I have been inspired. Time for a quick omake.
Little Blue Box
Thank you for the Omake, threadmarked!
As for the existence of Doctor Who in this setting, the original series started in 1963, so everything is the same from 1963-1982. The 1982-1989 portions drifted due to parahuman influence on culture. Not sure if the 2005 revival happened yet, or what form it would have taken, but the police box would definitely be a recognized symbol of the show.
Fidelius work by hiding the secret in the target soul, and I'm not convinced Garment have a soul (she is a perk - a part of Joe if you will).
I think that Garment and Joe are both, probably, the only people with souls in all of Worm. Souls or any sort of after life isn't canon to Worm, which is honestly something of a positive because if The Entities encountered people with souls then they'd probably figure out how to reincarnate themselves or murder and eat Heaven and Hell or something.
Joe has Aura which means he has to have a soul to produce said Aura and Garment is, given the presence of genuine magic and similar supernatural phenomenon in the Celestial Forge, probably some sort of Fashion Spirit.
Because RWBY aura could allow the awakening of other people's auras I'm ruling that souls are a thing in Worm, at least in regards to the Celestial Forge. The threshold is anything complex enough that it could be imported in Jumpchain as a companion rather than a follower or pet has a soul. So Garment has a soul, as does Dragon and anything sufficiently commplex.
That said, while souls exist the afterlife is another matter. The only thing like an accessible afterlife is shardspace, with the copies of hosts kept by shards counting as souls. Everyone else is 'gone' when they die. Not getting into the theology of it, just not accessible (at least nor without something from the Forge that says otherwise). Because of the parahuman/magic equivalence powers like Butcher's, Glaistig Uaine's, and Moord Nag's can affect souls and be affected by Celestial Forge powers that affect souls.
Isn't that a good thing? Not all powers should be relevant, it can be used to build up better environment and more solid picture of Celestial Forge. Skinning, making soap, wood or stoneworking is also crafting after all and are 'balanceing the scales'. It isn't truly 'Celestial' if doesn't improve such skills as well.
Pause between useful powers might also be a good thing. Current power-gaining momentum seems too high, good chunk of each chapter is describing powers and each one is too useful.
There's a bunch of possibilities there, yeah. Some are unique and very helpful (Miner to bestow Dwarven proficiency at digging stable tunnels through solid rock with simple hand tools, Organizer for better delegation skills, Diagnostician for basic medical triage), some have minor utility and QoL benefits (Cook for adding actual baseline skill to food preparation, Record Keeper for better inventory management and note taking), some are slightly helpful but overshadowed by existing perks (most skills related to Metalsmith or the manufacture of clothing are outclassed by existing perks), some are combat or social skills that may or may not qualify for the perk (stuff like Thrower, Dodger, or Wrestler would add some survivability, but Teacher, Negotiator, or Judge of Intent could be far more valuable), some are reasonable skills that are still not terribly useful to hero types (Fisherdwarf, Grower, Animal Caretaker)... and then there's a lot of really niche practically-useless skills (Potash Maker, Crutch-Walker, Knapper, etc...)
I'd suggest keeping the perk on the tables. It's easy enough to look up what any of the rolled skills do, and the results will probably be funny.
Just exclude all of the skill that doesn't involve crafting in any way and skills that are completely worthless from the list of skills from dwarf fortress should work.
I have no problem with irrelevant powers. In fact, the oddball perks are some of my favorite stuff in the Forge. I didn't remove Dwarf Fortress because it was sub-optimal, I removed it because I didn't understand it enough to describe it in the first person. There is a lot of stuff I have a passing understanding of, but I don't want to write about it from a wikipedia page. That has a different feel from understanding how the skill works, what it does, how it progresses, and having personal experience with using it. It's the same reason none of the World of Warcraft stuff is on the tables. I have a good understanding of mechanics and enough friends to talk me through it, but I want to properly understand it before it's included. I'm slowly adding more properties, and I might get enough of a handle on Dwarf Fortress eventually that I can put it into the rolls. Then Joe can wonder at sudden proficiency at Cheese Making arriving during PRT negotiations or whatever.
Well this fucked up my sleep schedule a bit.
So I haven't been reading the discussion at all. It was pointed out that silver is a better conductor than gold right? Using gold on the throne for 'the best conductivity' kind of falls flat in the face of that.
Not sure why he didn't make a meta-material 10x better than silver that would degrade in seconds naturally if his powers weren't bullshit and just happens to look like gold, instead of using actual gold.
I had the idea that the gold wasn't pure (as it would be to soft and weak for that application), so your guess of "meta-material 10x better than silver that would degrade in seconds naturally if his powers weren't bullshit and just happens to look like gold" is pretty much spot on. The discussion with the duplicates was about the appearance of the interface chair, which would have been over the top due to the materials, but was taken to stupid degrees by design perks. The 'gold' was just connection material, with the diamond being the processing center.
@LordRoustabout Do the curtains mean TT's power doesn't work inside the workshop?
This is getting into complicated shard dynamics, as in 'can a power function without information being provided to the shard?'. The curtain works similar to Mantellum's aura, but without the power blocking effect. I would say it was clear enough for the shards to drive their power, but through some 11 dimensional effects not clear enough to save or process the data. Bit of a cop out, but I'm falling back on 'Washu-tech' for the explanation.
Thank you, corrected. Don't know how I missed that typo.