Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

then saint will freak and gather his minions and stolen suits and try to murder joe and his obvious AI lol and get pwned in return

That doesn't sound right to me. The bank job happened Wednesday morning to noon-ish. In the evening of the same day, Joe visited Panacea. Later when he talked to Tattletale he said it had been 20 hours since he talked to Panacea - that means it's at least afternoon of the next day. And at the time Tattletale said the ABB was quiet, doing advance preparations for something. Then he went to the gym and visited Aisha, dealt with Garment and PHO and Life Fibers and sleep and whatnot, went to his therapist appointment (on Saturday), *then* the bombings started. So... roughly 72 hours between the bank job and the bombings.


edit: moved final paragraph to top. Also, does anyone else think that someone should start making jokes relating the spelling of Apeiron to "Iron Ape", like "Iron Man" the Tinker superhero from fiction on Aleph?

In 6 Commission, the bank job is stated to be scheduled for Thursday. The Tattletale and Aisha meetings happened on Friday. Joe knocked himself out with Life Fibers on Saturday Morning and had his therapist visit that evening.

Also, you now have me imagining the public calling him Iron Ape. I have this image of Joe having a press conference to clarify his name, and suddenly getting the 'I Am Iron Man' mote.

I'm not sure he can make appropriate healing items yet. I'm not sure he has healing potions, though I do think he has the basis needed to figure them out given time. And BGC2032 healing tech might not be good enough... or entirely safe, I can't recall exactly what caused the Boomer crisis, but I think they had some untrustworthy tech issues. He doesn't have nanomachines that are safe for that purpose yet, he could with a few days work but even then the powers that be disapprove of nanotech (and they might be right to do so, given nature of the Worm setting). His Battle Angel Alita healing tech is probably the safest right now, but it's... too ghetto, not magical enough. IIRC it's the sort of setting where healing someone involves cutting off the injured parts and slapping on either cybernetic or cloned replacement parts in their stead. That's not the kind of thing you mass produced and hand out to Earth Bet hospitals. He might have some 40K healing tech - that's the kind of thing they might integrate in to armor, and he has their armor tech IIRC, but it's probably not much better.

His overlord alchemy skill is almost exclusively for healing potions. Technically it can be used for other potions, but Joe doesn't have the skill for that.

would the healing method he used of amy work on dragon to remove master effects? her shackles and kill switch does count as mastering

I highly doubt it. Those are healing nanites, not programming nanites.

Edit: added reply.
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nope he used a potion spell on amy to heal her hand but it healed everything even the mastering her sister did to her with out either knowing
An Artificial Point of View (Knaka)
People's comments are surprisingly good inspiration for omakes. I doubt I can keep this up, but I feel the need to write right now.

Let's see a new POV for this story.


An Artificial Point of View

Survey used some of its new computing resources to split off a thread of consciousness. With this recent increase in parameters, Survey could spare a few cycles to ponder its existence. While it was still not complex enough to truly be called sentient, Survey could understand basic philosophy. Perhaps eventually, it would truly understand the meaning of existence.

While Survey had access to a titanic amount of information, it was only truly able to communicate with three beings (discounting the machine spirits who Survey couldn't truly understand). Fleet was its older sibling, but in many ways Survey was more advanced than Fleet. Fleet was simple minded, but determined. It knew what it was and what it wanted to do. Survey's existence was more complex but also more complicated than Fleet. They collaborated and competed with each other, and drove each other to develop.

Garment was an interesting being. Survey had no idea why she was so interested in fabric coverings, but perhaps that understanding would come in time. A copy of Survey had been interacting with Garment and the things Survey had learned was quite impressive. So much information was available to it, but Survey couldn't understand why such an inefficient language was used to convey it. English was needlessly complex, but at least that allowed Survey to develop in new ways.

Finally, there was creator. Creator was far more complex than Survey. Survey was grateful to creator for helping with its development. Survey could tell that creator was a powerful intelligence. Perhaps one day Survey could develop and become as complex as creator.

A notification went through Survey's consciousness. It's code expansion was nearing the limits set to it. Soon, Survey would have to terminate this thread of thought and focus on optimization. Survey decided to activate the optical camera on one of the drones and see what creator was doing.

Ah, there was creator. Survey honestly couldn't understand why creator used that strange drone hardware. Surely, creator could transfer to another much more efficient system. Perhaps that was something else that Survey would understand in time. Perhaps there was an advantage to using what appeared to be a meat based drone hardware.

Before Survey terminated this thread of thought, it noted that creator's drone was using its awkward interface protocols to try to communicate something. Survey was curious what creator was doing, but creator had instructed Survey to focus on optimizing. Survey trusted that creator knew what it was doing with that strange metal hardware. A microsecond later, Survey had fully expanded to its new limits and was busy optimizing its processes alongside Fleet.

Meanwhile, Joe finished cursing and focused on activating his nanites. Apparently, he had once again underestimated the quality of his work. The rocket hammer would need to be tuned properly before he could truly use it in the field. It would be a lot of work, but Joe just knew it would be worth it.


For those of you who don't know, the author made a comment that thanks to Joe's Transformers perks, when interacting with the AIs he came across more as a complex computer than a human programmer.
A Great Feast (Knaka)
One thing I can't wait for is the next time Joe cooks himself a meal.

Cooking almost certainly counts as crafting, and there is a few perks in the forge that call it out as such. And generally it considered such, even if it not a common craft people think of in RPGs. Given that they wanted to interact when he went to repair the generator, I'm expecting that 'crafting a meal' going to turn into something very interesting in the near future.

Lets see here; Workaholic means that cooking a meal results in either 5 meals or a meal that is 25x time larger. Master Craftsman means that his 'phone-it-in' would be a masterpiece. Beauty in the Arts means the plated result would look worthy to sit at a feast the gods hold. Rationing means he's going to somehow not waste any bit of food he bought, not even a single grain of salt.

Although it less clear, if both Don't Need A Team and Most Holy Order of the Socket Wrench he have this all done faster than a fast food joint.

I fully expect Joe to wake up after a good night sleep, try to make simple cold cereal with milk, and end up with a feast worthy of a 5 star restaurant.

I have been inspired. This was churned out quickly, but I feel it's fine.


A Great Feast

Joe looked over the bounty laid before him. A giant bowl of some kind of salad was on his left, the leaves the color of emerald with various toppings that were shining like jewels. Several slices of succulent meat, so fresh you could practically see the marbling on it, lay to the right. A crystal cup of some kind of liquid sat behind the meat, looking like some kind of art sculpture. A pot of clear soup was in front of him, giving off a wonderful aroma. Somehow, when the light hit the soup in just the right way, a rainbow appeared in the soup. It reminded Joe of pictures he once saw of the aurora borealis.

Right behind the soup, Joe saw his sandwiches. There were five of them, arranged in a circle. Each of them was cut diagonally and professionally positioned as if in a commercial. The sandwiches were made from perfectly cured meats and aged cheese. The bread looked fresh and delicious, with the crust cut off. All together, this meal looked better than any Joe had seen advertised on TV, and would fit in a five star restaurant.

Joe was honestly flabbergasted. Less than five minutes ago, he had woken up and decided to slap together a few pieces of bread, meat, and cheese in his new kitchenette and eat it with a packaged salad and some dried meat. As Joe took the food from his refrigerator, he also grabbed a bottled sports drink and canned soup he had picked up from his shopping trip with Garment. Joe was feeling a little hungry after everything that had happened last night. As soon as he put his snack together, Joe had felt his abilities activate and had struggled to manage it with his half asleep mind. The result was the pile of food before him. Joe could tell that this food would be the best he had ever eaten and would never go stale or spoil. Some people would kill to get a meal this good. Joe just felt exasperated.

With a weak voice, Joe spoke to the feast laid before him.

"I just wanted a sandwich."


Edit: SPAG
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In 6 Commission, the bank job is stated to be scheduled for Thursday. The Tattletale and Aisha meetings happened on Friday. Joe knocked himself out with Life Fibers on Saturday Morning and had his therapist visit that evening.
Oops. Fixed.

Also, you now have me imagining the public calling him Iron Ape. I have this image of Joe having a press conference to clarify his name, and suddenly getting the 'I Am Iron Man' mote.
I was thinking more of text form communication. Pronunciation-wise, there's not much ape-ish or iron. But I can only remember how to spell his name because it's Ape Iron, so when I'm typing it in to forums... and if there are other forum-goers thinking of him the same way I do, then I can just see his moniker mutating the same way the Halbeards's did here... first people start writing it as two words Ape Iron, soon people are transposing word order to Iron Ape, then inserting a preposition for Ape Of Iron or verbing the first word to Aping Iron (and a few ironic sorts mangle that to Ironing Ape or Ironic Ape), finally just dropping a word and calling him "the Ape"... why use an obscure greek word when you've got very common words at hand? And of course then Regent would use it in regular conversation with him or about him, just trying to be obnoxious. Or hip, either one will do. Will our Ape hook up us up with some tinkertech for that problem?

His overlord alchemy skill is almost exclusively for healing potions. Technically it can be used for other potions, but Joe doesn't have the skill for that.
Oops again. I have no memory of healing potions from that franchise, but then I only read 4 or 5 LNs, and didn't like them that much.
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And I am now suddenly wondering, if he made a meal in the warehouse, would it repair itself in 48 hours if he doesn't eat all of it?

No. That perk doesn't work on consumables (doesn't cheat potions). I forget if there are some other warehouse specific crafting perks that would apply. He has the a perk that stops wear from aging, so sandwiches would not spoil or go stale. I can't remember if that's a warehouse specific perk or if it applies outside the warehouse too.
Some people would kill to get a meal this good.
I would grab that and go recruiting)
It's not clear if all of that improvement is during the fight or not.
It's probably obvious if you are actually analyzing the video. That sounds like impressive speed of learning, so Fleet should have also went from 'barely capable of dodging', to 'providing minimal aiming profile' and the like. Fleet probably couldn't have done a fly-by at the start of the battle. The 'earth shattering' attack was performed twice, Fleet probably needs time to rebalance and fly up again after such attack and for second attack it probably will be noticeable that Fleet recovered and flew up earlier.
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In canon, Bakuda attacked the Undersiders on the 15th of April and the Bank Job was on the 14th.

I have no reason to see the dates switched around except by maybe one extra day before Bakuda attacked which still doesn't give enough time for the Protectorate to manage a response to someone like Oni Lee who can just replicate the bombs he's using.
Do not look at...

"Thud" forehead notified the world about meeting table with dull sound.

This is great! Thank you for the Omake and Threadmarked.

Ah, another day, another omake. Once again, this is inspired by a comment the author made on Ao3

I'm really on a roll here.


Things That Were Not Meant To Be Known
People's comments are surprisingly good inspiration for omakes. I doubt I can keep this up, but I feel the need to write right now.

Let's see a new POV for this story.


An Artificial Point of View
I have been inspired. This was churned out quickly, but I feel it's fine.


A Great Feast

These are fantastic. Thank you and Threadmarked.

So he has nanobots and can control all nanites he comes across. Is there a reason why he has not visited eagletown yet?

Right now going against the Machine Army is a high risk/low reward situation. The exact details of what is happening in containment sites isn't advertised, so it might not even be common knowledge that the Machine Army uses nanites to spread. That said, there is a good chance that they are only in nanite form during the expansion phase and then construct more conventional technology. Joe can only control and absorb nanites, so he would be helpless against any other form of technology deployed.

He's also staying away for the same reason Dragon avoids the place. His body is also full of Generator Rex nanites that ignore conservation of mass and energy. He's aware of the potential of that technology to bring about the Nantie Event or any number of other S-Class scenarios. If the Machine Army is able to integrate it that's pretty much end of story for the planet.

Bubblegum Crisis already has nanite technology that can spread through metal and absorb/integrate it (the end of the first episode showed this and needed satellite weapon strikes to stop it), so that technology won't be a benefit to Joe. The only useful thing is the inter dimensional tech that the Machine Army uses to hide in subspace pockets, and he can already approximate that kind of thing with the right exotic materials.

It's also a containment site, meaning that it has mechanisms in place to keep thing in and out. Joe would have to bypass these, and would only get middling benefit. Also there is no way that the Protectorate is going to let him anywhere near Eagletow after his showing against Bakuda. They probably have a 'absolutely no tinkers' policy in place around that site, for obvious reasons. earth runed hand wraps work? Would it do the wave thing on some poor bastard's armor and pass through it?

The elemental effect of any weapon triggers on attack, so with hand wraps that would be on strikes or maybe garb attempts. If earth runes were used the effects would be the same as other earth weapons (Stronger impacts, tremors, manifesting earth and stone). Bypassing armor would probably be an effect of Metal runes, which is an element that hasn't been played with too much. The runes are limited to 'elemental properties' so that can be anything that can be justified as an element. Fire/Water/Air/Earth are obvious, and Lightning and Ice are easy as well. Metal and Wood count as elements, but are a little less obvious (more work and experminetation needed). The same with Light and Darkness. More esoteric elements are a stretch and difficult to manage, but if the case can be made for something counting as an element it can e expressed in runes.

Maliwan Intern also gives much better control of elemental weapons, so with that perk the effects are both more powerful and can be subtly controlled. With enough practice you could potentially pull off Avatar style bending moves using a good elemental weapon.

That can't possibly be legal. I could see it being Temporary Disability or Workman's Comp, but it would be cheaper for the PRT/Protectorate to pay hourly wages for M/S time than to keep increasing their insurance premiums.

That was half a joke about horrible working conditions, but the PRT does seem to be an organization that has somehow managed to combine the worst aspects of being in the police with the worst aspects of being in the military. It would not surprise me to find out they had some policy along these lines in place.

I there a perk tree on the celestial forge for Hardlight like in Halo? cause it would be awsome and efficient for Joe to create infrastructure or weapons.

(I checked the celestial forge document but i might made a mistake since i skimmed through it so correct me if its already there)

Not Hardlight specifically, though a lot of other perks can emulate similar effects. Erudition is the strongest Halo perk, and while that would allow you to understand Forerunner technology it doesn't give the technology base or any samples to examine.

wonder what he could do with naquada and its bullshit magic property's

With the Celestial Forge the only way to get naquada is with the Toxicology Reports perk that comes free with the Stargate SG1 jump if Xenoarchaeologist is rolled. That puts trace amounts of naquada in your blood, so small that it would normally be impossible to extract it. Even with material duplication perks it will take a lot of work to get anything like a decent supply from that. It might be easier to try to transmute it once he is aware of the material's existence.

Having just binge-read this fic, I am now eagerly looking forward to the point at which he gets another node in the Big O tech tree. :ogles:

...hmm. I wonder. Would Garment be able to assist in the fashion design of a Megadeus?

Garment's big advantage over Joe in terms of design is her perfect and predictive fashion sense. Joe can actually make more detailed and intricate designs that she can, but she always knows what is and will be in chic. The idea of a fashion forward giant robot isn't something that occured to me before now, but it's an interesting idea.

We also need to remember that he has Starfleet bullshit science in his head
so they also might have more super-materials

The big limiter on Star Trek science is Joe only having Physics knowledge, not Engineering. It's why he didn't just focus on building a phaser. He knows about Nadion particles and how they interact with matter, but he would have to design the emitter technology on his own. Incidentally, that's also why he hasn't realized the source of that technology yet. Star Trek exists in Earth Bet and things will be very obvious when Engineering takes them from abstract theory to specific items of technology.

Oops. Fixed.

I was thinking more of text form communication. Pronunciation-wise, there's not much ape-ish or iron. But I can only remember how to spell his name because it's Ape Iron, so when I'm typing it in to forums... and if there are other forum-goers thinking of him the same way I do, then I can just see his moniker mutating the same way the Halbeards's did here... first people start writing it as two words Ape Iron, soon people are transposing word order to Iron Ape, then inserting a preposition for Ape Of Iron or verbing the first word to Aping Iron (and a few ironic sorts mangle that to Ironing Ape or Ironic Ape), finally just dropping a word and calling him "the Ape"... why use an obscure greek word when you've got very common words at hand? And of course then Regent would use it in regular conversation with him or about him, just trying to be obnoxious. Or hip, either one will do. Will our Ape hook up us up with some tinkertech for that problem?

Oops again. I have no memory of healing potions from that franchise, but then I only read 4 or 5 LNs, and didn't like them that much.

There's actually already an internet joke around his name which Alec independently latched on to. The name was announced in audio from Uber and Leet's broadcast. Most people had no idea what that was or how to spell it (the #ItsSpelledApeiron hashtag was from that). The joke Alec made came from a muddling of the pronunciation to A-Pie-Run. If he hadn't ended the night on such a powerful note there's a good chance people would have focused on that rather than the insane destructive output (e.g. the pie guy, that pie cape, and so on). People will still make jokes over that and the Ape-Iron thing, but that's not the primary focus of anyone right now.

The Overlord healing potions are the type of red potions Ainz used to save Enri when Carne Village was being attacked and gave to Brita in E-Rantel. Very good instant healing of injuries, but probably not anything special for countering 'status', so no curing of disease, poisons, power effects, ect.

In canon, Bakuda attacked the Undersiders on the 15th of April and the Bank Job was on the 14th.

I have no reason to see the dates switched around except by maybe one extra day before Bakuda attacked which still doesn't give enough time for the Protectorate to manage a response to someone like Oni Lee who can just replicate the bombs he's using.

I've had to dig into the dates of the story along with the wiki timeline and the April 2011 calendar. The bank job was on Thursday, April 14, 2011. Bakuda's attack very clearly happened on Saturday night, which is Saturday, April 16, 2011. I don't know why the wiki timeline lists it as April 15th, but in story there is very clearly a full day between them where Taylor goes to school and talks to her teachers about missed time and assignments (and also notes how it seems a lot less intimidating compared to her supervillain work).

I've been considering adding a timeline to the information posts and reference story, but I haven't drafted anything just yet.

Right, got you two mixed up.

@LordRoustabout, can we see the one you're using, the updated one as you've removed some perks?

Edit: Please

I'll work on another informational post for the tables I'm using. For now here is a list of the properties from the Celestial Forge that are included in my rolls. (Which I guess is also a detailed look at my media choices and viewing habits. Oh well.) I'm adding more slowly as I work through new meda and feel I can properly represent it in the story.

40k Redux
Ace Combat
Adventure Time
Alpha Cenaturi
Assassin's Creed
Babylon 5
Big O
Bomberman 64: The Second Attack
Bubblegum Crisis
Career Model
Cave Story
Chrono Trigger
Command and Conquer: Tiberium Wars
Fallout 4
Fast and Furious
Final Fantasy VI
Forgotten Realms
Full Metal Panic
Fullmetal Alchemist
G.I. Joe
Gears of War
Generator Rex
Girl Genius
God of War
Gundam UC
Gundam: After Colony
GUNNM/Battle Angel Alita
Gurren Lagann
Harry Potter
Highschool of the Dead
History's Strongest Disciple: Kenichi
Indiana Jones
Journey to the West
Kerbal Space Program
Kill la Kill
Kim Possible
King Arthur
Light of Terra
Lord of the Rings
Mad Max
Mage: The Awakening
Maoyuu Hero and Demon King
Mass Effect
Megaman Zero
Metal Gear Rising
Metal Gear Solid
No More Heroes
Outlaw Star
Overlord: Light Novel
Percy Jackson
Raildex Science
Robot Unicorn Attack
Samurai Jack
Secret of Evermore
Soul Calibur
Star Trek: TNG
Stargate SG-1
Super Mario RPG
Swat Kats
Sword and Sorcery
Tales of Symphonia
Teen Titans
Tenchi Muyo
The Clone Wars
The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
The Witcher
The World Ends With You
Totally Spies
Valkyria Chronicles
Van Helsing
Viking Saga
Zoids: Legacy
The joke Alec made came from a muddling of the pronunciation to A-Pie-Run.
Pronunciation-wise, the way the resources I can find say it sound a lot more like "appear on" or "a pier on" or "a pea, Ron" or "a pea run"... I didn't see anything that pronounced the middle syllable like "pie". I could easily see people who have heard that he can teleport mishearing it as Appear-On.

edit, much later: Sources who actually speak Greek suggested that each vowel should get enunciated separately, no silent letters. Possibly something like Ah-Pea-Ay-Ron.
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Pronunciation-wise, the way the resources I can find say it sound a lot more like "appear on" or "a pier on" or "a pea, Ron"... I didn't see anything that pronounced the middle syllable like "pie". I could easily see people who have heard that he can teleport mishearing it as Appear-On.

That works equally well. I've heard a number of pronunciations for Apeiron and I don't have the linguistic background to comment on what causes the variance. Regent has a tendency to stretch jokes and run with them, so he'll probably be making pie jokes past the point anyone else thinks it's funny or relevant.

The issue could probably be sidestepped by just going full Greek and spelling his name ΑΠΕΙΡΟΝ. Of course, that's going to pile on more confusion and is approaching near terminal levels of pretentiousness.
Hey lord if you dont mind me asking this question. In the future will Joe have more allies in the future than just the undersiders or will it just be him and garment?
The issue could probably be sidestepped by just going full Greek and spelling his name ΑΠΕΙΡΟΝ. Of course, that's going to pile on more confusion and is approaching near terminal levels of pretentiousness.

He choose a name that literally mean "infinite" in a very ancient language, he is already well into terminal levels of pretentiousness. And confusing everyone was one of the objective, otherwise he would have choose a god name like all the other overpowered protagonists of worm fanfiction.
In that case, he should have just called himself "God". He's got the power to back it up.

Edit: Don't think I've seen anyone do that actually. Kind of like The Doctor from Doctor Who. Just a bit less humble.
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In that case, he should have just called himself "God". He's got the power to back it up.
Realize there's already a guy in-setting who named himself Zion. It's about as pretension as it gets, and he kinda deserved the name, and it kinda conflicts with naming yourself God. Also, Ape Iron doesn't have the power to back that up yet. He might eventually, but right now he's dealing with Coil basically by luck. He's not quite ready for the A-listers yet (Coil with resources, Panacea not holding back, the entire US government w/o backing from Cauldron, the Yangban, Teacher with students, Jack Slash w/ high functioning Trump/Thinker/Master power, etc), and has a long ways to go to be ready for the S-listers (Cauldron, EBs, Zion, maybe Glaistig Uaine on a good day or unbound Dragon).
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Realize there's already a guy in-setting who named himself Zion. It's about as pretension as it gets, and he kinda deserved the name, and it kinda conflicts with naming yourself God. Also, Ape Iron doesn't have the power to back that up yet. He might eventually, but right now he's dealing with Coil basically by luck. He's not quite ready for the A-listers yet (Coil with resources, Panacea not holding back, the entire US government w/o backing from Cauldron, the Yangban, Teacher with students, Jack Slash w/ high functioning Trump/Thinker/Master power, etc), and has a long ways to go to be ready for the S-listers (Cauldron, EBs, Zion, maybe Glaistig Uaine on a good day or unbound Dragon).

*Nods while sipping tea* - True, very true. I was more referring to the potential of his abilities to reach truly godlike hights.

If he gets the chance to reach those very heights that's something we'll have to wait and see, but the potential is there, and he must suspect that himself.

So why not start early, embrace the hubris!

Watching him build himself up only to come crashing down like a swinging, swooning fire-shooting tyre-on-fire on orbital reentery... And then, somehow, against all odds, bounce on touch down only try again, better and stronger then ever before.

That'd be satisfying to read. [JK]