Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

And you think Joe will kill someone or imprison them for such reasons? The character Joe has been presented as wouldn't do that. TO A KID for the matter

EVERY Cape has issues an problems, Joe is no exception. Why would he kill for that, hell why would he mind control someone for that to a kid that hasn't even hurt someone. Is what she did wrong and stupid? Yeah. Could Joe be mad at her? Yes too, but going for the kill is stupid especially to a kid that Joe knows would do this kind of shit if given the chance

Being connected to a shard isn't reason to kill them, hell if you say that he should do that he should have killed every parahuman he has encountered and started with Tattletale especially.

I don't think you even understood the character of Joe if you think that Joe would kill or harm people for reasons like those. To me your suggestions are all the the unfeeling "cold-efficient rationality" of a robot that runs on SB competence, something Joe isn't because he is an actual CHARACTER with morals, flaws and personality. Or maybe its just the projection your bias against shards to have Joe kill a kid, because thinking Joe or ANY human with morals in them would actually do that is kinda fucked up
Lets be clear what she did was wipe mcs memories, that's an extremely heinous crime against mc which is basically modifying mcs sense of self. Because that's what her power does, it wipes memories.

She hasent hurt anyone? How about the billions she has already doomed to death by spying on mc, that info which will now go to shards which will now influence the final fight.

Being connected to a shard is an extremely good reason to kill anyone, they are literally feeding genocidal parasites information, you can read ward to see what happens to people who are connected to shards after scion dies. Lets just say they are better off dead for both themselves and for the world.

Bias against shards? mate do you understand what shards are? They are genocidal parasites that have killed billions of species already, you cant afford to show them mercy.

Mc may not want to kill her but a memory wipe is extremely reasonable, she already memory wiped mcs multiple times, she deserves this and worse.

Not only is she risking the life of mc by spying on him she is risking the life of every damm living this in this multiverse, because the more info about mc leaks the more likely he will loose before he can ramp up enough to win. And whats the result of that? Untold loss of live across all dimensions.

He is a CHARACTER with morals, flaws and personality, that's even more of a reason he should secure the future with long term thinking in mind than satisfy his morals and causing another disaster.

You being willing to sacrifice the lives of all living humans just for some convoluted need to not mind wipe 2 hours of memories a unstable impulsive spy is whats fucked up.
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That is at best stalker behavior and should also be punished. So basically: She harassed him and stalked him... if the roles were reversed it would be an outcry. I am disgusted by her and that you think thats better. And how is outing herself bad when her whole power is making people forget about her? She can, at least in her mind, stave it off as long as she wants.

have a nice day.
eh, does she know if she is invisible or just forgettable? and no mater what, punishing her for what she was give as a power is at best highly hypocritical of someone that if not for literal celestial intervention would have been "Heart breaker mets Nilbog by way of Bonesaw". so no, her having memory manipultation is just her trauma, not her fault to joe. He knows about powers pushing to be used, so her using it to further a prank she did prior to triggering? offensive, but not something he doesn't understand and can forgive.

sure, stalking is bad. but it is sort of not stalking. she already has told him that she knows that he is a cape, and has a pretty good idea whom. ant thought it hilarious when he told her that he actually didn't know brians last name. So to her, he is an acquaintance of ther dad, one of the best men in the gang that her dad sends out to keep creeps of her back, her brothers friend/benefactor, and a Nice guy (even went on a rant at one time about how he is one of the best humans she knows). Sure, she thinks it's just she that knows that he is about 2 steps away from being a genuine friend of the family, but to her, he is. And one of those steps is being aware of how small the divide between his cape and civilian life is. Something she seems to be pretty much about to tell him.

i went on a rant prior about how it makes perfect sense for a cape to go look for Apeiron to join him, and how it also makes perfect sense for Aisha to think that she is merely pushing it when she follows him to his workshop, but really, it makes sense for her both to follow him, and why it not being such a big deal.

It acctually makes sense for her to be unwilling to lower her powers to unmask here aswell. Joe (to her) is basically a family friend, a cape she knows and trust and has a very reasonable expectation to think would help her get started as a cape (acquaintance of her father, one of her assigned protectors, someone that wouldn't touch her inappropriately when put in a position to do so, friend of her brother that he allowed to buy super expensive tech for a fraction of it's worth...) but Garment isn't.

Sure, Garment is a heroic rouge that seams to have a thing for protecting people against rapists, and also have a high opinion of her dad and lives with Joe, but Aisha doesn't KNOW her. this is an unknown cape, whereas Apeiron is a friend. popping up in his face when Joe doesn't expect her to, while inside his lair is something Aisha could think was funny to do to a friend, or a friend of her brother, but not something she would do to an unknown cape that she has no connection to. So even that is sort of in character.

Would actually be cool if, knowing he saved her brother, she agrees to be the first Human research subject and spends an hour getting chittered at by robot skulls and under 'hyper-accelerated testing'. Pat her on the back and give her some of what is (for him) cheap and cheerful tinkertech, and his ability to interact with parahuman powers absolutely soars up, the AI might get some sort of small boost, and his cloaking\invisibility tech gets a sharp increase as well.

It would. It would definitely be fun to see Aisha interact with the Cyberskulls, aslong as they are aware that she isn't a witch.

not sure about if she should be given proper tinkertech, even the small stuff is tiem he could spend on himself. But maybe lend her that space suit power armor he has in storage that Garment will never let him use... And the hammer...

sudden horror though: Is he going to make HER incharge of his PR? please no.... even he has to know you do not put the 13 year old edgegirl in charge of your PR...
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It acctually makes sense for her to be unwilling to lower her powers to unmask here aswell. Joe (to her) is basically a family friend, a cape she knows and trust and has a very reasonable expectation to think would help her get started as a cape (acquaintance of her father, one of her assigned protectors, someone that wouldn't touch her inappropriately when put in a position to do so, friend of her brother that he allowed to buy super expensive tech for a fraction of it's worth...) but Garment isn't.
Joe has met her like 3 times, she constantly harrases him and makes inappropriate moves every time she meets mc. She is in no way a family friend of any kind.
Aisha, Uncle Joe is busy right now, go play with this useless thing I don't care about. (Shawqi)
Locks that conceptually lock place or maybe shunt them outside the universe
How does this interact with Workshop door anyway? could it be somehow being used like this; There was a room, and inside the room is a closet. Use the Tenchi tech lock to lock the room and use the Workshop key on the closet.

Could it be used like that?


Everybody jumped on mindwiping, but what do you think I had in mind when Aisha came in? Joe doesn't need to build Android or other LMD things to occupy Garment - and keep her happy and content even when she was locked in inside the workshop.

I mean, Joe could build a humanoid body for his gangs (Fleet, Survey, Servoskulls...), but Aisha here is a perfect a low effort solution for the problem that plagued Joe - being uncomfortable to be fashion model for Garment things - in previous chapters.

With how much Taylor serenading about Aisha's perfect form in the original web novel, it could be said that Garment just found the most convenient life model mannequin for ALL her dresses idea.

HOURS of standing there being dress-up doll for Garment is a perfect punishment for her kind. The fun will stop one hour in, the rest would be mind numbing boredom she can't just escape.

Aisha dared to complain or whine? Garment could remind her of her crime trying to trespass and sneak inside someone's workshop. Trying to use her Stranger power to run away? She could just keep dreaming. Aisha tried to make trouble using Joe's things? Mother Garment can sort her out.

If Garment could take care of Joe with his various neurosis - and variation of extra mental problem he get from CF, taking care and straighten basic bitch naughty child like Aisha would be a cinch.

Of course, Survey, Servitors and Garment had to restrain her movement space and make sure that she only stepped in non important place whenever she visited Joe's workshop.

Wasn't the shard incapable to snoop and gather information on whatever inside the Workshop while it was closed? That would mean that whenever you had to lock the Workshop door and left Garment inside, you could push Aisha in to be Garment time wasting entertainment.

Any other time? Stop her from going in. AIs are immune to her power, so Aisha wouldn't even be able to step in without approval of Fleet and Survey.


in any case, I had an omake idea. The premise is "Aisha, Uncle Joe is busy right now, go play with this useless thing I don't care about."

The time frame? After Joe got a bit more immunized from Aisha.


Aisha tottered toward the nearest sitting place in the residential area. She never knew that clothes fitting and being a model for someone could be so exhausting.

While she draped herself on the porch of the old-timey militaristic house, she caught the sight of one passing Joe. Suddenly a random whim surfaced in her mind.

She didn't know if it was just Joe or one of his clones that randomly popped up running around doing things, but she had a good feeling that her current idea would be basically realized if she begged him hard enough.

After all, she had to get a little bit of concession for 'distracting' Garment from fussing over him everyday.

Even if it was caused by her own fault in the first place.

"Jozef. Jozef~.Jo~ze~f" She repeated her call in an increasingly louder voice and with various different intonation when Joe kept walking.

"Aisha." Joe stopped, looking around, and raised one of his eyebrow when he spotted her slouching form. "What?"

"Make me a Tinkertech ride."

"What for?"

"I'm part of your gang..." "you're not" " I need matching ride to keep up with your rep."

"Come on~"

"Can't Aisha" Joe turned away and continued walking.

"I need my own Tinkertech ride~, Jozef..."Aisha promptly stood up and jogged closer after stretching her limbs briefly.

"I need to finish what I needed to do before my time limit run out, Aisha." Joe keep walking, barely sparing a glance before steadfastly ignoring Aisha's half-hearted attempt at stopping him.

"You're a Clone?" Aisha paused her step to peer at Joe from up to down, but she stopped and followed him again when he get farther.

"Yeah. Joe is still fine-tuning something in his throne."

"How about you call Joe to make another clone to do what you need to do, uh... Joe2?"

"It'll be wasting time, and the next clone wouldn't have my info."

"Come on, Apei-clone~ make my ride~"Aisha paused in thought, before adding "I won't make you regret it~"

"Uh-huh" Joe stopped in front of a big machinery, checking his Omni-tool , and fiddling with a couple of holographic blueprint.

"I'll make it worth your time~, I promise (* ^ ▽ ^ *)."

"How would you make it worth my time anyway?"Joe absent-mindedly asked, fingers moving around at a fast speed, and all his focus on the machinery in front of him.

"I dunno..." Aisha pondered briefly before giving up "but I can!"

"...Can you pay for it, then?"

"Well, I helped garment everyday," Jozef snorted "so can't you build it for me?"

"You had to help Garment because you sneak in..."

"But this is something that'll need payment outside!"

"But not here..."

"That's a Violation of Child Labor Laws! (; ′ д ') "Aisha complained, infusing as much of whining as she could to her tone. Usually Brian, her brother, would capitulate by this time.

"...This was originally a punishment for you..." Joe answered distractedly while dismantling the machine in front of him.

"How about I'm not going back here so Garment can spend all day making clothes for you?"

"Would you?" Joe's automated reply system was on a roll today.

"Ugggghhh" Aisha made a gesture of frustration before doubling up "Please?"

After another five minutes of begging, haggling, and entreaties, when Aisha had almost called it a bad job - on account of it's a Joe clone, and Joe clone can expire unlike the original - Joe agreed to pause what he was doing to make her one Tinkertech ride.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Any request, then?"

"It's got to be something fast, all terrain capable, flexible usage, can be camouflaged for everyday use, portable, with awesome weapon..."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Joe was still busy, so he asked Aisha to stop bothering him and come back 12 or so minutes later to check the finished product.

Another Tinker might not even finished with tuning their equipment in that timeframe, but Aisha had seen the speed in which Joe did his thing. So she quickly agreed and walked away with extra bounce of happiness in her gait, to go back to lounging on the porch.


Aisha followed Joe toward the finished product. It was placed under a cloth, the overall shape hidden and the size was way smaller than what she had in her mind. Fleet was busy moving things around nearby.

She had a bad feeling that probably this current Joe-clone would be in a troll mood, but one look at the Motoroid in the background it made Aisha felt reassured.

It would definitely be something as good, and the smaller size might have been because... she is smaller than Joe? Well, as long it was something like Fleet, Aisha would count it as win enough.

"Is dramatic presentation a necessity?"

"Of course!"

Joe pulled down the cloth hiding the 'Tinkertech ride', "Ta da ( ̄ ▽  ̄) ~ *" and smugly gestured at the thing he made.

It was a bicycle. Admittedly, it looked different from ordinary bicycle at cursory look, with bulky frame and various odds and ends that wasn't exist in a typical store-bought bicycle. Aisha still felt let down though. She knew what kind of things Joe could make, but... a bicycle?

"This is it? "

"Of course not... Take a look!" Joe pressed a button on a remote control he took out from somewhere.

The bicycle folded up and transformed... into a backpack.

"Flexible, portable, and can be camouflaged for everyday use!"

"What I mean portable is something like Fleet..."

"That's not a definition of portable at all... ( ⌐_⌐ ) "

"But it had a built-in weapon, right? (;・∀・) " Aisha's expectation was shattered to pieces, because there is no doubt that the current Joe clone was a troll clone. "At the very least, please, make it have one..."

"Hey, what kind of Tinker do you think I am?"Joe scoffed,"Here, Variable Laser weapon!"

The backpack transformed into a bicycle again and the laser beam discharged... from the front lamp.

" (; ̄ー ̄) laser from a headlight..."

"It doubled as flood light, can be separated into a flashlight, and have variable light intensity... ( ̄ ▽  ̄)"

"Okay, what's next?" Joe pressed another button and something unfolds... "is that part a chainsaw?"

"Yeah, it is."

"Why are you putting a chainsaw on a bicycle?"

"Because it's cool."

"How do I use this kind of chainsaw anyway?"

"... ( ¬‿¬ )" Joe smiled mockingly "of course by moving it toward the target."

"By holding it... together with the bike?"

"Of course!"

" ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) "

Basically something like this, but with extra bells and whistles, and more 'STYLISH!!!' tags.


After a couple of minutes explaining the capabilities of bicycle, Aisha asked the question that surfaced in her mind since the unveiling.

"Why a bicycle?" Aisha gestured up and down toward the direction of 'the bike' "Yes, it IS a Tinkertech... but why?"

"It's all-terrain capable."

"Yes, bicycle can technically be an all-terrain vehicle..." Aisha continued with a grumble "because in the terrain you can't use it you can carry the bicycle and walk on foot..."

"Correct. What a smart kid... ( ¬‿¬ ) "

"But why? (〃 > 皿 <)"

"Do you have any license?"

"Why license at all?"

"Aisha, I am a hero!"

"That's not what the PRT said about you... (|||─_─)"

"At the very least I am a law-abiding person..."

"You're an expert, and you can definitely design any new type of vehicle that didn't need any license AND wouldn't be something against the law..."

"Well, I have limited time of existence..."

"Because you're just a clone"She continued with low grumble "If I asked the original, he would definitely build me something with more oomph... something more impressive... maybe something with more wheels"

"I could modify it into a tricycle if that's what you want, humph! ╭ (╯^╰) ╮"

"Bleh... ( ¬_¬ )"


Basically, in my mind making Aisha a new addition to the cast would mean adding a person that Joe troll-clone wouldn't feel bad about trolling. Trolling Tattletale everyday would make her immune and jaded too quickly.
How does this interact with Workshop door anyway? could it be somehow being used like this; There was a room, and inside the room is a closet. Use the Tenchi tech lock to lock the room and use the Workshop key on the closet.

Could it be used like that?
No idea, depends on how the author would set it up.

Wasn't the shard incapable to snoop and gather information on whatever inside the Workshop while it was closed? That would mean that whenever you had to lock the Workshop door and left Garment inside, you could push Aisha in to be Garment time wasting entertainment.
Whenever the WH is closed shards cant see into it yes but time is locked when WH is closed too. At least I am pretty sure that's the case, might be wrong though.

Even if you do that punishment like you said that doesn't solve the issue of her knowing about mc, having low impulse control and thus being a massive security risk to let go off.

Its not even a slap on the wrist. Another poster suggested time locking her until mc can deal with it, that was a good idea too, it solves pretty much all the problems she could cause.
How does this interact with Workshop door anyway? could it be somehow being used like this; There was a room, and inside the room is a closet. Use the Tenchi tech lock to lock the room and use the Workshop key on the closet.

Could it be used like that?

this is exactly the kind of punishment that is appropriate. she fucks up, badly, and now she has to do work that helps out. scan her to improve the tech, as her stealth was how/why she messed with you, and put her to work for a time to learn from her mistake. And troll clones making "technicaly what you asked for."

i always thought that a Tardis setup could be good. 4-8 walls like a phone box out of tinker tech metal, and add doors on multiple sides. lock the outer door and open another from the inside. Paint it blue, and prop it into warehouse nr 13 down at the docks. It is very much bigger on the inside.

have a fleet operated machine outside, so no one accidentally barricades him in.

might not be the best for his civilian identity though...
I've got no idea why some readers are advocating for killing, memory erasure or confinement of Aisha right now. Very baffling. In all likelihood Joe is just gonna sit down and talk with the girl, find out why she followed him and come to some agreement which keeps his identity secret that both are happy with - or at least willing to abide by.

Doing anything else would be wildly out of character, from what we've seen of him so far.
Guys, guys, this isn't Apeiron's lair.

It's Garment's lair :D
And Joe's just her friend. Who found her.

Also Garment just happens to have Apeiron's costume around for repairs at the time. ^_^

Ye olde layered masquerade from 90's Anime and RomComs. :p
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That would mean that whenever you had to lock the Workshop door and left Garment inside, you could push Aisha in to be Garment time wasting entertainment.
I'm fairly certain that closing Aisha (or any other parahuman) in workshop will either kill or depower Aisha (or both).
Powers can't 'precog' workshop when it's closed because it has no connection to outside world, and since it has no connection, parahumen will be 'disconected'.

P.S. Aisha is probably a character that will take anything MC does, even if MC gets the 'spark', in stride and will laugh it off, unlike Brian who is by now very worried about a lot of things.
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Yes, Aisha fucked up, two times. First when she reveal she knows he is a cape, and second when she followed him home. Of course, Joe need to grow a spine and have a very, very serious Talk with her about the importance of the unwritten rules. Most capes would have killed her for what she did.

That being said, Joe won't kill, imprison or mind wipe Aisha. It's completely unnecessary (they both have blackmail material against one another : their cape identity), it's not in his personality, AND his thinker power like her. He might even ally with her if she promise to behave (she have an useful power), or he might send her in the undersiders (especially if she reveal her brother is Grue) in the hope they will keep her out of his hair.

I also hope he will finally take seriously his workshop defence. Aisha is the first to find it, but she might not be the last. And if his power consider his workshop his home, he even got a massive tech base just for that.
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Lets be clear what she did was wipe mcs memories, that's an extremely heinous crime against mc which is basically modifying mcs sense of self. Because that's what her power does, it wipes memories.
Somthing she has to actively control or else everyone forgets her, again based on that he would kill a kid who isn't trying to harm him and is also the daughter of someone he known

That is some generic Xianxia "I will kill you for slighting me and being in my way" edgeness
She hasent hurt anyone? How about the billions she has already doomed to death by spying on mc, that info which will now go to shards which will now influence the final fight.
Oh, I didn't it was up to Joe to save everyone, Joe who wants to make a Starship and leave. That shit is not up to Joe, also Scion already gave out Broadcast every Shard can no longer communicate and share information
Being connected to a shard is an extremely good reason to kill anyone, they are literally feeding genocidal parasites information, you can read ward to see what happens to people who are connected to shards after scion dies. Lets just say they are better off dead for both themselves and for the world.

Bias against shards? mate do you understand what shards are? They are genocidal parasites that have killed billions of species already, you cant afford to show them mercy.

Mc may not want to kill her but a memory wipe is extremely reasonable, she already memory wiped mcs multiple times, she deserves this and worse.
You are saying people should DIE because of something they have no control over. That is a horrible slippery slope for ANY human

And that a kid should deserve WORSE for a slight, if Joe was that kind of person he should have abandoned Taylor when she chopped up a WARD in live television and didn't even feel sorry for that.
Not only is she risking the life of mc by spying on him she is risking the life of every damm living this in this multiverse, because the more info about mc leaks the more likely he will loose before he can ramp up enough to win. And whats the result of that? Untold loss of live across all dimensions.
Which again isn't up to Joe, and Scion can't get any info because Broadcast is gone and Shard precog loses against high Tinker tech even PTV loses against it even if she knows about it
He is a CHARACTER with morals, flaws and personality, that's even more of a reason he should secure the future with long term thinking in mind than satisfy his morals and causing another disaster.

You being willing to sacrifice the lives of all living humans just for some convoluted need to not mind wipe 2 hours of memories a unstable impulsive spy is whats fucked up.
Which are all against EVERYTHING about Joe we have been shown would do, if this was any Cauldron member like Alexandria or Warlord Taylor I can accept it happening but Joe? No, the character Joe has been presented as wouldn't do that

Actually you're doing the stupid "Armchair General" reader trope who thinks they are doing SB competence with "logical" actions spouting out the whole "greater good" and "sacrifice the few for the many" and not giving a fuck about the circumstances of the character and the kind of character they are reading are.
Joe has met her like 3 times, she constantly harrases him and makes inappropriate moves every time she meets mc. She is in no way a family friend of any kind.
More like she constantly harasses every guy she meets in the gym, Joe is just the most recent and interesting because of how he treats her. Joe even talked about this with the other members, because of something that happened in the past with Aisha's mom likely involving drugs ans multiple druggies. Aisha does things like that to every guy that she meets because of the issues caused by her mom. It's the reason most of the members of the gym looks out for her
I've got no idea why some readers are advocating for killing, memory erasure or confinement of Aisha right now. Very baffling. In all likelihood Joe is just gonna sit down and talk with the girl, find out why she followed him and come to some agreement which keeps his identity secret that both are happy with - or at least willing to abide by.

Doing anything else would be wildly out of character, from what we've seen of him so far.
Absolutely this^

This is the kind of action I see Joe would and maybe Joe finding out that Grue is actually Aisha's brother when he sends her home. Despite Aisha's impulse controls she is a very reasonable person and responsible at things that actually matter.
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Could garment make like a towel or smt with writing on it have the writing scanned then transfered into social media it should be faster then her current method of writing.
Yay back sooner than expected. Well Joe probably won't do much to her, no matter how much i loath Aisha for doing things like that.

But she is by no means a "friend". A victim she might be, but she deserves to have some serious problems. I personally am for locking her in a stasis field (naturally keep her fed) and analyze her ability until there is a counter and then mindwipe her and leave her with a message. That would be the right thing to do. Joe won't do it yes, doesn't change the fact that your past does not protect you from stupid mistakes, if she wanted to ask him for something she could have done it outside his home, much saver. She should be aware how stupid it is to enter a tinkers workshop uninvited, you have harrassed (and stalked) and said you know that he is a parahuman. You excuse her cause "its a prank".... that is just wrong. Stalking someone you know is a parahuman tinker with an ability like that, who might have whatever automated defenses, is the height of stupidity.

Honestly she only lowered her powers because garment has noticed and she knew she couldn't fool the gloves. In my opinion at least.

She needs to get the shock of her life for this. But it won't happen I know. I don't really care what other think about my opinion on that, but it is what it is. I won't comment further on it either as that would probably count as a derail. My mind on that is set anyways and probably influenced by my dislike for her. I am well aware. Also yes, Taylor, does also deserve a punishment she didn't get for doing this to Aegis (though Bakuda was very valid self defence and an attempt to help get her removed from doing more harm.)

Have a nice day everyone.
Since when is mcs plan to use mini trigger events to confound precogs? He bases his choices on his rolls, it literally has nothing to do with trigger events.
The point is, the rolls are like mini trigger events cause thinker powers can't predict them, like how thinker powers can't predict actual triggers. CF has been long since established to be completely unrelated to shards.

Anyways, with this whole debate in the comments section about whether it's in character for Joe to mind-wipe Aisha, its clear that even when viewed into the best possible light, Aisha trespassed into what is essentially Joe's house for who knows how long (probably not that long). While I expect him to not go so far as to erase Aisha's memories (which would be the most sensible thing to do) he'll definitely be quite pissed about a gross invasion of privacy by what is essentially an annoying aquantiance, only tolerated due to her being the gym owner's daughter.
"Who's not to say she wouldn't have slit his throat while he sleeps?" is the sort of question Joe should ask himself.

A powerful Stranger sneaking into your workshop is more or less a declaration of war.

She probably doesn't see it that way, but she'd be dead or in prison if it were anyone else but Joe.

Girl needs to learn there are consequences to breaking every rule there is and putting people against the wall like this.
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Suddenly a familiar figure was in my entryway. She was wearing denim shorts, green fishnets, a strapless top, and way too much jewelry. The outfit I had never seen before, but I instantly recognized the tall, barely teenage girl with a purple streak in her hair, a furious expression on her face, and one ear being held by Garment in a vice like grip.

Aisha Laborn was in my workshop.
Wait wasnt Aisha's power not about making HERSELF undetectable but instead contantly making everybody ELSE forget about? If yes remember this.
Aura (RWBY) Free:
You start off with an unlocked aura.
Wouldnt Aura being complete OCP for Shards make Joe immune to Aisha's Power? Because it wouldnt be capable of casualy reaching into his brain to edit out of it memories in real time? Its not like Aura(or even his wholebody durability upgrade enforced by CF Fiat given because he is wearining piece of armor ) is a Shard given Defence Powers so Aisha's Shard cant simply ask it to give acces to his brain meat. It would need to constantly break Joes Aura to reach his brain and make its edits.

Also maybe this makes Joe install/build some manner of airlock acces in Entrance equiped with all manner of sensors and defences to stop any future invasions into his Warehause.
Simple Scientific Solution (Tenchi Muyo) 100:
Science solves everything, even the little household problems. You can create supertech improvements to common tools and appliances, up to and including automobiles or similar works of engineering.
Households are places where your privacy should be guaranteed. How hard would it be for Joe to make with this Perk a Tinker Tech device to enforce his privacy from all Precogs and Claivorants? Or to extend this effect to himself outside of his Warehouse?
Valuable Memories:the construction of Megadei (Big O) 300:
It was also easier to wield and less cliché than building a water controlling trident.
This makes me realy want for Joe to build Gigant Robot and make it wield in scale hydrokinetic trident for battle with Leviatan.
Aisha trespassed into what is essentially Joe's house for who knows how long (probably not that long).

The link doesn't exist if Joe close the door. She got in a few seconds before him at best. She got caught near instantly.

Girl needs to learn there are consequences to breaking every rule there is and putting people against the wall like this.

Most people can't realize where she is, so she probably got it way over her head, thinking herself as invulnerable (she just triggered, remember, and she isn't very mature). She is due for a serious reality check, or at least a serious talk about the unwritten rules. As you said, she is very lucky she got caught by Apeiron, at least the guy won't kill her on the spot.

Wouldnt Aura being complete OCP for Shards make Joe immune to Aisha's Power?

Lord ruled the CF abilities that are "magic" are treated the same as parahumans abilities, so they can interact. So no, the Aura isn't a free get out of jail card against master/stranger powers.
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Most people can't realize where she is, so she probably got it way over her head, thinking herself as invulnerable (she just triggered, remember, and she isn't very mature). She is due for a serious reality check, or at least a serious talk about the unwritten rules. As you said, she is very lucky she got caught by Apeiron, at least the guy won't kill her on the spot.
Yeah, which is why some of the "punishments" that I've seen floated about- serve as manequin for Garment for a few hours, for example- are laughable.

A real scare like losing a couple hours of memory and a note of "don't do this again" is well in line.
Lord said that the technology produced by the Tenchi Muyo perk was more or less completely black boxed at the moment. What would it take, perkwise or not, to unlock that?

Also, isn't there an even stronger Tenchi Muyo perk in the forge?
Jesus H. Christ, what the hell is wrong with you people?

'An annoying thirteen year old girl followed me home and snuck into my workshop, that's a declaration of war! Might as well kill her/imprison her/erase her memories like the sadistic sociopath that I am rather than as a sane human being.'

I am so fucking glad that none of you are the author for this story.