Equivalent Exchange
Interpersonal problem-solving. Why did it have to be interpersonal problem-solving? If this were literally anything else, I could deal with it. If the intruder had been anyone else, I'd probably just kick them out and build a gun turret or five. It wouldn't even take me five minutes. But it was Aisha, local pain-in-the-ass and daughter of the closest person-with-a-pulse I have to a friend.
Omake: Aisha Doom
— — —
Aisha Laborn was in my workshop.
The ire to fear
"This is torture." said Aisha, a desperate note in her tone.
@LordRoustabout Can this get a threadmark please?
I have to apologize for letting my management of the thread lapse. I really appreciate it when anyone writes an omake for this story. In the future I'll make sure to be better about threadmarking properly.
I admit that I'm mildly disappointed that this was the Lord of the Rings Dwarven Crafting and not Dwarf Fortress Dwarven Crafting.
How are thing supposed to menace with spikes of highest drawfcraftship otherwise?
I had to drop the Craftsman perk from Dwarf Fortress from my tables since I never got far enough into that game to start having 'Fun!'. The perk instantly takes you to the level of 'Skilled' at any Dwarf Fortress skill. Considering the
skill list from that game and the fact that I randomly select variables from perks like that it's a lot more likely to land on something like Soaper or Animal dissector than anything relevant to Joe's current situation.
I guess that's just part of the 'Fun!'.
Comment unrelated to any chapter. Just an Idea.
If this would work, Joe should carry around a portable door. Seriously. A small, even 15x30cm, door in a small frame with a standard key lock. In some backpack or maybe in some compartment in Motoroid. Hell, he could even fabricate it on the spot. Just set it up, use the kay, reach in and take or make GG hand you anything you need at the current situation. Tools, costume, resources. Or just quickly throw in some stuff he doesn't want to carry around.
One of the things I've ruled is any door used to access the workshop has to be stable enough to have it's own frame of reference. He's can't carry around a freestanding door with an active link, and any portable door needs to be seriously secured before it will work. Alchemy is probably the best option for this, but large vehicles would work as well.
I'd say the minimum needed for a proper full-sized door on a freestanding object would be a box about four feet on a side, about eight feet tall. Maybe paint it blue and put a light on it so you don't loose track of it. Yeah, I think this is coming together. Hold on, I'm going to write this down.
If Nasu is "canon" in this story Squeler can became a wet tinker: .
Now who is the more powerfull tinker in the Bay?
Nasu isn't part of the backstory of Worm, the creator just kept working despite what happened to Japan. That means that Squealer won't have the ability to pull off this exact scene, but there is a decent possibility she saw something like this while watching cartoons while high and then decided to take a crack at it. Though for some reason I'd picture it with Trainwreck standing in for Berserker.
Since no one has commented on it I presume there has been a WOG on the subject? After scanning over half the thread and finding some WOG on the subject, I am even more confused.
Between this and the fact he knows that particular tech came from an interstellar species of robots that utilize a substance called Cybertronium, I am forced to conclude that Joe has a mental block and will never recognize or acknowledge the source of any of his powers.
And yet, I found these in said thread scanning.
Referring to (Star Trek) Skill: Physics:
In general:
Thus the (in my mind) less plausible possibility that he is very, very deeply in denial. Like, exceeding his obliviousness of how his interaction with Khepri looks level of denial. Not even acknowledging the possibility enough to call it impossible level of denial.
He also failed to make the British spy technology - James Bond connection this chapter. Not even a "how cliche" comment, really Joe? Missing the LotR one is more plausible from what I understand of what the perk provided.
As I said, the big reason Joe isn't seeing it is he isn't looking for it. He has a lot on his plate and isn't even considering the idea that his powers are drawing from fictional properties. And since that's something that isn't relevant to how they work or any of his current problems it's not something he's spending time considering.
If the transformers connections was the only thing on his plate right now he probably would have looked into the original show and started to see connections, but he has bigger problems. He hasn't taken a night to chill out and watch TV since he got his powers and he's not prioritizing that now.
"My powers come from fiction." is a big jump and not an easy connection to make. Once he does make it more things will fall into place (like how he was trained in spy gadget technology by a younger Q) but right now he's too focused on other problems to pick up the connections.