Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

I came late to the Aisha cliffhanger party but guys please how about we just wait yo the next chapter were this is hopefull aclared maybe even takin the point of view of Aisha.

Noe un other matters i find the interaction with Weld as a mayor turnabout un the story and i am very curious how that gona go *boom* in Aperion's face
Aisha Laborn was in my workshop.

Joe really needs better workshop security if someone can just enter his pocket dimension.

Hopefully, studying Bakuda's bombs will cause his powers to latch onto 'Booby Traps' or 'Trap Master', serving as a base template for his other crafting skills to improve upon.

Maybe "Dwarf Fortress" for magical traps and Dr. Wiley's Skull Castle from "Mega-Man" for technology-based traps.

Other options:
=TRAP MASTER: Usopp ("One Piece"), Corruptor archetype ("City of Villains"), Zora ("Black Clover"), Arcade ("X-Men" comics), Trapster ("Fantastic Four" comics), Tsumugu ("Kill la Kill"), all sweepers from "City Hunter", etc.

=MUNDANE TRAPS: the "Saw" horror franchise, "Indiana Jones", "Home Alone", etc.

=MAGICAL TRAPS: any fantasy RPG setting like "Dwarf Fortress", "Skyrim", "Dungeons & Dragons", etc.

=SECURITY SYSTEM: Sentinel from "Beast Wars".
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Supposedly, there's no incriments in HP magic. You're either magical, or your not. Anything else is a matter of talent, will power, and practice.

This is from Ao3 so you get it from Setupwizard in this setting:
'Setup Wizard' from Harry Potter comes with a paired wand and enough magic talent to justify a Hogwarts letter, but no training or reference material. Without a lot of work the wand will be good for shooting sparks and not much else.
Chapter 29 (23) on Ao3 comment section.
I came late to the Aisha cliffhanger party but guys please how about we just wait yo the next chapter were this is hopefull aclared maybe even takin the point of view of Aisha.

Noe un other matters i find the interaction with Weld as a mayor turnabout un the story and i am very curious how that gona go *boom* in Aperion's face
well, among other things, Piggot is pretty thoroughly screwed by this. this is again that a cape that is not her primary concern right now has shown great power, and gone "Yeah, i can not work with this woman, she is nuts...". It's not what he wants to say, but it's how he is likely to be interpreted.

Also, he is now a pretty much guaranteed the C53 status. even reacts as such when we pronoun gets thrown around. His cure is individually, and doesn't work as well on other c53 as it did on the guy it was first made for (him, aparently), but it's a partial cure that he is apparently working to improve... might be the cause of his blue shining eyes, so that might be a lead to what c53 cape he used to be...

aaaaand he is a c53 whom prior to making his cure, was on some kind of blacklist by the heroes, or used to be attacked by the heros... probably Piggot or someone that claimed to have her backing (investigation will soon be ongoing on this, aswell...), as he "Can not work with her, not will not, can't." And they will forget that he said it was his tinkerpower that warned him, and that he though she acctually reacted fairly ok to his tinker analysis, and probably not as just because he insulted her personally.

so yeah, plenty of ways. not to mention that they are afraid that he counter hacked them and detected their tracking. not that he seemed to upset, but it's a confirmed ability to casually hack the phonetracking that might have been done by tinkertech, thinkers, or was very very stealthy.

one of the more interesting things revealed is that unlike most tinkers, he is a super high level tinker that is still able to KISS. Hell, Armsmasters greatest weakness is his inability to KISS. Manekin can't KISS. Bonesaw sure as hell cant KISS. and they would all be way more effective and deadly if they could all just KISS.

(remember to KISS is a well known engineering/programmer advice/acronym. Keep It Simple, Stupid. tinkers do not do this.)
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well, among other things, Piggot is pretty thoroughly screwed by this. this is again that a cape that is not her primary concern right now has shown great power, and gone "Yeah, i can not work with this woman, she is nuts...". It's not what he wants to say, but it's how he is likely to be interpreted.

Also, he is now a pretty much guaranteed the C53 status. even reacts as such when we pronoun gets thrown around. His cure is individually, and doesn't work as well on other c53 as it did on the guy it was first made for (him, aparently), but it's a partial cure that he is apparently working to improve... might be the cause of his blue shining eyes, so that might be a lead to what c53 cape he used to be...

aaaaand he is a c53 whom prior to making his cure, was on some kind of blacklist by the heroes, or used to be attacked by the heros... probably Piggot or someone that claimed to have her backing (investigation will soon be ongoing on this, aswell...), as he "Can not work with her, not will not, can't." And they will forget that he said it was his tinkerpower that warned him, and that he though she acctually reacted fairly ok to his tinker analysis, and probably not as just because he insulted her personally.

so yeah, plenty of ways. not to mention that they are afraid that he counter hacked them and detected their tracking. not that he seemed to upset, but it's a confirmed ability to casually hack the phonetracking that might have been done by tinkertech, thinkers, or was very very stealthy.

one of the more interesting things is that unlike most tinkers, he is a super high level tinker that is still able to KISS. Hell, Armsmasters greatest weakness is his inability to KISS. Manekin can't KISS. Bonesaw sure as hell cant KISS. and they would all be way more effective and deadly if they could all just KISS.

(remember to KISS is a well known engineering/programmer advice. Keep It Simple, Stupid. tinkers do not do this.)

So much this. Another pain in the ass for him to get rid of at some point. lol
It probably won't stand an indepth analysis, we had a short talk about it on the discord, but it might happen for a while.

Interesting to learn about this "KISS" thing, i am neither in programming nor engineering so i never heard that lol

Have a nice day!
so yeah, plenty of ways. not to mention that they are afraid that he counter hacked them and detected their tracking. not that he seemed to upset, but it's a confirmed ability to casually hack the phonetracking that might have been done by tinkertech, thinkers, or was very very stealthy.

That's like the least of the PRT problems. He is a tinker, and he initiated the phone call. He obviously expected a trace.
I sure Aperion don't need or want a team, but havin Imp as a constant and Garment living with him plus the Undersiders link and his way to "chat" with others. The PRT have to asume he is recruiting and have much more he can offer than them.

Want to see E88 traing to take him into the fold, an all out war Abb-Aperion-E88
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While tenchi tech can not, by word of Fiat, be used for combat, there are still combat uses for it, that can be fun to go trough some more.

Apart from my admittedly MEGAS inspired control room with inertial dampener lazyboys and anti Leviatan climate control there are things that he can do, right now, that should take very litle time. and a few that are bullshit powerfull, probably doesn't work, and bullshit.

The easy combat stuff that he could probably use is things like thermos underclothes. Perfect insulation from outside forces, be that coldness of space, the antarctic, or lungs fire. he has his longjons on him, so it's fine. an theroms emergency blanket would be usefull for similar reasons.

bag of holdings should be fairly simple, it's a poket that holds what you need. portal bags to the warehouse are iffy thoug.

the bullshit that is bullshit would be a Clock that is On Time. as in, always on time. it can not be stopped, an neither can it's wearer. You can not timestop this. it can not be spead up, nor slowed down. this is a counter to clockblocker, greyboy, some of bakudas tech and one of the endbringers... it is THE bullshit that is bullshit from a 100 point conection.

what else is there to improve his gear that is tenchi "just household clarktech stuff"?
Equivalent Exchange (FourmyleOfCeres)
Equivalent Exchange

Interpersonal problem-solving. Why did it have to be interpersonal problem-solving? If this were literally anything else, I could deal with it. If the intruder had been anyone else, I'd probably just kick them out and build a gun turret or five. It wouldn't even take me five minutes. But it was Aisha, local pain-in-the-ass and daughter of the closest person-with-a-pulse I have to a friend.

Thinking of which, it was sort of weird that everyone that trusted me was a non-meat based life form, but that was something to ponder once I'd dealt with this whole... thing. Well. There was Tattletale, but how much of that was her passenger? So that's half a meat person.

The jar is getting so many quarters tonight. So many.

"Aisha, we have a problem. Several. The first of which is that you came in here." I could do this. She didn't have to know I was pulling this out of my ass; that I was as closed to panicked as I could get.

"I was curious! I wasn't going to take anything..." She whined. I'd say I trusted that about as far as I could throw her, but I'm pretty sure I could probably toss her from one end zone to another. Or at least from one edge of the Lab to another.

"You were impulsive. You expected your power to protect you, and you wanted to know something. So you went to find it out. It's just... Were I any other tinker, you'd be a greasy smear being mopped up by a Roomba right now. You're new to the whole cape thing, so I'm willing to believe you didn't know that following a cape home is only one step above assaulting their family. And I'm willing to believe you don't know anything about the cape scene either. So you didn't know that most extra-dimensional storage space belongs to Toybox, and specifically Dodge. And you probably didn't know that Cranial, the tinker who specializes in brains, works with Toybox. So, by sheer accident, you could have ended up a brain-in-a-jar controlling an invisible tank at the behest of mercenaries." Granted, I could probably do that too. I definitely wouldn't even in dire straights, but I could.

"Or maybe they'd wipe your memory and implant a command to kill your family at a later date, like a Simurgh bomb. Or just put a literal bomb in your head. I removed thirty of those, yesterday." And the fact that I could just as easily put them in was left unspoken.

"Okay, Jeez, it was stupid. But I wouldn't do anything to you!" She protested.

"That's not the point. Your power protects you, but doesn't do a damn thing for anyone around you. It won't protect your father, your brother, or me. And that's the rub here. The cost of knowing a secret is being able to keep it."

"I wouldn't tell anyone, I swear!"

I sighed and folded my hands. "Not intentionally, perhaps. Nor willingly. But what if someone captured Brian, or your father? What would you do to get them back? What would you do if you were faced with someone who could beat your power, and keep you prisoner?" I let the 'like me' remain implied.

Aisha squirmed. "I'd shank them in their sleep... or... I don't know."

With a sigh, I gestured toward the apartments. "I'm not going to hurt you, I just need a little time to think. Garment, would you please get her comfortable?"

Once they were on their way, I made my way to the main floor and took a clone potion. I glanced at the other Joes. "Alright, brainstorming time. What do I do?"

One thing I'd learned, even if it wasn't first hand, was that knowing you only have ten minutes to live has a way of focusing your mind. The right-most Joe, Delta, shrugged. "We can solve this whole thing pretty easy. I don't mean with a mind-wipe... more of... an addition."

The left Joe, Epsilon, shook his head. "First of all, messing with someone's mind is pretty bad, you know how we reacted when we got that one. You want to make a literal child soldier, because she broke into our house. Secondly, we're engineers, not Infiltrators. It wouldn't help her leverage those abilities even if we do understand some of the basis of cloaked combat."

Delta tilted his head slightly. "I'm not saying it's a good solution, but it is a solution. We only feed in the basic training and enough to use an omnitool. We equip her, teach her how to keep a secret and why by way of the military training, and let her loose. She's safer, her family is safer, we're safer."

Epsilon scoffed "Yeah, and she come out of it thinking she can push us around and that we'll bribe her. That's on top of the fact that we're going to have to do the thing we never, ever wanted to do. How much of her would be left?"

Delta playfully raised his fists like he was getting ready to step into the ring. "How much of Us is left? Answer, all of it. We don't die every time we get a new power. Well, okay, yes, the clones like you and me do, but that's beside the point. Alright hotshot, you got anything?"

"Yeah, I got a better idea, we stick her with a cellphone, that way she can call if she's in trouble and it doesn't seem like we owe her anything. It's fundamentally no different from our agreement with Tattletale, and we know she's got loose lips too. But I'm not the one that has to live with this, he is." Epsilon pointed to me, and I became aware of how little I'd actually been saying. Crap.

"Okay. I think we know what we're going to do. Epsilon, make another I-Can't-Believe-It's-Not-Tinkertech phone. Delta, make an omnitool; we could always use a spare. Whichever of you finishes first, start making snacks, and then... I don't know. Use your time wisely." I said, trying to focus. That was the thing, wasn't it? This was never my choice to make. "I'm going to go think."

We split ways, and I headed straight for the Throne. The thought-acceleration would be a welcome reprieve at least. I sat down, and let my mind expand.


Addendum Aisha

It was weird as hell being manhandled by dainty gloves, even if she was polite. And a hero. The apartment was so much better than the one that Joe rented outside. Garment did her best to keep the little Imp busy, and the absolute forests of clothes helped.

And then Joe showed up, pushing a silver cart with two serving domes and plenty of assorted food with it. Joe held out a bowl of the most delicious smelling popcorn Aisha had ever laid eyes(laid nose?) on in her life. "It's bad to make decisions on an empty stomach."

Aisha sniffed suspiciously. "I'm in an impossible realm, with someone who wants to make a deal. I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to eat anything, or else I get trapped in fairy land."

"Your choice, I made enough for both of us. Sandwiches and drinks, too."

"Uh-huh. What's under the domes?"

Joe grabbed the lids and lifted them. Under one was a cellphone. Under the other was a fancy wrist watch. "The main course. It's your choice. You take the cellphone, and life continues as it has. Except now, you'll always have a way to reach me if you get in trouble."

Aisha gestured the watch-thing. "And that?"

"Remember what I said about the mind-wiping? That's not all Cranial could do, she could give you the skills of a trained soldier. You take the watch, and we're stuck together. You'll have everything you need to keep yourself safe. We'll be partners, from here on out."

Really, it was no choice at all, not for Aisha.

Yeah, I dunno. The discussion just sort of filtered into this. I actually had more from Joe, including him waffling over the whole thing of even offering the Soldier Imprint thing, justifying the programming and work as journaling, and a bunch of other stuff, but I decided I liked the ambiguity of it and cut a bunch. I didn't try too hard to match the style, but like, here we are. It doesn't feel 100% in character, but it feels like it's "hyper-Competent" enough for SV tastes, even if I don't exactly share them.
"The main course. It's your choice. You take the cellphone, and life continues as it has. Except now, you'll always have a way to reach me if you get in trouble."
So for stalking Joe and breaking into his house she recives the best meal in her life and super 'not'-Tinker Phone with promise to always pull her out of trouble? That sounds more like reward and enabling her do cause even more mischief. This Joe didnt even even scream at her or actualy shown her how could she have been screwed by any other tinker, or even him if he had builded some automatic defences. So there is no lesson for her to learn from for future. This is Joe bribing her do keep quiet and give a future in for her to drag him into her trouble.
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So for stalking Joe and breaking into his house she recives the best meal in her life and super 'not'-Tinker Phone with promise to always pull her out of trouble? That sounds more like reward and enabling her do cause even more mischief. This Joe didnt even even scream at her or actualy shown her how could she have been screwed by any other tinker, or even him if he had builded some automatic defences. So there is no lesson for her to learn from for future. This is Joe bribing her do keep quiet and give a future in for her to drag him into her trouble.
You see that's the trap , when she calls him to get medical help much like the undersiders she will be in crippling medical debt to him.
Since when is mcs plan to use mini trigger events to confound precogs? He bases his choices on his rolls, it literally has nothing to do with trigger events.

"Since when is the main character's plan to use mini trigger events to confound precogs? He's only basing his choices on when and how his passenger permanently gives him powers in an unpredictable way that precogs can't account for."
I can see a Funny scene here "So Grue your sister entered mi interdimensional lair and now by law she is mine, don't worry not pedo , i hope this not chage tinghs bewtin us bro"
You see that's the trap , when she calls him to get medical help much like the undersiders she will be in crippling medical debt to him.

And what is that supposed to change ?
The MC just uses the excuse of Medical cost to keep them from suspecting his heroic nature since he now doesnt need money anymore.
Especially since Aisha knows his civilian identity she is not gonna buy that and he is never gonna enforce it so its pretty much just a excuse to enable her without acknowledging it.
Well, I was thinking that the Cellphone would be a bit of a leash. A tracker, telling him where the hell she was and possibly what she was doing. The ability to check on her at any time, through bugs, tracking, and whatever else.

But you know, all of these things was fair. They're still both more or less Competent options.
Well, I was thinking that the Cellphone would be a bit of a leash. A tracker, telling him where the hell she was and possibly what she was doing. The ability to check on her at any time, through bugs, tracking, and whatever else.

But you know, all of these things was fair. They're still both more or less Competent options.

Do I understand it correctly? You want her browsing history? Oh my....
SV: she's a STRANGER SNEAKING INTO ANOTHER CAPE'S HOME! she knows what she did, she's fully culpable for her actions, it's a DECLARATION OF WAR!!! DAE KNOW THE UNWRITTEN RULES!?!?

aisha probably: hehehe i knew the tightass from the gym was a cape. i'm gonna photobomb him with bunny ears and steal his snacks
Apart from my admittedly MEGAS inspired control room with inertial dampener lazyboys

what else is there to improve his gear that is tenchi "just household clarktech stuff"?
Life fibers were a neurological organism. They interfaced with their hosts through either their blood or peripheral nervous systems. I understood how they could chemically and even genetically alter their hosts through contact. I hadn't anticipated the mental aspect.

Stress-management devices might double as an anti-Master/Stranger purification system or reduce the "conflicting generation behavior" shards induce in parahumans, as it counters unwanted mental influences.

It'd also keep Aisha out of trouble if she kept vegging out with all the relaxation devices in Joe's workshop.

=Recliner with massage function.

=Audio therapy: white noise machine or music-player.

=Aromatherapy: scented candle, incense burner, or plug-in scent diffuser.

=A miniature fountain for soothing water sounds.

=Acupressure headband to help with headaches.

=Hydrotherapy: portable foot bath with salts/minerals, heating, Jacuzzi-function, etc.

=In "the Irresponsible Captain Tyler", the Soyokaze's sickbay had a migraine-treatment machine that used electro-neural stimulation to reduce mental strain and promote relaxation. IRL, there are real-world experiments with using neurostimulation to cure migraines and treat illnesses (Parkinson's, epilepsy, depression, chronic pain, etc.) that medication alone can't properly address.
