Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Many people thought attacking the Undersiders in canon Worm was a plausible idea. Ask them how they fared.
I mean, it's not like the undersiders got out of those fights without injury either, with nearly dying a couple of times, having Coil(his timelines), luck, team work, people underestimating them(the heroes basically having to always hold back because of PR and politics, as Taylor pointed out in canon, if the heroes didn't care much about that and had stop holding back things wouldn't have turn out well for the undersiders, in their encounters with the heroes), possible Ziz plot(it is hinted Ziz plan for Khepri, tho a bit of plot armor can be included) and other factors that seems to line up that made the undersiders last as long as they did.

As this fic shown that given the circumstances that without Joe's they all would have been slowly torture and kill off, they got lucky because Joe was such a powerhouse and healer that he could fix any mutation.
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It takes a brave PR Brand manager to threaten Politely ask someone who caused an explosion in America the extent of which is visible in the Western Sahara desert. To stop creating transformer sounding mecha drones who have built in localized earthquake machines.
Not if the lawyer is in aleph... After all, they don't know about the fact that space bridges can exist in joe's arsenal.
Imagine also this event causing Gandalf to come down from Valinor to (Middle-) Earth-Bet. I would definately read that story just to see him make the setting better.
You've read the same LOTR that I have, right?
Than how can you think Gandalf would make things better? He's the fucker that set Bilbo on his path to finding the Ring and let him keep it even after he had a pretty good idea what ring it was. He was the one who found out that Sauron was raising in power again and failed to mention it to anyone until after Sauron reestablished himself in Mordor. He's also the one who ensured that Gollum would make it to Mordor and inform Sauron that his Ring has resurfaced and is in the hands of one Bilbo Baggins of the Shire. He's the one who found out that Sauruman gone bad and failed to mention it to anyone or do something about until after Merry, Pippin and the Ents laid siege to his tower. He's the one who came up with the stupid fellowship idea and included that weakminded, shortsighted and greedy Faramir into it. He's the one who set out the initial route of the Fellowship so that they would have to go through Moria. And he's the one who let Sauruman escape from his tower and later when they meet Sauruman on the road he's the one who let him go on to devastate the Shire.
Jesus dude, is all that true? If yes might god the hell is wrong with Gandalf, was he being handed the idiot ball or something, didn't he at least learn something from it. How can you keep slamming on those type of decisions. But still there must be a reason behind the right? Maybe he didn't know at the time or something.
Unless I had a major memory lapse that should be all true. And as far as I'm aware Gandalf didn't learn a thing from those decisions/actions. Mostly because of his justification for them. Which in the case of Gollum and Sauruman was explicitly stated to be "They still have a part to play".
Unless I had a major memory lapse that should be all true. And as far as I'm aware Gandalf didn't learn a thing from those decisions/actions. Mostly because of his justification for them. Which in the case of Gollum and Sauruman was explicitly stated to be "They still have a part to play".
If I remember correctly, Eru gave him a new Raiment (Gandalf The White) until his task was done. Gandalf is an angel, so to a degree some "mysterious ways" bullshit could be said, but I like to thing he was chosen as one of the seven because all Valar and Maiar got sick of the dude. The only reason he didn't stray from his path was that he never thought enough.

I don't think he could make an Eru-Illuvatar call bead.
I mean he at least has fiat-backed access to the Unseen, so possibly connecting to beings there is still possible. As for other aspects of that multiverse, not entirely sure, but I would hope so.

Wouldn't seeing real-life Transformers-esque machines with the added sound effect cause a boost in sales?
Probably not if they were used by a terrifying tinker villain.

Also on Coil drawing out Joe by attacking his employees; HE HAS LISA. LISA HAS COMMUNICATIONS WITH JOE. HE CAN JUST TELL LISA TO SET UP A MEETING.
Unless I had a major memory lapse that should be all true. And as far as I'm aware Gandalf didn't learn a thing from those decisions/actions. Mostly because of his justification for them. Which in the case of Gollum and Sauruman was explicitly stated to be "They still have a part to play".

You're both way too harsh on Gandalf. He's not a paragon, true but he's also not evil incarnate. Imo he could probably use his power to solve all middle Earth problems but then could fall into evil like Sauron and Saruman. So he lets others to act as heroes instead but guide (perhaps manipulate) them to their best destiny.
You're both way too harsh on Gandalf. He's not a paragon, true but he's also not evil incarnate. Imo he could probably use his power to solve all middle Earth problems but then could fall into evil like Sauron and Saruman. So he lets others to act as heroes instead but guide (perhaps manipulate) them to their best destiny.
That's fair, but he made some objectively stupid and bad choices during the story.
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This is probably not the place for this discussion, but since we're already talking about Gandalf...

I always wondered, while he was fighting the Balrog, whether they were able to recognize each other from waaay back when they were both Maia in the chorus of Eru Iluvatar, helping create the world. Was the Balrog like "Yeah, I remember back when you were a choirboy. You always were a suckup." And Gandolf be like "You were a bullyboy back then, and now you're going to be dead on a mountaintop. Suck This."
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I always wondered, while he was fighting the Balrog, whether they were able to recognize each other from waaay back when they were both Maia in the chorus of Eru Iluvatar, helping create the world. Was the Balrog like "Yeah, I remember back when you were a choirboy. You always were a suckup." And Gandolf be like "You were a bullyboy back then, and now you're going to be dead on a mountaintop. Suck This."
I imagined their "fight" as something along the line: "Let's drink to our meeting. And a bottle to that we became acquainted. And we must drink for our father Eru!.." 🍻
That's fair, but he made some objectively stupid and bad choices during the story.

Not a huge LotR fan, but my understanding/headcanon has always been that Gandalf is just a huge Hobbit fan boy. If something huge is going down he's going to manipulate events to find a way to jam some Hobbits in there.

He gives some flowery speeches about the Hobbits having something important and innocent that everyone else needs to consider, but at the end of the day, Gandalf arranges things so that LOADS of people die in order for some Hobbits to have a hand in saving the day.
Also, small reminder that Joe gave the undersiders a watch with a forcefield. Good luck hurting an Undersider in the first place.
*Ring Ring*
"Hello human it is I, a ... fellow human?" March says into her phone
"How can I aiding you this 1440 minute period?"

"Right... I need your help. We want to injure someone." Coil's minions says into a phone.

"Exclamation, I will have to charge you some slips of paper for that for I need sustenance like other humans. For I am not an alien. Who am I performing explosive tests on?"

"Any one of the Undersiders."

"I will need much Ulysses for that."


"Capitol, I will get proceed to do that." March says before hanging the phone up with an explosion.

Many people thought attacking the Undersiders in canon Worm was a plausible idea. Ask them how they fared.
Coil routinely kidnaps his employees for spot loyalty checks. Just do that. It may take a couple of tries, but a patient Coil could just keep trying until Apeiron shows up.

(I want to reiterate that the operation "kidnap tiger cub" is still stupid. Even ignoring everything else, I don't think Coil is the type of person who want to give the Travelers what they want when he can string them along. He gets nothing helping them he does not get through the string along and loses the asset of Noelle if it goes well, if not the whole team and a few other assets when they regrow a conscious.)

I think the appropriate response to that statement that I'm supposed to make is "We can't.".
Although in truth there are quite a few survivors. Mostly from the heroes, but also Riley.

Also on Coil drawing out Joe by attacking his employees; HE HAS LISA. LISA HAS COMMUNICATIONS WITH JOE. HE CAN JUST TELL LISA TO SET UP A MEETING.
I mean only one guy suggested with everyone else seeming to be arguing weather it is even a feasible plan leaving alone how stupid it is.

Edit: I also brought up something similar to that last part here:
More when you could just pay them to ask.
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*Ring Ring*
"Hello human it is I, a ... fellow human?" March says into her phone
"How can I aiding you this 1440 minute period?"

"Right... I need your help. We want to injure someone." Coil's minions says into a phone.

"Exclamation, I will have to charge you some slips of paper for that for I need sustenance like other humans. For I am not an alien. Who am I performing explosive tests on?"

"Any one of the Undersiders."

"I will need much Ulysses for that."


"Capitol, I will get proceed to do that." March says before hanging the phone up with an explosion.

That's not gonna work Lord said that now that she is a shard zombie she basically lost all sort of timing and communications, you have better chances communicating to an animal than March right now.

Excluding the fact that I doubt coil would want to get March after the clusterfuck that she caused and how she screws with his precog ability

Last but not least do you think that when the undersiders get a glimpse of March their not gonna run to the hills and warn whoever that she is back, giving attention to all top capes in the bay?
Last but not least do you think that when the undersiders get a glimpse of March their not gonna run to the hills and warn whoever that she is back, giving attention to all top capes in the bay?
This. Moment they see her it's a call to Joe. Even if he's still ill, he has duplicates. Not to mention Lethe has plenty of Celestial Bronze Armaments.
Crack Omake (Spidey_phd)
Crack Omake:

Neil Pelham knew it was Wrong. He knew that his current course of action would be considered Evil by any rational human being.

But Manpower wanted his family back. He wanted his wife and children to gaze upon him with love and forgiveness once again.

He knew that this one small act of deception would guarantee him the eternal gratitude and adoration of his family.

So, with trembling hands and a nauseous churning in his stomach, Neil held out the donuts and coffee to his unsuspecting family.

An apologetic Apeiron had begun to provide supplies and refreshments to the emergency workers and heroes of Brockton Bay.

Neil just needed to take advantage of the situation before the world became aware of the danger...
That's not gonna work Lord said that now that she is a shard zombie she basically lost all sort of timing and communications, you have better chances communicating to an animal than March right now.

Excluding the fact that I doubt coil would want to get March after the clusterfuck that she caused and how she screws with his precog ability

Last but not least do you think that when the undersiders get a glimpse of March their not gonna run to the hills and warn whoever that she is back, giving attention to all top capes in the bay?
You can train animals. May take some time and a few of Coil timelines, but you should be able to get her do to what you want if not with a lot of control.

I mean getting March on is like the 5th stupidest part of this plan. We left "would Coil?", "Why would Coil want to?", "Isn't this a stupid idea?", "Can't you just ask Tattletale" and other important questions behind already. We are only focusing on could this stupid plan win it's stupid prize.

This is assumes that the intended victims could get away. I mean it should not be that hard to set up a situation where she can catch her target or chase them for long enough for Apeiron to get there.

I just want to say that getting her on board plan "stupid" was not a serious suggestion.

This. Moment they see her it's a call to Joe. Even if he's still ill, he has duplicates. Not to mention Lethe has plenty of Celestial Bronze Armaments.
You say that like summoning Apeiron is a risk, not the goal of operation "kidnap tiger cub".
Crack Omake:

Neil Pelham knew it was Wrong. He knew that his current course of action would be considered Evil by any rational human being.

But Manpower wanted his family back. He wanted his wife and children to gaze upon him with love and forgiveness once again.

He knew that this one small act of deception would guarantee him the eternal gratitude and adoration of his family.

So, with trembling hands and a nauseous churning in his stomach, Neil held out the donuts and coffee to his unsuspecting family.

An apologetic Apeiron had begun to provide supplies and refreshments to the emergency workers and heroes of Brockton Bay.

Neil just needed to take advantage of the situation before the world became aware of the danger...
Lol, I feel like that's gonna backfire on him. He can only provide divine food once. Once they get a taste they're gonna seek out more which mean they'll seek out Apeiron. And that's a recipe for disaster. Photon Mom might start looking for a step-dad for their kids and Apeiron might start to look like a candidate. Afterall, unlike Neil, he keeps his contracts.
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You can train animals. May take some time and a few of Coil timelines, but you should be able to get her do to what you want if not with a lot of control.

I mean getting March on is like the 5th stupidest part of this plan. We left "would Coil?", "Why would Coil want to?", "Isn't this a stupid idea?", "Can't you just ask Tattletale" and other important questions behind already. We are only focusing on could this stupid plan win it's stupid prize.

This is assumes that the intended victims could get away. I mean it should not be that hard to set up a situation where she can catch her target or chase them for long enough for Apeiron to get there.

I just want to say that getting her on board plan "stupid" was not a serious suggestion.

You say that like summoning Apeiron is a risk, not the goal of operation "kidnap tiger cub".

Yea but like I said March is not even an animal anymore she is a shard zombie she is not gonna listen to anyone its just gonna cause a bad outcome due to her background of her demanding mother (Lord wog)

Also coil timelines and tattletale arent gonna work remember? March screws over precogs.

And I wasnt talking about Apeiron specifically any top cape especially prt will be on the case to put march down, dragon, any of new wave or any other top prt cape

even than good luck if March with her timing, Lung, bakuda bombs and Oni lee spamming annihilator bombs didn't stop apeiron, how is some low grade mercs and a breain dead march gonna be any different if not worse.
Lol, I feel like that's gonna backfire on him. He can only provide divine food once. Once they get a taste they're gonna seek out more which mean they'll seek out Apeiron. And that's a recipe for disaster. Photon Mom might start looking for a step-dad for their kids and Apeiron might start to look like a candidate. After all, unlike Neil, he keeps his contracts.

LOL, I guess it depends upon how old Crystal is. Sarah might be excited about getting some Photon Grandbabies.

Parents: "Sex is bad"
Also Parents: "We want grandchildren"
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