- Pronouns
- He
You know Roust, have you considered switching to once every two weeks instead? That way when you're free to drop one a week its a treat and not an expectation.
It's the hope and expectation that keeps me alive though, even when delays happen.You know Roust, have you considered switching to once every two weeks instead? That way when you're free to drop one a week its a treat and not an expectation.
It's fine lord it just means we get a much longer chapter next week so it's fine
WITNESS ME!!!.... Cry as I wait another week for something amazing. It's not fair, why does life have to be so cruel.Take your time, we can wait and excellent stories like yours are well worth the wait.
There's loads of constructive things us diligent readers can do in the meantime! Like..............um................err...................w-well the thing is.............that is to say..................I'm thinking Mad Max, is anyone else thinking of Mad Max? I'm sure that's hell-a constructive in some form.
Not even a week I think. The chapters are so content-juicy that it is easy to forget that, but yeah, the escalation in-universe is nuts.This is something that keeps getting to me. How long has it been in story since Joe became active as a cape? A week? Two?
If i remember right he was verified, using a 360 photo of a confrontation, unless it was a omake...Topic: Apeiron's Response
In: Boards ► Places ► America ► Brocton Bay ► Capes
►Apeiron (Original Poster) (Unverified Cape)
Yeah should be possible to make up a massive batch of medicinal herb drink, which I believe would count as tea regardless of what it was made out of but am not sure enough to just call it that, and a bottomless container to keep it in using Scientific Solutions.Yeah but that was made with the purpose of giving Aisha a huge reserve of good tea so that she can enjoy it outside the workshop. My lunchbox idea was more for the availability of food which might as well be combat drugs with how it enhances Joe. I am unsure if SSS is capable of creating such a thing either because the food hast too much of an enhancement effect by now or that intent the lunchbox was made with is not part of a household.
Yeah that's a rather large problem is a lot of stories. Pacing can go out the fucking window.Not even a week I think. The chapters are so content-juicy that it is easy to forget that, but yeah, the escalation in-universe is nuts.
Day 1: Pouch Alchemy and Clothing-Brute
Day 2: Gave away monomolecular knifes made out of impossibly stable material, and have a fiat-based self-repair function.
Now: Why am I able to do this? This is bullshit! This erodes the foundation of reality with it's very existance! WHY DO I NOW HAVE INFINITE POWER!?
This is something that keeps getting to me. How long has it been in story since Joe became active as a cape? A week? Two?
And what action regarding to Apeiron is she supposed to take in her situation?You're already at the point where Apeiron can whip out WMDs at will. You do NOT want to unnecessarily raise the heat on someone like this.
The 'kill order' is not something just directors decide upon, it is something to coordinate with other governmental departments. For all we know, PRT will get a presidential order "either he makes nukes for us and us alone or doesn't make them at all for safety of American population", or 'kill order'/bounty will be issued by FBI (supposed to deal with WMDs).My original theory was that Piggot knows a kill order won't pass even if it's a presigned one. Afterall, the directors of Boston and New York are probably two of the six. There's also the Brockton Police Commissioner who probably appreciates Apeiron's handling of things and who probably doesn't like the PRT and their handling of everything.
I'm fairly sure that Trauma explains it to observers: shield appears -> healing activates. Seems like cause and effect. Who knows, may be his healing device was intact but visor controlled so he actually couldn't use it, but shield could?were are the ONE thing they agreed upon is that Apeiron could not use them at the moment
It wasn't an omake, but the dragon interlude. In that we see:If i remember right he was verified, using a 360 photo of a confrontation, unless it was a omake...
And then later, when talking with Weld.Dragon quickly reviewed the rest of the thread along with other mentions on the site. She gave her approval for an unverified tag to be applied to his account, pending the traditional moderator review, though largely a formality. She could tell the image was legitimate, lacking even the subtle processing that would normally go into a photo's release, but still being beautifully captured. Either he had paused mid fight to take the picture or he had constantly recording sensors and just selected a specific frame for verification.
►Apeiron (Unverified Cape)
Replied On Apr 19th 2011:
Hello Weld. It's good to hear from you again. I'm glad the PRT wasn't overly restrictive with your quarantine. Tell me, how many officers are watching this conversation?
Escalating. Forcing Joe to do something stupid via pre-signed inactive kill order and once Joe does something stupid, calling triumvirate in, hopefully early, while Apeiron is reasonable enough not to use WMDs too openly.
The 'kill order' is not something just directors decide upon, it is something to coordinate with other governmental departments. For all we know, PRT will get a presidential order "either he makes nukes for us and us alone or doesn't make them at all for safety of American population", or 'kill order'/bounty will be issued by FBI (supposed to deal with WMDs).
I think LordRoustabout uses our tears of frustration and disappointment to perform dark rituals that fuel his writing talent, and the "delays" are just him gathering the tears and preparing the ritual! There is no other explanation for how one man can consistently output more than 20k words a week.
The thing is, they have no leverage. So right now if they piss off someone with WMD while they don't have any (or a place to aim them at), threatening to kill that person is the same as asking him to show a demonstration of force.
You have to understand that this isn't the same USA as the one in our earth. As 9/11 did not happen in Earth Bet. Which was a massive turning point when it came to the response to terrorists.
Since Scion there have been no threats of Nukes, and the closest example of that is the cold war, except this time they don't have WMD and they have no way of attacking the person without asking the Triumvirate to do it for them, and the problem is that if they happen to fail (and it becomes public knowledge) it would result in a destabilising effect in the USA.
Till they have analysts saying that acting with aggressive force will be the better path forward they will not jump on that option. And since analysts are going to be in high demand now, there is a good chance that the Boston PRT branch will reach out to Accord. And Accord already knows that garment is with Joe, so he will attribute the state of mind as going berserk rather than a mad thinker losing his shit.
Accord has the best read on Joe out of everyone that isn't in Joe's close circle. So odds are his input will help de-escalate the situation, and I am fairly sure they will ask him for his input. As it is all hand on deck.
Also WMD isn't the only problem, the blackout zone is arguably a bigger issue.
The Triumvirate is also unlikely to be onboard since to them he might be an option against Scion. Plus with what limited pathing Contessa can do, if she runs a path on Joe to see what are the odds they take him out in a straight fight, they will not like the outcome. Eidolon might be able to hurt Joe, but the other 2 cant do shit. I think that Joe is stronger physically than Alexandria and lasers aren't likely to do shit. Eidolon can hurt him, but I don't know if he can land a hit (I genuinely don't know enough about his as fanon fucks shit up for how to measure his power). Plus dark alchemy would allow Joe to freeze them in time a few times as he prepares a containment option for them. Having a pause button on a fight is OP as fuck.
I am fairly sure that convincing someone on Joe's level to join endbringer fights is more important to them than killing him. As people in a position of power know that Earth Bet has an expiry date due to the endbringers, and that expiry date is not far. Hell even the general public know that, they just don't have the numbers and likely think they have more time, or there is some hope somehow in rebuilding or something like that. Or more likely not actively thinking about it.
Long term plans won't work. But checking if they can win against him that instant (which would change very soon after) is doable. And the results would not be fun.The thing is that Contessa can't even make a proper simulacrum of him with PtV, just like the majority of precogs, one moment PtV will tell her "yeah, this totally works" and the next "no, wait, backspace! Backspace!", so I don't really think they would really depend on her, they may even think Joe have Zion's equivalent of Eidolon's shard, but Tinker focused.
I don't think PRT think that they have time for analysts. And they really don't have time. For all PRT know, Apeiron is a primed tickling bomb. And Apeiron escalates all the time. By the time analysis is done Apeiron will be juggling pocket singularities. Or there will be a hole in place of BB simply because Apeiron 'seemingly ignores' safeties.Till they have analysts saying that acting with aggressive force will be the better path forward they will not jump on that option.
Costa-Brown is more likely to push for Birdcage, simply because Apeiron sends PTV into a loop.The Triumvirate is also unlikely to be onboard since to them he might be an option against Scion.
Someone that ignores mail, safeties and might decide to deploy nukes in the middle of Endbringer battle... That surely will make participants enthusiastic.I am fairly sure that convincing someone on Joe's level to join endbringer fights is more important to them than killing him.
Kill order (even pre-signed one) is a leverage from my point of view. If it wasn't, nobody would take it seriously, yet it is a big deal in Worm. For all we know there are headhunters on the level of March, so nobody wants a kill order even if chances of PRT releasing one are low.The thing is, they have no leverage. So right now if they piss off someone with WMD while they don't have any (or a place to aim them at), threatening to kill that person is the same as asking him to show a demonstration of force.
Joe constantly escalates. What now is a blackout zone, will turn into Roadside Picnic with tint of Grey Goo and a shade from a planet sized mushroom in a week. And PRT is aware of that at least partially.Also WMD isn't the only problem, the blackout zone is arguably a bigger issue.
It's too weak at the moment if I understand Lord's message correctly.Spiral energy gives you anti precog powers. That's what Lord said. Though I am not sure if it needs to be more developed then it is now to work like that.
Nothing.And what action regarding to Apeiron is she supposed to take in her situation?
Sometimes, the wisest thing to do is nothing and gather data.Each point by itself demands action. All together? It is at the point where PRT needs to handle situation regardless the risk and is on a timer, and declaring Apeiron an independent or a rogue, or just ignoring him is likely to end up poorly from political perspective alone.
1) Toybox canonically built giant robots. Armsmaster took one of them into Houston during the S9000 Arc .P.S. By this point I'm not sure if situation can even be resolved (not without something on the scale of endbringer intervention or 'author's will'). Government can't allow an uncontrolled WMD-making cape, Joe is beyond the point of it being possible to control him and Joe is at the point where his existence alone might overthrow some governments if information about Joe's true capabilities goes out (because it will seem like magnitude above an endbringer, like something that can resolve endbringers).
I'd argue that Apeiron has shown measured response. However I don't know how PRT sees that. They might just see that he escalates twice as much as his opponents. They might have heard that Butcher is coming to BB so they get extra mental stress because of that.Joe constantly escalates. What now is a blackout zone, will turn into Roadside Picnic with tint of Grey Goo and a shade from a planet sized mushroom in a week. And PRT is aware of that at least partially.
Cosmic posted on page 611 a fantastic theory about director Piggot and her stance on this situation. I think the PRT as a whole makes a sound decision now with Uppercrust putting pressure on Piggot.If Apeiron goes 'ok, no nukes', PRT will decide 'reasonable for now' and look into other ways to either do full power and mental testing or to force the issue in another way.
It's fine. I won't die without an update I swear. I'll just practice my reality bending powers.
I'm working on changing "SOLD OUT" to "ADD TO CART". . .
It's a work in progress.😏
They would have the time if they divert enough resources to the task. Which they will.I don't think PRT think that they have time for analysts. And they really don't have time. For all PRT know, Apeiron is a primed tickling bomb. And Apeiron escalates all the time. By the time analysis is done Apeiron will be juggling pocket singularities. Or there will be a hole in place of BB simply because Apeiron 'seemingly ignores' safeties.
Oh ya, a kill order is a big deal. It means anyone can use lethal force on you without needing to justify it. So let's say someone like skidmark gets a kill order, next time a hero sees him, hey can go full out, no punches pulled back and they will eventually kill him. And the same stands for independents. So let's say someone has a very lethal power, but holds back, they won't anymore against someone with a kill order.Kill order (even pre-signed one) is a leverage from my point of view. If it wasn't, nobody would take it seriously, yet it is a big deal in Worm. For all we know there are headhunters on the level of March, so nobody wants a kill order even if chances of PRT releasing one are low.
That's the thing though. Let's say they are called. The only thing they know is that Joe is connected to the undersiders in some way. Apart from that they have nothing.First two options don't seem to work at the moment (and PRT needs it to work Yesterday), this leaves third option. If PRT manages to piss off Apeiron via presigned kill order (and Piggot likely expects that to work in a combatative way), PRT ends up: proving that Apeiron can't be worked with (because he shouldn't have built nukes or i-field mecha in the first place), PRT's image is preserved/recovered, Triumvirate gets called in, Apeiron ends in the Birdcage to wait for 'grand finale', Apeiron no longer sends PTV into a loop.
If Apeiron goes 'ok, no nukes', PRT will decide 'reasonable for now' and look into other ways to either do full power and mental testing or to force the issue in another way.