Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

"Thanks Casey." I grabbed the final pastry and took a bite while looking over the crowd. It was later in the evening, so things were clearly thinning out, but I was guessing this was still a comforting space for people without power or who were from less safe parts of the Docks. I finished the blintz and nodded to both of them. "I've got to go. Please thank Mrs. Gartenberg for me. Those were wonderful.

Nice update though the cliff hanger is a bit annoying
I find myself actually cautiously optimistic about this latest development; this fic's Aisha has been interesting - and has demonstrated some degree of actual competence. And Apeiron really needs more people he can talk to, so I'm hoping that this actually works out well for the both of them.
I find myself actually cautiously optimistic about this latest development; this fic's Aisha has been interesting - and has demonstrated some degree of actual competence. And Apeiron really needs more people he can talk to, so I'm hoping that this actually works out well for the both of them.

Aisha's been an interesting character, yeah, but she's also been a very awkward and maladapted one. What with her first response to strange older men being to insert herself into their lives and make unwanted advances out of some confused mixture of wanting a substitute father figure and wanting to piss off her biological father.

So I'm not looking forward to Joe having to deal with her. It's great writing, but deeply discomfiting to read.
Is Aisha aware Brian is Grue? She might be incredibly grateful to Aperion saving him and the Undersiders. Brian had literally been turned into something the S9 might have done live on the internet and Joe managed to put him back together.
In canon she pretty blatantly believed Brian was Grue, so yeah. She'd have watched him save her brother's life and all of his teammates too.
I know it's been mentioned several times that he gets Powers based on how many words the subjects uses but how exactly do the powers of the different parts of the constellation get picked like one section has magic and other has tinker stuff and so on is it just points based for the words or is there some other reason certain things get picked?
Suddenly a familiar figure was in my entryway. She was wearing denim shorts, green fishnets, a strapless top, and way too much jewelry. The outfit I had never seen before, but I instantly recognized the tall, barely teenage girl with a purple streak in her hair, a furious expression on her face, and one ear being held by Garment in a vice like grip.

Not gonna lie, this version of Aisha irritates me. Openly outing a cape. Following a tinker into his workshop. She's reckless in canon, but not to this degree. She fucked up in a major way and I really hope there are consequences for her pulling this shit.

Also, Triumph's name is Rory if I remember right, not Roy.
Please, no. I think everyone saw this coming from a mile away, but I was still hoping it wasn't going to pass. At best Aisha is a huge liability and at worst a danger to everyone around her, especially if she badgers/blackmails Apeiron into giving her tinkertech. There is just no world where she should get away with this... stuff.

Wiping her memory and throwing her on her butt would probably be the best course for everyone involved but I figure Joe won't go for that, given his trigger event and what could've happened. Sucks. I say throw her out anyway, what's she gonna do? Especially if Garment can hold the door to the workshop.

I personally dislike Aisha and hope she isn't going to "team up" with Joe.
I don't see why he would have.a problem with mind wiping her... Quick short term wipe isn't morally a disaster or anything. Just basic forgetfulness more like. Just wiping would be bad as she would know so make it that we lost her in the way there?

Edit: Aisha is fucking annoying so we wipe recent memory and leave a message to never do it again. She knows we're a cape but hopefully she fucks off.
There was is no *we* here, this isn't a Quest thank God.

Though I will admit that pulling Aisha's shtick on herself would be mildly hilarious.
I want to criticize Aisha for being suicidally incompetent here, strolling into a tinker's lab all nonchalant, but with the way she probably understands her power it wasn't that dangerous in her mind. If she hasn't realized that her power is to erase her presence from human minds, and not total invisibility, she could be assuming that even a tinker's security would miss her.

I'm holding out hope that Aisha gets immediately kicked out of the lab, but Joe values his civilian identity enough that he wouldn't let an attention freak like her out with that kind of information.

At the same time, I don't think that Joe would mindwipe a kid, so he's kinda stuck with a useless anchor. Mass effect offers personal cloaking, though maybe Class and Specialization (Mass Effect) 100 doesn't provide the info on how to make the cloak human scale, instead of ship scale.
(edit: duh, he can brew invisibility potions, as used in this chapter.) Aisha doesn't provide Joe with anything except human contact, which Joe could use, if it wasn't associated with cape work.

I can just see Aisha dragging Joe into stupid, dangerous, inane shit just because Joe feels responsible for her. Its not a bad trope, but I think it only works when the dumb sidekick is well liked by the audience.
Aisha has a useful power, though her willfulness means she wouldn't make a useful ally without a thinker power, outright mind-control, or the questionable good luck to have her goals align with yours (questionable because she would still be kind of a wildcard in that last scenario).

I've liked scenes with her so far, so I don't mind this development. I mean, it was bound to happen eventually given Aisha's particular traits and her previous actions in the story. At the very least, now we'll get to see a semi-regular person react to the ridiculous stuff in his workshop. I'm in particular looking forward to the throne and the skull room.
Honestly, hope that Apeiron just wipes some hours of Aisha's memories and is done with it. I mean, no way he's going to do so easily, but it's possible he'll recognize it as the only choice not involving killing her or imprisoning her forever. It would also create some delightful internal conflict for him, about when is altering people's minds acceptable.

Also, I really hope Joe not checking his messages isn't going to become some sort of running gag. I understand procrastination a bit too well, but that's getting ridiculous.

I don't think she's seen much yet. Just the portal, the entry way, and his association with Garment. She knows he's a cape (she already suspected) but she shouldn't know the depth of his power or resources yet.
She has seen his costume, so knows his identity, and the key accessing his hidden workshop (and can possibly deduce it's extradimensional if she knows that door is normally a closet). That's a lot of deadly secrets already.

On a less annoying note, the resolution of Weld's rescue was interesting - maybe it's about time the PRT starts treating Joe a bit less aggressively. Well, the PRT at large, at least, no hopes for the local branch. Overall, a nice chapter!
Argh, double cliffhangers!

That broke the floodgates and let out a fit of laughter.
Who? Joe, Weld, or both are ok answers.
this kind of response form my passenger
"Apeiron? Apriron, are you alright?"
Ape Iron
They type of dangerous I don't even like talking about."
The type
Honestly was the only way to convey the depth
a Case 53 Ward onto one of the smoother beaches the ringed the area,
beaches that
If that wasn't enough to get them to pump the breaks
They interfaced with their hosts through either their blood of peripheral
blood or
Theses had found themselves in an environment where that wasn't possible,
Signs of restoration, as well as patched of powered street lights,
mater transmutation,
As a welcome distraction Garment entered form the main workshop
someone needs to run console, and sleep with the new meds, so hey, perfect opportunity."
can't sleep?

Side note, Triumph's name is Rory, not Roy.
Would studying Aisha's power and combining any findings he gets from it with the memory tech from Big O lead into the anti-precog tech the author said he was gonna need soon?
Aisha shouldn't be a cape yet so she didn't sneak in as Imp.

why the hell is she in the workshop.

I mean I know Aisha is a teenager with a serious deficiency in impulse control, but seriously?

She's literally stalking a dude who doesn't want her around and breaking into a blatant Tinker Workshop in Brockton Bay... IN the docks.... After Bakuda just went on her rampage.

Breaking out the mind-wipe tech would be the least of her worries, most other (non-protectorate) tinkers in Worm would probably just kill her.
Personally, I'm not about to judge the way the author is utilizing Aisha as a problem before we even see how it plays out. All we've got is an end of chapter cliffhanger and ya'll are already assuming the worst narratives choices you can think of will happen.

Whatever's gonna happen in regards to Aisha is gonna have to happen next chapter, so maybe wait at least that long before you decry her involvement. There's plenty of other stuff from this chapter to discuss in the meanwhile.
Things to build with the new Tenchitech:
- time accelerating bed
- matter to energy trashcan
- dimensional dish swapper (Swaps dirty plates with clean plates from somewhere else. Lets cleaning be the problem of another Joe)
- a washmachine/spa combi for Garment
- dirt eating teleporting nanobots (Which than get reprogrammed in medical teleporting nanobots,and Joe start healing at range)
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Simple Scientific Solution (Tenchi Muyo) 100:
Science solves everything, even the little household problems. You can create supertech improvements to common tools and appliances, up to and including automobiles or similar works of engineering.
Create dishwashers that can clean dishes in an instant, self heating plumbing or forcefield windowpanes that act as air conditioners.
just hypotetically... A climate control that can make your convertible car comfortable while driving trough a tropical storm should be covered by this, right?

As would a comfortable easy chair that not even the wildest earthquake could throw you out of?

Behind, say, said forcefeild windowpanes that are both unbreakable and airconditioning?

Becouse if so, that is a great adition to his mechs controlroom, a climate control that can withstand Leviathan on low power, a control chair that you will never get thrown out of, that also has inertial dampeners for comfort, and ludicrously powerfull windows and glas for your gear. Maybe not for sensor lenses, but their protective covering is now golden...

Do One Thing At A Time (Dinotopia) 300:
When you focus yourself on doing a single task, your skill and efficiency doubles. Material requirements are unaffected, but time taken is halved and quality is doubled.

Does this have synergy with don't need a team, making each hypotetical Him in the hypotetical team able to do a single thing? if it does, that is huge, if it doesn't, this is a meh power except for the fighting and learning parts.
Not gonna lie, this version of Aisha irritates me. Openly outing a cape. Following a tinker into his workshop. She's reckless in canon, but not to this degree. She fucked up in a major way and I really hope there are consequences for her pulling this shit.

Also, Triumph's name is Rory if I remember right, not Roy.
she has already established semi contact with him as a cape. As in, both of them knows that she knows that he is a cape, and that she seems to have a pretty good idea about wich cape he is. And that he has already let her go once after acknowledging this. So it's really the last time that was the big offence in her book, as this is more of a minor continuation of her prior offence

I also seem to recall (not sure if it's canon or fanon) her having problems turning her power on and off, or rather, defaults to on and had difficulty turning it off at the start, leading her to being ignored while trying to get attention. If she was, and failed to get attention from her family, and everyone around her, going to the tech cape she is on... semi friendly accatience terms? for help doesn't sound like the worst idea. he is shown to be ludicrously talented and has tremendous resources, is a friend of the family, let her of for pretty big offences before and is abit of a puchover. If anyone could help her, he is probably the one.

hell, even if she can turn it of, the guy you want to join as a non heroic cape in the current crisis (because if it's one thing that Leet and Uber managed to show, it is that in the following days solo caping will be deadly) is obviously Apherion, as the faction with the best resources that is not E88 or liable to put a bomb in your head. He is the one faction that has shown that he can keep you... well not safe, but safer from Bakudas bombs. And as i said before, he is pretty much a family friend that seems willing to forgive and forget minor transgressions. Sure, she could also join the Undersiders, but trying to join directly to the source of their greatest protection, not have her big bro tell her what to do, and not take part in their massive massive dept problem are all valid reasons for Imp to go directly to Joe...

So yeah, many reasons for her to try to follow him, not alot not to commit the cardinal sin of following a tinker into his base. except of-course that you never ever follow a tinker into his lair uninvited...
More Tenchitech
  1. A meditation mat that helps organize your thoughts and relax
  2. A Kitchen knife sharper that makes the edge supernaturally sharp(can be used on mcs weapons)
  3. Storage boxes to compress and store a ton of stuff in minimal amount of space
  4. A privacy curtain that blocks all scans (Might work as a precog defence for the WH)
  5. A workout machine that boots training speed massively
  6. Pillows and bed that accelerates sleep time
  7. Lights that boost mood
  8. Locks that conceptually lock place or maybe shunt them outside the universe
  9. Pots that grow plants super fast (can be used for exotic alchamy stuff)
  10. Timelord style paintings
  11. Telescope that can see precisely look at small things far out in space(might be useful in finding other entities and studying them
I don't see why he would have.a problem with mind wiping her... Quick short term wipe isn't morally a disaster or anything. Just basic forgetfulness more like. Just wiping would be bad as she would know so make it that we lost her in the way there?

Edit: Aisha is fucking annoying so we wipe recent memory and leave a message to never do it again. She knows we're a cape but hopefully she fucks off.
Honestly, hope that Apeiron just wipes some hours of Aisha's memories and is done with it. I mean, no way he's going to do so easily, but it's possible he'll recognize it as the only choice not involving killing her or imprisoning her forever. It would also create some delightful internal conflict for him, about when is altering people's minds acceptable.
Jesus Christ what the hell is wrong with you people outright going for mind control and mind wipes as a "logical" choice and thinking Joe would do it, have we even read the same fic and character.

Joe has a huge problem with mental manipulation in fact that was his his first power to which he chose CF for.

Is Aisha going to a Tinker's workshop stupid? Yes.

it in character for her? Yes, her impulse control is bad.

Is it a bad choice with her knowing said Tinker is Joe? No, she's been following and interested with Joe from the start and was trying to figure him out. She would know that Joe is a decent and good person even if she is caught.

Considering that the "meta-knowledge" Joe has somewhat likes Aisha, Joe wouldn't do anything drastic besides asking what was going in her mind going to a Cape's home. Joe's first reaction when he finds out she has powers is that she Triggered and everything that implies is going to help her. Joe isn't a monster that would do horrible shit like what you guys are suggesting.

Joe already knows Aisha as the kid of the Gym owner he goes in, he knows that there was some fucked up shit that she went through (which he was already sympathetic for) even before her Trigger which is another fucked up shit. He isn't some heartless bastard that would lock up people or even straight up kill them, especially for people he knows, for reasons like those.
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