Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

I wonder if a possible solution to Joe's life fiber problem is to simply find one end of Tetra and slowly pull her out of him, while healing any damage this causes him along the way
So you want to remove Tetra like a 'guinea worm'
Treatment involves removing the worm manually by a healthcare professional. When a part of the worm begins to emerge out of the wound, a stick is placed around the wound. The worm is carefully pulled out only a few centimeters each day by winding it around the stick.
That kind of treatment is not viable because Tetra is connected and fused with Joe's organs and nervous system that would be extremely painful and might even kill him immediately
Oh hey look at this, truck kun is back after 15- ish chapter. Hopefully it won't lead to the reveal of Joe's civilian identity. Even though it would be hilarious.

My slow realization that this was THE truck finalized when they said the guy's name and got a pretty good laugh out of me. I really enjoyed the chapter, but that little detail was probably my favorite part.
I wonder how far Oliver's power will go to try and give him similar beauty and grace to Apeiron. Joe's body is running off a lot of perk bullshit; will Oliver's power settle if it can't match that, or will it keep shifting things around as long as Oliver recognizes he isn't as pretty as crazy tinker man yet?
But now they have proof that inflicting enough damage to Aperion and/or his gear to be a threat to him will result in a extraordinary large amount of collateral damage around him.
Not that they know it took what is essentially an attack that is the concept of infinity as an attack to do so nor March's timing that made it truely deadly hell she might not even beable to do anything since her power is on the spacial plane while March's was dimensional which makes a difference
I wonder if a possible solution to Joe's life fiber problem is to simply find one end of Tetra and slowly pull her out of him, while healing any damage this causes him along the way. Perhaps using nanobots to separate the cells Tetra's in from the rest of Joe's body to make sure they aren't pulling a large amount of his flesh along with Tetra.
Um i think Tetra is kinda tied around most of his important organs doing that might just like rip him apart from the inside out not to mention if doing so will just tie knots in his body
The Truck Joe fixed up is going to stick out like a sore thumb once people see it's lights still working in the dead zones!

There is a SEROUS possibility Joe's civilian identity gets exposed over this.
It would if he really did anything to it besides tap it to fix back to new condition not any overhaul so it's basically just going to run like a new truck thats it
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That kind of treatment is not viable because Tetra is connected and fused with Joe's organs and nervous system that would be extremely painful and might even kill him immediately
Um i think Tetra is kinda tied around most of his important organs doing that might just like rip him apart from the inside out not to mention if doing so will just tie knots in his body
You right, guys. But! That's possible. Because he have a "can't die candle". Candle have a 10 years cooldown, that's why his doubles don't want to use it, I think.
But in theory, they can.
You mean March and Joe's unpredictability?

Edit: If you mean that Lord had actually nerf tattletale, then I'm not certain about that, a lot of fics tend to make tattletale thinker power stronger than it supposed to be. Because at times it can inconsistent on she somehow figure out things.

I meant more than anything else her power is operating at pretty much garbage tier right now. Between Joe, March, and whatever environmental factors are in play how useful is her power currently? When was the last time she was a source of useful or accurate info from her power. The hard data she had seems to be mostly from stealing the PRT's data.

It might help to ask this question: how useful or effective do you expect her to be based on what has happened so far? Admittedly March fucks her over hard (and how much that will be a problem going forward is up for debate), but I think the real problem is she synergized really well with Joe. She should be able to help him track down targets really fast based on what she did in Worm. But that would be too useful; so she can't operate at that level, and thus becomes pretty much irrelevant.
She should be able to help him track down targets really fast based on what she did in Worm. But that would be too useful; so she can't operate at that level, and thus becomes pretty much irrelevant.
The thing is that March was still active during those period in which Tattletale could have done that, and Joe couldn't rely on her with that, so he had to compensate on his own. And with March finally cripple it is now possible but here comes the other issue Joe is incapacitated and needs time to heal and rest. As long as March was active Tattletale powers would have been not that helpful, there was no nerfing but a spoofing of tattletale instead.

True they synergies well but the problem is once tattletale powers are counter she is useless, and March is not only one Joe will have to worry for powers that can counter some Parahumans such tattletale there are others, remember Jack slash, yeah he's another opponent Joe cant rely on tattletale with, because Jack power basically makes him nearly unbeatable against Parahumans and will mess with tattletale powers, there's a reason why a WoG that says that Jack can debatably beat contessa.

Any way at the rate Joe is going he will reach up to a level he wouldn't even need Tattletale, because in the end Tattletale can be counter and it has its limits. Plus there's the fact he made it quite clear he didn't want none of the undersiders getting involved in his fight against the ABB.
Um i think Tetra is kinda tied around most of his important organs doing that might just like rip him apart from the inside out not to mention if doing so will just tie knots in his body
I believe Tetra is impossibly thin, as in thinner than a cell, so my idea is that we simply remove all the cells she's fused with, and ignore the damage until they can heal it, which is when Tetra's no longer in that area.
You're forgetting the Joe is a person,
And has such he has his own opinion and has been less reliant on his passengers emotional support so I don't think that he is the kind of person to mindlessly Dismiss atrocities Done by TheTravelers just because His passenger Feel sad for them.

"They move from place to place trying to keep their friend Noelle happy and healthy. The reason they do not stay in the same place for long is due to the rampages Noelle's power forces her into.

While widely recognized as heavy hitters, they hold back from using their powers to the fullest so that they don't draw attention and so that they do not injure people. This is likely tied into their need to keep Noelle, by far the most dangerous member of the Travelers, contained"

The Travelers are not the S9, they have never been stated to commit what would be considered atrocities until their timer went off as Ziz bombs. Not to mention that just because he's not as reliant on his shard for emotional impressions doesn't mean that Joe himself is an unempathetic person. He understands that he would've probably been a monster worthy of being an S9 member had he not been saved by the Forge.

Usually I hate spending any time in his head but the story has reached the point I'd like to see a Coil interlude. Making another attempt on Joe going from his usual smug, slimy arrogance to increasing levels "Oh crap! Bad Idea! NO! FUCK! WORSE IDEA!!"
A shame that Lord absolutely despises writing from Coil's perspective as he would much rather write from one of his lackey's POV than him.
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A shame that Lord absolutely despises writing from Coil's perspective as he would much rather write from one of his lackey's POV than him.
I mean can you blame the guy? The worst it could go is a POV of Jack slash, now that would make anyone feel disgusted. I mean Coil POV makes me want to take multiple showers, and punch a wall, but Jack would probably make me want to vomit, and feel disgusted, either way both makes it so easy to hate them just by reading their POV.
The fight with Lung was a solid 40,000 words- about the length of a short novel or novella. Just for one fight. Then, we saw the exact same fight from Vicky's perspective, for another 50,000 words. Then about 15,000 words of Joe navel gazing while he lays in bed, and then another 27,000 words of navel gazing from about the aftermath from 3 different perspectives. Altogether, that's longer than most novels, covering a single fight and the aftermath from as many perspectives as possible.
And all of it was glorious. I, for one, wouldn't mind more of it.
Joe has already been shown to make artifacts that can affect their user's powers, he can probably make one that can help Noelle control, or at least suppress, her powers.

I imagine Damsel's going to have a hard time hurting Aperion. I can't imagine he'll simply take a strait fight with an annihilator after what he went through. I imagine he'll either take her down from afar or simply faster than she can reasonably react.

I wonder if a possible solution to Joe's life fiber problem is to simply find one end of Tetra and slowly pull her out of him, while healing any damage this causes him along the way. Perhaps using nanobots to separate the cells Tetra's in from the rest of Joe's body to make sure they aren't pulling a large amount of his flesh along with Tetra.
Garment can probably help with that also I don't think tetra has an end she seemed to be more like an organ system louping through Joes body
Oh hey look at this, truck kun is back after 15- ish chapter. Hopefully it won't lead to the reveal of Joe's civilian identity. Even though it would be hilarious.
Prediction: The Travelers will be sent home when a modified truck-kun hits them during an Endbringer fight.

Thanks for update!

I, for one, wonder, why people expecting Joe to help Travelers. He can, probably, help them. But would he? I'm not so sure. They're villains, and not just labeled so by the PRT. They're actual villains, and mostly fine with it... Well, that was an exaggeration, to say "fine", but not much.
If they are asking then they are not currently a threat and I mean Oliver is on the list of important to save the world.

"Wait of everyone on the team, he decides the gopher is the important one?"

I don't think he would be unwilling if they asked. Not like the Undersiders have clean knives.

It just occurred to me that Coil has a REALY easy way to contact Joe here: Just have one of the Undersiders get hurt!
Joe is contractually obligated to come and heal them!

Ether by sending the Undersiders into dangerous missions or just asking Alex to break his own arm would do the trick.
I wonder if the Travelers would figure this out on their own? They might even attack the Undersiders themselves, if they get truly despite.
Injuring someone to get the medic involved is not a great way to get a favor from the medic. More when you could just pay them to ask.

Btw, are I'm only one who have a feeling that Coil here tries to reassure himself just as much, or even more, than Travelers?
"Everything fine, that's all under control! And I definitely not screaming internally all the time!".

edit: fixing autocorrupt
I like to imagine this is his third attempt at the meeting, with the others cancelled due to cracked composure.

Take note that Joe's Benefactor is a mad fanboy of Lisa and Undies. She could probably shoot out half the orphanage and he would just give Joe the impression to wave it off as Lisa being silly.
Now this is just slander. His benefactor has made no mention of undies.
It made no comment of how Taylor having Armsmaster undies. No mention of a positive emotion when Garment put him in barbarian cloths. No joy when the barbarian style came back during the fight. It did not swoon when Joe showed how to wear it properly. The benefactor is above such questionable thoughts as boxers vs briefs. Indead it...
Are we talking about the same thing?
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Now this is just slander. His benefactor has made no mention of undies.
It made no comment of how Taylor having Armsamster undies. No mention of a positive emotion when Garment put him in barbarian cloths. No joy when the barbarian style came back during the fight. It did not swoon when Joe showed how to wear it properly. The benefactor is above such questionable thoughts as boxers vs briefs. Indead it...
Are we talking about the same thing?
My friend, you are a comedic genius
Now this is just slander. His benefactor has made no mention of undies.
It made no comment of how Taylor having Armsamster undies. No mention of a positive emotion when Garment put him in barbarian cloths. No joy when the barbarian style came back during the fight. It did not swoon when Joe showed how to wear it properly. The benefactor is above such questionable thoughts as boxers vs briefs. Indead it...
Are we talking about the same thing?
Not sure if you know he means undersiders not underwear, as it would be funny if you knew, but if you didn't I just want to point it out.

Or at least I think he meant the undersiders.
Oddly of the three POVs, I liked Tammis the best. She actually didn't come off as a bigoted racist. She came off more as disliking her parents and doing things to spite them. Then her parents seem to get rewarded through the entire process, which totally irks her. She seems a bit disillusioned with the entire E88 and that her only value is as a cape. She is also seeing how this new person is being courted and all the perks handed to her.

She's also rather annoyed that she's likely going to be on this person's team. I'm amazed she didn't just think dating Theo would have been the better option. She doesn't seem to be ready to leave the E88, yet.

She provided a good POV from that direction.

Marrisa's POV felt like she just wanted to whine to someone, but didn't actually have any friends in the team. Noelle is the only connection all of them share, and they really should have gone their own ways rather than just stick together. I love the point about Oliver just making Noelle worse.

Marrisa wanted to say that's wrong in private to someone that she trusts. They were out of options so she'd still have gone ahead with it. She just wanted to safely whine.

I disliked her as she showed no signs of wanting to leave the group although only negative social relationships by staying with them.

I'm curious if March's anti-thinker thing will be enough to screw with Coil, and she's still around in town in the background. Will her condition allow her to shut down Coil and Lisa or will her effects fade without managing a group and string stuff up?

Coil seemed like he was doing a good job of staying on top of the Travelers and keeping ahead of their requests. They'll be around and loyal enough for his needs.

Manpower's POVs have been rather good. He and Gully make a nice team. I loved how Crystal just looked at Gully and thought... are you dating her? I can't be the only one what felt that vibe come off her. Then Manpower says she's an out-of-town Ward so isn't who is currently dating.

I kept thinking he needs to grab Crystal and some beer and just get a bit drunk and explain things to her. That they used to be a team. They had one flyer and that was o.k. Then they lost 2 of the other ground members and the next were 3 flyers and basically left the other long-time adults feeling utterly useless.

I can see after all this Manpower actually feeling useful for the first time in freaking years. His family life sucks, but he is finally doing the patroling thing as he really intended it. It sounds like the guys didn't really care about the New Wave crap. That was the Sisters' Idea and what they want, they get. I can just see both guys just sighing and going along with it.

We've heard about what Flashbang has been doing for the last few days. He has been imploding and running around appearing to not quite trying to get himself killed. He is too competent and experienced so knows how to avoid it. He has been pulling out all the stops and been rather impressive lately.

I like the point where Manpower feels like he has failed his kids by them not getting his defensive perks.

Oh, I also loved Drew's moment to shine in the truck. I really hope Gully gets to meet Joe before she has to go back home.
The Truck Joe fixed up is going to stick out like a sore thumb once people see it's lights still working in the dead zones!

There is a SEROUS possibility Joe's civilian identity gets exposed over this.
It would be funny that the thing he least expected to expose him did.

Ether by sending the Undersiders into dangerous missions or just asking Alex to break his own arm would do the trick.
it wouldn't work since h has the watches that do medical scans, so he would know if it was self inflicted. Also part of the deal was to tell him what Jobs they will do, so he wits unlikely that route would work.