Remember how they treated Skitter in Canon? Also an A-class swiss-army-knife who was showing them up and wouldn't play ball and fall in line?
Ah, yes, the little girl that controls insects. Not a brute, not a blaster, not a shaker. Well, she is a brute, just not in the power sense. $50,000 trust and a minimum wage salary for Wards, 78,000 to start for Protectorate-- and this girl decides to run around with a gang of thugs. Yes, yes, she's taken control
now, but that's after the city fell apart, with her team - obviously she isn't all that smart or we'd be looking at the next Elite, not a blatant thuggy challenge to the government.
Meh, we can take her.
(More seriously, Tagg is not representative of most directors, nor is Skitter representative of how they would handle a A-class tinker. Tinkers work on threats like Endbringers, butterflies do not.)
Joe is exactly the kind of cape they sic the Triumvirate on, because, read my previous post, the PRT's mandate is controlling any given area's Cape element.
That is their mandate. However, the PRT isn't dumb. They don't just want to deny powers, they want to use them. You can't (effectively) do that by force.
It's WoG that if a kid triggers and their parent tries to force them into the Wards, and the kid doesn't cooperate, they can't really do it. On paper, they're a Ward. But the Protectorate just hovers around, stroll by when the kid patrols, etc. Soft touch. They don't bust in and drag them off. Because that's how you make traumatized kids go Carrie.
That, and there is a direct relationship between the value of a cape and the
danger of a cape. A danger multiplied by access to resources, which a tinker must have to be useful. Dragon or Armsmaster building systems for the PRT would not be possible if they hated the PRT. Strongarming Apeiron leads to hate, because nobody wants to be a slave.
I wouldn't say they'd never go in hard, but it would have to be a situation where Apeiron is more dangerous in play than he could ever be as even an ally.
As long as there is the possibility of getting a tenth of his shit peacefully, of getting him to fight endbringers, of
benefits, they're going to go for that, because it doesn't carry the risk of making him an enemy. Even if they beat him, if he's now an enemy, he won't make them anything. They have materially reduced their ability to fight
real threats in the future.
Now if Apeiron becomes a warlord, sure they'll treat him like Skitter! But that's not going to happen, so he's going to get the Faultline or Damsel treatment. PRT WoG pays for Damsel of Distresses utilities and cable, did you know that? They know where she lives, and they keep it all online, because she's dangerous but relatively harmless and the money is nothing.