Wait the VIP capes cant just be Flechette, Khepri, Bonesaw and Panacea.(Well bonesaw is optional but you get it)
If Taylor is a VIP its most likely because we need Khepri, and Khepri only works as well as it did because of the [Super OP pls dont nerf] Doormaker + Clairvoyant combo
Doormaker + Clairvoyant also helps with Flechettes issue with actually hitting the target "Door, front of leviathans core" *pulls out sting infused glock and pokes hand out of the portal* BANG
This was all discussed in depth yesterday including multiple posts by me on it but no Kephri isn't needed for bcf.
Joe's already shown that he can open a few hundred portals simultaneously, and with his current tech they can reach over a hundred miles. With his current tech being the operative phrase. That doesn't get you like Goddess or whatever from another universe, but it means she can control the battlefield.
QAylor would also need at least one thinker like Shen Yu or Clairvoyant and one cape with a strong tk power usable on people to really be at a control the battlefield lv but again it's pointless because fighting the avatar is pointless.