With Alec's line "The 'no going back' kind of serious", I'm thinking that Coil will attempt to use Dinah both as leverage over the undersiders, and reassurance/intimidation that he can steer Joe through a mix of his power and Dinah's assurances. He will be entirely wrong, but that's on him to figure out.
Alec reaching out letting Joe know that A, the team thinker is falling apart, and B, he is worried about an offer he can't refuse, I hope will make it easier for them to avoid ending up on Joe's shitlist after the full picture from the bank gets out. Given Coil will try doing exactly what Alec is concerned about. Joe's passenger did try and warn him, so Joe will probably be mad at himself for the most part.
I can see Lisa getting Joe to unlock the super sensors for the meeting so she can scope out Noelle more, and then Coil drags a drugged up kid into range of the uber grade medical sensors that were actively broadcasting back to Joe, then Lisa proceeds to scream internally. Canonically, she didn't know Dinah was the precog until the face to face meeting after the e88 ID leak.