Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

She did one mighty job of shooting herself in the foot there. It's also funny that her current strategy of delay, delay, delay is probably just going to make everything worse for her. I think she's still going to be in power by the time everything comes to a head. She just made it later.

Being somewhat fair if the Teeth hadn't shown up at the rock she would have been replaced and gotten away with it. Of course I lost all sympathy for her when the Uppercrust meeting revealed she thinks Apeiron is highly unstable and dangerous and despite her claims of not caring about her career so she'd throw it away it a heartbeat to keep the elite out of the city she was planning on getting him a pre-signed killed order because she already had her media contacts working on smear pieces that used the fact he had one in an attempt to divert attention and blame onto him.
Being somewhat fair if the Teeth hadn't shown up at the rock she would have been replaced and gotten away with it. Of course I lost all sympathy for her when the Uppercrust meeting revealed she thinks Apeiron is highly unstable and dangerous and despite her claims of not caring about her career so she'd throw it away it a heartbeat to keep the elite out of the city she was planning on getting him a pre-signed killed order because she already had her media contacts working on smear pieces that used the fact he had one in an attempt to divert attention and blame onto him.
Oh yeah. She deserves everything coming to her. She may say she's doing everything she can, but she's just out for herself.
Clearly Apeiron needs to go on a space whaling trip after Zion is dealt with :V

And he could even maintain a healthy sustainable population of relatively friendly Shards/Entities starting with Aisha's Safeguard and Taylor's Queen Administrator with his numerous methods of generating energy ex nihlo.

It's even worse though because they used the entities weapon to kill it and the half dead entity that couldn't do anything still managed to permanently neuter it. They shanked Superman in the back but he still managed to make them a paraplegic. Killing Eden was kinda a phyrric victory. But yeah, they do have the hollow bragging rights. Granted, Joe actually has something equivalent under his belt. He neutralized Alma. She is a life wiper and a source of Powers. He didn't lose anything in the process either.

To be fair to Eden, it was heavily implied that PTV was a new fairly unintegrated Abaddon Shard, which I think was more energy-efficiency than their variants, so a lack of loyalty is not entirely unexpected.

Being somewhat fair if the Teeth hadn't shown up at the rock she would have been replaced and gotten away with it. Of course I lost all sympathy for her when the Uppercrust meeting revealed she thinks Apeiron is highly unstable and dangerous and despite her claims of not caring about her career so she'd throw it away it a heartbeat to keep the elite out of the city she was planning on getting him a pre-signed killed order because she already had her media contacts working on smear pieces that used the fact he had one in an attempt to divert attention and blame onto him.

That was when I realised the scale of the discrepancy between Apeiron's actual power and how it is perceived, according to WOG, if he goes all out, a reverse Golden Morning would be the result(The Forge lives, while everyone fails to kill them). It is almost cute that she thinks she stands a chance

It was nice of Uppercrust and Armstrong to treat him as an actual person and not a complete pariah though, socialisation is always the best part. I think why they along with Weld got along relatively well with Joe is that they like him treat Capes as equals with careful consideration about the possible benefits instead of the standard contain and isolate.
The forge can do that tho cause other than them and the workshop the Kerbals have their own government complete with an embassy.
He's a de-facto autocrat inside the workshop.

He has not (yet?) established any legitimate authority in the arena where the rest of the story takes place, or on Earth Bet in general. This lack is one of the main obstacles to achieving his goals, because various holders of legitimate authority are afraid he will seize illegitimate authority.
He's a de-facto autocrat inside the workshop.

He has not (yet?) established any legitimate authority in the arena where the rest of the story takes place, or on Earth Bet in general. This lack is one of the main obstacles to achieving his goals, because various holders of legitimate authority are afraid he will seize illegitimate authority.
He should find some small awful country, win, and then insist he's the representative of a foreign government.
I wonder if, with access to shard space, Joe could end up finding other worlds via the (literal) back door? Like he deciphers the shard communication protocol, does some analysis, and finds shards that are actively doing powers stuff but in the wrong direction for Earth-bet. Following those could open up inter dimensional travel if he can also develop a more controlled version of whatever March did to his Call Gem.
I wonder if, with access to shard space, Joe could end up finding other worlds via the (literal) back door? Like he deciphers the shard communication protocol, does some analysis, and finds shards that are actively doing powers stuff but in the wrong direction for Earth-bet.
He's already developing this to find Bakuda who's in a pocket universe.
Joe will probably cobble up the Master: Yes power combo to have everyone work together and be unaware it's the Master: Yes combo
Has he unlocked the power of friendship yet I feel that's a literal thing in the forge
MLP stuff is in V2 not V1 unfortunately. As much as i would like to be amused at joe freaking out about cute pony land and it's insanity, that's simply not possible.
Not if her reason for hiding it is contract. If the price for immortality, super sword, and Weld getting super metal for his body is a confidential conversation? That sounds like a fair trade. Who knows what incredible secrets Apeiron told them, they aren't telling. Isn't it lucky that they got such a good deal for their confidentiality? Look, they are both top tier capes now!
No semi-militaristic organization would ever find those terms acceptable.

"So what did you promise to Apeiron for immortality?" - Piggot

"... I can't tell you?" - Flechette

Ooph. I doubt Cauldron will let anything happen that would drive her away from their direct influence, but I wouldn't be surprised if Flechette was tagged as compromised and kept away from any critical meetings.
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No semi-militaristic organization would ever find those terms acceptable.

"So what did you promise to Apeiron for immortality?" - Piggot

"... I can't tell you?" - Flechette

Ooph. I doubt Cauldron will let anything happen that would drive her away from their direct influence, but I wouldn't be surprised if Flechette was tagged as compromised and kept away from any critical meetings.
Ah, but Flechette is a Ward. Who are technically not supposed to be child soldiers. And aren't when not in places called Brockton Bay. Plus the national office is coming to the opinion that a contract with Aperion or the Forge is a good thing. You just need to take your side of the deal seriously. Plus odds are they are going to assume that part of the reason why Aperion wanted confidentiality was because not having that fucked him over with the PRT in the past and basically anti-thinker measures. Aperion didn't want her to die for some reason and it had to do with his thinker power, he didn't want her to spread more information because last time he did that New Wave imploded and he ruined his relationship with the PRT ENE permanently.
How much of Flechette's new flower/paper/sword do you think MM would be able to copy?

It's not exactly Tinkertech, but it's similar to her variable weapon.
How much of Flechette's new flower/paper/sword do you think MM would be able to copy?

It's not exactly Tinkertech, but it's similar to her variable weapon.
Considering where Joe was looking for inspiration regarding variable weapons in the first place? 😉

But realistically she can already do all the shapeshifting stuff and applying Sting is wholly on Flechette, so the question then is can she make paper-with-durability-charms as a material option for her other equipment?
Maybe. Probably the runes and stuff won't make sense but her shard might "cheat" for her and reinforce the paper from its side of universe, or just make something that looks and feels right but is just another energy matrix layout.
I thought MM needed to understand weapons to be able to use them, and this thing's been made by several out-of-context powers. She wouldn't expect to be able to copy it under the assumption that it's 'tinkertech'.
Considering where Joe was looking for inspiration regarding variable weapons in the first place? 😉

But realistically she can already do all the shapeshifting stuff and applying Sting is wholly on Flechette, so the question then is can she make paper-with-durability-charms as a material option for her other equipment?
Maybe. Probably the runes and stuff won't make sense but her shard might "cheat" for her and reinforce the paper from its side of universe, or just make something that looks and feels right but is just another energy matrix layout.
I thought MM needed to understand weapons to be able to use them, and this thing's been made by several out-of-context powers. She wouldn't expect to be able to copy it under the assumption that it's 'tinkertech'.
I don't think that Miss Militia has to copy the materials of things that she's making? I think that she can get away with just the structure and mechanisms of it? Her Shard might need to fudge a number here or there and refresh it often to prevent degradation from mattering but it could be possible.
Several hours later (probably immediately for some), a lot of protectorate thinkers are going to drop their heads on their desks and just scream in frustration at having to rework their models of Appie. Again. Probably along with a whole lot of "for the love of everything holy stop poking him!!"

Then the Jack thing is going to happen the next morning. You've got to feel bad for all those thinkers at this point, it's been one kick in the head after another for weeks.

I don't think that Miss Militia has to copy the materials of things that she's making? I think that she can get away with just the structure and mechanisms of it? Her Shard might need to fudge a number here or there and refresh it often to prevent degradation from mattering but it could be possible.
It'd be the funniest shit ever if she tries to mimic the paper sword and literally gets exactly that. A paper sword, exactly as useless as it should be. (E: And much later it hits me that her shard might blow all it's energy on trying to recreate a divine artefact, casual as creating it had been, and outright die. That... would be funny, but also very bad for so many reasons.)
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I thought MM needed to understand weapons to be able to use them, and this thing's been made by several out-of-context powers. She wouldn't expect to be able to copy it under the assumption that it's 'tinkertech'.

I don't think that Miss Militia has to copy the materials of things that she's making? I think that she can get away with just the structure and mechanisms of it? Her Shard might need to fudge a number here or there and refresh it often to prevent degradation from mattering but it could be possible.
I rather doubt that the US government broke nuclear secrets act in order to give a hero the ability to nuke a city. So, since she can use a (probable) nuke, I doubt she needs to know the specifics.
Several hours later (probably immediately for some), a lot of protectorate thinkers are going to drop their heads on their desks and just scream in frustration at having to rework their models of Appie. Again. Probably along with a whole lot of "for the love of everything holy stop poking him!!"

Then the Jack thing is going to happen the next morning. You've got to feel bad for all those thinkers at this point, it's been one kick in the head after another for weeks.

Not really all you need to do is remember that in canon the mere announcement of the think tank being examined for corruption had over half of them flee the country and that they are spending their time working out elaborate schemes of how to manipulate Apeiron and then it just becomes funny.
I thought MM needed to understand weapons to be able to use them, and this thing's been made by several out-of-context powers. She wouldn't expect to be able to copy it under the assumption that it's 'tinkertech'.
So yeah, understanding; does anyone think MM knows the equations to predict the expected forces generated by a quantity of smokeless powder? What about the exact recoil forces of a copper jacketed projectile being forced against the lands and grooves of a 1:8 twist, rifled barrel? Or does she just know that the bullet goes in here, the clicky thing makes the bang and the fast thing comes out the other end?
Probably somewhere in between in actuality, as in she could detail strip and clean any weapon she uses, and explain the function of each part, but the point is that she doesn't necessarily need to know the details of the exact physics of the operation of the weapon to duplicate it.
I'm pretty sure it's MM's shard [Armamentarium] has to understand the tech for the weapon, and can't do anything beyond mechanical functionality. This puts all energy & tinkertech weapons out of her reach.
I rather doubt that the US government broke nuclear secrets act in order to give a hero the ability to nuke a city. So, since she can use a (probable) nuke, I doubt she needs to know the specifics.
Pretty sure that the knowledge of how to build nuclear weapons is actually pretty available. After the Soviet Union got nukes the US government didn't see much reason to keep it secret. There's actually some funny stuff about China not trusting the documents even though they were entirely correct. Now modern nukes have more restricted information, but the originals? Nope.
She triggered pulling a gun on the dude using her as a minesweeper. However educated she is now, something tells me 8 y o Hana didn't know how a gun worked in detail. So i figure it's more of a she has to know it exists to be able to get one and it has to comply with the local tech level.
Fun Fact: The Tinkertech limit is fanon (logical fanon but still)
Her gun just picks what it feels like downloading today and doesn't wanna give her all the lasers, the ass
IIRC its not that she cant copy tinkertech, she has to understand (well, "understand") weapons to copy them and vast majority of tinkertech weapons are literal magic. Which does imply that she probably cant cope at least some mundane weapons