholesome involve Aisha getting to show off her vast knowledge to her Brother and dad - plus, I'm a sucker for "i thought i was bad because i only interact with demigods but this outside perspective thinks i'm the most impressive person they've ever seen" scenes, when used sparingly enough that it isn't just random civilians endlessly fawning over how cool the MC is. It's a fun way to show progress, have a little 'Aisha as Sherlock' moment whilst Brian is gobsmacked, and she pulls out the unarmed combat she's been practising in the spars, et cetera et cetera.
Tetra might be copyable. An evil Life Fiber clone would be a world-ending event if it weren't trivially controllable by Garment.
I feel like everyone is focused on whether or not Tetra's fibers can be cloned, and no one is asking what the immediate consequences will be of Noelle touching life fibers with bare skin. Would she even get the opportunity to try and birth some weird knockoff-brand 'Health Strands' before Tetra gave her The Good Succ™️ and she shrivelled up like a Kaiju raisin?
Tybalt is his cousin
'The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb', etc etc. They may not share matrilineal or patrilineal dna exactly, but everyone who fights alongside the Demigod of War gets to do that forearm-clasp thing from 300 and shout 'BROTHER!' whenever they want. It's the rules.
It's a pattern I've only noticed now - capes tend towards self-absorption.
Must be a strategy to 'improve' the Conflict Drive.
her own personal knowledge and expertise
its existence was being rejected
My copium detector has just had its readings maxed out. Partially due to measuring two beings at once (Lisa and her Shard), but only partially.
The power was called Miniaturization and Efficiency. In addition to holding a staggering volume of scientific and technical knowledge, it specialized in exactly what you would expect, only to a level that could only be described as insane. Fusion reactors the size of watch batteries, hyper efficient systems using a tiny sliver of the power they should require, and an innate understanding of nanotech that took my already exceptional talents to an even higher level.
Is this the same feeling that they had just before the Chernobyl reactor experienced a catastrophic failure?
I've had to turn my copium detector off for fear of breaking it.
Knowing what I know about Armsmaster, and knowing what I know from personal first hand experience of Aspergers syndrome (introspection is a hobby for me at this point), this will result in either two things:
Armsmaster suffers a meltdown from the overload
Armsmaster manages to ignore the thing in order to safely assimilate the new knowledge.

Armsmaster... barely has an inkling that anything is "strange" in regards to Apeiron. Some stuff has been shaken, but without looking into it further, it fits within his previously established model and paradigm.
The model and paradigm are important, they are a comprehensible pattern.
With Aspergers, there is a pattern. If you abide by that pattern, or manage to assimilate other things into that pattern, you can function.
Outside of that pattern, it's like being an actor for a movie or a play. It's inherently exhausting because you're conciously having to ignore and possibly go against the established pattern for the greater and "truer" reality.
There is no "true" safety net. Outside of the established pattern, you are out of your element. You can make the pattern grow to encompass other things in life, sure, but you can no longer rely on instinct or relax when you go outside the pattern because you do not function that way.

Thusly, since it's presumed that Armsmaster indeed is afflicted with Aspergers syndrome like myself:

Either Armsmaster will try and tackle this head on, only for his mental fortitude to be depleted by the sheer "holy fuck what even is sapience when there's this much stuff I cannot comprehend?" violation of the pattern and thus experience some sort of meltdown, or he manages to ignore it for a time and either makes his pattern/model/paradigm adapt and grow into the new situation, or trips out on unhealthy amounts of copium to the point of ignorance and delusion.

Everyone: *stunned* ...wha?
Apeiron: The nuclear option has been deployed since you idiots and bastards seem to just fuck up peoples lives. Unlike your cape names, mine isn't sensationalism - it's factual. I am the nuclear option, I'm going to reinvent this city like how I reinvented artificial intelligence and alchemy, do you understand?
Obey, or cease.
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There is a misconception regarding how powerful or 'weak' Eidolon is in the Fandom due to some stuff being offscreen. But Eidolon only mentions he is weak compared to his heyday shortly after Triggering via Vial, as he could have driven off multiple Endbringers solo according to WoG.

In the Timeskip, Eidolon is still so strong that he was instrumental in driving off Endbringers multiple times, even though there were three new ones that he and everyone else wasn't as familiar with.

Eidolon is to Joe as Scion is to Eidolon, as it stands. Eidolon could also have varied match-ups with Joe, from his shard hitting those Sechen ranges and picking abilities that just SLAP versus Apeiron, to struggling to meaningfully do anything against him. But that comes down to motivation and circumstances and environment. And in none of those match-ups would Eidolon be the clear loser.

People swing the nerfbat at him due to the hate all the time in fanfics, but he's legitimately Cauldron's Trump card.
I actually really like Eidolon, probably my favourite character. I know Eidolon is still strong even when not at full power, but I don't think he is strong enough to defeat Joe unless he is at full power.
Honestly want this story to have the longest short arc I have ever seen, keep pushing off the meeting because it very amusing at this point, I really want to see how much more the author can fit into this. The only negative to this for me is that we need more interactions with joe and random people, at this point anything would a fun read.
Isn't Joe's entire team uniquely suited to stop Noel? Aisha is in full coverage Endbringer hard suit. Apeiron likewise is decked in full coverage. Matrix is not biological. Survey and Fleet are favorably Manton limited from Weld's tissue sample (not biological enough for Noel). I doubt Tetra's unique form could be cloned, and good luck cloning the glove. The only member that could be cloned and has exposed skin in costume is Tybalt, the normal cat. His clone would be a powerful weird bipedal cat.

Heck, trying to absorb Tetra or Tybalt might harm Noel. Tetra could hurt her with her life draining. Tybalt's death helmet will kill her. No idea what happens when Noel grabs the avid glove. Error? Maybe all her mouths scream.

I'm interested in what sort of angle Joe will take against Coil. Will he state his intentions during the meeting, or will he play it cool and attack right after the meeting?
Hi Screaming! Nice to finally get your name! Hope you're having a fun chat with Negotiator! Remember not to show her too many reality breaking truths that were once lies! I know she's kinda smug and a bit of a tool, but Lisa still sort of needs her to keep doing the brain things!
Nobody needs more than 50% brain things by volume. Ask March. :V
Coil: My plans are coming together!
Murphy: normally I'd step in here but you got this *pats the forge on the back* Kick him in the teeth!
That would be terrifying, Contessa is often depicted as being over reliant on her power not sure if that was canon or fanon though but the sheer horror of having what 20 or 30+ years of absolute certainty that anyone outside of Scion and Endbringers (Her mental Eidolon count's as she has known the man for decades it is bound to be pretty accurate) could be removed or guided to the right path with minimal difficulty and then suddenly this new guy appears increasing his power at rates never before seen, breaking all the preestablished rules about powers many of which she had helped to figure out.
To think that this figure however powerful thankfully wasn't a blind spot, that she could path him only to find out when she meets him in person that everything she knows about him is false, that there is No Path To Victory here the soul crushing fear that her power doesn't just not work on him but was actually feeding her false data, to have the safety blanket that she has had since a teenager (She was a teenager wasn't she when she killed Eden?) pulled out from her.
That would be terrifying.
Contessa has a panic attack and second triggers, only to find that it doesn't help. Contessa then achieves the mythical Triple Trigger, and finds that it still doesn't work. By this point, Joe has left. Contessa goes off to punt Scion in the shin in such a way that every problem ever is solved.
Mid-twenties. Hair organic, but not a natural expression. Power modified. Muscle structure indicates dancer/model background. Clothing selected to enhance impact of appearance. Appearance significant. Mathematical expression of beauty through expression of symmetry and golden ratio. Aware of beauty. Unused to reaction to beauty. Cloistered existence and/or recent changed to body.

She blinked. Evidence of Joe's healing technology? Something that had brought an injured or disabled cape back into the field and in what even she had to admit was stunning form. It was decidedly off not receiving a constant stream of negative characteristics and personal flaws from looking at the woman that way. She noted a lack of personal interest, but for once it was a conscious lack of interest rather than disgust borne from a flow of repulsive physical details and personal quirks. Possibly the first time since she triggered where she could honestly admit to not being interested in someone.
Hmmm, So I wonder who/what Survey is gonna be mistaken for? Considering the rumors about Apeiron's powerful healing tech + supposed costs I wonder if Uppercrust will come to same conclusion? Probably make him more intensely driven in order to get healed.
As such it stands as a point-earning interlude. I may return to this format to cover alternate perspectives over the course of the Summit,

Logically the Summit is about 10% Joe's actions, and 90% everyone else's responses.

Then Thursday night had shown what Joe thought about 'contrivable growth curves'.

Hey, this power is perfectly contrivable!
In fact, you could describe the Celestial Forge system that way!

Celestial Forge: The Contrivable Growth Curve

It was something much harder to struggle against. It was kindness.

What an absolute monster.

Parahuman cat. Paracat?

I love how her power is completely fixated on the 'cat' aspect.
It might be a part of his power, but it completely derails all it's conclusions.

'Aisha briefly activated her power in order to scream confused obscenities at the bar without causing a disruption.'

This is going to be the most common use for her power, isn't it?
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There is an interesting interaction between Aperion and the E88 upcoming. The E88 is going to show off their shiny new annihilator cape whose only setting is lethal. This means they either are 1, planning to escalate to lethal force in general which is against the unwritten rules, or 2, going to use her exclusively against Aperion who has been shown to take that kind of damage, which is equivalent to a war declaration, while their under truce. Neither option looks good.
My biggest thing is they know his powers come from works of fiction and he just got a power from his own world.

No wonder Aisha was screaming. Finding proof that your world is fiction would suck.
I always hated that line of thought. If you think your world is fictional, it's not. It's as real as everything else. What if our world is a world of fiction in some other? What if it was about fictional war, where a medium sized European country tried to take over the world? Would that make our world any less real? No.
There was no going back to the old days of hiding in my Workshop. It was time to act.




How so? At the end of the day, this is just 'and then my tech was an arbitrary amount more bullshit'. It doesn't let him do anything new, just do more stuff with less.
She closed her <> every briefly,
Missing word: eyes. Every -> very.
a level you could only experience on your <> days
Missing adjective. Early or perhaps glory days
between members suggested comradery.
Comradery/affection between group
being regarded with comradery
I was going to point out that this should be camaraderie, but you used it so much that it made me doubt. Comradery is apparently a synonym.
Given Joe's history to date of nurturing and rehabilitating every other S-class threat that pops up in his workshop, I'm sure that Joe would have his clone reformatted, reprogramed, updated, and acting like a productive member of the Workshop Crew in no time!

Maybe the clone could be the team's resident Biotinker specialist? Take advantage of Joe's intended Passenger!

Possible Names:
  • Joe Junior?
  • Bizarro Joe?
  • Schrodinger?
  • Mike? (Use Joe's middle name like Star Trek did with Riker's clone)
  • Frank? (Due to personal bias I will always assume that a Biotinker is named after Frankenstein until proven differently)
  • Tommy? (the sixth Ranger trope)
  • Thailog? David? (Xanatos was one of my favorite childhood villains)

I mean, blind is sort of how Simmy fights ALL THE TIME though. This is an extra level of blindness, sure, but she's uniquely suited to combating an oponent she cannot directly observe.
Joe's going to throw a wrench in any long term plots, but I wouldn't count Simmy out in a straight fight.
It's not just that she's blind. It's that she's only capable of observing through precog, and based on the wording of the perk all precognition attributes changes made by Joe to something else. She's blind, and can't possibly conceive of Joe at all, because to her he doesn't exist.

That's also why Contessa wouldn't have been an immediate problem with Out of Context Problem, even without the divination spoofing mystic code. Any precog based view of the future wouldn't have included changes made by Joe, and would instead attribute any deviations to something else. Keeping in mind the mechanics of the forge, it wouldn't be immediately obvious that the inaccuracies aren't due to his power acquisitions being blindspots. Without a way of observing the situation normally there's no way of realizing the zero-sum error.

Edit: Changed tenses to better reflect the situation.

I totally forgot it didn't block post-cog. Considering the way the Simurgh views causality, this perk on it's own, doesn't really help unless you stick to acting while in the shadow of another blindspot. Of course Joe already solved this problem so it's really more of a hypothetical then anything else.
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I called it, he got the Worm Tinker power and Thinker protection imminently after being scanned by a Thinker during the event at the bar. Can't believe my joke turned out true though. Who has the link for the Perk tracker again? I'm kind of curious what the odds actually were.
For that specific roll it was one of four possible perks in the constellation or a 1/48 chance.
Reference doc

It's because the Passenger is basically the Worm Fandom in abridged format, and it doesn't fear Scion because no fic will ever come close to an arc focused on him, and if it does he will be solved by a sometimes literal deus ex machina.
Uh... no the Passenger is quite afraid of Scion.

Joe has been shown to lose to the Number Man
That was something like a week ago.

She is blind to him, he doesn't exist to her at all, Fiat backed means even when seeing how those she can see react that she still can't perceive him at all.
Um... no first of all Joe has spoofing items so her precognition sees lies not absence. Also her Postcognition isn't impacted by this perk. Joe's magic items might protect against post-cog but the fiat is exclusive to pre-cog.

According to WOG, the only things from the forge which can be copied are abilities which work as knowledge and can be taught to others. (Like FMA alchemy)
I'm not sure where you're getting that. Magical abilities can also be copied.

Goodness, this chapter really captures Tattletale well. I hope Aisha briefly using her power doesn't have any negative consequences.
The thing is that if Tattletale just told Joe about Noelle he could plan around it. Keeping him ignorant is the most dangerous thing she can do.
Rolls Analysis
Vehicles (100): Joe had a 1/5 chance to roll Titan Engineering. One of the last unique 100cp perk if all are rolled then rolling 800cp perks becomes a real possibility. Titan Engineering would also give Joe a massive factory for automatically building Titans at a rate of one per day. I'm not sure how useful it would be but it would be funny.
Magic (200): Perks in this constellation start at 300cp. The 300cp perk we might have rolled is Synchronicity Event which boosts all psychic powers especially Feel it Out (The psychic reverse engineering and upgrading ability Joe got a couple chapters ago)
Capstone (300): Joe could have rolled Monstrous Strength which enhances his Unnatural Skills, Bigger on the Inside which further improves his ability to miniaturize things (wouldn't that be amusing given his roll later this chapter), Synchronicity event as mentioned above, or Spectre which makes Joe a Spectre from Mass Effect. All in all there was a 50% chance of rolling something.
Knowledge (400): Knowledge is the largest constellation with 18 different clusters. Joe could have rolled more Star Trek Skills, Technical Training from Warhammer 40K, a minor reverse engineering perk from Titanfall, gotten Mantra Technology from Asura's Wrath, gotten a research booster and possible access to the absurd technologies of Alpha Centauri, or gotten another power intended to make upgrades easier from Red Faction. Despite all those options it was still only a 1 in 3 chance of rolling anything.
Magic (500): Another chance at the Synchronicity Event, Joe could also have gotten Atlantean power crystals from Shivers. overall a 50% chance of rolling something.
Size (600-400): And finally a successful roll. The entire size constellation was available here. Miniaturization/Efficiency was one of the better rolls but this small constellation is packed with interesting perks. This is How I want It would have come with a bundle of friendly Kerbals (probably for the best this wasn't rolled during the summit) Nano-Forge gives Joe a nifty watch that to quote the perk "emits nanites as either a proximity cloud or projectile globs that procedurally recreate objects nearby" and Nano-Technician explicitly states that Joe can upgrade that. Finally Cybertronian Forge would give Joe an automated factory to make Cybertonium and things that use are made from Cybertonium. It would also give Joe a Transformers body he could combine into.
Time (300): Only two 600 point perks.
I love how her power is completely fixated on the 'cat' aspect.
It might be a part of his power, but it completely derails all it's conclusions.

Cat. Somewhat formal posture. Formal for a cat. Possibly military trained, high probability of service. Military cat. Intensely familiar with spear. Collapsed rifle in small of back, easily within reach. Cat has unique dynamic within group. Less deferential to Apeiron, some authority over other members of group. Second in command? Second cat in command? Feathers on head and tail biological, part of body. Lacks support structures or musculature. Possible parahuman mutation, possible manifestation of power. Parahuman cat. Paracat?

Negotiator: "It's a CAT. It's got formal posture. Formal for a CAT! It's possibly military trained. A military trained CAT. Seriously how are you just ignoring- whatever. It's intensely good with a spear. It's got a rifle on it's back that collapses. The frigging CAT has a unique dynamic in the group, it's not deferential, it's got authority, second in command maybe? The second CAT IN COMMAND HOW ARE YOU IGNORING THIS?

It's got feathers and a tail that are part of it's body.. doesn't have supportive muscles for the feathers, it's possible it's a mutation. Possibly a power. A power for a CAAAAAAAT. SERIOUSLY "LISA" NOTICE THE CAT PART OF IT!"
Given Joe's history to date of nurturing and rehabilitating every other S-class threat that pops up in his workshop, I'm sure that Joe would have his clone reformatted, reprogramed, updated, and acting like a productive member of the Workshop Crew in no time!

Maybe the clone could be the team's resident Biotinker specialist? Take advantage of Joe's intended Passenger!
Clone is flat out Evil and has Joe's Memories...

CloneJoe!: Let me take care of all family meetings, I promise to treat all members as they should have been treated.
Joe!: No
CloneJoe!: Please, they are legitimately bad people to the extent that your powers are telling you they are bad.
Joe!: ...No

Joe's clone gets fixated on fixing the family problem because Joe still has feelings for them meaning he is driven to destroy them and is smart enough not to fight Joe.
He is immune to precog. The Simmurg only sees the world with precog and post cog. He is literaly invisible. She can only react to things he has already altered. He doesn't need to hide, she can only hit him with wide range swats

The idea that he can be immune to precog that way doesn't quite make sense.

If she can see the *effects* of his power, she can track him by the vibrations of his voice (from 1/100 second ago), the hole he makes in the air, other people seeing him, etc.

So precog immunity has to mean she can't see the effects of his power either. But his mere existence has big effects. For instance, if he didn't exist, every person in a battle would be in a completely different position than they are now, saying completely different words, etc. so she couldn't see *anyone* in the battle because he affects everyone's position. Because of the butterfly effect, she basically would not be able to see anything that isn't fixed to the ground since before he got his powers.

And that's not even considering that she can't screw with people's minds if their brain cells are 1/100 of an inch from the expected spot because they delayed something by 1/2 second because Apeiron walked through a door a week ago.