Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

And it was exactly my point to punctuate the part where I have no idea what she can be capable of after a decade in the Celestial Forge
Yeah, the development of her power and gear so far in the story is the result of mere days. A decade would turn her into a goddess of memory with her power, and she'd need the Endbringers to make her do more with her armor than just wearing it for comfort.
A funny way of doing it would be to just assume Aisha takes care of all the threats off screen and focus the story entirely on her social life and interactions with people. Just occasionally drop comments in the background like "Yeah they are still trying to figure out where the Endbringers went" and "Wow the Slaughterhouse 9 are much less scary in retrospect".

Of course that would a very different and likely much shorter story, but it's funny to imagine. Her power grew so strong it works on the plot itself, so all we get is the parts where she isn't using it.
A funny way of doing it would be to just assume Aisha takes care of all the threats off screen and focus the story entirely on her social life and interactions with people. Just occasionally drop comments in the background like "Yeah they are still trying to figure out where the Endbringers went" and "Wow the Slaughterhouse 9 are much less scary in retrospect".

Of course that would a very different and likely much shorter story, but it's funny to imagine. Her power grew so strong it works on the plot itself, so all we get is the parts where she isn't using it.

"Yeah, ultimate Aisha was a great story. It's a shame whenever I try to talk about-
Damn, fleet really do be forklift certified."
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Nah, "Now that's a katana!" is said with appreciation, while "Now it is a drill!" would be said with fear and wild desire to get as far away as possible.
More like, same energy as "IT'S A GUNDAM!!!"
I dunno, if we're talking about Spiral Energy, the drill sounds more terrifying than the Gundam...

If I was an enemy, the very last thing I would want to witness is some guy wielding a gigantic drill over their heads while this plays in the background. I'll feel safer having a mass driver on the other side - at least the mass driver can't grow infinitely more powerful the more shounen my enemy gets.
I wonder how many works of fiction exist in Bet that cape geeks can identify in the Celestial Forge's work, I know Aisha brought up people noticing the motoroid was using Transformers tech by the iconic noise (back before Joe realized 'oh wait these are alternate lives I lived in fictional worlds' and he was focusing more on the 'it sounds like that because of the hydraulics')

What enemy cape is going to have the knowledge to see spiral energy for what it is, when encountering it on the field?
I wonder how many works of fiction exist in Bet that cape geeks can identify in the Celestial Forge's work, I know Aisha brought up people noticing the motoroid was using Transformers tech by the iconic noise (back before Joe realized 'oh wait these are alternate lives I lived in fictional worlds' and he was focusing more on the 'it sounds like that because of the hydraulics')

What enemy cape is going to have the knowledge to see spiral energy for what it is, when encountering it on the field?
It becomes public and everyone suddenly realises that Aperion is a Fiction Tinker chaos ensues.
Question: why is there a "Jumpchain" in the thread title? Is protag supposed to jump to another setting in ten years?
Doyleist answer: The author started this story as an covid lockdown writing exercise using a list of Jumpchain perks way back in the day and figured it might generate a little buzz on the jumpchain boards maybe so that aspect was mentioned in the title.
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So since lord is on hiatus this week, I thought we'd play another round of Joe in a different verse.
I'd be really interested in how Joe would react to these universes, and especially the universes to Joe.
Here is a list:

Detective Conan
Sailor Moon
One piece
highschool of the dead
Slayers(Lina Inverse)
Battlestar Galactica (before the fall)
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I'd like to see him in Babylon 5, sit all those "lightsiders" and "darksiders" down at a long table and talk to them.

Also, I'd like to see him interact with some of the Star Trek races, specifically two from Delta Quadrant.. The Vidiian and the Kazon. Actually there are several other races in that quadrant that could use a good revision, those two just stand out.
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With Alec's line "The 'no going back' kind of serious", I'm thinking that Coil will attempt to use Dinah both as leverage over the undersiders, and reassurance/intimidation that he can steer Joe through a mix of his power and Dinah's assurances. He will be entirely wrong, but that's on him to figure out.

Alec reaching out letting Joe know that A, the team thinker is falling apart, and B, he is worried about an offer he can't refuse, I hope will make it easier for them to avoid ending up on Joe's shitlist after the full picture from the bank gets out. Given Coil will try doing exactly what Alec is concerned about. Joe's passenger did try and warn him, so Joe will probably be mad at himself for the most part.

I can see Lisa getting Joe to unlock the super sensors for the meeting so she can scope out Noelle more, and then Coil drags a drugged up kid into range of the uber grade medical sensors that were actively broadcasting back to Joe, then Lisa proceeds to scream internally. Canonically, she didn't know Dinah was the precog until the face to face meeting after the e88 ID leak.
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With Alec's line "The 'no going back' kind of serious", I'm thinking that Coil will attempt to use Dinah both as leverage over the undersiders, and reassurance/intimidation that he can steer Joe through a mix of his power and Dinah's assurances. He will be entirely wrong, but that's on him to figure out.
I don't think the undersiders especially tattletale now that she knows about Joe's anti manipulation powers will be convinced that some thinker can pull the wool over apeiron unless he brings noelle to reassure them or something like that
Did my quarterly reread of the whole fic and I'm wondering if the annihilator capes and "Victor resurecting his wife with alchemy" threads are a red herring. It's been a while since I watched FMA but I believe the villain goal at one point was a country-wide transmutation circle. This implies that there is some leeway for imprecision for what is within the circle. I'm not sure if there is an ability/wog on whether Apeiron would be immune to getting transmuted but a large, hidden transmutation circle seems like it would be a powerful trap/weapon. The thinkers could brute force a circle that isn't really trying to do anything in particular but would be bad for anything caught inside. Even if it doesn't work on Apeiron, he could get a devastating front row seat of one of his team getting disassembled by an aspect of his own power.

Then again, that might be too aligned to the criticism of the Bleach property with what already happened in the Ungodly Hour. "It's the same arc! Doesn't anyone notice? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!"
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I can see Lisa getting Joe to unlock the super sensors for the meeting so she can scope out Noelle more, and then Coil drags a drugged up kid into range of the uber grade medical sensors that were actively broadcasting back to Joe, then Lisa proceeds to scream internally.

Lisa got them unlocked during her last call though with it being setup so the results of everything she scans is sent to his network so he'll know if she's misusing it.
Lisa got them unlocked during her last call though with it being setup so the results of everything she scans is sent to his network so he'll know if she's misusing it.
I wasn't thinking about misuse, I was mostly thinking about the fact from Lisa's perspective if Dinah in range of those sensors is a risk of the Super Tinker flying off the handle to rescue Dinah at the same time Noelle exists. That, and from the last conversation she had with him, her ability to control the situation verbally is heavily neutered. (mental fortress). That, and her not knowing could be seen as a personal failure.

Chapter 36

"I can't tell you who our boss is, but anything else…"

"The bank robbery. What was it diverting attention from?"

My question hit her like a sledgehammer.


I don't think the undersiders especially tattletale now that she knows about Joe's anti manipulation powers will be convinced that some thinker can pull the wool over apeiron unless he brings Noelle to reassure them or something like that

The undersiders don't need to believe it's possible to be highly uncomfortable with the situation. We already know Lisa doesn't understand Coil's confidence, even with knowing his power. The only thing that made coil nervous was the chance of Apeiron as the Butcher. Coil himself is getting fed bogus data, so has an unrealistic view of Apeiron to start with, compared to Alec, Lisa, or Uppercrust.

If it all lines up simultaneously, it will be a High Stress Event for the group!