Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Has it been brought up before that Bastard Son might not be working on FMA alchemy? I was rereading some chapters and Dark Rituals and the associated demon summoning looks to be something anyone could do with enough research.
Has it been brought up before that Bastard Son might not be working on FMA alchemy? I was rereading some chapters and Dark Rituals and the associated demon summoning looks to be something anyone could do with enough research.
Even if the Shards somehow caught wind of those rituals, given that 1) Joe never used them and 2) the only time he mentioned them was while he was in the Workshop, which is shielded under SSS, they wouldn't have had anything to work with. In comparison, Joe used Alchemy publically during the massive fire that happened right after he had that tussle with Dragon.
Even if the Shards somehow caught wind of those rituals, given that 1) Joe never used them and 2) the only time he mentioned them was while he was in the Workshop, which is shielded under SSS, they wouldn't have had anything to work with. In comparison, Joe used Alchemy publically during the massive fire that happened right after he had that tussle with Dragon.
It's possible to do a demonic ritual on accident though.
It's possible to do a demonic ritual on accident though.
I kind of doubt it. There has to be a degree of knowledge and intention to it, otherwise stuff like teenagers drawing pentagrams somewhere around USA would've already caused something to happen, even if only after Joe got his perk. If I recall correctly, Doormaker Dog actually had a short about it - after Ace got the alchemy perk, a bunch of teenage girls on a girl's night out had done exactly just that for funsies and ended up blowing themselves up when they accidentally drew an alchemy circle.

But in BCF, in-universe no such incident has popped up so far and I'm pretty sure that Survey would've noticed such an incident if it ever reached the news or got mentioned online.
That cell of the elite has also been noted to be gathering material science experts that's not needed for the rituals but it is for alchemy especially since Victor thinks it's Lethe's power that gave her knowledge of it and he also noted she had an immense amount of material science knowledge
I'll pretend I didn't see this because mah plot. Something something "the key doesn't work in Canon Worm for reasons~" and not just because I forgot spare Keys existed, nossir~
Well, you could just incorporate that into the story. Say she didn't have to use it for so long, she forgot she even have it... or something.
There is one very valid reason: keys only work in the local multiverse, and (canon) Worm multiverse does not include AU versions of Earth Bet.
You're also not supposed to be able to leave Jump like that, but that restriction only applies to Jumper and official Companions.
If he'd use that, it would just mean that Aisha, SOMEHOW, surpassed multiversal GOD in multiverse travel, which... maybe, MAYBE Joe could do, but not Aisha.
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Jumping in to the discussion, here;

If he'd use that, it would just mean that Aisha, SOMEHOW, surpassed multiversal GOD in multiverse travel, which... maybe, MAYBE Joe could do, but not Aisha.

I mean, no, that'd just mean that Aisha managed to get outside the key's coverage area. And I can see an argument for the keys being limited to the local multiverse. Looking at the original Jumpchain context, if keys worked no matter the distance then a Jumper could leave a key in a previous world, have someone use it, and then visit them whenever, which goes against the spirit of "you're leaving that world and moving on to the next". So it could be plausible that keys are limited to the local multiverse to prevent loopholes like that.

Not trying to say that's absolutely how it is, but I feel it's a somewhat plausible excuse to let the events in the omake unfold. The explanation doesn't have to be perfect, just good enough, and all in all, I'm willing to accept the premise of a warehouse key being unusable for some reason in order to read an omake about Post-Forge Aisha exploring canon Worm.
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Against concepts, it's hard to argue one way or another. But for Shiki, I'd say yes, Joe is resistant. As far as I know, MEoDP lines need to be cut or stabbed for the effect to work. Problem is Joe can't actually be damaged with Armsthrift applied to him, he just doesn't get injured. So if the prerequisite for MEoDP to work is for the lines to be cut/point's stabbed, well, it just wouldn't happen, because the knife would just bounce off Joe. The lines/points still exist, just Shiki can't cut/stab them.

For Hassan… I dunno. He imparts the concept of death onto things, but he doesn't kill them outright by doing so.

Basically, anything that requires physical damage to proc, wouldn't work. But shit that just attacks his soul would, I think.
Joe could probably coat his soul in that metal from 40K that makes things immune to non-physical damage.
Regrettably, I'm going to need to announce a delay for the next chapter. I'm a bit laid up at the moment and won't be able to get the chapter complete in time. Should be back up with a decent sized for next week, providing everything goes well.


Shame about the delay but looking forward to the next chapter as well.
Regrettably, I'm going to need to announce a delay for the next chapter. I'm a bit laid up at the moment and won't be able to get the chapter complete in time. Should be back up with a decent sized for next week, providing everything goes well.


Hot doggity-diggity, this man recieved a vision of the immediate future and replied to the delay before it was even posted.
I kind of doubt it. There has to be a degree of knowledge and intention to it, otherwise stuff like teenagers drawing pentagrams somewhere around USA would've already caused something to happen, even if only after Joe got his perk. If I recall correctly, Doormaker Dog actually had a short about it - after Ace got the alchemy perk, a bunch of teenage girls on a girl's night out had done exactly just that for funsies and ended up blowing themselves up when they accidentally drew an alchemy circle.

But in BCF, in-universe no such incident has popped up so far and I'm pretty sure that Survey would've noticed such an incident if it ever reached the news or got mentioned online.
I can't imagine a sacrificial ritual being done by Satanists that literally believe in the devil being a particularly common event, so perhaps it just hasn't happened yet or the ritual has been kept secret.

In any event, Joe had Belmont alchemy before he was mentally protected. It is entirely possible that there is some information about the dark rituals metaphorically floating around in shardspace ready for skill granters like Teacher, Uber and Bastard Son to utilise. Honestly I would be surprised if Bastard Son hasn't already given someone a crucifix to use as a weapon as a joke.
In any event, Joe had Belmont alchemy before he was mentally protected. It is entirely possible that there is some information about the dark rituals metaphorically floating around in shardspace ready for skill granters like Teacher, Uber and Bastard Son to utilise.
Shards don't really just pluck information out of people's minds like that as a background event. That's more of an active effect that a host has to direct first, like Victor's power destructively scanning brains, while more passive effects involve observation and analysis of the parallel earths at an atomic level.

When Joe got Belmont Alchemy, he never used it outside of the Workshop, so the Shard network had nothing to passively analyze. That's the entire point of Joe's anti-Thinker strategies. And the same goes for active effects, because the only skill-stealer that managed to get in range was Victor and we all know what happened there. Thus, while FMA alchemy could be in the shard network, it's very unlikely that Belmont Alchemy was.