It's a pattern I've only noticed now - capes tend towards self-absorption.
Must be a strategy to 'improve' the Conflict Drive.
her own personal knowledge and expertise
its existence was being rejected
My copium detector has just had its readings maxed out. Partially due to measuring two beings at once (Lisa and her Shard), but only partially.
The power was called Miniaturization and Efficiency. In addition to holding a staggering volume of scientific and technical knowledge, it specialized in exactly what you would expect, only to a level that could only be described as insane. Fusion reactors the size of watch batteries, hyper efficient systems using a tiny sliver of the power they should require, and an innate understanding of nanotech that took my already exceptional talents to an even higher level.
Is this the same feeling that they had just before the Chernobyl reactor experienced a catastrophic failure?
I've had to turn my copium detector off for fear of breaking it.
Knowing what I know about Armsmaster, and knowing what I know from personal first hand experience of Aspergers syndrome (introspection is a hobby for me at this point), this will result in either two things:
Armsmaster suffers a meltdown from the overload
Armsmaster manages to ignore the thing in order to safely assimilate the new knowledge.
Armsmaster... barely has an inkling that anything is "strange" in regards to Apeiron. Some stuff has been shaken, but without looking into it further, it fits within his previously established model and paradigm.
The model and paradigm are important, they are a comprehensible pattern.
With Aspergers, there is a pattern. If you abide by that pattern, or manage to assimilate other things into that pattern, you can function.
Outside of that pattern, it's like being an actor for a movie or a play. It's inherently exhausting because you're conciously having to ignore and possibly go against the established pattern for the greater and "truer" reality.
There is no "true" safety net. Outside of the established pattern, you are out of your element. You can make the pattern grow to encompass other things in life, sure, but you can no longer rely on instinct or relax when you go outside the pattern because you do not function that way.
Thusly, since it's presumed that Armsmaster indeed is afflicted with Aspergers syndrome like myself:
Either Armsmaster will try and tackle this head on, only for his mental fortitude to be depleted by the sheer "holy fuck what even is sapience when there's this much stuff I cannot comprehend?" violation of the pattern and thus experience some sort of meltdown, or he manages to ignore it for a time and either makes his pattern/model/paradigm adapt and grow into the new situation, or trips out on unhealthy amounts of copium to the point of ignorance and delusion.
Everyone: *stunned* ...wha?
Apeiron: The nuclear option has been deployed since you idiots and bastards seem to just fuck up peoples lives. Unlike your cape names, mine isn't sensationalism - it's factual. I am the nuclear option, I'm going to reinvent this city like how I reinvented artificial intelligence and alchemy, do you understand?
Obey, or cease.