Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

"Aisha, you don't need to have anything to do with those colors if you don't want to." I assured her.

"I know, but it's an opportunity, right?" She asked. "You couldn't figure them out, and then my power works with Ren and suddenly there's a way to use them, right?"

I like how you've found another way for Aisha to "contribute" to the Celestial Forge's crafting projects, with the Lethe water and celestial bronze, and now a means to directly manipulate the un-color from the Prismatic Laboratory.

Aisha wants to be a team player and feel worthy of her friends' faith, so her memory-based Stranger powers being the key to Garment's un-color R&D is a great plot twist and a natural extension of Aisha's character growth.
It isn't fucked up "just because". There is a very specific reason. Parahumans. Suppressed/controlled parahumans - less fucked up society.

How good by what measure? It is an economic superpower, one that entire world relies upon to produce cheap goods. Idk what beef you have with them, but were it to crash - say goodbye to most of your electronics, and expect prices for remaining ones to skyrocket by an order of magnitude.

Personally I like how organized they are. Their way of building new cities is a real sight. They could do with better science and some social adjustments, but overall it's one of the most useful assets of humanity.

I know a guy who was once hired by China to operate as part of an efficiency/optimization think-tank in China.

As one of his first jobs, he went out to a agricultural village with a team to evaluate how efficiently the village was operating, assess additional needs, recommend restructuring and organization optimization, etc.

The team declared that the village was horribly inefficient and that there were far too many "farmers" present. The team reported how many healthy and strong employees the farm needed and suggested that the elderly, infirm, etc. should be employed in alternative locations.

The villagers were instructed to dig a large pit. All of the excess villagers were then shot. The surviving villagers were then instructed to place the bodies in the pit, cover them with dirt, and to return to working in the fields.

That used to be the morality of China as authoritarian dictatorship.
Anyone that follows you. And Tybalt has it.

So, if the Cat of War gets any disciples, he could start having them speak in Felyne? Or accented with Felyne.

*is imagining a group of rough warrior types buffed like Astartes speaking with cat noises thrown in here and there like they were catgirls, sipping on milkshakes given from their cat leader they all pay respect to*
Or tybalt can give them all an accent for when they're speaking felyne.

Might help Aisha's pronounciation issues.
(Author's Note: We'll pick up next week with a jump to the end of the training, leading into the meeting with Uppercrust. Details and impact of the training will be referenced, but we won't be covering more than is necessary for the story.)
I really hope this includes Aura training. I really want the rest of the team to have their Auras unlocked and what colors they will have. I'm also interested in seeing what kind of Semblances they will develop; especially Garment.
Combat Stims (Titanfall) Free:
Pilot suits and most life pods have auto-injectors that administer potentially life saving stims to infantry when needed. Unfortunately, some of these stims have debilitating side-effects like nausea and even hallucinations at points. With this perk, the negative side-effects of stims will be severely lessened, to the point that if they are ever experienced, it will be for seconds
Sunfed Burstone stimulants?
I just realized that for the last 15 chapters my immediate reaction was to say "Ooo" and click link. This story is just that good and addictive. And now I want to see a scene of Tybalt surrounded by regular cats when he meets the S9 and they fall prey to Just Another Grunt.
I should bloody-well hope that they'd be synthesized cats...Or possibly Kaiju cats.
I really don't think having Aisha stay for the whole year is a good idea, people change in that amount of time and being stuck with only 4 or 5 people isn't the healthiest for her or her relationships outside the celestial forge, just imagine how her relationship with Brian would change when she has "lived" more time than him
I'm pretty sure that she'll be in something like a trance for almost the entire duration; at most she'll have about a month on everyone else.
Bruh is Tybalt's accent going to be some anime cat girl cat boy nya bullshit.
More probably it'll make people purr their Rs, possibly despite lacking the requisite anatomy, like how some accents roll them.
Now I'm imagining uplifted cats in power armor + Titanfall mechs.
The cockpits from Titanfall look like they could be turned into some multi-story cat enclosures. I wonder if the Titans would get some enjoyment out of converting their cockpits into enclosures or terrariums or something.
So uwu speak with cat puns thrown in?

Fur nya empurrur, uwu
I could definitely see any words that could be used as puns having their potential meaning as a pun accentuated simply because Tybalt does it so often that it outright is an accent at this point.
My guess is something to do with his Tinker specialty. Apeiron did take that nasty hit back there, so it would make sense that he'd want access to shielding tech, right? Or at least, that's how I'd imagine Uppercrust's thought process.

Other possibilities include favors and contact information, maybe even scans of Uppercrust's and his entourage's powers
Another possibility is if Uppercrust has picked up on how Apeiron is actually looking to do good, he might make a pitch based on how good his survival is for the world. He's basically the reason coastal cities can continue to exist, and he also keeps the more nasty elements of the Elite in check. If he dies all of that goes away.
There's also the fact that Uppercrust has a lot of favors from other people that he could pass along.
It's chapters like this that keep me reading. The past few weeks I've been rather meh. Reading this though? I sighed and put on a smile.

What really makes this fic are the slice of life moments.

Aisha is about at the point where she's going to lose her straight man to Joe's craziness. She's just too used to him. Worse is that she's about to spend about a year and half with the team.

I'm glad that will basically be time skipped/hand waved until the end.

I'm not sure the do one thing at a time will work for cutting down the time though. They'll be doing more than that during the time. Then again so what, it'll just take 2 hours rather than one hour to get everything taught.

Aisha is the adopted sister/cousin that Joe's always needed in his life. The team is about to bond and have lots of team in jokes and just be able to chill and understand each other.

I can't wait for Lisa or Brian to watch Aisha and Joe interact together. Heads will explode. I can't wait for their dad to come to the conclusion that Aisha is his mature/responsible child. She just needed a bit of time to grow up.

I've lost track of time over the last 3-4 chapters. So is the Garment's Auction tonight or tomorrow night? The S9 thing seems like they'll right after that. I don't really care about the S9 stuff much at all. Is it wrong that I'd want that to only have a few paragraphs that it got handled?

I want to read about the setup for that Auction, who all got drafted into it and is signing up for freebie stuff, and all the side characters showing up.

Oh, forgot we'll have the Uppercrust meeting right after the training. So that'd be in another chapter or two. That's one of those that will be amusing to see played out. We will have lots of thoughts from both players. It'll basically be Joe showing up, healing the guy, arranging for him to not need healing in the future or to be on call if he needs healing, and then payment, which might end up being favors.

I can see Uppercrust going to the Auction. It'd be sort of required for him.

Can you see Joe inviting his therapist for his next session in the computer? 1.5-3 years of solid therapy. It would be so damn worth it. What's even funnier is that the therapist would agree with many of Joe's POVs on why he hasn't been more proactive. He has a scary amount of power/abilities and once he starts unleashing it, the entire world will change.

I sort of don't care about him speed running all the various S class threats. I want to see the CF do a massive global upgrade and in 2-3 hours the entire planet is uplifted by 2-3 thousand years. Then everyone has to react to it and figure out how the new fancy bathrooms work.
I've lost track of time over the last 3-4 chapters. So is the Garment's Auction tonight or tomorrow night? The S9 thing seems like they'll right after that. I don't really care about the S9 stuff much at all. Is it wrong that I'd want that to only have a few paragraphs that it got handled?

In story time is Tuesday morning April 26th, 2011.
The charity event is Weds night.
Uppercrust meeting is at 12:30pm
Alec is probably calling mid-afternoon
Therapy with Dr Campbell is sometime this evening

The "S9 Takedown" is a standard feature of worm fanfic and many people enjoy a well written one with lots of action which I suspect this will be.
It honestly just took Aisha putting in any amount of effort at all for her Dad to pull a 180 opinion change, and the fact of the matter is she's got so many other concerns and enough confidence / determination that instead of his personality defaulting to hardass around her, he just sees her doing fine, being responsible, showing up at home, dressing nicely, doing well at school, and skips straight to praise and positive affirmation instead.

Because nothing about what he asks of her is particularly difficult or constraining, not when superpowers and a super-intelligent digital assistant makes it trivial. And whereas before it felt stifling, now she appreciates that her Dad is paying attention to her. Because for once he doesn't have to try and fail to be a role model and parent, he can just provide her with a stable environment and positive reinforcement and let her go on her way.

The delicious part about this is Brian's efforts to gain custody over her would then be rendered moot, in which case what the fuck is he committing crimes for, anyway? Certainly not the money. At this point, it's dubious if Coil can even afford to pay the rates the Undersiders could charge for mercenary work.
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Honestly all this Aisha character development makes me wish I could see her visit Worm canon. Not Joe or the rest of the team, because by the endgame they could all just speedrun the plot (except for Garment, who would turn the genre to slice of life) while Aisha would be far more cautious.
Lethe being Apeiron's Hatchetman in public eyes, her long lapse of power activation probably has them furiously trying to ascertain who's about to have themselves fitted for a necktie or sport a few extra airways.
Honestly all this Aisha character development makes me wish I could see her visit Worm canon. Not Joe or the rest of the team, because by the endgame they could all just speedrun the plot (except for Garment, who would turn the genre to slice of life) while Aisha would be far more cautious.
What I'd want to see is how this Aisha would react to her canon self at the end of Worm. Because honestly, in canon she was also really dependable and reliable for important matters. Hell, over the timeskip she killed Heartbreaker and basically adopted all his kids, and I remember her sticking with Taylor through pretty much all of Gold Morning, even trying to help her regain her self once Scion was dead.

Her and Alec are both great characters, and two very reliable friends, despite being pranksters. I'm not gonna say in canon either were good people, but they were good friends to those they cared about. In Alec's case especially, whenever I start trying to dismiss him or read a fic that emphasizes the lack of care too much, I remember canon New Delhi, and can't help but want the best for him.
doing well at school
Wait a fucking second. School! It's Tuesday, Winslow is opening. Taylor has to attend (by her own words, interlude after summit), and Emma and Sophia wanted to plan something. I wonder if there will be some movement in this subplot.

Anyway, what school Aisha even attends? And shouldn't she be there right now? I'm sure she was let go to help Garment with the event, else her father would've said something. Still, she probably has to go after the event is concluded. A person with multiple PhDs going to school. Her boredom will be immeasurable.
Wait a fucking second. School! It's Tuesday, Winslow is opening. Taylor has to attend (by her own words, interlude after summit), and Emma and Sophia wanted to plan something. I wonder if there will be some movement in this subplot.

Anyway, what school Aisha even attends? And shouldn't she be there right now? I'm sure she was let go to help Garment with the event, else her father would've said something. Still, she probably has to go after the event is concluded. A person with multiple PhDs going to school. Her boredom will be immeasurable.
Unlike Taylor who is quietly trying to graduate, Aisha already has a history of skipping school so missing a few more wouldn't really hurt her, plus again she wouldn't really need it, considering apparently she now has a job (publicly) and several PhDs (in secret, but for how long, who knows). Heck, if Joe wanted to, he could probably hash together a plan where Delphine Mertens conveniently finds a tutor for Aisha as a favor for Garment so she could just homeschool.

On the other hand, for Taylor? WoG is that Winslow and the PRT have been very busy working to deal with Taylor's case behind the scenes, and despite all this furious hubbub, nobody has given a hint to the actual people involved (namely the Trio and Taylor) because, well, why would they? Piggot and the rest responsible already know that they're doomed, so right now they're pretty much saving as much of their own skin for when the guillotine comes around. There's no point in not giving the Trio a noose to hang themselves with and Taylor's been avoiding Winslow since the Blackouts.
Wait a fucking second. School! It's Tuesday, Winslow is opening. Taylor has to attend (by her own words, interlude after summit), and Emma and Sophia wanted to plan something. I wonder if there will be some movement in this subplot.

Anyway, what school Aisha even attends? And shouldn't she be there right now? I'm sure she was let go to help Garment with the event, else her father would've said something. Still, she probably has to go after the event is concluded. A person with multiple PhDs going to school. Her boredom will be immeasurable.
I dunno where Aisha goes to school, but it could be that her school was way more destroyed than Winslow was and school is still out for her...

Alternatively, this training in spiritron land could be happening so early in the morning that Aisha will have time to spare to make it to school after the training is over. Or maybe Aisha is confident she can make it to school before her classes start?
I dunno where Aisha goes to school, but it could be that her school was way more destroyed than Winslow was and school is still out for her...

Alternatively, this training in spiritron land could be happening so early in the morning that Aisha will have time to spare to make it to school after the training is over. Or maybe Aisha is confident she can make it to school before her classes start?
Or she is gonna activate her inner goblin and slip in under her power, prepare everything and pretend she was there all along.
I dunno where Aisha goes to school, but it could be that her school was way more destroyed than Winslow was and school is still out for her...

Alternatively, this training in spiritron land could be happening so early in the morning that Aisha will have time to spare to make it to school after the training is over. Or maybe Aisha is confident she can make it to school before her classes start?

It's not Aisha got dropped off at Garment's by her dad the training will also take an hour or 2 in real time. The Uppercrust meeting is in a window of 12:30 - 2:30 and is close enough to that it got brought up as being in danger of being missed before the reminder of there being slack in the time he is free was mentioned. Considering all of that the in story time is probably between 10 and 11.

As for the school bit remember from Emma's pov the school is back but at severely reduced attendance since people are still having issues and plenty are keeping their kids home cause of the current unrest. If you look at it from that point of view Garment is pretty great for Aisha to be hanging around since she's shown she can handle thugs no problem and Garment isn't involved with capes along with being being a great pr source and being responsible for the charity stuff for the recovery effort it doesn't make sense for any capes to atk her.
Would "UwU Speech" be considered an accent? If yes, that would be one way to weaponize the perk. Death through second hand embarrassment.
"Jwack! Uva weivn ov tevvow envs vere!"

"Siberian, dear, just run hand through my heart please, it would be less painful than continuing listening to this"