Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Is it just me and my lack of reading or is there some vibes that Joe is getting some sort of direct interaction and somewhat conflict between him and his forge with the entities themselves, wanting to maybe learn more of him since in the forge he might have an ability or create a device to live forever, or I'm a overlooking because I'm sorta paranoid against higher entities that manipulate stuff in the background?
Wile i love the idea i belive than the perk only give acces to enought magic to have a letter from Howgards, and not any spell or even books or understanding of magic, so the wand than comes free is not even that usefull. But if he have the Harry Potter series and try to recreate it the Fidelious is a very taxing spell to use so unless the magic can grow with time or is determined by person and by lukc the character do have enought for it, well is a very loooong Shot.

It was just a hypothetical. Anyways imagine what the PRT would do if they found out about a constant ongoing Master/Stranger effect of that range... The shit that would have been lost that day would be hilarious.
A bit late with that, seeing I'm on the last chapter, but it's a pity the Alita and BGC apartments didn't get the same treatment as the Skyforge.
Imagine Joe walking into Ido's room, looking out of the window/balcony and seeing the streets of Jeru, with cyborgs walking around, and Zalem hanging overhead. Same with Bubblegum Crysis, with a panorama of the city. The windows, even if open could work the same as they do in Skyforge, being impenetrable, and the scene beyond them playing out on a 24h loop.

Edit: BTW. Don't know why, but whenever I imagine Aisha in this story, all I'm seeing is younger version of Miyuki Ayukawa from Basquash.
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I had to drop the Craftsman perk from Dwarf Fortress from my tables since I never got far enough into that game to start having 'Fun!'. The perk instantly takes you to the level of 'Skilled' at any Dwarf Fortress skill. Considering the skill list from that game and the fact that I randomly select variables from perks like that it's a lot more likely to land on something like Soaper or Animal dissector than anything relevant to Joe's current situation.

I guess that's just part of the 'Fun!'.

There's a bunch of possibilities there, yeah. Some are unique and very helpful (Miner to bestow Dwarven proficiency at digging stable tunnels through solid rock with simple hand tools, Organizer for better delegation skills, Diagnostician for basic medical triage), some have minor utility and QoL benefits (Cook for adding actual baseline skill to food preparation, Record Keeper for better inventory management and note taking), some are slightly helpful but overshadowed by existing perks (most skills related to Metalsmith or the manufacture of clothing are outclassed by existing perks), some are combat or social skills that may or may not qualify for the perk (stuff like Thrower, Dodger, or Wrestler would add some survivability, but Teacher, Negotiator, or Judge of Intent could be far more valuable), some are reasonable skills that are still not terribly useful to hero types (Fisherdwarf, Grower, Animal Caretaker)... and then there's a lot of really niche practically-useless skills (Potash Maker, Crutch-Walker, Knapper, etc...)

I'd suggest keeping the perk on the tables. It's easy enough to look up what any of the rolled skills do, and the results will probably be funny.
Another idea.
Joe should make a holoprojector, or maybe a hard light projector, that simulates the insides of his closet when he goes in. Even if someone walked into his home, noticed the open door, he wouldn't then see anything out of place in there. Unless he saw Joe walking in and tried to check for a hidden door, most intruders would simply look in, notice nothing of value or interest inside and return to plundering the rest of the apartment.
This is a good point. He could just make camouflage for any doors in use, whether it's some hardlight, magic or some other black box tech. Hell he might be able to use that household appliances power for this....

Edit: If Harry Potter Fidelius was possible, imagine making Aisha with her Stranger powers the secret keeper lol.
I'm pretty sure he just did this last chapter. As well as installing that Tenchi tech security system.
Isn't that a good thing? Not all powers should be relevant, it can be used to build up better environment and more solid picture of Celestial Forge. Skinning, making soap, wood or stoneworking is also crafting after all and are 'balanceing the scales'. It isn't truly 'Celestial' if doesn't improve such skills as well.

Pause between useful powers might also be a good thing. Current power-gaining momentum seems too high, good chunk of each chapter is describing powers and each one is too useful.

Well, there is a natural self correcting mechanism. You naturally select low cost perks at the start, but once you've picked enough perks, you get higher and higher cost perks, so you'll need more and more points. Since points are awarded based on word count, it mean you'll get stronger perks, but with more time between each perks.

We are still in the "low perk" phase, Joe never got any perks costing more than 400 CP.
ya the tenchi stuff got added as last line defence it teleport's the intruders out and drops them into the ocean with idiot on the foreheads
Did he? I thought he just installed a security barrier. People would still know it's there if seen. And he put up privacy curtains to stop people (simurgh) from peeking. Camouflage would mean no one would even see a door or anything.
He did.
Actually, with that thought, if I could specialize the EM emitters enough and couple them with some kind of photon matrix I could create solid holograms. Maybe. It was just physics concepts rather than any hint to the application, so that was something of a challenge, but I could definitely create the impression of a normal closet behind my entrance door instead of giving people a view of the Workshop's central access room. Master Builder had some holographic principles as well, and with the boost from Xenospecialist I could probably pull them off without needing cybertonium.
Fidelius work by hiding the secret in the target soul, and I'm not convinced Garment have a soul (she is a perk - a part of Joe if you will).
I think that Garment and Joe are both, probably, the only people with souls in all of Worm. Souls or any sort of after life isn't canon to Worm, which is honestly something of a positive because if The Entities encountered people with souls then they'd probably figure out how to reincarnate themselves or murder and eat Heaven and Hell or something.

Joe has Aura which means he has to have a soul to produce said Aura and Garment is, given the presence of genuine magic and similar supernatural phenomenon in the Celestial Forge, probably some sort of Fashion Spirit.
Am I reading too much into the line about the curtain extending into the past and future or...

Well first let me clarify I'm not one of those people who always insists, "but Contessa should have showed up and stopped the MC!" or anything like that. I just think this hypothetical I'm laying out is funny enough to entertain that kind of thinking for at least this one post.

So, anyways, if the curtain can extend to block past and future phenomena (precognition and other such variants being the only phenomena explicitly mentioned), does that mean the curtain has technically always been defending his workshop from the very beginning? So if Contessa was checking her power for useful capes, or the Simurgh was looking for interesting shit to fuck up, or any other big thinker was getting up to schemes, and those actions would have led them to discover the warehouse's existence and keep an eye on it... instead this multi dimensional curtain has just extended back in time and made it look like nothing is there since the very beginning? Possibly by means of Harem Anime Shenanigans?
Little Blue Box (Knaka)
One of the things I've ruled is any door used to access the workshop has to be stable enough to have it's own frame of reference. He's can't carry around a freestanding door with an active link, and any portable door needs to be seriously secured before it will work. Alchemy is probably the best option for this, but large vehicles would work as well.

I'd say the minimum needed for a proper full-sized door on a freestanding object would be a box about four feet on a side, about eight feet tall. Maybe paint it blue and put a light on it so you don't loose track of it. Yeah, I think this is coming together. Hold on, I'm going to write this down.

I have been inspired. Time for a quick omake.


Little Blue Box

Joe was starting to get frustrated. It seemed like a good idea when it came to him. He couldn't rely on always finding an abandoned door in a darkened alleyway to access his workshop. So, if that's the case, then why not make his own door?

The workshop key would work on any door with it's own frame of reference, so Joe built a few empty boxes about four feet on a side and and about eight feet tall. To make sure it could be easily found, he painted it blue, which was a color you didn't see that often. Joe decided to put a non-functional phone in each of the boxes to make it seem like a broken phone booth that no one would bother, complete with fake windows. The interior lights worked, but nothing else did. It was just a box with a door that Joe could use to access his workshop. Joe left these boxes in inconspicuous places around town where he would likely need access to his workshop.

For some reason, however, people kept showing up at the places where he put the boxes. Apparently, it had become a trend to find these boxes and take a selfie with them in the background. Also, people had decided to paint the words 'Police Box' on the top of the blue boxes, with the words 'Public Call' in the middle. Joe honestly couldn't understand it.

This was a problem. With so many people around his boxes, he couldn't use them as portals to his workshop without exposing it. He would have to come up with a new plan. Maybe the next iteration of his boxes should have a light on top of the box, to make them easier to find. That would hopefully make them different form his old boxes and make them seem normal, right?


According to my google-fu, Doctor Who came out in 2005, but since the author referenced it, I'm assuming it's a thing in BCF.

Edit: My google-fu has failed me. 2005 was the reboot apparently,
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Actually, in this case, fiat backed means it will be restored or respawn in the warehouse in 48 hours if lost, damaged, or destroyed. It might be worth upgrading thanks to the increase in speed from Repair Savvy.

As mentioned, this is not enough to make the connection. All Joe knows is that his robot sounds like a transformer. He likely knows very little of the lore of transformers or most of the fictional series represented in the forge. In some cases, that information doesn't exist, or doesn't exist yet. If Joe investigated, he would stumble upon the truth, but he has no reason to investigate yet.

Honestly, I personally didn't know Cybertonium/Cybertronium was a thing before reading this story. I doubt Joe knows this either.
he literally had someone there to do the investigation for him with comparison videos and she did and showed him I don't think it can be any clearer than that unless God comes down from heaven and says it's a freaking transformer you idiot.
he literally had someone there to do the investigation for him with comparison videos and she did and showed him I don't think it can be any clearer than that unless God comes down from heaven and says it's a freaking transformer you idiot.
Well he will find out eventualy, i'm beting in when he gets something he reconoice from his child days or something from Prinsses Gwen/Nasuverse. Imaginé havin to admit to enligmnent vía a little girls show :D
he literally had someone there to do the investigation for him with comparison videos and she did and showed him I don't think it can be any clearer than that unless God comes down from heaven and says it's a freaking transformer you idiot.
And Lord already posted a reply to this and that is Joe not caring enough about it to bother looking into it
Just exclude all of the skill that doesn't involve crafting in any way and skills that are completely worthless from the list of skills from dwarf fortress should work.
Am I reading too much into the line about the curtain extending into the past and future or...

Well first let me clarify I'm not one of those people who always insists, "but Contessa should have showed up and stopped the MC!" or anything like that. I just think this hypothetical I'm laying out is funny enough to entertain that kind of thinking for at least this one post.

So, anyways, if the curtain can extend to block past and future phenomena (precognition and other such variants being the only phenomena explicitly mentioned), does that mean the curtain has technically always been defending his workshop from the very beginning? So if Contessa was checking her power for useful capes, or the Simurgh was looking for interesting shit to fuck up, or any other big thinker was getting up to schemes, and those actions would have led them to discover the warehouse's existence and keep an eye on it... instead this multi dimensional curtain has just extended back in time and made it look like nothing is there since the very beginning? Possibly by means of Harem Anime Shenanigans?
I think what the N-Dimensional Privacy Curtain(or The Curtain) does is it, well, it pretty much does what the Fidelius does but better? It conceals all information about the whereabouts and/or contents of Joe's Workshop, unless you've been inside of it, in person. Drones aren't going to work, powers aren't going to work, an overly elaborate series of mundane mirrors arranged to angle a view into the room isn't going to work. The Workshop is... it's like a Reality Marble from Nasuverse except a bit more specific. All the information regarding The Workshop, is inside The Workshop, and unless you walk in and take it out yourself, you can't acquire said information. Ziz and Contessa probably knew some stuff about it and they aren't going to be able to access said knowledge anymore, which is nice but could also cause some problems because as far as Ziz knows the only person on Earth Bet capable of completely blocking her powers is Scion. I honestly have absolutely no clue about what her response would be.

But, I think that genuine time travel would still allow someone to get around it by going back in time and personally getting in before Joe get's too powerful but I don't think The Curtain would allow you to time travel your way out of The Workshop so you'd also have to be able to get out. Even having done all that, you can only learn so much because of how fast he improves, you could only use this method for like, his first few weeks or so. Altogether, the amount of information that can be acquired any way other than socially manipulating Joe is really, really close to zero.
So, anyways, if the curtain can extend to block past and future phenomena (precognition and other such variants being the only phenomena explicitly mentioned), does that mean the curtain has technically always been defending his workshop from the very beginning? So if Contessa was checking her power for useful capes, or the Simurgh was looking for interesting shit to fuck up, or any other big thinker was getting up to schemes, and those actions would have led them to discover the warehouse's existence and keep an eye on it... instead this multi dimensional curtain has just extended back in time and made it look like nothing is there since the very beginning? Possibly by means of Harem Anime Shenanigans?

There is a lot of way to answer that question, depending on what time travel rules you accept. But the easiest solution for pre and postcognition is "you have access to the past status of the workshop until the curtain is put in place".
It work for public perception (up to a point, because Apeiron seems really good with PR), but it also risk alienating the guy with the biggest gun.

Is it worth it ?

Remember how they treated Skitter in Canon? Also an A-class swiss-army-knife who was showing them up and wouldn't play ball and fall in line?

Joe is exactly the kind of cape they sic the Triumvirate on, because, read my previous post, the PRT's mandate is controlling any given area's Cape element.
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Well this fucked up my sleep schedule a bit.

So I haven't been reading the discussion at all. It was pointed out that silver is a better conductor than gold right? Using gold on the throne for 'the best conductivity' kind of falls flat in the face of that.
Not sure why he didn't make a meta-material 10x better than silver that would degrade in seconds naturally if his powers weren't bullshit and just happens to look like gold, instead of using actual gold.
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Remember how they treated Skitter in Canon? Also an A-class swiss-army-knife who was showing them up and wouldn't play ball and fall in line?

Joe is exactly the kind of cape they sic the Triumvirate on, because, read my previous post, the PRT's mandate is controlling any given area's Cape element.

Yea but the difference here is that compared to canon skitter Joes major introduction has been a massive successful PR that the PRT is even looking at it as a case of a genius plan. If Joe continue to boost hes PR this massively, hes gonna have a lot of influence from people that they will start admire him and condemned the PRT if they go after him, even if justified.

On the topic I love the irony that joe who has plan or done nothing for his image has basically have the best PR he could ever get on his first public appearance while the PRT (Which one of their most important things is image) have basically been shown incompetent that even PRT from other states are going "what the hell are you doing?", is like that meme in mario party on how luigi wins by doing nothing
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Remember how they treated Skitter in Canon? Also an A-class swiss-army-knife who was showing them up and wouldn't play ball and fall in line?
Ah, yes, the little girl that controls insects. Not a brute, not a blaster, not a shaker. Well, she is a brute, just not in the power sense. $50,000 trust and a minimum wage salary for Wards, 78,000 to start for Protectorate-- and this girl decides to run around with a gang of thugs. Yes, yes, she's taken control now, but that's after the city fell apart, with her team - obviously she isn't all that smart or we'd be looking at the next Elite, not a blatant thuggy challenge to the government.

Meh, we can take her.

(More seriously, Tagg is not representative of most directors, nor is Skitter representative of how they would handle a A-class tinker. Tinkers work on threats like Endbringers, butterflies do not.)

Joe is exactly the kind of cape they sic the Triumvirate on, because, read my previous post, the PRT's mandate is controlling any given area's Cape element.
That is their mandate. However, the PRT isn't dumb. They don't just want to deny powers, they want to use them. You can't (effectively) do that by force.

It's WoG that if a kid triggers and their parent tries to force them into the Wards, and the kid doesn't cooperate, they can't really do it. On paper, they're a Ward. But the Protectorate just hovers around, stroll by when the kid patrols, etc. Soft touch. They don't bust in and drag them off. Because that's how you make traumatized kids go Carrie.

That, and there is a direct relationship between the value of a cape and the danger of a cape. A danger multiplied by access to resources, which a tinker must have to be useful. Dragon or Armsmaster building systems for the PRT would not be possible if they hated the PRT. Strongarming Apeiron leads to hate, because nobody wants to be a slave.

I wouldn't say they'd never go in hard, but it would have to be a situation where Apeiron is more dangerous in play than he could ever be as even an ally.

As long as there is the possibility of getting a tenth of his shit peacefully, of getting him to fight endbringers, of benefits, they're going to go for that, because it doesn't carry the risk of making him an enemy. Even if they beat him, if he's now an enemy, he won't make them anything. They have materially reduced their ability to fight real threats in the future.

Now if Apeiron becomes a warlord, sure they'll treat him like Skitter! But that's not going to happen, so he's going to get the Faultline or Damsel treatment. PRT WoG pays for Damsel of Distresses utilities and cable, did you know that? They know where she lives, and they keep it all online, because she's dangerous but relatively harmless and the money is nothing.
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