Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

@LordRoustabout Can this get a threadmark please?

Uh... hello, Lung fought Leviathan to a standstill at Kyushu. I'm pretty sure Apeiron isn't at that level yet.
It is testament to Lung's survivability and regeneration again powerful brute/shaker, but not to his combat capabilities against more adaptable opponents.

Between Joe's alchemy based reaction enhancements, life fiber, alchemy shields that can negate one attack of any power, teleportation and fire resistance from armor perk, Joe has a number of options that can warranty Joe's survival against ramped up Lung.

Joe has access to couple attack methods that ignore any kind of armor (natural or otherwise) and do continuous damage over time, those should be useful to at least offset Lungs regeneration, acid rain might work like insect's poison. But it is hard to say how powerful those attacks really are.

The water sword was controlling significant mass of water, if 'air' sword is anything like that, Joe might be able to continuously cut off Lung's limbs (he was slicing cars with weak version of what he can do now), not let Lung breathe or just drown lung with water sword. And kinetic impactors... Imagine those same building-leveling 'kinetic impactors' multiplied by Master Craftsman and then by ME mass alterations. Can Lung regenerate from smear on the ground?

Transmutation is also a factor, not sure how combat-oriented it is for Joe, but it probably can be used to immobilize Lung in some way (tar filled hole under Lung :) ).

And finally Bakuda's bombs. Joe has a number of them + self-duplicating potion. I doubt Lung can survive being turned into crystal or vaporized.

From my point of view Joe is at a point where he in the very least can safely retreat from Lung and has a number of 'too lethal' options.
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One Thing At A Time triggered whenever I was only doing one thing. Well, trying to fall asleep? That counts as one thing. Meaning not only did I fall asleep twice as fast I did it twice as well. Twice as well meant without an hour of anxious tossing and dwelling on things I couldn't do anything about.

I have never been as envious of an ability as I was when I read this paragraph.
I have to ask but where is the Neural thone? Before this chapter I thought it was in the Mechanicus Lab because I remember Joe interacting with the Servoskulls while on the throne. And yet you have the throne in the workshop in this chapter.
The Neural throne is in the laboratorium still. The throne in the main workshop is a separate one Joe built for his own use which doesnt require any wetware.

EDUT: the mechanicus throne has the very 40k aesthetic with matrix style neural jacks, the throne in the workshop is a room sized optic processor made of diamond. Think fortress of solitude in the Donner/Reeve superman. I always imagine the cover of the first Elenium book though.
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i wonder how some one would do in warhammer 40k with the celestial-forge a OC a SI or some one from the verse its self
i know this is free gear, but the only thing of value is the back holster, if he can figure out how to implement it on his armor for more storage.
Actually, according to the author, if Joe upgrades the gear it retains the fiat backing, so he will have fiat backed upgraded gear.

On another note, I wonder if with Simple Scientific Solution Joe can build a bed that accelerates time for someone sleeping in it, giving him that accelerated sleep he wanted a while ago.
Okay he has the science and technology of a race of artificial intelligence robots and when he used to their technology to build something it made the transformer sound effect and he's trying to use the metal that they need cybertronium. how can he not make the connection that he has the science and technology of transformers after someone's pointed it out to him?
Since no one has commented on it I presume there has been a WOG on the subject? After scanning over half the thread and finding some WOG on the subject, I am even more confused.
"Wow." I didn't know what to say. "That's a weird coincidence."

Aisha looked between me and Garment, her face twisted in confusion. "What? Seriously, that's your explanation?"

"Yes?" I tried. "Look, it is a normal discharge of sound as a component of the machinery cycles through its functions. I didn't even know about this stuff."

"But…" Aisha just started scrolling through videos. The long list of videos or many people presenting different theories, including some with footage from my first fight with Uber and Leet. I didn't know what to say. I guess this was one of those things where people ran with random details of a cape to try to make sense of things. I mean, some of the theories about Eidolon that get thrown around…
Between this and the fact he knows that particular tech came from an interstellar species of robots that utilize a substance called Cybertronium, I am forced to conclude that Joe has a mental block and will never recognize or acknowledge the source of any of his powers.

And yet, I found these in said thread scanning.
Referring to (Star Trek) Skill: Physics:
Incidentally, that's also why he hasn't realized the source of that technology yet. Star Trek exists in Earth Bet and things will be very obvious when Engineering takes them from abstract theory to specific items of technology.
In general:
Joe is not that familiar with pre-1982 media so a lot of stuff will go over his head. The two most likely situations are getting something from the forge that is obviously based on fiction (Star Trek engineering) or having it pointed out to him because of the tech he's using. The most significant contributing factor towards the second possibility is the free equipment/vehicles that are provided with certain perks or items. There's a good chance he could go out in a veritech fighter or mobile suit without knowing about the related media, then getting beaten over the head by public reactions harder than the Transformers thing.

Thus the (in my mind) less plausible possibility that he is very, very deeply in denial. Like, exceeding his obliviousness of how his interaction with Khepri looks level of denial. Not even acknowledging the possibility enough to call it impossible level of denial.

He also failed to make the British spy technology - James Bond connection this chapter. Not even a "how cliche" comment, really Joe? Missing the LotR one is more plausible from what I understand of what the perk provided.
Between this and the fact he knows that particular tech came from an interstellar species of robots that utilize a substance called Cybertronium, I am forced to conclude that Joe has a mental block and will never recognize or acknowledge the source of any of his powers.
I don't think he really has enough to get the Transformers one yet. Yes, he knows that a particular part produces a particular noise that sounds like something from a cartoon he's never watched with a premise that bears some resemblance to the race he got the part's design from. But I don't think he has connected the "cybertonium" thing yet, and he hasn't really thought about how far the analogies between the show and the jumpchain perk go. At the moment it's no bigger a deal than the LotR perk explicitly referencing "dwarves" and "mithril", or numerous other such parallels to fantasy works from previous perks.

Eventually he'll get suspicious, once such coincidences start popping up repeatedly, or they reference something that he personally knows well. Until then, he's focused on other things that matter a lot more and require less suspension of disbelief.
Actually, according to the author, if Joe upgrades the gear it retains the fiat backing, so he will have fiat backed upgraded gear.

On another note, I wonder if with Simple Scientific Solution Joe can build a bed that accelerates time for someone sleeping in it, giving him that accelerated sleep he wanted a while ago.
Well, yeah if he upgrades the gear, it gets better. But this was bad gear, it looks to bad to use without being scolded by garment, and brings very little new to the table. The usable gear and gear inventions from WoG is essentially a box of bullets he can dismantle for gunpowerer, and maybe the holster if it can be recreated, miniaturised and put on his proper suit.

And an increase in research speed if he does it himself. Something that he really has no time to do...
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Well, yeah if he upgrades the gear, it gets better. But this was bad gear, it looks to bad to use without being scolded by garment, and brings very little new to the table. The usable gear and gear inventions from WoG is essentially a box of bullets he can dismantle for gunpowerer, and maybe the holster if it can be recreated, miniaturised and put on his proper suit.

And an increase in research speed if he does it himself. Something that he really has no time to do...

It's one of the things mentioned in one of the first chapters. Fiat backed means that if destroyed, it respawn in 48 hours.

Actually, in this case, fiat backed means it will be restored or respawn in the warehouse in 48 hours if lost, damaged, or destroyed. It might be worth upgrading thanks to the increase in speed from Repair Savvy.

Okay he has the science and technology of a race of artificial intelligence robots and when he used to their technology to build something it made the transformer sound effect and he's trying to use the metal that they need cybertronium. how can he not make the connection that he has the science and technology of transformers after someone's pointed it out to him?

As mentioned, this is not enough to make the connection. All Joe knows is that his robot sounds like a transformer. He likely knows very little of the lore of transformers or most of the fictional series represented in the forge. In some cases, that information doesn't exist, or doesn't exist yet. If Joe investigated, he would stumble upon the truth, but he has no reason to investigate yet.

Honestly, I personally didn't know Cybertonium/Cybertronium was a thing before reading this story. I doubt Joe knows this either.
I have to ask Miss Militia is on board with all the PTR pass because she is gratefull to not be in midle east and actualy wants to belive in her new lot in life so she defer to PTR (USA) rigth all others are wrong until proved otherwise?
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"If I can take out Bakuda, Oni Lee, or the thinker then that's it. Might not bring down the gang, but this power bloc they have going will fall apart."
For a Tinker, taking out Oni Lee ought to be really easy. Make simple automated turrets that just sit there looking for someone dressed up as Oni Lee. When it sees such, it goes active for a minute. Once active, it looks for anything that looks like an incoming teleportation, when it sees one it shoots at it. Maybe with piezoelectic mirrors aiming a 20 kW laser so that it can track to a target in milliseconds, a 15 ms burst of that should ruin his day, and fair chance anywhere he teleports to from there will also be detected and lased at again. If you were to slow down the tracking slightly and use regular bullets in place of the laser, then you could just about do that w/o tinkertech. Carry one of those anytime you might see action with him, or scatter them near a bunch of street intersections when you think he might be skirmishing there soon. Pretty soon there's no more Oni Lee.

Of course, a lot of capes have similar solutions if you're not trying to keep everything non-lethal.
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Equivalent Exchange
Interpersonal problem-solving. Why did it have to be interpersonal problem-solving? If this were literally anything else, I could deal with it. If the intruder had been anyone else, I'd probably just kick them out and build a gun turret or five. It wouldn't even take me five minutes. But it was Aisha, local pain-in-the-ass and daughter of the closest person-with-a-pulse I have to a friend.
Omake: Aisha Doom

— — —

Aisha Laborn was in my workshop.
The ire to fear

"This is torture." said Aisha, a desperate note in her tone.
@LordRoustabout Can this get a threadmark please?

I have to apologize for letting my management of the thread lapse. I really appreciate it when anyone writes an omake for this story. In the future I'll make sure to be better about threadmarking properly.

I admit that I'm mildly disappointed that this was the Lord of the Rings Dwarven Crafting and not Dwarf Fortress Dwarven Crafting.

How are thing supposed to menace with spikes of highest drawfcraftship otherwise?

I had to drop the Craftsman perk from Dwarf Fortress from my tables since I never got far enough into that game to start having 'Fun!'. The perk instantly takes you to the level of 'Skilled' at any Dwarf Fortress skill. Considering the skill list from that game and the fact that I randomly select variables from perks like that it's a lot more likely to land on something like Soaper or Animal dissector than anything relevant to Joe's current situation.

I guess that's just part of the 'Fun!'.

Comment unrelated to any chapter. Just an Idea.
If this would work, Joe should carry around a portable door. Seriously. A small, even 15x30cm, door in a small frame with a standard key lock. In some backpack or maybe in some compartment in Motoroid. Hell, he could even fabricate it on the spot. Just set it up, use the kay, reach in and take or make GG hand you anything you need at the current situation. Tools, costume, resources. Or just quickly throw in some stuff he doesn't want to carry around.

One of the things I've ruled is any door used to access the workshop has to be stable enough to have it's own frame of reference. He's can't carry around a freestanding door with an active link, and any portable door needs to be seriously secured before it will work. Alchemy is probably the best option for this, but large vehicles would work as well.

I'd say the minimum needed for a proper full-sized door on a freestanding object would be a box about four feet on a side, about eight feet tall. Maybe paint it blue and put a light on it so you don't loose track of it. Yeah, I think this is coming together. Hold on, I'm going to write this down.

If Nasu is "canon" in this story Squeler can became a wet tinker: .

Now who is the more powerfull tinker in the Bay?

Nasu isn't part of the backstory of Worm, the creator just kept working despite what happened to Japan. That means that Squealer won't have the ability to pull off this exact scene, but there is a decent possibility she saw something like this while watching cartoons while high and then decided to take a crack at it. Though for some reason I'd picture it with Trainwreck standing in for Berserker.

Since no one has commented on it I presume there has been a WOG on the subject? After scanning over half the thread and finding some WOG on the subject, I am even more confused.
Between this and the fact he knows that particular tech came from an interstellar species of robots that utilize a substance called Cybertronium, I am forced to conclude that Joe has a mental block and will never recognize or acknowledge the source of any of his powers.

And yet, I found these in said thread scanning.
Referring to (Star Trek) Skill: Physics:

In general:

Thus the (in my mind) less plausible possibility that he is very, very deeply in denial. Like, exceeding his obliviousness of how his interaction with Khepri looks level of denial. Not even acknowledging the possibility enough to call it impossible level of denial.

He also failed to make the British spy technology - James Bond connection this chapter. Not even a "how cliche" comment, really Joe? Missing the LotR one is more plausible from what I understand of what the perk provided.

As I said, the big reason Joe isn't seeing it is he isn't looking for it. He has a lot on his plate and isn't even considering the idea that his powers are drawing from fictional properties. And since that's something that isn't relevant to how they work or any of his current problems it's not something he's spending time considering.

If the transformers connections was the only thing on his plate right now he probably would have looked into the original show and started to see connections, but he has bigger problems. He hasn't taken a night to chill out and watch TV since he got his powers and he's not prioritizing that now.

"My powers come from fiction." is a big jump and not an easy connection to make. Once he does make it more things will fall into place (like how he was trained in spy gadget technology by a younger Q) but right now he's too focused on other problems to pick up the connections.
Another idea.
Joe should make a holoprojector, or maybe a hard light projector, that simulates the insides of his closet when he goes in. Even if someone walked into his home, noticed the open door, he wouldn't then see anything out of place in there. Unless he saw Joe walking in and tried to check for a hidden door, most intruders would simply look in, notice nothing of value or interest inside and return to plundering the rest of the apartment.
Another idea.
Joe should make a holoprojector, or maybe a hard light projector, that simulates the insides of his closet when he goes in. Even if someone walked into his home, noticed the open door, he wouldn't then see anything out of place in there. Unless he saw Joe walking in and tried to check for a hidden door, most intruders would simply look in, notice nothing of value or interest inside and return to plundering the rest of the apartment.

This is a good point. He could just make camouflage for any doors in use, whether it's some hardlight, magic or some other black box tech. Hell he might be able to use that household appliances power for this....

Edit: If Harry Potter Fidelius was possible, imagine making Aisha with her Stranger powers the secret keeper lol.
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Fidelius work by hiding the secret in the target soul, and I'm not convinced Garment have a soul (she is a perk - a part of Joe if you will).
Or Garment. I challenge anyone to eek a secret out of Garment that she isn't actively trying to reveal to you.
Wile i love the idea i belive than the perk only give acces to enought magic to have a letter from Howgards, and not any spell or even books or understanding of magic, so the wand than comes free is not even that usefull. But if he have the Harry Potter series and try to recreate it the Fidelious is a very taxing spell to use so unless the magic can grow with time or is determined by person and by lukc the character do have enought for it, well is a very loooong Shot.
Considering the skill list from that game and the fact that I randomly select variables from perks like that it's a lot more likely to land on something like Soaper or Animal dissector than anything relevant to Joe's current situation.
Isn't that a good thing? Not all powers should be relevant, it can be used to build up better environment and more solid picture of Celestial Forge. Skinning, making soap, wood or stoneworking is also crafting after all and are 'balanceing the scales'. It isn't truly 'Celestial' if doesn't improve such skills as well.

Pause between useful powers might also be a good thing. Current power-gaining momentum seems too high, good chunk of each chapter is describing powers and each one is too useful.
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