Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

You know, I'm beginning to suspect that HP wand introduced earlier is going to play a bigger role in coming chapters. If the first Fantastic Beasts movie is any indication, HP style magic can repair entire cities in a relatively short amount of time and given the amount of damage done to BB so far, it'd be a PR coup if Aperion was to undo all the damages, especially if he had Uppercrust helping with the PR aspect of things.

There are legal issues with doing that sort of thing actually. Capes who can generate or transform matter who use their powers for construction are viewed as frauds due to one of the retcons WOG's Wildbow put in when asked reasonable questions about why certain Capes even bother with the hero/villain game when they could make bank with their powers instead. Apparently there was an early Cape who did exactly that but the houses he built were condemned around the time of NEPEA-5 since the summoned matter corroded in unusual ways. I'm honestly of the opinion that it was a conspiracy to help push that bill along myself since we see no other indication of it happening despite multiple capes capable of wide scale construction doing exactly that without issues.
While there were a lot of interesting points in this chapter, there were two standout points to me, one of dramatic interest, and one of indirect character interaction.

First, it's worth noting that as always, the PRT is leaking info like always. Even if the secret Case 53 messaging system hadn't already told every Case 53 in the country that Aperion can partially heal Case 53's, that fact is definitely going to leak to the General public and cause an uproar when it does.

Second, on a more amusing note, Uppercrust being supportive of Armsmaster was really funny. Whereas everyone (including the actual robot) is warning Armsmaster away from posthumanism robotic upgrades to replace his destoryed body, Uppercrust was just like, "Here is a man doing whatever it takes to be healed, good for him". I found this dichotomy hilarious.

Edit to avoid double post: I could have sworn Joe (or at his clones and Survey) had promised to put out public relations statements in relation to crises and not ignore what people were saying about him on PHO. I understand why they didn't have time in the night going into the morning, but from the morning going into the afternoon they should have time to do so. A masterwork PR statement can be drafted and sent out in milliseconds, and while they might not have time to monitor the PR response to the situation or their message as a whole, they can at least provide their point of view for 1 second before leaving to fix things.
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Awesome novella, Lord Rousty. I have never been so captivated by 10k words on a stand-up meeting.

It's kind of funny to think Apeiron's tech is unstable when the biggest problem with it is the Dust and Dark Zone are too damn stable and show no signs of dissipating anytime soon.

I'm not too familiar with RWBY, but I hope some enterprising university student jumps to using Dust for practical purposes. Leave the theory of perpetual Energy to the physics department,.the engineering students will figure out where to stick the copper wire and magnet.

I think that by unstable they meant 'the moment it's not contained it cause large scale damage', which is kind of hipocritical considering that that's true for most fuels. There is also that he apparently shoved medical tinkertech into his body and had a painful reaction he wasn't acounting for, the same that could be said for the Dust that was crystalizing outside his body, 'cause they don't know that both Tetra and the Dust weren't supossed to be inside his body, let alone his bloodstream. And, of course, that his Gundam being damaged aparently equals having a fourth of the city have all it's electronics fried, wich can be seen as him bringing untested tech at the battlefield.
You know, I'm beginning to suspect that HP wand introduced earlier is going to play a bigger role in coming chapters. If the first Fantastic Beasts movie is any indication, HP style magic can repair entire cities in a relatively short amount of time and given the amount of damage done to BB so far, it'd be a PR coup if Aperion was to undo all the damages, especially if he had Uppercrust helping with the PR aspect of things.
Joe has dozens of ways to completely repair the city. The issue is the reaction that would get, even if it is clear that he is acting with altruistic intentions. The PRT is already prepared to place a kill order on him. Plus, he is still trying to avoid attention from the Simurgh.

Even if the secret Case 53 messaging system hadn't already told every Case 53 in the country that Aperion can partially heal Case 53's, that fact is definitely going to leak to the General public and cause an uproar when it does.
The general public is largely ignorant of what occurs inside the cape scene. One of my favorite bits from canon PHO interludes is how it showed that normal people had no fucking clue what was going on in Brockton Bay. Alexandria died and somehow a villain became a hero?

One of the significant points for the Brockton Bay Horror Hour is so much information was.made publicly available, both by the ABB broadcast and Apeiron's website. Uppercrust points it out in the interlude. The general public never gets this much of an unfiltered view of capes. Most people only ever see Protectorate PR.
It's a pity that Joe's pov chapters are usually more focused on describing his tinker powers and their implications instead of interacting with all these interesting characters. Though Aisha and his AIs mitigate this somewhat.
There's an actual reason for that though. Joe has serious issues interacting with others, and it's made even worse with the changes to his brain by the Forge, to the point that Fleet and Survey are under the impression Joe is a more advanced AI in a meatsuit. It makes so much sense for Joe's PoV to be more focused on what he knows rather than what he actively avoids even thinking about.
From my view of things, Joe's main problem is getting to the point where he's "interacting with people" in the first place. Once you put him under the gun and tell him to perform, he does that marvelously... too marvelously.
Apeiron evenly distributed his information dumps in an attempt to unbalance the networks, but it had certainly worked. When presented with an exclusive they would rush to air. When behind they would comment on other coverage. When given massive scores of information simultaneously with other networks it seemed they either sat paralyzed or began digging frantically trying to find some gem of analysis that would let them edge out their competition.

Aww, poor reporters, being forced to read and learn before just vomiting up whatever is put in front of them.
I see the Endless "Speculation" on Uppercrust saying, quote.

The superficial similarity to some thirty-year-old Japanese children's show was being trumpeted across the internet, but it was more likely a case of tinkering to matching design. Someone had discovered a particle that matched the nonsense from that series and decided to use the aesthetic.

Just what exactly will result from the words?

Is this, truly about Uppercrust the definition about defining the Japanese 'guys' may have argued at one time, about a subject they cannot likely carry out?


Subjet 2#: "No, I am Right!"
Subjet 3#: "No! I am Right! You will see I am truly the RIGHT ONE!"


Aisha: "What are they trying to do again?"
Joe: "I have no clue, I think it was one subject than trying to get...? Can you choose one? Vanilla or Chocolate?"

Leet: "No! It is Strawberry!"


Is the subject going to be Gundam, a lot of "Fans" of the show will cover it Endlessly.

You know they will argue on it, the right colors or textures if it truly is the Real subject made?

Can you imagine people trying to cover, building or defining what is covered?
Emily Gives Up (Albert)
This is a continuation of my Never Again omake, in light of Uppercrust's visit and LordRoustabout not getting Joe out of the Workshop yet in canon. (Meaning he could still spend a day cleaning up Dust spillage, spend all night working on Minovsky containment research until 3 am thinking occurs, and lead a squad of a dozen teenage witches in leotards and Striker Units to clean the Docks up the next day. It's obviously not going to happen that way, but it hasn't been invalidated yet.)

Emily Gives Up​

Emily Piggot was still seething from Uppercrust's visit, when she received an alert from the field personnel that the 'I-field' was being cleared away by a group of 12 . . . *sigh* . . . 'magical girls'. In the name of Apeiron, as that cape had declared. While being a slender five-foot-tall rosecrown girl, instead of his usual tall, menacing, and quite male anti-hero look.

"We believe that one is Garment Gloves," Armsmaster commented, as he zoomed his helmet's cam to follow all of them from a safe distance. "Of the two black girls, the one covering herself in a cloud of darkness is likely Grue, I imagine to avoid having fanart drawn of him as a girl in a leotard with the shortest ever miniskirt. Which suggests that these four are the other Undersiders. Given that Apeiron saved them from Bakuda, I believe we can assume that they're repaying some of that favor.

"In any event, that leaves us with five other capes that we have no data on, other than what we're recording at this moment. The black girl who isn't Grue, and then the four . . . anomalous capes. Based on the thermal readings I'm getting, I suspect they're as mutated as any Case 53 cape."

"Are you suggesting that those four are working with Apeiron in hopes that he'll cure them?" Emily asked.

"Weld stated that Apeiron apologized that he wasn't able to provide a full cure. Given what happened to Apeiron after March nearly killed him, along with this newly-revealed shapeshifting capability . . . I believe that whatever cure he's worked out for himself is only temporary, if clearly extremely flexible. Unfortunately, that means our profiling attempts have to be reworked entirely, given that Apeiron can likely adopt any phenotypic expression when going out as a civilian.

"As for Garment Gloves, her actions as a cape have been to protect the Docks. We of course can't approve of her working with Apeiron to clear away the 'I-field', but I think it would be best to not mention it in the official record. Especially not if she sees him as her only hope of finding a cure for her loss of biological existence."

She did her best not to grind her teeth. "Armsmaster, how likely is it that Apeiron's Mad Scientist tendencies and need to 'show us, show us all!' are being mitigated by him showing off and grandstanding?" Because if uncomfortable truths, outfits that made the Triumvirate look dowdy, and that shaker effect of naming important moves was how he compensated so far, what would he feel compelled to do next?

Director Piggot found out the answer to that when Apeiron chastised Armsmaster with a single devastating line, after finishing the Docks cleanup.


"PHO is already going crazy," Velocity reported. "I'm pushing my speed as far as I can while still using a mouse and I'm having trouble keeping up." With that he blurred back into monitoring the feeds.

"Indeed," Armsmaster acknowledged, gritting his teeth. "Apparently the conversation between Apeiron and Dragon during the fight with Lung was a negotiation on 'sharing' me, going by the latest speculation."

Assault looked constipated, likely the result of having the perfect response and not being allowed to say it around the Wards. Especially with the not-quite-thirteen Vista attending.

"Does this mean that the crisis is considered over?" Weld asked. "The ABB is finished, right?"

Director Piggot shook her head. "Lung may be dead, but we don't have firm data on the whereabouts of Oni Lee, Bakuda, or March. Lung always needed time to ramp up, once a fight started, but the recent ABB terror tactics have depended on the other three. The one good thing about them is that Bakuda's bombing threat has been effectively ended, due to Apeiron releasing the data on her signals and encryption." She sighed, thinking back to Uppercrust's not-entirely-subtle threats. Sadly, it really was the case that all he needed to do to follow through was do nothing. "We need to take a new approach, as galling as it is to have to say it. So I am going to request that Panacea heal the wounded roster of the Protectorate and Wards . . . and myself."

Everyone looked surprised at that.

"Okay, this is only half-joking," Assault said. "Director, do we need to call Master/Stranger on you?"

"We'll need to do that, but after I'm healed," she replied. "Everyone healed by Panacea will be examined, to make sure we aren't affected by anything, but after that we'll need to act. Miss Militia, you've had positive contact with Garment Gloves, correct?"

The star-spangled cape nodded, raising an eyebrow as she waited for her orders.

"Ask her to relay a message to Apeiron." Emily took a deep breath. "If he can clear the rest of the ABB capes, the crisis can be declared over, and-" Her fists clinched. "And I will apologize for the PRT and Protectorate overreaction to his uncomfortable revelations. Likewise, if he can keep the Undersiders from further acts of villainy, we'll treat them as being under his authority. Finally, when - not if - the Empire makes a move to capitalize on their rival gang being dismantled, actions undertaken against them will be considered heroic, provided the collateral damage is no worse than what New Wave causes."

She did her best not to take note of the look of satisfaction on Weld's face, or the sour look on Vista's.
There's an actual reason for that though. Joe has serious issues interacting with others, and it's made even worse with the changes to his brain by the Forge, to the point that Fleet and Survey are under the impression Joe is a more advanced AI in a meatsuit. It makes so much sense for Joe's PoV to be more focused on what he knows rather than what he actively avoids even thinking about.
Does he? From what I have seen, he only really has difficulties interacting with his family. He gets along with the gym guys fine. And once Aisha wasn't doing her creepy teenage stalker thing, which he knows she was just doing to get under his and her dad's skins, he actually gets along fairly well with her, almost in my view treating her as a kid-sister. Same thing with the Undersiders, when there isn't a bunch of cape drama in the way, he's actively cracking jokes with them. Weld and Dragon as well, before Dragon is forced to start attacking him. Taylor is the only one he seems to have problems talking with, and that's because he's going through the 'Professor Hebert's daughter is here' and 'this girl is important and will save the world' mindblast still.

Hell, his conversation with Director Armstrong was downright cordial, despite being treated like he was a ticking bomb.

Does he not pick up on things, like what supposedly happened with Sabah? Sure. But that doesn't make have serious issues interacting with others. He's just a little dense in that regard, and even during the Bakuda fight, he was more focused on the situation than any of the BS that came out of her mouth. It wasn't until Aisha pointed it out to him that he was able to shift out of his own memories of the moment. Misreading potential romantic/sexual cues is not a sign of issues interacting with others; it's far more common than one might think, especially if the person has a tendency to get lost in their own thoughts.

The reason we see Joe more or less always isolating himself in his lab is more due to 'shiny power syndrome' as I'm starting to call it. "I just got this new power and need to put everything else aside so I can internally monologue about all it does." I was actually very pleased when Aisha pointed out to him that he doesn't need to rebuild his entire lab every single time he gets some new optimization power, and was hoping that she would be the voice of reason (crazy, for Aisha, right?) regarding SPS.

The general public is largely ignorant of what occurs inside the cape scene. One of my favorite bits from canon PHO interludes is how it showed that normal people had no fucking clue what was going on in Brockton Bay.
My memory could be hazy, but I believe this was a reason why the video from Weaver's therapy-cam during the fight against Behemoth was so powerful when Glenn released it. Prior to that moment, there had been little to no actual coverage of what an Endbringer fight was actually like in the general public. (It also humanized capes and especially Weaver to the masses due to her interactions with the Undersiders, the Chicago Wards, and some of the other capes she dealt with during that attack.)

The only recent concern I have with latest developments was that people, including Joe, are starting to realizes that some of his stuff comes from other fictional universes. This is a dangerous line to tread in crossover-type stories, or when elements from one story are introduced to another, because typically the main universe can't be aware of that secondary universe otherwise it tends to come off wonky. Like alt-power taylor stories where she gets something like... final fantasy powers. Typically, if people from the Worm universe recognize the powers from a game/book/movie/etc. it just starts to feel a bit wonky, and just from my personal experience, the stories where those properties just don't exist in Worm tend to do better. I'm hoping it doesn't go there in this story.
The biggest problem with Joe trying to rebrand into a new hero persona would be... the quality of his work, and his uncontrollable 'special effects' perks.
"I am 'Endless' the new hero of -" *smash cut of the words "ENDLESS THE HERO" appears in everyone's vision* "Brockton bay.. why is everyonelookingatmelikethat? I'm not Apeiron! I swear!"

I see one way to change the Kill Order meeting that would be really easy to twist: Give Lung the kill order. If it's retro-actively applied to him due to his size, then everything Apeiron did to take him out was justified.

That was enough reason to act, less lest a brute like Bastard Son rise to prominence and roll back more than a decade of his work.
Interesting really, no knee replacements after ten years, and are you even on the donner donor list for a new kidney?
One specific thing I feel strange over PRTs pre-signed Kill Order either they estimate Apeiron to be reasonable according his level of power and tinker type specification. That it works against such a person as Apeiron. So it wouldn't matter to competely destroy any bridges left and wouldn't turn Apeiron's response hostile against them.

Another is that he's a dangerous mad scientist so any level of burned bridges doesn't matter but then they create a situation where he's backed into a corner by them. He deployed S-class weaponry against Lung and managed coordinate against them to that degree. He only did it the moment it become apparent for him to do it. Meaning he escalated when he needed to.

With the pre-signed Kill Order they risk creating a situation where a dangerous cape with demonstrated instability in his biotinker work feel threatend by their actions. A cape with they apparently have no idea what's going to do nor what their plan is. A weapon that was demonstrated to be of mass destruction was detonated at a high attitude is risked to be deployed against them on ground. He has previously been only against the gangs but this order grants them the privilage to be the one on the receiving end of WMD.
One specific thing I feel strange over PRTs pre-signed Kill Order either they estimate Apeiron to be reasonable according his level of power and tinker type specification. That it works against such a person as Apeiron. So it wouldn't matter to competely destroy any bridges left and wouldn't turn Apeiron's response hostile against them.

Another is that he's a dangerous mad scientist so any level of burned bridges doesn't matter but then they create a situation where he's backed into a corner by them. He deployed S-class weaponry against Lung and managed coordinate against them to that degree. He only did it the moment it become apparent for him to do it. Meaning he escalated when he needed to.

With the pre-signed Kill Order they risk creating a situation where a dangerous cape with demonstrated instability in his biotinker work feel threatend by their actions. A cape with they apparently have no idea what's going to do nor what their plan is. A weapon that was demonstrated to be of mass destruction was detonated at a high attitude is risked to be deployed against them on ground. He has previously been only against the gangs but this order grants them the privilage to be the one on the receiving end of WMD.
If I remember right most people believe Aperion is on par with hero so from the PRT's perspective the triumvirate should be able to handle him.
This is the sort of character interaction that I love reading about. I really like your story but man I gotta give this criticism:

Regarding your fight scenes, especially when they're from Apeiron's perspective, the amount of internal monologue and focus on the Celestial Forge in the middle of a battle basically kills ALL of the tension.
What I'm referring to specifically, for instance, is when he's fighting someone like Uber or Lung and then you spend three paragraphs talking about his future designs with the Forge, or about the forge missing a connection or whatever.

It completely takes the reader out of the scene itself and kills any excitement that your fight scene generates. The Vicky interlude, for instance had a better description of the fight and what was going on than the fight scene itself. IMO the Forge and it's powers is a plot device, and not the central focus of the story, that is Apeiron's character development into a true hero and his interactions with the world of heroes and villains that exist in Worm. SO when you're writing an important scene like his fight with Lung, please keep the focus on the fight and not on something completely pointless like the forge missing a connection to x cluster. That's not to say that you should stop entirely.

The upgrade to his powers, like his using of Sei ki, for instance, is directly influencing the battle since it influences his philosophy regarding battle. For this reason I'd state that it's a perfectly good example of when the Forge's additions to him should be included in a fight scene. But other than that, if you go over the scenes from his earlier fights like Bakuda or Uber/Leet you'll find a number of points where you kill the tension in the fight scene due to Apeiron's internal monologue. Of course you could use his internal monologue later as an introspective scene after the fight, but this is really my only complaint about this story.

Finally, it's clear that you're able to write really good character interactions like the one in this recent chapter, so I hope that your story will focus on more of this in the future than on the detailed descri[tions of what Apeiron's building. In the end, his powers are a vehicle that enable interactions with other characters than the main focus of the tale you're writing. At least that's my two cents.

Hope this criticism helps. Can't wait for more!
A Response / "Reconsider." (The Shallow)
We saw that it probably aren't going to happen but what would Joe's response be if PRT did lay blame for this at his feets with an additional kill order?
Maybe aggressive data mining with to dig up PRT problems?
Digging up PRT data to refute them is only gonna lead to further charges, but I was inspired:
A Response / "Reconsider."

Topic: Apeiron's Response
In: Boards ► Places ► America ► Brocton Bay ► Capes
►Apeiron (Original Poster) (Unverified Cape)
Posted On Apr 23rd 2011:
Good Evening,

I would like to open this statement of mine, knowing full well that this statement is going to make the news, by talking first about the city. The city has sufered alot over the last few weeks, however Brockton Bay has seen worse in it's history. We've gone through hell together, and we can pull through this crisis like we have previous ones. What matters is that we all work together to do so. To every struggling individual out there, I offer a reminder that there is hope.

Moving onto more serious matters, this morning the PRT ENE held a press conference going over the events of Thursday, April 21st. During this press conference they laid out a series of blatant and obvious mischaracterizations that the media has chosen to run with for the last hour or so. In the name of defending myself, I will be releasing logs that might contain information alarming to the public, but the PRT has forced my hand with their reckless decleration.

The first of all is the claim that I have the ability to mentally influence those who I come into contact with. To be fair to Director Piggot, she only claimed that it was a possibility that hadn't been eliminated. However later speculation treated this possilbity as a certainty, and the statement of uncertainty was made with no lack of modality. Three suspects were mentioned, but not named. I can only infer they are refering to the following three individuals: Panacea, Weld, and Dragon. On Panacea, I have clarified to the PRT that her mental effects are likely the result of mental influence due to long-term exposure to her sister's aura. The fact that the PRT has not properly investigated this probability is their fault, and pushing such slanderous claims so flippantly is unprofessional at best. Weld I have had more recent communication with, and made no implications of being tested under Master/Stranger protocols, and was in fact cleared to have a discussion with me, an alleged master, on Tuesday, April 19th. HERE is the logs of that conversation. Dragon I converced with later in that day, and here are those logs. Dragon was acting oddly, but not in a way that suited my interest. Her insistence on my persual only proves my point. I have no clue what has occured on their end, but I can confidently say the PRT is not acting in good faith.

Second claim that was made was the idea that I purposefully provoked the ABB into action, using a malicious interpretation of the words stated during the live-streamed conversation between March, Bakuda, and myself (Here is the uncut version, for anybody interested). It was claimed that it was evident that a clandestine meeting occured between March and I at some point, considering her allusions. She was simply refering to the rift left by the destruction of my main 'Gaurdian' as the internet has dubbed them. I won't explain the purpose of such dimmensional technology, however March found it fascinating; it is why she alluded to pilfering the Gaurdian locked away in Bakuda's time bubble. The thought that I would meet with a current enemy to make them obsessed with myself is ridiculous.

The third claim was that I was recklessly responding to the ABB, forcing them to escalate, and that my neutralization of Lung was just a proof of how far I was willing to go. This is nonsense on many levels. The first example of my reckless conduct was the Laser system I used to stop an Exotic Ordinance of unknown capabilities from detonating in the middle of the city. I am not sure what exactly what Piggot would rather have me do in such a situation, considering it had been lauched with little warning, and there was nothing else to stop it. Secondly, my neutralization of Lung occured once he was past the point in which he could be safely subdued, and after a lengthy attempt of such an endeavor. It was also at the cost of one of my Gaurdians. It was not an action I took lightly, and painting my actions in such a light is once again an action done in bad faith.

Considering the justification is shaky at best, I would ask that the PRT seriously reconsider the Kill Order placed upon me.


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►Tinker's Hoarder (Wiki Warrior)
Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:
Holy shit...

Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:
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I wish I could say I didn't mean like that but it's exactly like that I meant with additional dirt on other people behind the pre-signed order might have.
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It's basically impossible for Apeiron to be harmed by anything other than Annihilator effected which are on the rarer side. More importantly, after March and with newer abilities unlocked, it's going to be harder to hit him in the first place. March as a planning thinker, combined with a powerful annihilator effect, combined with spamming it with a cloning teleporter, only managed to harm Apeiron, and even then only temporarily. What the heck would a kill order do other than make him even more of an enemy? No one knows what he's truly capable of, but still. What little has been demonstrated in a week, should really be a giant red flag that no one should want him as an enemy.
"...actions undertaken against them will be considered heroic, provided the collateral damage is no worse than what New Wave causes."
So, Joe had best hope that Glory Girl hasn't been grounded then — practically a blank cheque! xD

The biggest problem with Joe trying to rebrand into a new hero persona would be... the quality of his work, and his uncontrollable 'special effects' perks.
"I am 'Endless' the new hero of -" *smash cut of the words "ENDLESS THE HERO" appears in everyone's vision* "Brockton bay.. why is everyonelookingatmelikethat? I'm not Apeiron! I swear!"

I see one way to change the Kill Order meeting that would be really easy to twist: Give Lung the kill order. If it's retro-actively applied to him due to his size, then everything Apeiron did to take him out was justified.
The "cool moment caption" power is one of the few that does have an off-switch. More interesting would be the question of, if he turns it off, do the videos taken when it was turned on keep showing freeze-frames? And, if not, does that mean that while it is turned on, videos taken while the power was off (including before he unlocked that perk in the Forge) will exhibit the effect?
I've gotta wonder what makes them think, between them and Apeirion, they have the bigger stick. His standard load out includes the same bike that he turned into a WMD. Had two more WMDs in the building sized robot with a stranger rating and the particle field currently disrupting most of the city. Then there's the earthquake machines, the skycutting swords, his ability to fuse technology together at will, the drones the can print on demand in field,and that's just the tech they know of, that isn't including all the shit he can do himself, from shrugging off Lungs heaviest hits, to treating fire like playdoh, to healing from essentially being a walking corpse.

What do they have that they think can put him down?

Edit: In the hypothetical that Apeirion can get around this mess and make it to being a heroic persona, what major problem should he handle first? Machine Army? The Three Blasphemies? Nilbog, just to rub it in Piggot's face?
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One specific thing I feel strange over PRTs pre-signed Kill Order either they estimate Apeiron to be reasonable according his level of power and tinker type specification. That it works against such a person as Apeiron. So it wouldn't matter to competely destroy any bridges left and wouldn't turn Apeiron's response hostile against them.

Another is that he's a dangerous mad scientist so any level of burned bridges doesn't matter but then they create a situation where he's backed into a corner by them. He deployed S-class weaponry against Lung and managed coordinate against them to that degree. He only did it the moment it become apparent for him to do it. Meaning he escalated when he needed to.

With the pre-signed Kill Order they risk creating a situation where a dangerous cape with demonstrated instability in his biotinker work feel threatend by their actions. A cape with they apparently have no idea what's going to do nor what their plan is. A weapon that was demonstrated to be of mass destruction was detonated at a high attitude is risked to be deployed against them on ground. He has previously been only against the gangs but this order grants them the privilage to be the one on the receiving end of WMD.
It's really Piggot that this applies to. I feel like a kill order obviously won't pass. All Piggot needs is the news or rumor that one is being considered to nudge the public narrative. Still, even the fact it is considered even if it doesn't pass is a risk that can burn bridges and make a mad tinker desperate.

So either she doesn't care, is desperate and stupid enough, or she has calculated the risk and knows Apeiron isn't as dangerous as she paints him.
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I've gotta wonder what makes them think, between them and Apeirion, they have the bigger stick. His standard load out includes the same bike that he turned into a WMD. Had two more WMDs in the building sized robot with a stranger rating and the particle field currently disrupting most of the city. Then there's the earthquake machines, the skycutting swords, his ability to fuse technology together at will, the drones the can print on demand in field,and that's just the tech they know of, that isn't including all the shit he can do himself, from shrugging off Lungs heaviest hits, to treating fire like playdoh, to healing from essentially being a walking corpse.

What do they have that they think can put him down?
The Triumvirate probably. Flying tank that can only be harmed by annihilator effects, a living light beam that can use light to make physics cry, and of course "all of the powers". Granted, Aperion could probably counter all of them on the fly using only scrap and random materials around him, but they don't know that.
The Triumvirate probably. Flying tank that can only be harmed by annihilator effects, a living light beam that can use light to make physics cry, and of course "all of the powers". Granted, Aperion could probably counter all of them on the fly using only scrap and random materials around him, but they don't know that.
Of the Triumvirate only Eidolon is a threat to him tbh. He could pull a power that actually has a chance of hurting Apeiron.

If Apeiron actually comes in person and doesn't send a clone in the fight or just (a) Fleet-controlled drone(s).