Written with the help of CorEagle's PHO Blacksmithery - Brockton's Celestial Forge and the users who frequent the thread. This is the first, and hopefully not the last, PHO omake that resulted from that thread. This one is the comment section of "Reconsider" by The Shallow, who gave their permission to use their work. @LordRoustabout, I have titled this in my documents as "Reconsider - Comments".
To everyone else, please continue using the PHO thread!
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►Salty Facility
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:
►Moby Dick
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:
The human Master/robot Master/robot Tinker combination is quite rare, isn't it.
I would bet that Apeiron human master/ armor tinker. those 'Gaurdians' mastered people to love someone that that were dressed up in those suits.
Who did you make Dragon fall for anyway? I can't imagine it being worse than what you did to Panacea.
►KingGizzard & the Lizard Wizard
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:
Alright since you are spreading a bunch of lies I figure that it is my duty to clear up any misconceptions a newcomer might have after reading your quite frankly false arguments.
" If he's to blame, but he made excuses to the PRT instead of admitting blame, this is literally true." first off you say "if he's to blame" and that he "made excuses to the PRT instead of admitting blame" you act like he already is guilty of everything the PRT 'suspected' him of. This is wrong on so many levels that if you don't understand the concept of innocent until proven guilty then I don't think anybody can help you.
you stated that he was making excuses when he was claiming innocence and providing a logical argument and suggestion as to why Panacea might be tripping master alarms. Claiming that what he is doing is making excuses is silly on many levels when you consider that anybody with a brain could see the logic of what he is claiming.
This isn't even talking about the actual Interrogation, and yes I mean interrogation. Anybody who watched the unofficially(unconfirmed my ass, that camera is better than most movies) released tape can determine that the 'questioning' is bogus.
"I've made no implications of..." where did you find this? because I read the thing up and down and the only point where "made no implications of" comes up is when he talking about Weld and not himself. And its true the PRT has made no implications that weld is in Master confinement. Seems pretty sketchy for a 'suspected master victim' huh. Anyways stop making false quotes you're just making yourself seem worse.
"True, but how do you think he got past that point? It wasn't the PRT." Actually, they did play a big part or did you just forget about (Triumph's beaten and bloodied body) not gonna blame Triumph for that, he obviously had no choice but to fight back. But by the time Lung showed up he was already ramped up enough that any hero would have had no choice but to go fully lethal. Apeiron gave Lung a chance to surrender but he didn't, he brought that on himself. besides what was he supposed to do? let Lung burn down half the City?
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:
I think Apeiron faked these logs but I don't know what the fuck he's playing at:
That's probably the right reaction. Every sense I'm getting says things are going to get bad with the ABB and March is a much more significant threat than you're making her out to be.
Is that your thinker power? From what I heard, thinker results are all over the place with her.
March messes with thinker powers. I didn't have anything on her until recently, but it's going to be bad. I realize this is going to come across as someone trying to divert attention away from themselves, but you really need to focus on dealing with her
This is ridiculous!!!! Is he trying to act like he predicted what happened on thurs???
Still not really sleeping, but everything else is holding up. I haven't accidently absorbed anything since your treatment. I mean, I've been in medical most of the time, but It's a huge relief not having to be as careful about hidden nails or metal components in mixed composition-objects. Touch and taste are still massively improved. Seriously, thank you for that.
Don't worry. I'm sorry I couldn't do more. Once things are settled I might be able to get you another treatment, but it will take some work to get there.
You had a chance to try Thai food yet?
this HAS GOT TO BE pure bullshit
Apeiron is trying to claim he can alleviate C53 condition???
This is such a brazen lie I am just so confused as to why he would consider doing this???
Is this some sort of coded threat to the PRT???????
►KingGizzard & the Lizard Wizard
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:
You're right Apeiron did make some big claims with that and I'm having a bit of trouble believing that myself.
It makes no sense for him to lie about that. All it would take is @Weld coming out and saying that the convo is fake and he loses all credibility.
He has no good reason to lie about that, which is the only reason I suspect that it might in fact be true.
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:
The accusation of "ability to mentally influence" is a big, vague, threatening-sounding pile of nothing. If you're reading this, I'm influencing your mind. Maybe I'll even change it. No powers necessary, just words.
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:
Problem with your assumprion Gizzard is that anyone ever bothers reading beyond the first headlines, or heck that anyone follows along with Apeiron's actions beyond the streams he appears on. Did you know he has an automated responce to everyone contacting him for merc work. There is some variation but you can tell it's a standard "we are not accepting any new contracts atm" message you get from various freelance contractors. Don't get me wrong if you try any research into him ur more likely to have a bunch of question more so than answers, but the questions I seem to always run into isnt anywhere near as bad as, is he really a master? More often it's where is he getting all the materials for this? Or why do his transforming robots make the sound of a Aleph Hasbro property? Also some things that'd get you banned on PHO (no not shipping shit). I'm more worried if he's been mastered honestly. His demeanor since his fight with U&L has changed dramatically, you can tell in the way he carries himself, it's unnerving honestly. Like b4 he was badass but now? He carries this...animal magnetism that he never displayed b4.
►KinderBlazen (Tempbanned)
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:
you bitches don't got your priorities straight! Clearly, the question we should be asking are "can he make sexy robo waifus?"
Mod edit: Do not engage in this kind of behavior
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:
...wait how did the ape of iron get permission to post his chat logs, I thought PHO was a 2 party system. Did...did he get permission from Dragon/Weld to post what was supposed to be a private conversation? Like I don't want to make any assumptions. Also if Weld had access to PHO he is obviously not undergoing Master screening, and what I can read from the Dragon chat logs...yeah idk what is going on there it's too dense to slog through, and the responce times are...like I know Apeiron has that weird mover thing when he breaks down tech so inguess it applies to typing, but what about Dragon? They are nearly matching in the wpm! Man i need to get me a keyboard like that...unless they were using a mind-machine interface which would...dangit I really hope they were just using mundane tech for that (unlikely but let a man dream).
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:
@King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard That is why it has to be some sort of coded threat! @Weld has been in Medical for like a week. Shouldn't take that long to carve anything he was stuck to out, no? What if he fused with some Apeiron tech intentionally placed under the rig, and Apeiron is using him as a hostage to get the kill order revoked???
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►KingGizzard & the Lizard Wizard
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:
D-Did you seriously not see @Weld standing right there in the press conference?
I doubt Apeiron put some sort of invisible kill switch on a Ward.
Just saying.
why don't you take that to the conspiracy section of PHO?
besides that, isn't @Weld supposed to be immune to master effects? why is the PRT considering weld a suspected master victim despite his supposed immunity? Add in the fact that he isn't in containment and it sounds even worse.
Granted that was just speculation on Apeiron's part. But the fact that nobody even knows who the hell the PRT are talking about when they say "3 suspected victims" should clue us in on how bogus this [is it(pre-singed)?] kill order is.
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:
I don't think ya'll getting the point here. We've had countless people tell us they've been healed by Apeiron, and now Weld's in Medical. The freakish things Apeiron's medical blue lines can fix, ya'll think maybe he cured Weld's metallness? Cause that, that would make him Important, with a capital I. The PRT might not be able to do anything to him, if he can shake the big stick of a cure for Case 53's - I seen some of them on TV, and they don't look like they feel right in their skins - I think the words dysphoria.
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:
common misconception Gizzard it is neither confirmed nor denied whether or not Weld is immune to all master effects. Let alone whatever effects Apeiron(allegedly) has. It seems safe to assume but power interactions are known to be weird, so there is a chance he can be effected by master powers. Understandable if he was in master confinement, but since he isnt I'm guessing either the Protectorate do not actually consider Apeiron a master threat, or they are completely disregarding SoP due to the state of emergency.
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:
Just because he can blow up Weld doesn't mean he can control him. Master effects don't matter if there is a mini-nuke stuck in his shin. It's a coded message! That's the only explanation! Also, the Dragon logs are full of Technobabble and are mostly just dead links to PDFs. I refuse to believe those are actually real. What kind of smug bullshit is this ending?
A: It's real and I know what it means. You can have it, no charge. Just work with me. Help me break Bakuda's code.
D: Let me contact the Protectorate. I guarantee they will allow this. Please.
A: No. You can beg forgiveness rather than ask permission. That's my offer. I am asking you to break the rules.
D: I can't.
A: I know.
I think this is also meant to be a code. He might not be Mastering dragon but there's got to be a reason she's prioritizing his capture...
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:
Ok, I just read through about 200 pages of legal writing and either the Kill Order is bogus or it's based on entirely different accusations from the ones in the presser. Taken at face value, they don't meet the Inherent Immediate Threat standard of the Breed decision, nor do they "brazenly exceed the normal scope of villainy", nor do they allege an S-class threat. At least, not unless they have an explanation of the Lung strike that goes beyond just an unknown weapon that hit really hard - AFAICT the use of a power against a single individual, with no collateral deaths, has never been an acceptable basis for a Kill Order.
Am I missing some other justification here?
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:
Clearly a lot of covering up. The nerds on the Apeiron Calculations thread were saying that the Gaurdian went at the speed of light, so we might be talking about FTL Weaponry from Apeiron!!! PRT confirming that and panic starts!
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:
naw Gravy, the problem is having access tinkertech that has planetary reprecussions, which is why it's a presigned kill order and not an actual one. Chances are the PRT is doing this more so to preempt another String Theory. At least if the theory that what took out Lung was an FTL ram and not something else, anyways rewatching the press release it seems the bigger issue they have is whatever feild repair tech he has for the giant robot. If what they say about Dragon's recordings of the encounter are true, there is something in the robot that looks similar to Apeiron's healing tech...so either it isnt limited to organic materials, or he used something with much worse implications. Either way he definitely had a hand in building that robot, and that thing is Endbringer sized. Like seriously even if it wasnt built solely by him, having a hand in the creation of something like that is...it doesnt look good is what I am saying.
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:
Ok, we are we even attempting to apply physics or logic to Apeiron's tinkertech? TInkertech is inherently a violation of science in the first place - hell, look at these bubbles of stasis that the bomb tinker's been flinging about - anything that enters gets absolutely frozen - and yet, it is still somehow fixed relative to the Earth's position, instead of shredding a hole in the planet. Lots of tinkertech that has potentially nightmarish implications simply ceases to actually live up to the hype, somehow being safety-proofed or limited in ways we can't comprehend. For all we know, Lung got teleported or something, and the lightshow was cosmetic.
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:
If we really need a Kill Order signed, shouldn't it go to Bakuda instead? I mean, I don't know about you but I do not want to see what a tinker tech nuclear grenade or antimatter grenade can do especially since Oni Lee is not dead either.
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:
Drowning, "seems" isn't good enough for a kill order. For an abbreviated trial in absentia, without an opportunity for the accused to defend himself, the standard of proof is supposed to be "beyond all doubt". The public evidence isn't even enough to meet that standard for a finding that Lung is dead, see ShinySlimeSnaffler's post.
In a regular trial, the judge couldn't posit a scenario like Shiny's but Apeiron could plausibly raise it as a defense and present his own evidence to back it up. Therefore, the abbreviated trial uses a stronger standard of evidence and the case for a kill order needs to preempt any plausible defense like that. They can't possibly have that evidence yet, unless they captured and analyzed the robot and found something alarming but didn't tell anyone.
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►Weld (Verified Cape) (Case 53)
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:
I cannot stay silent any longer. Yes, the logs provided by Apeiron regarding our conversation is true. Here is my log with him on my point of view. I request that the admins verify these messages so this matter could be settled.
I am definitely going to catch hell for posting this, but I don't care. Apeiron gave me back my senses, limited they may be. I can finally feel and taste what is on my hands. He rescued me from the bottom of the ocean just because he thought I was a hero. His mercenary attitude is more fiction than fact - and that he has hates Masters with a passion to the point I'm worried that they were the cause of his trigger. You have no idea how thankful I am for what he has done for me.
He was working on a cure for Case 53, and now it seems that he won't ever be able to complete it with the utter stupidity that is this Kill Order.
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:
Weld can taste through his hands now?
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:
honestly...more suprised that they allowed you to publically post...and that Apeiron didnt ask you directly to post those logs...kinda sketch. Also yeah, you can taste with ur hands?...what kinda rating would that get? Striker/Thinker obviously but like I'm wondering what the number would be...
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:
@DrowninginTheBay I think he wasn't really allowed to post that. Note his wording about he's "going to catch hell for this." I'm not a Case 53, so I don't know if what Apeiron did was really that big of a deal? Also, those hand-tasters...
Gives a whole new meaning when Weld wants to throw hands, you know?
►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:
This post is made to share that what Weld posted wasn't sanctioned and does not represent the ideals and view of the Protectorate.
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:
And the government people show up. Instead of, you know, trying to help the people, they give kill orders on nuke-bearing capes and slap down their own capes that have the opposite opinion.
Honestly, you guys suck balls.
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►John Doe2340
Replied On Apr 26th 2011:
I mean you joke about it but when you consider its potential uses with medical care for capes...
I doubt that MRIs are particularly effective on high-level brutes.
I mean just imagine it.
Being the only cape in the world that can help test Alexandria for breast cancer Mmmm.
It's certainly a power that I would love to have.
Moderator: You have received a week-long ban for inappropriate conduct... which you obviously knew since you created a sock puppet account. Enjoy your perma-ban.
Replied On Apr 26th 2011:
ah maybe...imma clear that up then i was confused as to why he was allowed on the computer, even if he isnt under master confinement procedures from what I can tell the Wards havent been allowed to post since the state of emergency was announced. Unless that is actually just them not posting due to...the...emergency. I am a stupid
Replied On Apr 26th 2011:
Soooooo, ignoring @ John Doe2340 lack of... tact. I will say that up to certain point he is right about
Apeiron having some damn good medical biotinkering if he can claim to heal case 53 and use the same
thing to become our DinoWerewolf Overlord, I have my reservations but he isn't the type of guy that
plays to be a hero or villain. I think that he is type of guy that would spend his time discovering ways to
increase the bar and telling others to hold his beer.
To keep Apeiron from being evil we have to do something that he couldn't resist, we need something that
is impossible for him to resist and use his weak point, the sheer need to show off.
Is time to make memes.
►Brockton Man #28
Replied On Apr 26th 2011:
>This is wrong on so many levels that if you don't understand the concept of innocent until proven guilty then I don't think anybody can help you.
Oh, please. Innocent until proven guilty is something you do in a court of law. We're not in a court of law here. I didn't say they should arrest Apeiron for that. The PRT has plenty of other things to arrest him for including probably a whole lot of things that aren't in Apeiron's speeches at all. But he's too powerful to arrest, just like Lung was before Apeiron's gang and the rage dragon's gang had their gang war.
And for all the people who say Apeiron can heal case 53s, I bet he had something to do with creating them. He basically turned into one himself, so I wouldn't be surprised. There are like a couple dozen case 53s in the whole world and yet there are a whole bunch in Brockton Bay. Isn't this a bit of a coincidence?
Replied On Apr 26th 2011:
@Brockton Man #28
I feel like you may have a flawed perception on the amount of Case 53s if you actually believe 'a couple dozen case 53s in the whole world' is a number even close to how many are really around. I can name off the top of my head a solid 'dozen' and that's only the PRT affiliated ones. Take into account the various Case 53s scattered throughout the other factions and it easily reaches over a hundred... and that's in the US alone!
Take into the populations on other continents and you could easily reach a few thousand. Lets not even get into the amount that are probably trapped in a camp somewhere by the CUI or the ones that probably got offed by some warlord in Africa before anyone even knew they existed.
May they rest in Peace.
So your saying that in order to prevent Aperion. Mr 'three day old tech' himself from doing anything more outlandish, we need to out crazy him?
Because I don't know about you, but I think even we may have met are match there.
However, I'm a big believer in the 'never give up until its over' mentality. So lets do it! Bring on the Memes!
Replied On Apr 26th 2011:
Hang on, what if we are looking at this wrong, what if his thinker power is an anti-master power, panenca was possibly mastered by her sister, that weird ending to that conversation with Dragon might mean that Dragon has been mastered and Aperion figured it out?
Replied On Apr 26th 2011:
What the fuck. I guess the assholes over on the medical thread were right, but C53 cure!?!??!?!?! As for his Dino-form, is it safe to say Apeiron is a former C53??? Perhaps no longer former though...
Replied On Apr 26th 2011:
Ugh @TheParcelman its highly unlikely any Master could get to Dragon as she's in her remote Canadian tinkertech bunker filled to the brim with automated defense. I mean the only way dragon was Mastered is if they had direct access to her base and she is a known recluse.
Replied On Apr 26th 2011:
Don't the Dragonslayers raid her base from time to time? Isn't that how they got famous? Clearly somebody knows where she is and how to get to her. Plus, wasn't there a thread a while back examining Saint's actions and trying to figure out which Master got to him? I assumed it was all tinfoil at the time, but if Dragon is maybe mastered, and Saint is maybe mastered, and Saint knows where Dragon's base is, might be worth reexamining that thread.
As for the thing about curing C53s, how much control do you think he has? Do you think he could, just as a totally random example, fix my hands and spine, without messing with anything else too bad?
Replied On Apr 26th 2011:
Now here me out... But what if the reason dragon is so isolated isn't that she is an agoraphobe, but she is secretly some Master's pet tinker who gave the instructions to obey all authority figures, to make people not suspect a thing? Since the Master would be her authority figure they would never be disobeyed, but they also get good PR from their pet tinker! I mean look, dragon literally said she can't disobey authority! And as soon as apeiron said he knew, she suddenly is hell-bent on stopping him? What if this is said Master's secondary orders to her to stop people who figure out she is mastered?!?
Edit: I mean, isn't the best way to hide that you have such a powerful pet tinker is to make them obey gov't authority? .... Wait... PET tinker... Teacher's PET..... AHHHHHHHHH
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►Judge (Moderator)
Replied On Apr 26th 2011:
@Twoplustwoisfish Please stop fear mongering and take those to the conspiracy thread. You won't get a warning due to the content being actually related to the topic, but this thread will now be watched heavily for any further cases. Do not test our patience. It was bad enough when the thread erupted with anti-PRT responses.
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