I know I'm just reiterating everyone else's point. But I wanted to bring up some facts about this story, regarding the over use of the ABB:
Here is a list of every fight Apareon has been in:
Here is a list of every non-Apareon fight in this novel:
- Apareon vs Uber (Saving the Undersiders while distracting Bakuda with drones)
- Apareon & Undersiders vs Bakuda (cutting off her leg and forcing her retreat)
- Apareon vs Uber & Leet (Saving Imp and attacking ABB command center)
- Apareon vs Lung (The Joke fight)
- Apareon Clone vs Oni Lee (while attacking command ABB commend center)
- Apareon vs March (Hacking ABB's accounts)
- Apareon vs Dragon (Hacking War)
- Apareon vs ABB's conscripted Army & Gang Members
- Apareon vs March & Bakuda (Attempting to find and break into their headquarters)
- Apareon vs March & Oni Lee (The fight he lost)
- Apareon & Dragon vs Lung (This last battle)
I've gone through and underlined every fight that is NOT an ABB fight...
- Undersiders vs Wards
- ABB's Gang Members vs Garmet
- March vs Wards (attempted to get to Flechette at the art museum)
- Uber, Bakuda, and Oni Lee vs Protectorate (when they copied Armsmaster's tech)
- Imp vs ABB's head quarters
- Uber & Leet vs Garden People
I may have missed an off screen Protectorate vs Empire/Merchants background fight, but we've only had 2 on screen fights that weren't ABB...
We're 708,352 words in and we've been stuck on the same 4 enemies for the MAJORITY of this novel.
Apareon's 4 enemies are: March, Bakuda, Leet, and Oni Lee. All 4 are now 'injured' but all 4 are still alive and active.
I do NOT believe the story is done with them. I believe they were intentionally left alive so they could be a part of another combination fight vs Apareon.
I would be fine with this if there was a logical reason March and Oni Lee were still alive, Apareon specifically made tech that would kill Oni Lee on sight and he HAD March DOWN ON THE GROUND DEFENSELESS, and didn't DO anything about it!
Recommendation: It you're thinking about editing this chapter, please give a reasonable explanation of why nether Joe, Joe's clone, or Fleet was able to Capture/Kill March. Give March an emergency Teleporter that she used to escape, have Oni Lee pick her up at the last minute, have Joe get hit with a "Forget Me" Bomb, ext...
I'm not going to do anything like drop the novel over a "Plot Hole" like this. I love the characters and technology and I look forward to seeing how the plot advances.
There still are a lot of conflicts for Joe to resolve:
This novel still has a LOT left to say, and a lot that I'm looking forward too.
- The city is arming itself to the teeth.
- S-Class threats like the S9, Endbringers, Nillbog, Ext
- The Travelers and Undersider's situation
- The Case-53s situation
- Interacting with Accord
- Finishing Sphere's work:
- Building self-recursive Tinker Tech hospitals
- City building
- Space Exploration
- Providing Powers to regular people
- Scion
- The Shard Network after Scion is defeated
- All the potentially horrible things that could escape from Joe's Workshop
- All the potentially horrible things Thinkers and Tinkers could recreate from Joe's Tech and Magic
- The PTR's response to Apareon's wet ware and AI's
- Joe's family life. Joe starting a real relationship of his own
I...did you not read the WOG explanations Lorde gave on what was happening in the future?
I don't think it's a spoiler to say Lorde has generally addressed all of this already in the posts already made. I recommend reading or rereading those.
Your complaints are certainly valid. I just think they've been answered already.
Edit: Don't want to say anything outside of this as I don't want to accidentally spoil. Sorry if I'm being overzealous, I've just been spoiled a lot and don't like doing it to others if I can help it.
Edit 2: Lol I think I misread your post. I was assuming you were telling Lorde to do a very specific set of things instead of, I think, making suggestions? It's 4am where I am so I dunno lol.
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