So some pre-update speculation.
Joe can take many approaches with some of the questions posed to him at the meeting.
Like, "you defeated the ABB, what are your intentions with regards to their territory (the Docks)."
Now, in some respect, it would seem like the standard Villain move would be to claim ownership over it, but that would require a social contract with the people living there, even if one of force and coercion, it still implies interactions and engagement, which would color Joe's response and other people to Apeiron, which is why I'd guess most people here bet against that happening.
But for example, Joe can bullshit or bluff, which is something people ironically would NOT expect of Apeiron, because what need would he have to bluff? And he keeps his word far beyond what most would consider reasonable, so most probably think he would be careful of overt lies. But nothing stops Joe from doing either. Even Lisa would have trouble lie detecting right now.
My guesses would be that he'll do one of the following, or a combination.
1) Claim that there was a pre-existing agreement with the Undersiders, and that "[he] won't interfere with them". Detractor for this approach is it subtly encourages them into classic Supervillain behavior at best, which really I'm doubtful they can afford to lean into heavily due to a number of conflicts of interest. And at worst it would make them seem like puppets for him, which many already suspect, but this would as good as confirm it.
2) State that he is operating out of that part of the City. That he has either facilities or assets tied up in it. Which. While not implying the people there have to pay him for protection, or that he's doing Villain stuff like running drugs and guns and girls there, it as good as says 'you're going to claim ownership of where I live and work? Good luck.'
3) Say that he has taken a contract to support the recovery efforts, and little else. This as good as kicks the can down the road, but no one will want to interfere with his contract while it is ongoing. As it as good as says that he will not stop until the docks are considered "recovered". And when Apeiron considers something to be fixed, that will form a very different impression compared to what other people would consider having been fixed.
4) Possibly he will say nothing, but I mean, that's unbelievable. Most think he has elaborate plans, or someone made the plans for him at least, but they're still his plans. He is the clear leader. He has to do something with the Docks, as saying he will stand aside after that monstrous display of power and then further the quote unquote ID recognition 'threat', he can't afford to look weak.
Next. Lisa. Something Lord says he wants to tackle carefully, as it has big implications for her development from all these setbacks.
Lisa is trapped by her own stumbling into success, never satisfied until she feels she owns that success, and keeps falling further and further behind reaching that state. Joe has helped her, but he also occupies a niche of authority and the power dynamics are exactly the kind she wishes to avoid.
Even the afterthought level of work that went into her watch must seem like a bigger taunt about their respective hierarchy as while not intentional. She must have thought her navigating through his software's hidden command tree was so clever and smart, and when that rug was pulled out from under her, it wasn't with a serious reprimand or flashing warning, but the Watch simply giving her a blatant parental controls type menu.
See, Lisa doesn't cope well with that kind of relationship. And with her team now taking everything she says with literal fist fulls of salt, she has just discovered that she can't even manipulate people to gain an edge against Joe effectively, as trust has already been breached.
So she pretty much has to confront her own inadequacy head on or go into denial, which she isn't really in a position to do in either case, since this meeting is so important.
Also, on another note, but Taylor might be the only one in a position to speak for her Team right now, with Brian and Lisa unprepared to a handle this situation meaningfully. Which would as good as cement her as the leader of the Undersiders at least unofficially, which some might already assume since people think she's got a special relationship with Apeiron.