Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Was rereading. A bit confused. What do ya'all think that part means? It's either that she still to figure out bank job's secret (not so unbelievable, considering that here a lot more shit fallen on her than in canon) or she's planing out what to say to Joe (read, what to lie to Joe to manipulate him).
My guess is that in this story Tattletale is unaware that the bank job was used as a distraction to kidnap Dinah, or something along those lines.
Was rereading. A bit confused. What do ya'all think that part means? It's either that she still to figure out bank job's secret (not so unbelievable, considering that here a lot more shit fallen on her than in canon) or she's planing out what to say to Joe (read, what to lie to Joe to manipulate him).
I think it's the former with a bit of latter in that she wants to provide a satisfactory/in-depth answer to Joe. She thinks there's more to the distraction (than getting Dinah as political leverage) and that there's something big she's missing (Dinah is the precog).
From her Interlude:
Joe was focused on the bank job, adamant about it. An investigation would bring him to the kidnapping of Dinah Alcott. She knew Coil had political aspirations and interests within the civic government. The mayor had been leveraging every asset at his disposal to recover his niece, only slowing due to the disaster that had unfolded. It was possible that Coil's plans had been delayed by the attacks, that he would be making an effort to leverage the girl once the city was stable enough that her safety could tip the mayor's hand on some critical issue.

Possible, but not likely. Coil had deployed too many resources to acquire the girl. She was reasonably certain the out-of-city promotional event that had tied up the Protectorate had been orchestrated by one of Coil's shell companies. Various steps had been taken to minimize the civic response even beyond the disruption at the bank. And most of all, and perhaps most damning, if it was just a political matter he wouldn't have kept it from her.

It wasn't a comforting idea, but Coil would not have hesitated to consult her on the matter, both of the kidnapping and the aftermath. At the very least she would have seen a pattern in the analysis he requested from her. More focus on civic works, or profiles of councilmen, something to that effect. Instead, there was radio silence. It was possible she'd been questioned in an alternate timeline, but that didn't seem likely, not for something as complicated as political leverage. No, something else was going on, something bad, and that worried her.
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If the shoe fits (PinkShadowReader)
If the shoe fits

"Joe!" He turned around to see Aisha walking towards him.

They were both out in Brockton Bay and coincidentally met each other.

"What are you doing to that poor kitten?" Asked Aisha as she came near him.

"I'm trying to let this kitten out of the cardbox. She is too afraid to trust humans. Poor kitty."

"Seriously. You're doing it wrong if you are just trying to give her meat." Aisha looked briefly up to the skies while doing some strange hand motions.

She went down on her knees, "back off a little. Let me fix this, you probably stink of other predators." She waved him to get more back.

"Kss kss kss." She held her hand up as she held them near the ground. "That terrible loud person is gone now. Don't worry. Kss kss."

The black white kitten peeked out of her box. Softly and cautiously she walked out to her. The kitten sniffed in the air, surely searching for predators.

"Really" mumbled Joe, "here am I with my divine quality pork that I have made, but its Aisha that managed to coax the -eettu what breed is she"

Survey helpfully added, "the feline is a breed of Siamese."

"Thank you Survey." He sent back, "...coax a young Siamese out of her box."

Aisha had managed to get the kitten sit in her lap as she ate from Aisha's palm.


"What are you thinking about?" Asked Aisha.

"How did you get that kitty to get eat? I have tried to make her do it but she didn't want to." Joe asked as he sighed.
He had truly tried to get the kitten out. But it didn't work at all. Before all this he would have thought he just was automatically at fault, but maybe it was something different.

"Well this kitten was drenched and she was young so I reckoned that she was abandoned." She began to count on her fingers.

"So I thought that she was afraid to approach humans, she had probably been left alone and so she began to fear us." She checked each finger with each fact.

"First I got you away since you stood tall and you has probably been lava surfing or something equally abnormal so she there wasn't any strange scent."

"Then I went down on my knees to make myself smaller, then I showed that I didn't have anything unknown in my hands. Like weapons or anything like that." She checked with him that he actually listened.

"Third; I let the kitten herself decide when to come out. She was already hungry and its just the first step that is the hardest.
Then when she was out of her safety box she just kept walking so the food wouldn't be gone if she turned around or anything like that."

'Wait a moment what if-.'

"Joe?" He realized he had zooned out again. This time it wasn't from power gain but he had managed to get an idea.

"Sorry, I got an idea." He apologized, after all he had zoned out on her. Aisha motioned to explain.

"You know how I need to talk get back so I can take a call from Tattletale? You also know how no plans survives contact with the enemy?" Aisha nodded to that. "I think Plan B will be Kitty Treatment."


Lisa sat alone in her apartment and prepering herself to get the courage to call Joe.

Suddenly she got a chill, all her hair on her arms stood straight up.
She jumped up. 'Someone is talking about me.' She thought. No doubt it must be something terrible.
My guess is that Coil is playing it safe in terms of information leaks to the Undersiders.

Coil most likely hasn't played the "Dinah is the Precog" card for the Undersiders. Taylor might have suspicions from bug scouting, but in canon, Coil only revealed that Dinah was a captured precog after the E88 leak, as a way to remind them of what they were already complicit in. I believe we are not yet to that approximate time. The Undersiders are not willful child kidnappers (yet) in this fic, though I don't think they would make the same choices anyway due to the container yard fight.

Ideally Lisa figures it out and lets Joe know first, but most likely Im guessing Dinah will end up in range of the scanners, that Lisa agreed to broadcast to Joe.
I enjoyed that chapter, and really liked that it was from Lisa's perspective. It showed that, even if it can be frustrating to read when we have knowledge of Joe and canon, she has reasons to be thinking and acting as she is.
For anyone wondering what Leet is up to, we got a WoG during the Chubster interlude and the "Brockton was lucky it wasn't split into multiple dimensions" idea. (I'm not listing every way Brockton can be separated into multiple dimensional chunks here just listing the wrost case scenario involving Leet) There are many different things happening in Brockton happening that might cause that effect due to so many people focusing on spacetime annihilation effects to counter Apeiron. Importantly Leet and Bakuda are both working on tinker projects in that vein in a sealed dimensional space while near March. Leet's tech when it works correctly can do anything, and he is trying to copy a parahuman who dissolves reality. Bakuda's tech naturally destroys things. Leet's tech if it fails will destroy more things anyways. Both of them are going to be near March who at anytime could expose either project to unstable dimensional fractures. To make matters worse Faultlines group is going after Leet which is going to throw Labyrinth into that mess as well.

TLDR even in Leet's best case scenario he will be creating an pocket dimension of unstable reality that a shaker 12 who also destabilizes reality will be caught inside.
Not a real challenge for the Forge crew but if L33t's megaproject were to dimensionally displace the Forge for a week then Brockton would be left vulnerable.
That's pretty much impossible, unless it's to a dimension with no doors and local physical laws that somehow prevent the creation of doors. Otherwise, the displacement would last exactly long enough for Joe to open the workshop and step back out of a door in Brockton Bay.
I got the feeling that Joe was placating Lisa, at a certain point when the power gap is large enough most every act of working together can appear patronising.

Like, Joe has a better Tattletale in Survey, giving Lisa the little sensors in the watch and getting her to scan stuff is basically giving her a cookie and blanket to fend off an emotional outburts/break down.

I'll be very interested to see if Joe has the presence of mind to warn folks he's on the war path and why before doing something terrifying.
Because I can't see Joe acting in a restrained manner on learning about Dinah, although I expect if Coil does tell the Undersiders I think Lisa's response will be staring at her watch in utter horror.
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So something I wanna address or acknowledge unless this has been covered somewhere in the thread I didn't notice...
73 Head Trip


New abilities for Tybalt:

Will Thee Accompany Me? (Chrono Trigger) Free:
While it might not be my specialty, I'm not a bad hand at restoring lost timestreams. If you have any friends who tagged along with you, I make sure they're able to find you wherever and whenever they end up. I'll even provide them with a healthy new human body, along with the Element of their choice.
Besides being able to locate Apeiron regardless of when or where, does this mean Tybalt has a human alt-form at his disposal?
You know, Survey is going to have Joes fiat backed sensors right next to coil. And while she doesn't spread the information around, she does figure out what the secret identities of capes are. If she decides to break the secret policy due to Dinah being in the base, a discreet, anonymous email exposing Calvert, timed to where he is out of the base as Calvert, would be one hell of a way to deal with him. Imagine Calvert having a meeting with Piggot, and she gets a HIGH PRIORITY-READ IMMEDIATELY with a full breakdown. At this point of the story, she would happily destroy her career to nail him to the floor, perhaps literally.
You know, Survey is going to have Joes fiat backed sensors right next to coil. And while she doesn't spread the information around, she does figure out what the secret identities of capes are. If she decides to break the secret policy due to Dinah being in the base, a discreet, anonymous email exposing Calvert, timed to where he is out of the base as Calvert, would be one hell of a way to deal with him. Imagine Calvert having a meeting with Piggot, and she gets a HIGH PRIORITY-READ IMMEDIATELY with a full breakdown. At this point of the story, she would happily destroy her career to nail him to the floor, perhaps literally.

She probably wouldn't. For all she said to Uppercrust about throwing away her career in a heartbeat if it meant keeping the Elite even his branch out of the city she doesn't really hold up to that. To begin with as she said that she was in the middle of the get Apeiron a pre-signed kill order so she could leek it to her media contacts to shift attention from herself along with setting the tone to ramp up worry about him and shift the blame to him. That's a monumentally stupid thing to do for someone claiming to care about the city over themselves since her opinion of him was that he was highly unstable and so was his tech which when it had taken damage had caused things like the blackout field and dust trails and this course of action would set him against the prt along with causing the crazies to act up and possibly come to the city.

Piggot's actions since the ungodly hour and Chubster briefing have also been shown. To be blunt she's in full damage control mode trying to save herself and doing things like ignoring the rock meeting and doing nothing about the Bakuda hostages to try to push conflicts further down the line because she'd be getting replaced a few days after it and thus be someone else's problem and fault. Now while this is somewhat understandable given more than her career she's potentially facing jail time doing it while giving speeches about throwing away your career in a heartbeat for the sake of the city while doing so is pretty disgusting.

Although it should be noted that her time before removal has since been extended due to the teeth showing up so its unknown what she's been up to since other than token no we didn't just leave the hostages in camps efforts once Bakuda made her public demands and offer to allow a few to be released.
hat feel when a random teenager tells the most powerful and skillful cape in the Western Hemisphere that they're convinced he's a screw up.

Should ask Lethe to follow Tattletale around until she discovers the fuck's got Lisa so wound up, but being so immersed in her Secchen range Lisa'd probably realize something was off unless Lethe can specifically blinker Lisa in particular.
Tattletale needing to feel like the smartest one in the room, now with videoconference!
You know if tattletale had reveal about Noelle things would have settle a lot more quickly and easily because Joe would have just created like 100 counter measures against Noelle in less then a hour. Also let's face facts Joe could have located Coil base if he stop waiting for tattletale and dealt with the problem himself or have survey do it. This chapters really shows how much he doesn't actually needs tattletale and it's tattletale that's holding him back.
See above :V
Man. Lisa as the only sane man is kind of hilarious.
She's hardly "the only one sane".
Seriously, she spends half the chap whining about how she doesn't know shit about Apeiron, his team, and both of their capabilities and powers. She then spends about a quarter of the chap crying about how lately her predictions seem to always turn out to be shit.
And then decides that she needs to hide stuff from Joe because he might take "unwarranted risks".

No, what we really see in this chap is Lisa's overinflated ego and insecurity complex flaring with how out of (her) control everything is around her.
And then decides that she needs to hide stuff from Joe because he might take "unwarranted risks".
I saw this one comment on the Ao3 version of the latest chapter that was talking about how everybody seems to think Apeiron is incompetent outside of the context of him going insane. It certainly seems to be ringing true.

To clarify: The comment is referring to everybody in-story; the PRT, Tattletale, the gangs, etc.
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Assuming that (despite everything) Tybalt get caught... I'm betting on an army of evil (but undeniably cute) kitten. With no powers, because that was not copiable by a Shard.
So... normal kittens then. :V

Thinking about it, probably very depressed kittens as from their point of view they lost the ability to make milkshakes on demand...

Anyone who coexsist with Taylor for more than a week innevitably start drinking too hard on the Taylorate, making them think 'only I can do it!' :V
Honestly, if anything it's the other way around: In canon Lisa's borderline social brainwashing contributed a LOT to Taylor's hyper-escalation problems.
The big difference is whereas Lisa is content using her worldview as a self-defense mechanism and to essentially wallow in selfpity-hood, Taylor instead acts upon that same worldview.

Lisa has been a kidnapping victim for months. She was forcibly recruited at gunpoint and is actively threatened with death or eternal slavery and a drugged up stupor at least weekly.
The whole victim thing is largely overinflated. It's not like Coil forces her to stay around (or even could if he wanted). Lisa stays in this situation not because "gun to the head", but because Coil pays well for (very) low-risk jobs that puts her as effectively the leader of a group of parahumans, which is great for her ego.
And because actually doing something about her situation would take effort when complaining and wallowing in selfpityhood instead makes her feel better about herself. Seriously, Lisa could also have just stepped on a bus and gone to New York or somewhere on the opposite coast in Canada. Or heck, joined the Protectorate for protection.
Heck, with minimal effort she could have gathered proof, or even just suspicious pieces of intel, on Coil being a high-ranked PTR officer and pushed the PTR/Protectorate into effectively investigating him and inevitably dismantling his whole thing*.

*because fancy time-split power does shit against someone actually calling the shots from the other side of the country based on reports written a week ago.
His AI teammates strait up can't be copied, and it wouldn't be that hard to create airtight armor capable of withstanding Noelle.

The absolute worst thing Noelle can do upon scanning Joe is spit out some kind of glitch creature that harnesses the entire shard network.
Which still wouldn't be enough. It'd raze the planet but time travel and translocation would eventually fix that.

Echidna is limited by the Shard network. And not only is the Workshop a nullspace safe room from which to launch retaliation, Apeiron's work with Lethe shows he can simply upgrade-hax his way past Entity limits, even every Shard at once, eventually.

Oh, and then there's Fleet's motoroid and its progeny in Shardspace, the Entities's backstage area. What are the odds that Lisa's smartwatch will be able to simply relay the dimensional coordinates Noelle's oversized Corona is tuned to - for a quick planetary invasion on the other end, followed by a firmware update for the Duplicate Shard.
And now she is currently in a position where she can be free.
After reading cannon I was under the impression that she wasn't all that bothered by her and Coil's arrangement. She only tried getting away after Taylor got worked up over the Dinah thing and wanted her help iirc. Bottom line her spending every waking moment trying to find a way to get "free" is more fanon than canon.
That whole "kindness and anger are two sides of the same coin" thing was kind of bullshit. I get what she was going for about Joe in particular, but as the general rule it's presented as it's dumb.

Worm is full of people who are complete misanthropes but still get angry on a regular basis.

It's fortune cookie tier insight at best, which is ironic considering her powers. If that's what Lisa is like without a shard holding her hand then I think she's lost the right to be indignant about the whole thinkers are idiots with mental crutches trope.
Oh yeah, it's total BS. The real info there is about Lisa's mindset, not any deep insight. She's worked herself around to where even kindness is a threat, a sign you can't trust someone. No wonder she's freaking out about not being in control, she's convinced herself that any conceivable person with power over her is dangerous.
You know, Survey is going to have Joes fiat backed sensors right next to coil. And while she doesn't spread the information around, she does figure out what the secret identities of capes are. If she decides to break the secret policy due to Dinah being in the base, a discreet, anonymous email exposing Calvert, timed to where he is out of the base as Calvert, would be one hell of a way to deal with him. Imagine Calvert having a meeting with Piggot, and she gets a HIGH PRIORITY-READ IMMEDIATELY with a full breakdown. At this point of the story, she would happily destroy her career to nail him to the floor, perhaps literally.
I can't imagine Coil going to pretty much anything outside his base without leaving a version of himself inside in the other timeline. In which case that email would only alert him and no one else.
Survey wouldn't contact the PRT without consulting Joe first, and he'd be alerted by Fanwank Passenger about how it would be a tremendously bad idea. Which might be misinterpreted as the PRT being untrustworthy with the info... which technically wouldn't be wrong. And in a way the sheer incompetence they display from the infiltration reinforces this take.

But just a general query of 'would it be bad if Coil was exposed in general?' Would prompt the same question of 'why' and then thorough, breach of privacy on a scale only Apeiron can facilitate, level. Which would reveal more than enough to formulate a plan that could deal with two timelines worth of fuckery since he'd only act once his Passenger was sufficiently cowed by the level of paranoia he displayed.
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