I'll be honest, a lot of the cosmetic perks are outright cringy or annoying, when they aren't seriously detrimental (looking at you Enigmatic Artificer and friggin TITLE CARD). Some of them (the posing and innuendo in particular) have potential for interesting interactions and character development, similar to how other perks like the Transformer memories affect Joes perspective.
While I agree that a lot of cosmetic perks are silly, even the ones that have potential to be interesting (such as the posing and innuendo) would require Joe to actually interact with people outside his immediate circle more. Edit: In addition, outside of the initial explanation of innuendo, we've only see one potential case of it during the Bakuda/March pre-fight chat. It hasn't come up in any of Joe's conversations since then, which given how the perk/power was written, I thought we'd see more signs of Joe restraining himself when he speaks/thinks.
When he goes to the meeting. The Dragonslayers will be there.
And he'll have not one, not two, but THREE unrestricted AIs with him.
Whelp. Saint is fucked.
Saint is likely screwed for reasons completely unrelated to Joe. If it comes out that they're in the bay because of being hired by the ABB (something that Lisa is likely to fire off, because she's Lisa), there's a really good chance that the Truce
won't protect them. The Dragonslayers
aren't parahumans, after all, and the ABB is radioactive right now. Some of that might even drift to Uber and Leet if they show up.
-majority skipped due to excessive aisha.-
I don't read the thread comments that often, but I've seen multiple people comment about Aisha. It's probably been brought up before, but Aisha in canon is suspected to have some form of ADD, and basically lived in a crapsack family environment. What's interesting is that since being healed by Joe (prior to the 2nd Uber and Leet fight), she's seemingly calmed down quite a bit, and seems more reliable. Part of that is due to the trust Joe has extended, which she doesn't want to let down, but another part is, like what his conversation with Regent went over, he likely fixed any issues on a biological level that she had. In addition, her relationship to her father seems drastically improved from how it was in canon due to her 'stepping up' when he got hurt, something no one in the family expected, which is likely due to her interactions with Joe (someone who extends her actual trust rather than expecting her to fuck up.)
I personally find it amusing to find Aisha acting like a kid again.
So who is going to write Tybalt's own 300k word backstory?
Gods, please no.
I don't see any showy shenanigans happening at this meeting.
There's going to be some. A month or so ago when the chapter with the meeting with Brian and Lisa took place, he even made a comment about it, and from the read it sounded like he was even considering letting Lisa tell him how to make the maximum impact. Whether it goes over the top or is relatively small is another thing altogether.
The Forge has passed Veni, Vidi, Vici on word count! Now Abaddon Born! Its coming for you!
I'd be curious how many words it'd be if we stripped the TInker-babble out. Not trying to start an argument, but I'm genuinely curious. I know Trailblazer hit 1 million words not that long ago (and not many fics reach that level while still being enjoyable to read.)
Joe can even taunt the merchants or even the other people going to the meeting
Technically, he had ways of doing that before this chapter's perk/power dump.