Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Manpower's POVs have been rather good. He and Gully make a nice team. I loved how Crystal just looked at Gully and thought... are you dating her? I can't be the only one what felt that vibe come off her. Then Manpower says she's an out-of-town Ward so isn't who is currently dating.
That completely flew over my head, tbh. Thanks for pointing it out.
Manpower's POVs have been rather good. He and Gully make a nice team. I loved how Crystal just looked at Gully and thought... are you dating her? I can't be the only one what felt that vibe come off her. Then Manpower says she's an out-of-town Ward so isn't who is currently dating.
Ya, I got the same feeling.

And I agree about the sundancer and Rune POVs

SO you're saying it WOULD work if they told Joe in advance Coil payed Alex to break his arm!

Sorry was writing on my phone and the spelling was shit. I think I pressed on an auto-complete word and it fucked up my sentance a bit.

Anyway my point is, No it would not work. If he deliberately sends them to a place to get injured, since Lisa would know and it would be the point where she fully jumps on the Joe bandwagon, since she is currently somewhat hesitant. Plus they would tell Joe where they are going and he would inform them if there was an obvious danger. So it would be hard to guarantee they get hurt without sending his own people to do it (again Lisa would know), since they have some protection do the force field their watchs generates.
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Oddly of the three POVs, I liked Tammis the best. She actually didn't come off as a bigoted racist.
I agree in the sense that I appreciated how human she came off as, as opposed to being a nazi caricature, buts let's not forget that she is still a bigoted racist. She did not have very good things to think about "The Asians" this chapter, and she also seemed to buy into racist conspiracy culture beyond the bounds of the E88 as an organization.
A shame that Lord absolutely despises writing from Coil's perspective as he would much rather write from one of his lackey's POV than him.
I mean can you blame the guy?
Not at all, I even said I usually hate spending any time in his head. But seeing him broken out of his moustache twirling and thinking he's invincible right into panic and terror? That I would enjoy.
Injuring someone to get the medic involved is not a great way to get a favor from the medic.
It's Coil. He doesn't want favors, he wants handles so he can control people and lead them around at the very least. For the truly valuable, like Dinah, he'd rather own them.
"He can do it, right?" Krouse said, voicing her thoughts. "I know what that girl said, but you're sure he can really help?" He added, voicing the thoughts she was trying not to have.
Is Krouse implying that Dinah made a prediction involving Apeiron's tinkering abilities? I thought that his lab's privacy field blocked out all precogs, and that's (presumably) where he currently is. Or is her power assuming he's going to eventually leave his lab, and just modelling from there?
Is Krouse implying that Dinah made a prediction involving Apeiron's tinkering abilities? I thought that his lab's privacy field blocked out all precogs, and that's (presumably) where he currently is. Or is her power assuming he's going to eventually leave his lab, and just modelling from there?
I forget, can Dinah only look into potential futures or can she use her power to explore hypotheticals? In the second case I imagine she just would have used her power to determine something like, "chances of Apeiron being able to affect Noelle's condition if he were to try right now."
The stress had built. She could sleep. She wasn't eating. And her stutter was coming back.
couldn't sleep?
"Exactly. Not all at once, there's kind of a progression." Manpower could see it. The trail moving through the area, filling in information of those injured in the conflict. Information that included precise directions and data on if and how the people in question were trapped."
He pushed those thoughts away. There would be enough time for that later. Lord knew he had no shortages of things to blame himself for, but that wouldn't' help things now. They had a list of people who needed help. That was the important thing. The question of how it had been generated, the motives of the person behind it, or any of his own problems with the situation didn't matter. Not when some of those icons were flashing and marked as critical.
wouldn't help
If they are asking then they are not currently a threat and I mean Oliver is on the list of important to save the world.
I think that depends on how and when they'll meets. For example, if that will happen after he discovered about Coil's... let's say "shenanigans" to avoid breaking site rules... I doubt he will be all that understanding for them.

Not like the Undersiders have clean knives.
While that's true, Undersiders relatively small time "smash and grab" team, who tries (or, at least, tried) to not hurt people when possible. And Travelers here is was, as I said, mostly fine with Dinah's situation.
I don't sure, for example, he would work with post-Levi Undersiders, if they first met at that time, assurances or no assurances (from his Benefactor).
While that's true, Undersiders relatively small time "smash and grab" team, who tries (or, at least, tried) to not hurt people when possible. And Travelers here is was, as I said, mostly fine with Dinah's situation.
I don't sure, for example, he would work with post-Levi Undersiders, if they first met at that time, assurances or no assurances (from his Benefactor).
I don't even really think he's working with them now. He believes Taylor is important and wants to keep her safe, but dictating who she associates with and such would just put her off him; why bother with a route like that when you can just intimidate the whole group into doing nothing and let peer pressure keep her under control. Throw in a simple power data collection task to keep em' occupied, bada bing bada boom, teenage criminal world savior taken care of.

Any other criminal group who doesn't have a member starring as the protagonist of the passenger's favorite web novel probably isn't getting similar treatment, regardless of the degree of their crimes. Well, I guess Joe would probably ignore the less destructive ones due to having more dangerous stuff he needs to stop.

Of course, if said criminal group were to immediately say, "hey, so listen, we aren't doing crime right now, really just need your help to heal our horrifically mutated friend," I can't see Joe telling them to fuck off or initiating an attack. Would probably just try to have them turn themselves in after, or force them to if they decide otherwise... well, actually, in this specific case learning they're Simurgh victims might change that. He is pretty good with brains, regardless of how little he wants that talent, and so he might feel obligated to capture and cure them himself rather than send them off to death or back to quarantine... though even if he succeeded the authorities would have no way to confirm a cure, whatever a "cure" for brain tampering would consist of in the first place, and very well might not trust Joe over well established Simurgh paranoia. Also probably wouldn't like learning Joe can do brain stuff, though they'd be fools to be surprised at this point... not sure how things would go then, but there are certainly a lot of interesting possibilities.
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to not hurt people when possible.
They fail there in canon and even this fic especially Taylor after cutting to pieces Aegis and shattering Amy wrist, that's far worse than she did in canon, plus the rest of the undersiders contribution.
And Travelers here is was, as I said, mostly fine with Dinah's situation.
The same were for the undersiders except for Taylor in canon, heck they still might do the same tho I doubt it because of Joe now and they would be stupid to even think or hint to Joe that they would have been okay for a little girl getting drug up to the gills, knowing how powerful Joe is and his morality(I think they should be somewhat aware of it).
They fail there in canon and even this fic especially Taylor after cutting to pieces Aegis and shattering Amy wrist
Firstly, Joe meeted they before that.
Secondly, he mentioned, multiple times, that was Wards' fault just as much, or even more, than Undersiders.

The same were for the undersiders except for Taylor in canon
That's why I said I don't sure he would've worked with them if they'd met later.
Possibly nobody in the country.
I think if you listen hard enough, you can hear Eidolon bristle.

Is Krouse implying that Dinah made a prediction involving Apeiron's tinkering abilities? I thought that his lab's privacy field blocked out all precogs, and that's (presumably) where he currently is. Or is her power assuming he's going to eventually leave his lab, and just modelling from there?
I mean Apeiron did just leave the lab, so he could have just asked then. Alternatively he could have asked "if the Travelers will buy my lies for long enough?"
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Is Krouse implying that Dinah made a prediction involving Apeiron's tinkering abilities? I thought that his lab's privacy field blocked out all precogs, and that's (presumably) where he currently is. Or is her power assuming he's going to eventually leave his lab, and just modelling from there?

Dinah's power gives a probability number based on all possible futures, right? Wouldn't that mean her numbers are just really inaccurate for anything involving Joe now?

Ie. In 9999 possible futures, Joe stays in his lab tinkering. In one he steps outside and is immediately killed by Scion. Wouldn't Dinah get a 100% chance of Joe getting killed by Scion? (1/1 possible futures she can see, with 9999 futures she just doesn't get to know about?)

I'm just walking my way through the thought process with logic. No idea how her power actually works in these situations.
Dinah's power gives a probability number based on all possible futures, right? Wouldn't that mean her numbers are just really inaccurate for anything involving Joe now?

Ie. In 9999 possible futures, Joe stays in his lab tinkering. In one he steps outside and is immediately killed by Scion. Wouldn't Dinah get a 100% chance of Joe getting killed by Scion? (1/1 possible futures she can see, with 9999 futures she just doesn't get to know about?)

I'm just walking my way through the thought process with logic. No idea how her power actually works in these situations.
Well, except that her Shard scans the world and communicates with other shards to get information. It can't get any information on him in the shop to predict that he'll come out or what will happen if he does. So you can't say there's a 100% chance he'll come out. It's not actually viewing possible futures It's calculating them.
Is Krouse implying that Dinah made a prediction involving Apeiron's tinkering abilities? I thought that his lab's privacy field blocked out all precogs, and that's (presumably) where he currently is. Or is her power assuming he's going to eventually leave his lab, and just modelling from there?

This might've been answered already, but from what I've seen, he's healed Weld and Amy. He's also healed the Undersiders. Assuming Dinah's Shard uses connections to other Shards to gather data to help improve the accuracy of her future prediction, we can assume that her Shard was using all the data gathered in that manner, along with any and all data gathered from the Lung fight that just happened, to guess at his minimum healing abilities, and decided that he likely is capable of altering her current form to some meaningful degree. Whether for better or worse, I'm not sure, but even killing what's left of her Shard might be enough to 'cure' her, or count as such. After all, kill the Shard and her mutation stops working- even if it kills her as well, it still cures her. And from what little data Lung's Shard gathered, they might think he can at least reach light speed with normal matter in normal space. That hitting a Shard, with one of his devices- which can safely be assumed to self repair to pristine condition after a few days- which did the deed already in Shard Space...

It's a pretty safe assumption that he could at least remove her Shard from play, which might count as a cure, considering the Shard's views on monkey-paw future vision 'wish granting'. I could also be misinterpreting, or it could be something completely different, but this is my theory, for now.
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Piggot had been downplaying Lung's barbarism, insisting that it was a livable situation, preferable to a gang war. Well, exactly what she had allowed to fester was now on display. She didn't know if this would cost the woman her job, but it couldn't be good for the director's prospects.
I noticed that they said Piggot has still been downplaying it. We knew it from other Protectorate members view that she downplayed it but not to what extent. Coil might get into her seat after this if he judges the situation good enough for him to do it.
It just occurred to me that Coil has a REALY easy way to contact Joe here: Just have one of the Undersiders get hurt!
Injuring someone to get the medic involved is not a great way to get a favor from the medic. More when you could just pay them to ask.

Also, small reminder that Joe gave the undersiders a watch with a forcefield. Good luck hurting an Undersider in the first place.

What happens if Echidna eats Joe?

The clones get the original tinker specialization. For Joe, they wouldn't be that threatening. But more importantly, the clones are evil and keep their memories, so they would be extremely happy to spill the beans about Joe's dirty secrets (like his dozen of S class threats in his workshop).

Dinah's power gives a probability number based on all possible futures, right? Wouldn't that mean her numbers are just really inaccurate for anything involving Joe now?

Her powers was inaccurate from chapter 1, because Joe tie his actions to his perk gain, and she can't predict that (they are treated as trigger events). The day Joe will move against Coil, he'll have a few hours of preparation at most.
Her powers was inaccurate from chapter 1, because Joe tie his actions to his perk gain, and she can't predict that (they are treated as trigger events). The day Joe will move against Coil, he'll have a few hours of preparation at most.

Although I wonder what Coils strategy will be after Joe gains the worm perk that has this fiat:
Outside Context Problem (Free): It'd be boring if you were to just die right at the start so for free you'll have a selective immunity to the powers of a few rather nasty plot device level opponents that by all rights would probably want to kill you right out of the gate. Contessa, Ziz, and Zion's precog doesn't seem to be able to pick you up, instead returning a zero-sum error whenever they try to force the issue. They won't notice this until you garner enough attention for them to try and then they might take further measures to see what the problem is. But at the moment you'll be safe from being instantly killed due to the threat you pose to their plans. This works on all shard/entity derived precog. Your peculiar inter-dimensional nature just messes up their ability to predict you. Coil is an exception due to the weird nature of his power.

Cause than Dinah is not gonna get inaccurate results is just straight up not going to work.