This is a continuation of my
Never Again omake, in light of Uppercrust's visit and LordRoustabout not getting Joe out of the Workshop yet in canon. (Meaning he could still spend a day cleaning up Dust spillage, spend all night working on Minovsky containment research until 3 am thinking occurs, and lead a squad of a dozen teenage witches in leotards and Striker Units to clean the Docks up the next day. It's obviously not going to happen that way, but it hasn't been invalidated
Emily Gives Up
Emily Piggot was still seething from Uppercrust's visit, when she received an alert from the field personnel that the 'I-field' was being cleared away by a group of 12 . . . *sigh* . . . 'magical girls'. In the name of Apeiron, as that cape had declared. While being a slender five-foot-tall rosecrown girl, instead of his usual tall, menacing, and quite male anti-hero look.
"We believe
that one is Garment Gloves," Armsmaster commented, as he zoomed his helmet's cam to follow all of them from a safe distance. "Of the two black girls, the one covering herself in a cloud of darkness is likely Grue, I imagine to avoid having fanart drawn of him as a girl in a leotard with the shortest ever miniskirt. Which suggests that
these four are the other Undersiders. Given that Apeiron saved them from Bakuda, I believe we can assume that they're repaying some of that favor.
"In any event, that leaves us with five other capes that we have no data on, other than what we're recording at this moment. The black girl who isn't Grue, and then the four . . . anomalous capes. Based on the thermal readings I'm getting, I suspect they're as mutated as any Case 53 cape."
"Are you suggesting that those four are working with Apeiron in hopes that he'll cure them?" Emily asked.
"Weld stated that Apeiron apologized that he wasn't able to provide a full cure. Given what happened to Apeiron after March nearly killed him, along with this newly-revealed shapeshifting capability . . . I believe that whatever cure he's worked out for himself is only temporary, if clearly extremely flexible. Unfortunately, that means our profiling attempts have to be reworked entirely, given that Apeiron can likely adopt any phenotypic expression when going out as a civilian.
"As for Garment Gloves, her actions as a cape have been to protect the Docks. We of course can't approve of her working with Apeiron to clear away the 'I-field', but I think it would be best to not mention it in the official record. Especially not if she sees him as her only hope of finding a cure for her loss of biological existence."
She did her best not to grind her teeth. "Armsmaster, how likely is it that Apeiron's Mad Scientist tendencies and need to 'show us, show us all!' are being mitigated by him showing off and grandstanding?" Because if uncomfortable truths, outfits that made the Triumvirate look dowdy, and that shaker effect of naming important moves was how he compensated so far, what would he feel compelled to do next?
Director Piggot found out the answer to that when Apeiron chastised Armsmaster with a single devastating line, after finishing the Docks cleanup.
"PHO is already going crazy," Velocity reported. "I'm pushing my speed as far as I can while still using a mouse and I'm having trouble keeping up." With that he blurred back into monitoring the feeds.
"Indeed," Armsmaster acknowledged, gritting his teeth. "Apparently the conversation between Apeiron and Dragon during the fight with Lung was a negotiation on 'sharing' me, going by the latest speculation."
Assault looked constipated, likely the result of having the perfect response and not being allowed to say it around the Wards. Especially with the not-quite-thirteen Vista attending.
"Does this mean that the crisis is considered over?" Weld asked. "The ABB is finished, right?"
Director Piggot shook her head. "Lung may be dead, but we don't have firm data on the whereabouts of Oni Lee, Bakuda, or March. Lung always needed time to ramp up, once a fight started, but the recent ABB terror tactics have depended on the other three. The one good thing about them is that Bakuda's bombing threat has been effectively ended, due to Apeiron releasing the data on her signals and encryption." She sighed, thinking back to Uppercrust's not-entirely-subtle threats. Sadly, it really was the case that all he needed to do to follow through was do nothing. "We need to take a new approach, as galling as it is to have to say it. So I am going to request that Panacea heal the wounded roster of the Protectorate and Wards . . . and myself."
Everyone looked surprised at that.
"Okay, this is only half-joking," Assault said. "Director, do we need to call Master/Stranger on you?"
"We'll need to do that, but
after I'm healed," she replied. "Everyone healed by Panacea will be examined, to make sure we aren't affected by anything, but after that we'll need to act. Miss Militia, you've had positive contact with Garment Gloves, correct?"
The star-spangled cape nodded, raising an eyebrow as she waited for her orders.
"Ask her to relay a message to Apeiron." Emily took a deep breath. "If he can clear the rest of the ABB capes, the crisis can be declared over, and-" Her fists clinched. "And I will apologize for the PRT and Protectorate overreaction to his uncomfortable revelations. Likewise, if he can keep the Undersiders from further acts of villainy, we'll treat them as being under his authority. Finally, when - not if - the Empire makes a move to capitalize on their rival gang being dismantled, actions undertaken against them will be considered heroic, provided the collateral damage is no worse than what New Wave causes."
She did her best not to take note of the look of satisfaction on Weld's face, or the sour look on Vista's.