Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Shards don't really just pluck information out of people's minds like that as a background event. That's more of an active effect that a host has to direct first, like Victor's power destructively scanning brains, while more passive effects involve observation and analysis of the parallel earths at an atomic level.

When Joe got Belmont Alchemy, he never used it outside of the Workshop, so the Shard network had nothing to passively analyze. That's the entire point of Joe's anti-Thinker strategies. And the same goes for active effects, because the only skill-stealer that managed to get in range was Victor and we all know what happened there. Thus, while FMA alchemy could be in the shard network, it's very unlikely that Belmont Alchemy was.
It really depends on how the dark rituals work, if basic sacrificial rituals produce some noticeable effect or the rituals mirror the native satanic rituals in Earth Bet, then all that thinkers really need is the knowledge that Hell is actually real and then it would snowball fast. Joe's anti-thinker strategies didn't really protect him against this sort of threat if he was outside of the Workshop. The knowledge that Hell is real could of been gained by the horde of thinkers analysing Apeirons every cape swish, no passive effects necessary.
It really depends on how the dark rituals work, if basic sacrificial rituals produce some noticeable effect or the rituals mirror the native satanic rituals in Earth Bet, then all that thinkers really need is the knowledge that Hell is actually real and then it would snowball fast. Joe's anti-thinker strategies didn't really protect him against this sort of threat if he was outside of the Workshop. The knowledge that Hell is real could of been gained by the horde of thinkers analysing Apeirons every cape swish, no passive effects necessary.
Except if we're going as far as "Thinkers applying their powers to Apeiron could get this highly specific detail from just observation" then inevitably, they would come across a far bigger problem: Apeiron has so much stuff going on at every moment that what data is valid and useful, and what data is garbled nonsense? Think Tattletale's problem with her powers going off tangent, but on steroids. And the thing is, even if the data turns out to be valid, it would still be on the hosts' on what their reaction would be to the information.

Thinkers: "What do we have on Apeiron?"
Shard: "I think his cape is proof that Hell exists and if you do a satanic ritual, you can get observable results. Also magic is real."
Thinkers: "...what."
Except if we're going as far as "Thinkers applying their powers to Apeiron could get this highly specific detail from just observation" then inevitably, they would come across a far bigger problem: Apeiron has so much stuff going on at every moment that what data is valid and useful, and what data is garbled nonsense? Think Tattletale's problem with her powers going off tangent, but on steroids. And the thing is, even if the data turns out to be valid, it would still be on the hosts' on what their reaction would be to the information.

Thinkers: "What do we have on Apeiron?"
Shard: "I think his cape is proof that Hell exists and if you do a satanic ritual, you can get observable results. Also magic is real."
Thinkers: "...what."
I think I might be a bit mistaken about how the thinker shards actually work. I was under the impression that regular thinker shards do all the analyses then only feed a snippet to their host unlike the cauldron thinkers which feed all their available information to the host (which is what causes a wide array of problems with these capes).
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I think I might be a bit mistaken about how the thinker shards actually work. I was under the impression that regular thinker shards do all the analyses then only feed a snippet to their host unlike the cauldron thinkers which feed all their available information to the host (which is what causes a wide array of problems with these capes).
As with most stuff about Shards, it depends on the shard and isn't as simple as Warrior/Living versus Eden/Dead. Some shards just query the network for the current precig model, others run their own simulations, others do fuzzy-logic extrapolations, and others do even weirder stuff. And then that data gets condensed down to whatever medium the power uses to convey data. A hallucination/multi-tasking instance like Coil, a voice in their ear like TT, a color, a smell, a tune in certain key and rhythm. In fact, the weirder expressions are more common for precog and gain-additional-knowledge powers.
As with most stuff about Shards, it depends on the shard and isn't as simple as Warrior/Living versus Eden/Dead. Some shards just query the network for the current precig model, others run their own simulations, others do fuzzy-logic extrapolations, and others do even weirder stuff. And then that data gets condensed down to whatever medium the power uses to convey data. A hallucination/multi-tasking instance like Coil, a voice in their ear like TT, a color, a smell, a tune in certain key and rhythm. In fact, the weirder expressions are more common for precog and gain-additional-knowledge powers.
Yep, and anti-Thinker protocols, especially ones as thorough as Joe's, really messes those up. The anti-precog charms Joe has ruin all precog models while all those layers of illusion, obfuscation, and just plain Joe refusing to show most of his cards throws off any real-time models trying to estimate and study his capabilities. And that's before Fiat-based powers come in to play, because those just don't care about rules and logic, and then it becomes a question of "Which one is based on some form of technology/magic, and which works just because they work?" but on steroids because all of this is happening at the same time.

It'll be like being a musician and being asked to pick out and write down the musical score of a specific symphony, but through the noise of thirty other symphonies playing at the same time while someone's dog barking in the background, and it's from a low-quality MP3 while your ears are plugged. Good luck working with that, even for a superpowered multidimensional super computer.
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Yep, and anti-Thinker protocols, especially ones as thorough as Joe's, really messes those up. The anti-precog charms Joe has ruin all precog models while all those layers of illusion, obfuscation, and just plain Joe refusing to show most of his cards throws off any real-time models trying to estimate and study his capabilities. And that's before Fiat-based powers come in to play, because those just don't care about rules and logic, and then it becomes a question of "Which one is based on some form of technology/magic, and which works just because they work?" but on steroids because all of this is happening at the same time.

It'll be like being a musician and being asked to pick out and write down the musical score of a specific symphony, but through the noise of thirty other symphonies playing at the same time while someone's dog barking in the background, and it's from a low-quality MP3 while your ears are plugged. Good luck working with that, even for a superpowered multidimensional super computer.
My only hang up is, to utilise your metaphor, a musician could - given unlimited time and some additional tools - eventually work out every single one of those symphonies. And shards are capable of so much more than that when fully leveraged. If thinker shards are being fully utilised and feeding only a trickle to their hosts, then what the hosts know is surely just the tip of the iceberg compared to the information held in shardspace.
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It's Over, March (AmberSlime)
It's Over, March


The "thunk" of bright industrial lights turning on prompted March to flinch. She blinked blearily and rapidly, desperately trying to scan her surroundings to figure out what was going on--

Wait just a moment. March wiggled her fingers, wiggled her toes. She rolled her neck one way, then rolled it the other. The movements were smooth, dexterous, and natural, not rigid and clumsy.

March felt a spark of joy light up in her chest. She was back in control. No longer did she have to watch as her own shard dragged her about like an amateurish puppeteer. Now that she was back, she could put herself back into a good position and make sure that she got Flechette in the end.

March couldn't help but let out a whoop of joy. She had a second chance! There was no way she would make the same mistakes this time--

"I'm afraid it's too late to start celebrating, March."

"WHAT?" March yelped, panic suddenly overtaking her. Her mind flashed back to that fateful night. Being so thoroughly out-played, desperately planning, getting so thoroughly mangled in a single stroke--

March couldn't help herself. She started to bolt, but stumbled before she could even take a step. God, it was like her feet were trapped in boots of solid steel! March looked down, and saw that, to her shock, her feet were trapped in thick boots of solid steel! She strained and struggled, managing to lift one of her feet off the ground and take a step forwards. Her power spun into action, and she didn't like what it told her. She might as well have been crawling! She could barely move faster than a snail!


Another light turned on, a beam of light shining down from on high to reveal--

"I've got my OSHA Forklift Certification," Apeiron declared sternly as he climbed into a... into a forklift and... began to turn it on...?

"W-What...?" March asked herself. She rubbed at her eyes, for she could not believe what she was seeing. She took another look, and-- yep, that was Apeiron riding a forklift.

"I took the Online Course, and I'm wearing my P.P.E." Apeiron twisted the forklift's key, and the vehicle rumbled to life. The headlights shone right into March's eyes, blinding her.


Apeiron slammed his armored foot down on the pedal, and... the forklift began trundling towards March at a fairly slow clip. Her power informed her, however, that it was practically impossible for her to outrun Apeiron given her current impediment...

"W-Why are you driving so slowly, God dammit?" March demanded hysterically as she desperately tried to turn around and begin stomping away.

"This is the OSHA Recommended Speed for operating a Forklift, March!" Apeiron boomed as he drew ever closer. March shrieked as she finally managed to turn around. Now all she had to do was move forwards--

"I'm going to Fork you up, March!"

"AAAAAAAAAIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE!!!" March shrieked, as she did her very best to flee from the monster behind her.

Gradius's comment on this video was also used as material for this funny meme omake.
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My only hang up is, to utilise your metaphor, a musician could - given unlimited time and some additional tools - eventually work out every single one of those symphonies. And shards are capable of so much more than that when fully leveraged. If thinker shards are being fully utilised and feeding only a trickle to their hosts, then what the hosts know is surely just the tip of the iceberg compared to the information held in shardspace.
That's the thing - the crucial element of that metaphor is information denial. How can you hear a symphony with no ears, plenty of noise, and through a screen of heavy compression and corruption? Even shards can't work with information that is corrupted and garbled, it's like trying to CSI Enhance a low quality video. It'll be trying to get information that isn't there. They can try to make really good informed guesses, yes, and that's what some shards do. Take limited data and make incredibly good informed guesses. The problem is that that doesn't work on things that is just completely outside of the box like fiat outright ignoring physical laws of mass and conservation in addition to the Forge outright changing the rules of reality like nobody's business.
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As someone with actual forklift certification no. If you don't carry a load, and there are no speed limits in the area you drive in, you can go as fast as a forklift can go. Which isn't fast, maybe 10km/h, but still.
Question: is there an OSHA rule in regards to perhaps applying some upgrades to an existing forklift? Because if raising the top speed of the forklift to a, I suppose a fraction of the speed of light, would be OSHA compliant...
Question: is there an OSHA rule in regards to perhaps applying some upgrades to an existing forklift? Because if raising the top speed of the forklift to a, I suppose a fraction of the speed of light, would be OSHA compliant...
I don't how it works in the USA, but assuming OSHA works similarly to UDT or BHP, if you made a modification and the inspector approves after the control, I don't see why not. Although you might break the speed limit of your workplace.

No, Klaus is a fucking idiot with no spine to stand to peer pressure.
I don't know if all forklifts I drove had artificially limited speed or something, but none of them went faster than a running man.
Of course, you don't go full tilt in a warehouse between people. Outside is fine.
I think we should end the forklift discussion here, cos some mod will soon jump in and start screaming about TÜV or some shit.
I wanted to thank everyone for their well-wishes and apologize again for the delay of the chapter. I'm on the mend and working on the next chapter, hoping to get it to a decent length for next week. Just wanted to drop a few thanks and acknowledgements for omakes and help with proof reading. Also, with the extra time I'll try to get a proper reply up to the thread as well (at least making sure to reply to the people who have directly @'ed me).

Should be "Got her" I think
Thank you, corrected.
I think you forgot to add "what" between "know they".
Thank you, corrected.
Loved the chapter, Alec's POV was pretty amusing. When Brian and Joe find out about Ashia I can just imagine Alec on the sideline eating popcorn, having stolen Lisa's detective hat going "just as I deduced dear Watson" to Lisa while she loses her mind.

Also got some pointless minor corrections, hope it's helpful.



(Technically also over-designed I think?)


Thank you, corrected.
Thank you, corrected.
With Joe, this sentence isn't complete nonsense, since there's multiple of him at any point in time.

Bur you probably mean "Got her to be at least fifty percent upfront with me."

I'll admit, I giggled.

The Addendum Joe lacks its regular quality for chapter division.
Thank you, corrected.
handed out those?

happening at the

As overdesigned

Got her to be?

maintain things
Thank you, corrected.
Sorry, but I couldn't really get this recursive fic idea out of my head. I wanted to wait until I had a better idea of what Aisha's Semblance would turn out to be, as well as the rest of her power ups, but considering this is essentially just the prologue I thought I could just fold in those details later.


March 4, 2011 (?)
Thanks for the omake. Fantastic work. It actually reminds me of a recent comment on Ao3 asking about Joe being dropped into the Type-moon universe. I had to restrain myself from turning the reply into an essay, but the basics of it was the only character who could actually interact with the setting on a normal level without needing a response from Gaia or the Counter Force would be Aisha, and even she, at her current level, would be a serious challenge for most of the major powers. It nearly turned into a whole breakdown of how Aisha would match up against the players of a Grail War, but I decided to cut things off before I accidently started writing a side story of the Fuyuki masters suddenly needing to deal with a specialized memory mage flying around in divine armor with a transforming mythical beast at her beck and call.
It's Over, March

Thanks for the omake. For those who asked, Fleet has every certification he's been able to get from the Pilot Simulator including all relevant forklift credentials, while the rest of the Forge have limited themselves to vehicles they actually might intend to drive.
@LordRoustabout is Elder Scrolls crazy ass metaphysics, its all a dream have an affect on the story?
So surface level lore first was Anu(Order,White) and Padomay(Chaos,Black) and then from them arose Nir( The Grey Maybe).Anu and Nir fell in love,Nir got pregnant with 12 worlds, Padomay got jealous killed Nir, Anu banished Padomay creates the ES Universe(Aurbis) from the unborn 12 worlds, Padomay comes back and Anu takes them both beyond time from there the rest of the Creation Mythos happens Lorkhan tricks the Gods, Mundus is created, Aedra and Daedra etc. Real Deep Lore, Duality is a lie, Anu and Padomay are the same being ANU, however Padomay did betray ANU, and ANU feeling sad that his split personality/Imaginary brother killed his girlfriend went into a Super God Coma and his dream is the Elder Scrolls Saga.The scream Nir let out from dying while giving birth haunts this dream and pervades ever point in it it, manipulating this scream(song) is tonal architecture, manipulation of reality through song( and dance but I'm not getting into that). ANU dreamt of Anu and Padomay who in turn created Anui-El(IS) and Sithis(IS NOT) who in turn created Aka God of Time and Lorkhan God of Space. Lorkhan saw that the Universe was a dream of a traumatized schizophrenic God sought to create a new dream where duality did not exist and so created Mundus so that with suffering submission, and humility one could walk the path to freedom, something the boundless Gods could not do necessitating the creation of Mundus, of mortals, boundaries, and limits. Aka rejected the notion that he was a dream as he embodied IS and then went insane and fragmented himself which is why there are so many names/aspect/fragments of him Auri-El, Akatosh, Alduin and all other dragons.