Assuming that (despite everything) Tybalt get caught... I'm betting on an army of evil (but undeniably cute) kitten. With no powers, because that was not copiable by a Shard.
So... normal kittens then.
Thinking about it, probably
very depressed kittens as from their point of view they lost the ability to make milkshakes on demand...
Anyone who coexsist with Taylor for more than a week innevitably start drinking too hard on the Taylorate, making them think 'only I can do it!'
Honestly, if anything it's the other way around: In canon Lisa's borderline social brainwashing contributed a LOT to Taylor's hyper-escalation problems.
The big difference is whereas Lisa is content
using her worldview as a self-defense mechanism and to essentially wallow in selfpity-hood, Taylor instead
acts upon that same worldview.
Lisa has been a kidnapping victim for months. She was forcibly recruited at gunpoint and is actively threatened with death or eternal slavery and a drugged up stupor at least weekly.
The whole victim thing is largely overinflated. It's not like Coil forces her to stay around (or even could if he wanted). Lisa stays in this situation not because "gun to the head", but because
Coil pays well for (very) low-risk jobs that puts her as effectively the leader of a group of parahumans, which is great for her ego.
And because actually doing something about her situation would take effort when complaining and wallowing in selfpityhood instead makes her feel better about herself. Seriously, Lisa could also have just stepped on a bus and gone to New York or somewhere on the opposite coast in Canada. Or heck, joined the Protectorate for protection.
Heck, with
minimal effort she could have gathered proof, or even just suspicious pieces of intel, on Coil being a high-ranked PTR officer and pushed the PTR/Protectorate into effectively investigating him and inevitably dismantling his whole thing*.
*because fancy time-split power does shit against someone actually calling the shots from the other side of the country based on reports written
a week ago.