Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Edit: HOLD ON. Endis are not strictly speaking alive, cant you use Alchemy directly on them?
They're not alive, but they're so massive that LR has stated that even Joe with all of his perks can't use Alchemy to cheese them before they just escape.
Alive or dead doesn't matter to FMA Alchemy. All that's required is for you to understand your target well enough to transmute it.

(That's why Scar can use his alchemy arrays to punch people so hard they disintegrate, and it's why alchemists are capable of making chimeras.)

Why would he jailbreak when he can just give her her own power through the magic system perk?
A shard would be the most fitting Arcane Craft focus I can think of for a parahuman power, wouldn't it?
Why would she need to fo that? One little alchemical transmutation...
It would probably be easier for her to transmute up some stuff to pawn for cash, not even technology, even though making a few sticks of RAM or a motherboard or a screen or something would probably be easy, but some stone or glass or wood statues or frames or something, then to crack the anti-counterfeiting measures on cash.
And then, after a month in canon!Worm trying to fix her teleporter, Aisha remembered she has a spare, ROB-backed, fiat-backed, give-middle-finger-to-time-and-dimensions-backed key to the Workshop, and thus she gave herself light concussion performing a hypersonic, mass effect enhanced facepalm.
I'll pretend I didn't see this because mah plot. Something something "the key doesn't work in Canon Worm for reasons~" and not just because I forgot spare Keys existed, nossir~
I'll pretend I didn't see this because mah plot. Something something "the key doesn't work in Canon Worm for reasons~" and not just because I forgot spare Keys existed, nossir~
Joe still hasn't made a teleportation and/or portal system to get people into and out of the Workshop, or even just to other secure locations, so it wouldn't be unreasonable for Aisha to still not have gotten a Warehouse Key after all of this time.
I'll pretend I didn't see this because mah plot. Something something "the key doesn't work in Canon Worm for reasons~" and not just because I forgot spare Keys existed, nossir~

Joe just never rolled 3rd pair duh. So he and Garment are the only ones with access. Aisha can even comment how after years everyone else in the Forge were mildly annoyed by it.
I'll pretend I didn't see this because mah plot. Something something "the key doesn't work in Canon Worm for reasons~" and not just because I forgot spare Keys existed, nossir~
There is one very valid reason: keys only work in the local multiverse, and (canon) Worm multiverse does not include AU versions of Earth Bet.
You're also not supposed to be able to leave Jump like that, but that restriction only applies to Jumper and official Companions.
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There is one very valid reason: keys only work in the local multiverse, and (canon) Worm multiverse does not include AU versions of Earth Bet.
You're also not supposed to be able to leave Jump like that, but that restriction only applies to Jumper and official Companions.
Well, don't jumps traditionally only last 10 years? And this is specified to be 10 years later....
While I was writing the omake, I already had some thoughts in mind about this. Nothing about the key - I literally forgot that Aisha could have one - but more on why Joe hadn't just went and rescued Aisha himself the moment she got herself stuck in canon. After all, if Aisha could get herself in there even by accident, Joe could do just that but better, right?

The answer is because it is a matter of time. Joe hasn't rescued Aisha yet not because he doesn't want to or isn't capable of doing it - it's because the time differential in Worm canon and BCF is literally 1:1,000,000 speed. The time she has stayed hasn't even been a minute in BCF-verse, and Joe hasn't even been informed yet. It's for two reasons: one, so Joe doesn't just go solve Aisha's problem for her all over again, and Aisha's real challenge is to somehow figure this out herself and find a way to sync the two dimensions together enough to enable communications again, and two, it is so a joke could be made about the pacing of BCF and how we're taking RL years just to get progress done in days.

I suppose I could just extend that explanation over the key. She can't connect to the Workshop because the workshop is literally so out of sync of her personal timeline.
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I like it and would love to read more of it.
But if you're continuing this, you might want to think about giving it it's own thread so that we can talk about it without clogging up this thread.

Aisha knew all too well that she wasn't the brightest.
I really don't like this interpretation of Aisha.
Sure, is described as such in canon but not once do we see her acting dumb. Quite the opposite actually.
I would describe her as having a above average intelligence, although lacking in education, low boredom threshold and some impulse control issues.
I really don't like this interpretation of Aisha.
Sure, is described as such in canon but not once do we see her acting dumb. Quite the opposite actually.
I would describe her as having a above average intelligence, although lacking in education, low boredom threshold and some impulse control issues.
It's just her underestimating herself after years of exposure to the Celestial Forge. Note who she is comparing herself to here - literal unleashed AIs and gods in humanoid form. She's actually way smarter and wiser than she believes she is.
I like it and would love to read more of it.
But if you're continuing this, you might want to think about giving it it's own thread so that we can talk about it without clogging up this thread.
Might do just that once I have a couple more chapters prepped, but at the moment I really want to see more of what Aisha could do in the actual fic. Even her Semblance would do.
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Oh I would agree that Gilgamesh would be pissed off at Joe while wondering how the hell he tanked Ea or Slash Emperor.

But I can also see, to some degree, interest is seeing how far Joe can develop. Instead of getting weaker, Joe is constantly improving in multiple ways. So possibly treating him like something to observe until he annoys the True King enough to warrant death.

Gaia and Alaya would be interested in him due to being a Demi-God with potential to become a Titan.

But honestly, the Clocktower and the Dead Apostle Ancestors would be the ones interesting to watch. A live Demi-God that is a First Generation one at that would be very interesting to study. Or have amazing blood to drink for others.

While yes Slash Emperor and Ea are stupid strong, and Joe face tanks those like a champ. Does he have anything to counter concepts? Like I don't know, our favorite Grandpa and Grand Assassin The First Hassan's Noble Phantasm. The First Old Man of the Mountain can impart the concept of death on anything, and to a lesser degree Shiki's Mystic Eyes allowing to see the lines of death to kill anything. Like the Man affected Tiamat in the Babylonian Singularity.
While yes Slash Emperor and Ea are stupid strong, and Joe face tanks those like a champ. Does he have anything to counter concepts? Like I don't know, our favorite Grandpa and Grand Assassin The First Hassan's Noble Phantasm. The First Old Man of the Mountain can impart the concept of death on anything, and to a lesser degree Shiki's Mystic Eyes allowing to see the lines of death to kill anything. Like the Man affected Tiamat in the Babylonian Singularity.
Against concepts, it's hard to argue one way or another. But for Shiki, I'd say yes, Joe is resistant. As far as I know, MEoDP lines need to be cut or stabbed for the effect to work. Problem is Joe can't actually be damaged with Armsthrift applied to him, he just doesn't get injured. So if the prerequisite for MEoDP to work is for the lines to be cut/point's stabbed, well, it just wouldn't happen, because the knife would just bounce off Joe. The lines/points still exist, just Shiki can't cut/stab them.

For Hassan… I dunno. He imparts the concept of death onto things, but he doesn't kill them outright by doing so.

Basically, anything that requires physical damage to proc, wouldn't work. But shit that just attacks his soul would, I think.
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His CoD was necessary for Tiamat, because she's a Primordial who literally could not die, afaicr. Apeiron is perfectly killable, he knows he is mortal. And I don't think the Forge has any Death-immunity perk, does it?
Well, Joe does have that Candle that keeps him alive from anything that will kill him. For 10 minutes anyway.
St Andrew's Candle (Fallen London) Free:
That candle you had so long ago. It feels heavier now, perhaps it has fed upon your sins, perhaps it too has changed as you have. St Andrew's Candle no longer burns low, for indeed it resists all attempts to extinguish it. But in the case of your sudden and fatal injury, it flares in brilliant ignition, granting you ten more minutes of life and action as it burns itself down from wick to stub. It will not heal your injuries, but it will prevent new ones from forming. Should you survive and reverse your fatality, the candle will not and will only renew itself at the beginning of a new jump or after ten years post-spark. The light it gives is a true Neathy light, a reminder of your time in the Fifth City.
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Against concepts, it's hard to argue one way or another. But for Shiki, I'd say yes, Joe is resistant. As far as I know, MEoDP lines need to be cut or stabbed for the effect to work. Problem is Joe can't actually be damaged with Armsthrift applied to him, he just doesn't get injured. So if the prerequisite for MEoDP to work is for the lines to be cut/point's stabbed, well, it just wouldn't happen, because the knife would just bounce off Joe. The lines/points still exist, just Shiki can't cut/stab them.
I thought MEoDP ignored durability, cause all the users can cut stuff that their weapons really shouldn't be able to cut. Like tables, hospital beds, and walls with just a finger or a box cutter through metal locks and doors. And that's not even touching on the intangible and insubstantial things they cut like electronic and digital signals, or the future, or a reality marble, a spatial warp
I thought MEoDP ignored durability, cause all the users can cut stuff that their weapons really shouldn't be able to cut. Like tables, hospital beds, and walls with just a finger or a box cutter through metal locks and doors. And that's not even touching on the intangible and insubstantial things they cut like electronic and digital signals, or the future, or a reality marble, a spatial warp
It can't be damaged, so it doesn't have a concept of death, unlike all those things you've listed (MEoDP a table and it's no longer a table, it's the pieces of a table, therefore it's "died") or something along those lines, it's been a long while since I've seen an explanation
I thought MEoDP ignored durability, cause all the users can cut stuff that their weapons really shouldn't be able to cut. Like tables, hospital beds, and walls with just a finger or a box cutter through metal locks and doors. And that's not even touching on the intangible and insubstantial things they cut like electronic and digital signals, or the future, or a reality marble, a spatial warp
While that is true, Fiat trumps it. Joe, thanks to Armsthrift and Fashion, is indestructible, completely and totally. For example, Sting ignores durability, but Armsthrift and Fashion as a combo completely negate everything except the knock back. So that means things they ignore durability are irrelevant.

Basically, Fiat says Joe is indestructible and cannot be damaged, therefore there is no physical attack in existence that can do so. When arguing between Fiat and anything/everything else, Fiat wins. Unless it's other Fiat.