So we know that the kind of energy Joe gets from the call beads can be "flavoured" by the source. If Joe were more aware of where his powers come from, I can easily see him using a Eru Illuvitar call bead + Arcane Craft + That Undifinable Thing to help him with his enchanting + Belmont Alchemy ventures. Heck go a step further, make a necklace that can hold an Eru-bead, give it Heretical Adaption, all the other boosts, and Name it something like Fae (Sindarin for Soul), and boom, ultimate enchanting focus.
Heck take it a step further and use Eru-gems, with a specific apparatus holding it, connecting to the soul via the handles ig.
Sadly, this is not likely to happen soon, since Joe is not likely to conduct such research. If at any point Survey or a clone makes the Transformers Connection(due to managing PR) though... Infact quick little omake!
Corporate Contact
Joe 2 smiled as he finalized the changes. The map website had been a rather barebones thing, initially just, now it also had a basic /get-in-contact page and a hosted email, plus an additional /statements page, for any necessary Press Releases for the future. He nodded to himself. Public Relations couldn't be ingored anymore.
The last Joe 2 had announced the thing over PHO yesterday, but as was Joe's nature, until Joe Prime saw it, the Joe 2s would go over the website with a fine-toothed comb, trying to make it the best it could be.
There was a basic VI that sorted emails into categories, either sending scripted response, or forwarding them to the current Joe 2. The current email being read was a long and wordy email from a Hasbro PR Executive, essentially boiling down to "Your use of robots that use a Transformers™ sound effect is nice, but it's hurting sales. Please stop.". There was some extra legalese, but Joe 2 forwarded the email to Survey, while frowning. Transformers? He quickly found a youtube clip of a weird 80s show, the machines shown witthin looking like crude limitations of the tech Joe could build thanks to Master Builder, the transformation sequences nearly identical to their own.
Master Builder gave them Transformers tech...
Another 2 minutes of searching helped Joe 2 find multiple other franchises connected to the tech they could build, and he started a list.
The most interesting of which was Lord Of The Rings. Joe had read the series in middle school, but digging through the lore gave Joe 2 a great idea. Specifically using Call Beads connected to the creator god (Elven Enchantment allowed them to access the Unseen, why not that which lies beyond?) Eru Illuvitar.
Joe 1 sent a ping, asking for some help with a second extraction effort. He got up, sprinting to the medical bay. He could work on their pet project later.