Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

It not, nor is it a part of the revised one, but I am going to add the perks in now for the revised list. There a lot of perks from it that would be useful, and the capstone are rather insane.

600cp - Tech tree
Science is a messy process, requiring the study of dozens of disparate phenomena, looking for patterns, finding ways to use that information to build stuff that incorporates what you've learned, and then mashing it all together to get an 'invention.' Now you can take some of the guesswork out of it. When you desire to build something, you know just what you need to study to make that thing a reality. Want to get a rocket into orbit? Well, now you know what things contribute to rocketry, what kinds of math you must refine to get the equations you'll need answered, and what kinds of materials you should be experimenting with. If you are completely lacking knowledge of a particular field of study, then you'll know how to use what you do have to get where you need. Keep in mind that it may take you a very, very, long time to create new fields of SCIENCE entirely on your own

Basically from this perk alone. If you want to do X, you know what you have to do to get to X. Meaning you want an FTL engine but only know how to sharpen wooden sticks? This will direct you to everything you need to build one eventually.

It basically a Path to Victory on just gaining Technology X. Knowing exactly what you next step is, no matter how insane the thing you want to build would be.
Damm, cant belive I forgot about factorio when adding stuff! really suited to the CF.
Damm, cant belive I forgot about factorio when adding stuff! really suited to the CF.

Yeah, just about everything in that document looked good. I tried to not just copy every perk out of it, but it was sort of hard to do such. Every single capstone would be prefect for the forge, from PtV on Technology, to knowing how to design the perfect weapon for any threat, to being able to make
high-tech devices with lowtech materials and lastly minions you make can self-evovle perfectly to counter whatever harms them, even if it means designing entirely new senses or abilities to do such and do such rapidly enough to be noticed on the scale of days.

It kind of amazing that it was missed in all of that. The factorio document is close to being it own CF when you think about what you could do with all of those.
Speaking of PtV tech, can the MC make a 'ignore defences' or some other kind of conceptual weapon? I think he's gonna need one against the endbringers.
Honestly, the only jump doc that might be better for a CF build would be Terraria. And that's just because it literally gives you access to the actual game's build menu with the ability to see the ingredients to literally anything you could build and the ability to just craft things with a click.
Speaking of PtV tech, can the MC make a 'ignore defences' or some other kind of conceptual weapon? I think he's gonna need one against the endbringers.
Strictly speaking, if he can get some analysis of Lily in action? Sure. Hell, there's plenty in the CF already for building things that could oops the endbringers.
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knowing how to design the perfect weapon for any threat
I'd just like to underline this sentiment. The text of the relevant perk is as follows
With a glance, you know how something can be turned to destructive ends. With something in hand and an enemy in sight, you know how effective your weapon of choice will be against him. Ideas on how to craft weapons from existing knowledge comes easily, and the more you know about something or someone you wish torn asunder, the better you can craft something to destroy them. There is nothing you cannot weaponize, if only in some niche manner for an equally niche situation.
This is not limited to physical weapons. It applies to all forms of conflict and any potential weapon. This is a military combat perk as well as a social combat perk, an E-War perk, a rap battle perk, a general problem-solving perk, etc. I maintain that it is one of the most powerful perks anywhere in the chain and practically a must-have for fighting insurmountable opponents (see: "you know how effective your weapon of choice will be" which is a Thinker 4 power on its own at minimum).

EDIT: Thought about it some more. That clause is Thinker 6 minimum, because it doubles as a form of combat precog. Every use of a weapon is itself a weapon, which you know the immediate effectiveness of. So, you'll know what will work before you try, instinctively only doing things that will work. This is budget combat PtV.
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The addendum is a really great idea. While this fic probably updates more often on average than most other fics subjectively it may feel longer, so it's nice to see other perspectives while Jumpchain/tinkering shit is happening.

As for the Jumpchain bs/plot balance...each to his own I guess. Part of the fun for me is that bs (and seeing others react to it). I think the balance more or less works out on average (especially since we just had a few chapters of action not too long ago -hell, people were complaining that was too long!).

But I do wonder when the MC will become so good and fast at tinkering that it won't be worth doing.
i wonder what he would do if he got punted into another verse bye smurge maby halo or mass effect or starcraft
Rocket Hammer Rental (Knaka)
And the Omake Bug strikes again.

Be honest, we all would like a rocket hammer.


Rocket Hammer Rental

Triumph sighed as he walked alongside Dauntless toward their destination. They were on a normal patrol route until console directed them towards a new location. Apparently, there were rumors on PHO about a sighting of Aperion interacting with some civilians in the docks. With everything that had happened recently, they needed to talk to him. While he technically hadn't done anything clearly illegal that they could prove, he was still wanted for questioning.

Assault and Velocity were still out of commission from Saturday night's attack. With Armsmaster upgraded to serious condition, that meant that the Brockton Protectorate branch was down to four members. Additionally, they still hadn't found Weld after he fell into the bay. Triumph really hoped they found him soon. After what happened to his cousin, he had become more sensitive to missing minors.

Things were tense in Brockton Bay. They were currently in a lull of activity, but everyone knew it was only a matter of time until violence erupted. All of the major players were preparing for it.

The sound of a crash snapped Triumph out of his musings. With a quick glance towards Dauntless, they rushed towards the sound of the noise. Despite the fact that Dauntless could fly, Triumph actually was faster than him and arrived to see what was happening first.

The sight before him left him stunned in disbelief.

He had arrived at what was obviously a scrapyard. The twisted pieces of metal here clearly had no value and were probably only still here because no one wanted to pay to have it moved. There were countless places like this in the docks.

From his vantage point at the entrance to the yard, Triumph could see a figure that matched Aperion's description with a short line of civilians behind him. Aperion was standing at one end of the scrapyard watching a figure in the center of the yard. At that moment, Dauntless arrived and spoke what was on Triumph's mind.

"Is that a fucking rocket hammer?"

Indeed, the civilian in the middle of the yard was wielding what could only be described as a hammer with a rocket engine attached to it. The civilian activated the weapon, was launched forward, and used the hammer to strike what looked like an engine block. The engine flew across the scrapyard and landed in a pile of pipes.

Triumph looked toward Dauntless and spoke.

"Well, looks like it's really him."

Dauntless looked back and replied.

"Yeah, but that seems like a really strange weapon for him. It seems to be really ineffective compared to his other stuff. Anyway, should we call it in now?"

Triumph pondered for a moment. As he watched, the civilian with the rocket hammer walked back to Aperion and handed it to him. The civilian left and Aperion gave the hammer to the next person in line. Seeing this, Triumph made his decision.

"Let's wait a bit before checking in."

Dauntless gave him a pondering look.


Triumph smiled and started walking toward the line.

"Yeah, there's no way I'm passing this up."
i wonder what he would do if he got punted into another verse bye smurge maby halo or mass effect or starcraft
He looses his powers when they come from a shard ,because shards do not operate in space. Or jumpchan brings him back when she provides the powers, because she probable has a rason for keeping him in Worm and sending him perks.
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So far the big deviation from canon is March joining the ABB as an (extremely) indirect effect of the Undersiders being more effective in the bank battle.

What I'm wondering about at the moment is the effect of Leet's broadcast on Armsmaster's psyche, and in particular upon Armsmaster's canonical murderous scheme in the upcoming Leviathan fight. Armsmaster's original plans were driven by desperation from his failing ambitions. Now suddenly there is extremely graphic evidence of Apeiron looking like a far more effective Tinker than Armsmaster. And not just Apeiron, but Leet came off looking pretty good there too. Even Bakuda seemed like a powerful Tinker in that footage, if more than a little unhinged. And of course the broadcast simultaneously embarrasses Armsmaster by proving several theories and actions he has been pushing woefully wrong. Mostly small stuff, but at this point in Armsies life even the small stuff seems gigantic.

So I'm thinking Armsmaster might try something desperate sooner than the next EB attack, or even more foolish than his canonical treacherous powerplay. Or... in canon, his maneuver was predicated on the idea that he was already known to be an excellent Tinker, and had one of the most advanced close combat weapons around and some of the most sophisticated combat assistance software. Here on the other hand, he's looking like the 4th best Tinker in BB. Apeiron and March have demonstrated better cutting tools than his nanothorns, and even freaking Flechette is in the same town as him though so far as we can tell no one has noticed that she can cut things out of Clockblocker's timelocks. And Apeiron's transforming bike showed excellent combat-related software as well. It's possible that Armsmaster could actually give up his ambitions in advance, or at least shift them in a different direction such that he's competing less directly with the MC. Otherwise they just don't look achievable, even with him underestimating the EBs.

So does anyone have any ideas on how Armsmaster's corona pollentia-assisted midlife crisis may manifest under the present circumstances?

Armsmaster is in a very, very bad spot right now. Even getting past the fact that he's in intensive care following a very ill advised attach on Lung that also put a Ward 'out of commission' pretty much every career boosting gamble he's attempted since Taylor's debut has blown up in his face. Keeping quiet about what he knew concerning Taylor following the bank job is probably criminal negligence or dereliction of duty or something like that. He was making clearly bias claims about the new 'tinker' that, while not damning, impeded the potential to create a proper response. His technology was what flagged the master accusation, and the entire city is suffering for having Panacea out of action.

When he wakes up he won't have many good options available to him. Oddly, his best ally will probably be Piggot. Apeiron referenced Ellisberg and questioned her mental stability. His actions have caused so much destabilization that if they can't pin the mess on him as an intentional thinker attack both their career's are effectively over. On top of that they have a mercenary tinker capable of casually dropping buildings (and worse) running around in their city with absolutely no checks on him. Joe is going to be looking at a determined and united opposition on every professional front, as well seeing them capitalize on anything that could bring official charges or call in more support to bring him in line.

I'd just like to say that I had a very different reaction. The whole section describing changes to the workshop was very amusing for me to read, probably because it focused more on the reactions of the MC and other characters than on dry exposition. The Celestial Forge is inherently a mishmash of a power with lots of bells and whistles that seem arbitrary and bizarre when removed from the context of their original jumpchain documents, and frankly that's part of the appeal. I enjoy seeing the MC struggling (and, for the most part, succeeding) in making sense of all of this even with no understanding of his power's actual nature and origin.

Thank you. One aspect of this fic is that the exploration of the MC's powers is a literal exploration. He is learning about them along with the audience instead of just saying 'Right, 40k armor. Moving on.". It's a dynamic that doesn't work for everyone, but there's actually a layer of conflict between Joe and his power. Sometime it's minor (What does this do? What was added to my workshop?) and sometimes it's more significant (This power is affecting my mind. I can't disable this power and it's affecting my daily life.). The intention was that there was a challenge in dealing with the forge itself instead of just instantly utilizing it to its full extent. That gets into the challenge of technical stories where you have some people who like seeing someone grapple with technical problems and some who skim past for the next character beat or action scene. Both are valid approaches and I'm trying to find a good balance as the fic progresses.

I'm curious to see how the conversation will go when Joe meets the Undersiders again. Other than them owing him a fortune, I think Tattletale just can't hold back her questions anymore, and I'm sure the Undersiders are curious about Joe too. Plus, it would be hard to lie with Tattletale doing her best to read him, he could probably give some vague specialty like "Matter tinker" which is what Coil thought, but even then I see them doubting.

The Undersiders aren't in a good position to make demands of Joe and he's perfectly within his rights to keep details to himself within the bounds of what the Undersiders will tolerate. Their only real hope is leveraging Taylor to get some information out of him, something she won't be terribly comfortable with. Of course, it's probably going to be a couple of days before that happens. Two days of buildup will have Joe in a very different position than he was this night.

I just want to see him use his runes more, can he engrave his clothes for example? that would be quite the boost for working what to him would barely be a second.

Runes specifically have to be added to weapons. There are some items of clothing that could qualify as a weapon and thus pick up enchantments (something like hand-wraps might work). Generally the runes are offensive effects, not defensive or boosting enchantments.

I am a big fan of the Friday errands arc.

I'm kind of happy that my fic has a section of chapters that can be referred to as the "Friday errands arc". I didn't go into that section intending to make an arc out of Friday errands, it just evolved naturally. The fic is high detail and slow burn, so the idea that it can take multiple chapters to get through a day of errands is a result of that.

talks about he isn't going to be able to make celestial bronze anytime soon, not like he has an active vulcano or water from lethe.

Gains Skyforge, a forge powered by magic active volcano (magic lavapool ontop of a mountain... yeah it's a volcano)...

Gains upgrade to alchemy

What was the alchemy required for water of lethe now? should be easier than cybertronium, right? because a manton limited blade sounds like something he would very much like to have...

Or can celestial bronce ONLY be forged in etna? if so, how did anyone from halfblood gain any, if it required tactic permission directly from Hephaestus, as you would essentially have to forge it on in his forge or just outside of it... not to mention travel from the us to Italy... hell, that rebellion would have been soo doomed, when only one side can forge new weapons and arrows.

other-vice, endbringer "blood" should be nice crafting component for his eventual bone steel weapons for endbringer fights.

since he really only needs to sell a single tinkertech piece to found himself for several months now, he should probably start charging in rare supplies, like endbringer blood and pieces, or old tinkertech from people with access...

Edit: For the cyber discussion. he should not replace anything, any risk clearly outweigh the benefits. Especially since redundant organs are a way better way to go. Less scary, keep the liver, but clamp in a new tinkertech kidney and liver. add a second heart clamped onto a major bloodvessel. don't replace the bones, but line them with cybernetics. layer cyber-muscles with normal muscles. if they are damaged, you still have your biology fully funktional, and you gain some of the benefits of being a cyborg. and as some people say, odds are that he should be able to repair the cybernetics with nanobots anyway. The way of the spacemarine friend, redundant organs for the win.

Deranged Alchemist could be used to transmute river lethe water, and it handles magical materials better than technological ones. Knowledge of the Nature of Memories will also help with that. Combined with the volcano forge it could create something like celestial bronze, but is missing the 'mined on mount Olympus' part. I'm reading that as a required association with a divine force. So lacking that the result would be magical, but not top tier magical metal.

Same with Bone Steel. He can get some beef bones and blood from a butcher and have it functional, but better creatures are needed for better quality. Endbringers would be near the best he could make unless Scion develops a nosebleed and looses and arm. Or Cauldron lets him into Eden's remains with a hacksaw and bucket. Below that parahumans would be good enough for the level seen in 'typical' examples of bone steel. Bone and blood from a cape won't be easy to come by, even with the Undersiders technically owing him an arm and a leg.

Invasive cybernetics have a number of problems. His medical knowledge is middling, so self surgery is a nightmarish idea. His technology is advancing rapidly, so anything he had already put in his body would be obsolete and need to be replaced at this point, and probably at several points in the future. Life fibers are providing potential permanent evolution based enhancements to his body with an unknown upper limit, so switching out any parts would impede that. Nothing is going to get implanted until he's sure he won't be building a better version in a couple of days.

There's also the Generator Rex Nanites. He has the potential to turn himself into an Evo allowing instant healing, physical enhancement, and even Rex style assembly of weapons and tools from his body. Unlike his fiat backed healing nanites those would have the normal drawbacks and could be ripped out or disrupted by a magnetic field, but otherwise they're his best option for non-invasive trans-humanism. He even has a proper nanotech lab now, so he can start serious work on building a programmable colony.

i wonder what he would do if he got punted into another verse bye smurge maby halo or mass effect or starcraft

That's an interesting idea for a side story or omake series. Possibly something to visit after this fic, or for someone else to run with.

And the Omake Bug strikes again.

Be honest, we all would like a rocket hammer.


Rocket Hammer Rental

PRT Notification: Triumph and Dauntless confined to M/S containment following exposure to Apeiron Memetic Item 27D-F3; Cognitohazard Designatied "Rocket Hammer". Containment efforts of exposed civilian populous is ongoing. All PRT officials are to report to M/S containment immediately if they experience any unexplained desire to swing a rocket assisted spike at large objects.

Please note that all time in M/S containment is classified as unpaid leave.

Thanks for the Omake and threadmarked.
That gets into the challenge of technical stories where you have some people who like seeing someone grapple with technical problems and some who skim past for the next character beat or action scene. Both are valid approaches and I'm trying to find a good balance as the fic progresses.

Honestly, I think you're striking a pretty good balance so far. Up until Garment was introduced, I did more skimming than reading, but since Joe is interacting with the Undersiders more and Garment is getting more screentime, you've been pretty good about balancing detail with character content. Well, I think so, anyway.
Deranged Alchemist could be used to transmute river lethe water, and it handles magical materials better than technological ones. Knowledge of the Nature of Memories will also help with that. Combined with the volcano forge it could create something like celestial bronze, but is missing the 'mined on mount Olympus' part. I'm reading that as a required association with a divine force. So lacking that the result would be magical, but not top tier magical metal.

Same with Bone Steel. He can get some beef bones and blood from a butcher and have it functional, but better creatures are needed for better quality. Endbringers would be near the best he could make unless Scion develops a nosebleed and looses and arm. Or Cauldron lets him into Eden's remains with a hacksaw and bucket. Below that parahumans would be good enough for the level seen in 'typical' examples of bone steel. Bone and blood from a cape won't be easy to come by, even with the Undersiders technically owing him an arm and a leg.

Invasive cybernetics have a number of problems. His medical knowledge is middling, so self surgery is a nightmarish idea. His technology is advancing rapidly, so anything he had already put in his body would be obsolete and need to be replaced at this point, and probably at several points in the future. Life fibers are providing potential permanent evolution based enhancements to his body with an unknown upper limit, so switching out any parts would impede that. Nothing is going to get implanted until he's sure he won't be building a better version in a couple of days.

There's also the Generator Rex Nanites. He has the potential to turn himself into an Evo allowing instant healing, physical enhancement, and even Rex style assembly of weapons and tools from his body. Unlike his fiat backed healing nanites those would have the normal drawbacks and could be ripped out or disrupted by a magnetic field, but otherwise they're his best option for non-invasive trans-humanism. He even has a proper nanotech lab now, so he can start serious work on building a programmable colony.

I had forgoten about Life fibers. Yeah, that is defiantly his best bett. I was thinking about minor cybernetical upgrades like poison immunity and waterbreathing, but the risk of that getting in the way of life fibers especially when he can just use potions instead... (even if i would dislike having active counters to poison rather than passive)

I think one of my main problems with the cybernetics is that my main go to battleangel alita cyber body is her Berserker body. Wich is, atleast in part, nanobots. Atleast when it's in berserker mode. and me being an idiot, i go "Right, this is nanotech, so it works on all his nanotech" even when some of it is... probably not compatible, seeing how berserker bodies where fairly blackboxed and highlevel military secret tech. soo i can definatly see how his standard nanobots can't easily affect a military partial nanobot body that atleast in part was used to fight against enemies that specialized in nanotech.

as for it celestial bronce not being full power due to poor coper quality (not from mount olympus), that is fair enough. the intresting part there is what part of it would be weaker. Celestial bronce has 3 main properties that are intresting, the "can hurt myological beings" part (that would probably help with certainparahumans, projections(The Siberian), endbringers and enteties), chop mundane materials lika butta, and the "To divine to hurt mortal scrubs" part. Even if it is no better att cutting than normal bronse, and can't hurt the imortall any better than other slightly to soft edged weapons, that manton limit would be gold. and the other effects ain't bad either.

really, without the manton limit Bone Steel is the better material, it can after all be attuned to deal extra damage to specific enemy types... And while it's not easy to get hold of parahuman bones, Ask regent if he would like a hand that can raise a lightsaber as it's middle finger...
well if he ever gets in good with the cauldron fuckers he could ask for endbringer bone and blood even tho we know its not real bone or blood ehh/i just remembered even if he got the lowest lvl bone and blood his perks would never let him make less then masterwork bone steel anything
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Do not look at... (andreykl)
Do not look at...

"Thud" forehead notified the world about meeting table with dull sound.

"Gah" Lisa started massaging her temples while her abused forehead comfortably rested on cool glass of the table, then complained to overly amused Alec "You should have closed the laptop, not pushed me from it!"

"You really should have stopped trying this by now" countered Alec "I'm merely helping you realize that."

"Can't." groaned Lisa "I will eventually learn not to look."

"Face it," jabbed Alec "this is the fifth time you froze up, you are not going to learn."

"I should have waited for Brian" complained Lisa "Not only would he not be amused, he would have reviewed the material to warn me about times when they appear or move."

"Sorry to disappoint" Alec said not looking sorry at all "but you apparently have a deadline and only me around. And by the look of your progress, you won't fit into said deadline."

"As if I don't know that myself." Lisa looked over her notes "This is getting ridiculous." she started to list what her power gave her so far "Age: undetermined. Sex: inapplicable. Race: power gives grumbled mess. Trigger event: none? Trigger date: had powers forever? Powers: how the hell that is a power?"

"You didn't list the most important point:" noted Alec "the one written at the top in big bold letters, not to look at..."

"I know dammit!" interrupted Lisa "Don't point it out, even thinking of them causes my head to throb."

"With how ridiculous the data you are getting is, I don't think there is a point to continue." Said Alec as he took Lisa's notes "Seriously, according to this, we have an immortal or self-resurrecting cape at the level where Triumvirate will say 'OP, please nerf', who considers physics, be that conservation of mass or gravity, as a polite suggestion at best, has additional senses, incredible understanding of anatomy, has decades of experience with their power yet is practically inept. Hm, lets sum those powers up: high level mover, shaker, breaker, stranger, low level thinker at minimum and low level tinker to boot. You can't give that to your employer, it's obviously wrong."

"I know, dammit" rose from the table Lisa "All right, last try, but this time I will be focusing on the surroundings and whoever was recording. Alec?"

"Eye, eye. Ready to act." Shrugged Alec and returned Lisa's notebook "That's your headache, so suit yourself."

"Don't look at the white gloves. Don't look at the white gloves. Don't look at the white gloves." Started to chant Lisa while opening the laptop where cape introduction of Garment Gloves was playing on a loop.
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Is my memory faulty? Did the SI not have that already?

We talking about the perk from factorio, which is now in the revised forge as an option, but it wasn't in the old forge and as such it not something that the SI could have.

Although he could have the features of said perk in other ways, I don't think he does.

What it does is you design the perfect weapon to counter a target, and know how to use anything that you try and used as a weapon on it, perfectly. The SI doesn't have something on that scale yet.
When he wakes up he won't have many good options available to him. Oddly, his best ally will probably be Piggot. Apeiron referenced Ellisberg and questioned her mental stability. His actions have caused so much destabilization that if they can't pin the mess on him as an intentional thinker attack both their career's are effectively over.
As I understand it, they have at least one more option: I assume that nobody is going to be changing PRT and Protectorate leadership during major crisis, so Piggot and Armsmaster have a bit of time and if they manage to resolve Bakuda issue in particularly 'heroic' way, they might be able to get out of the mess.

His actions have caused so much destabilization that if they can't pin the mess on him as an intentional thinker attack both their career's are effectively over.
Seems like blame will actually go to Tattletae. Don't blame the messenger and all that...
If Apeiron's 'precog' power 'fails' and he will be confirmed as 'not a thinker', the most blame will definitely go to Tattletae who set it up.
So, first off I wanna day I really do enjoy the story.

I do however have some legitimate criticism. There is far too much "Tell" in a lot of these chapters and not enough "Show". We don't need to know all the intricate details of whatever new powers he has and how they work. It leads to word bloat, which creates new powers, which leads to more word bloat.

having him tinker and maybe the odd mention of how things change would be appropriate. But it gets well boring when you realize two thirds of a chapter are essentially fluff as he describes what his new powers do.