Oh Lisa. You caught on so many details, and yet missed all the important ones.
Yes, Survey beauty could start a war like a modern Helen of Troy (I mean, she is Aphrodite step-granddaughter...), but you missed her 25 bazillions psi/biotics powers or that her stilettos are weapons.
You caught on the team loyalty toward Apeiron, but missed that this loyalty is because Apeiron is the
team dad (literally in some case).
You think Joe is trying to manipulate you with his kindness, but you missed that he did that because he saw a bunch of bratty adolescents way over their heads, so he tried to be the responsible adult.
Does Joe actually wear a rig under his suit for efficiency of movement and I just forgot about that, or was Lisa's description of this based on her power drawing an incorrect conclusion? or was she talking about the micromanipulators?
Joe have micro manipulators in his gloves. It's a 50 CP perk from Railgun. You can see it discussed on the PHO interlude about Joe VS Uber and Leet (2nd fight).
The Time constellation missed a connection as I turned and smiled at the waitress.
Most important sentence in the chapter.
The neutrality of Somer's Rock just ended. The waitress is in love with Joe now.
Yes, it's very important, but not because of that poor maiden heart. It's important because
Apeiron did a strategy trance just before ordering drinks.
Doesn't Joe have some powers that negate any and all power copying? Cause that would effect Noelle as well. And it doesn't matter if Noelle copies all his friends, he can defeat everyone here a hundred times over. Hell, if he wanted, he could completely, conceptually, annihilate her from existence. She's not a very good shield
No, he doesn't have a flat "can't be copied" power.
That being said, Noelle need to eat and physically connect to her target to start cloning. Joe is a massively powerful pyrokinetic that could easily keep himself shrouded in flames.
Do the math.
Also, even if by miracle Noelle manage to copy Joe, his clone would have his original shard, not the celestial forge. The most the clones could do to inconvenience Joe would be saying something like "he have half a dozen S class threats in his workshop ! ...errr, suddenly, fighting him seems like a losing plan. Can... can we switch team ?".
So yeah, Joe is one of the safest cape against Noelle. Ironically, Lisa don't know that.