Won't Rei be just a liiiiiitle set off by the presence of Tabris + razor thin AT Field?
Unlike the Lilim, he can control his AT field. He should be able to completely shut her out if it helps her cope.
Bingo. This will come up in the full update, but part of why she does not mind him sitting next to her right now is because he is literally the only being on Earth who can actively conform is AT-Field to avoid scraping against her raw edges.
Bingo. This will come up in the full update, but part of why she does not mind him sitting next to her right now is because he is literally the only being on Earth who can actively conform is AT-Field to avoid scraping against her raw edges.
Were he less mature, this would invariably lead to a case of "I'm not touching you."
Misato: Kids, I will turn this car around if you don't stop.
I'v considered some analogies and representations for what it might be like for a character that can sense souls/AT-fields in the context of NGE. "Seeing" souls would be something like synthesia, because the soul has no "physical" presence, and so isn't detectable with the 5 senses. The brain (for a human at least) would interpret it that way though, for lack of the right interface - it might be described as sensing with sonar, hearing "music", and feeling "textures".

The "appearance" of a soul might be described as an amorphous, fractal "kooshball", by turns soft and yielding, or sharp edged and spiky, like, oh, a hedgehog.

Actually, it might "look", or "feel", much like the fractals in this video, particular the more feathered designs, or the spiraling loops.

People with negative emotions/bonds towards those around them would be "spiky" or "sharp/edged", I,.E. hurting people, and themselves. Positive bonds would "entangle" or enmesh with those that are open to forming bonds with people. Emotions might cause souls to resonate with those that share comparable feelings. People directing/expressing intensive emotions or concentration towards people might be sensed to actually "entangle" their AT fields with those subjects, for those capable of perceiving it. An example of this could be when Rei or Kaworu are described as being able to detect surveillance, or deadly intent.

Also, people who form bonds with others might exchange fragments of their fields, representing the emotional closeness and comfort one feels with friends and loved ones. In effect, the AT fields begin to "recognize" each other, and "fit together" (bosom friends and lovers), because elements are shared between the individuals.

This all only plays out in a non-corporeal realm, without conscious control, for normal humans, where time and space has no meaning- physical/geographical distance may not affect the interaction between souls, if the emotional bonds are strong enough, and active communication (of any kind).

What Rei and Kaworu, and the angels do takes they conscious manipulation and observation/sensing of souls to another dimension/level, where the physical world can be affected.

Okay, enough of my metaphysical musings. :whistle:
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"but what if Shinji wasn't born with a tragic disease that causes him to have an invisible foot in his mouth?" and "but what if Asuka didn't feel inexplicable anger whenever someone talks to her?".

And it did this without changing more than a few (a single?) canon event.

I look at it more as "What if this one, single, non-canon event could help Shinji and Asuka OVERCOME the knee-jerk reactions that keep them apart."

But before the kiss? It's clear that the Walls of Jericho thing did bruise her confidence, but it'd be relatively easy to get canon!Asuka on board with the idea, I think.

A&T!Asuka: "Okay, first off, Shinji doesn't get Biblical references. He's Japanese. You might as well have been speaking German to him."

Canon!Asuka: [slaps forehead] "Gah! I should have realized."

A&T!Asuka: "Second, when you go to kiss him..."

Canon!Asuka: "I am NOT kissing Baka-Shinji!"

A&T!Asuka: "Yes you will. Now, when you do, hook your foot behind his and trip him."

Canon!Asuka: "Trip him?"

A&T Asuka: [smiles] "Trust me."

And of course it ends with them falling all over each other, but Asuka doesn't give good advice. :D
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But that's the point. Though I'm probably also wording that badly myself as I haven't defined "self". But how can there be an "existence" without self? Some sort of human-mind conglomerate would exist, yes, but not I. That's the point/problem.

Ever since I've watched these videos, I've been tempted to post them when Instrumentality comes up even though I'm not actually sure that they're on topic. Still, some of their points about the nature of the self seem to have some relevance to the issue, even if I'm having a bit of difficulty articulating what that relevance is.

Misato eyed them with mild amusement as she put the car back into gear. "Friends? And asking him to sit next to you? I thought you didn't want anyone near you. Rei, have you got a boyfriend?" she teased.

Kaoru: So you're single. :)
Bingo. This will come up in the full update, but part of why she does not mind him sitting next to her right now is because he is literally the only being on Earth who can actively conform is AT-Field to avoid scraping against her raw edges.
Better question, can he conform his AT-Field to keep everyone else from scraping against her raw edges as well? Because, right now, that'd make for quite a bit of 'must not kill stupid fish' cred.
Better question, can he conform his AT-Field to keep everyone else from scraping against her raw edges as well? Because, right now, that'd make for quite a bit of 'must not kill stupid fish' cred.
If it wasn't for the whole 'raw edges' thing of Rei's AT-Field, would Kaworu wrapping his field around her be like rolling her up in a blanket?
If it wasn't for the whole 'raw edges' thing of Rei's AT-Field, would Kaworu wrapping his field around her be like rolling her up in a blanket?
Yessssss...ish. He just needs to make his AT-Field like a very soft blanket, and wrap her very gently. Then the hugging, snacks, and tea to keep her hydrated.

And that is how you truly make a Nephelim Sushi Roll. And the best part is, because he's keeping the rough edges of her AT-Field from being further abraded, Rei isn't going to complain.

Besides, one of the first lessons I learned in this thread was, "'[X] Hug teh Rei' is always the right option."
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Ritsuko: "You're (ab)using a Dirac Sea, one of the most dangerous metaphysical phenomenons we have ever encountered, to take a piss because you don't want to get up from the couch. And it's working. You have full control of what it absorbs and what it leaves alone."
Rei: *shifty eyes* Yes.
Ritsuko: "...Uuuhh huh."

*Ritsuko removes her lab coat (why was she even wearing it at the Katsuragi's?), sets it in the sink, sets it on fire, and walks out the front door*

Suddenly, the telephone rings.

Misato: "Katsuragi residence."
Maya: "What the hell is going on at your apartment?"
Misato: "Ritz just left, what's up?"
Maya: "Senpai just stopped by my apartment, claimed 'Metaphysical biology is bullshit,' kidnapped me, and is taking us to Los Angeles to live out the rest of our days as show girls. What did you do?"
Just an idle thought, but does Firefly exist in this 'verse, and have any of the characters seen it? Because Rei is probably learning first-hand what it's like to be River Tam right now.