To me, fanfic is a wonderful thing...sometimes. Because as we all know, a good 90% of it is poorly written tripe.

9% is enjoyable but not spectacular.

The remaining 1% however, is truly something special.

Fanfic is good because it produces different interpretations and versions of the source material that are sometimes on par, if not superior (as in A&Ts case) to the original. And to be brutally honest, a good deal of fanfic is vastly more enjoyable than whatever the mainstream literary industry chuggs out these days...
I think you might be understating the quality of this masterpiece. Advice and Trust is, in my opinion, within the top 0.1% of all fan fictions.
Here's an easy idea for anyone looking to do an omake: Holiday gift exchange/office party shenanigans.

You also were not expected to murder anyone with it either.
I'll concede the point that within the context of this conversation, there is a non-zero possibility that the aforementioned example does not provide a 1 to 1 correspondence with the events in NGE
I think you might be understating the quality of this masterpiece. Advice and Trust is, in my opinion, within the top 0.1% of all fan fictions.

Advice and Trust is certainly good, it does speak well for @Strypgia's writing skills that he keeps making me forget how the canon characterizations look.

This of course resulted in me having to rewatch Evangelion, resulting in reading the manga and seeing some more stuff and I ultimately ended up sad due to Asuka's desperate fight against the MP-Evas.

I have something of a soft spot for that fight. :sad:
This of course resulted in me having to rewatch Evangelion, resulting in reading the manga and seeing some more stuff and I ultimately ended up sad due to Asuka's desperate fight against the MP-Evas.

I have something of a soft spot for that fight. :sad:
At least in the manga, Shinji gets to help out...

...before getting speared. Even when he tries it wasn't enough. So like in EoE, he decides "fuck it all, fuck this world".
On the other hand, manga!Misato is such a better person... and that with just some small changes...

But on the other hand, Touji actually dies in the manga.

Which meant that since I was introduced to Evangelion through the manga, I cheered and was happy when he 'just' got off with missing a leg when I watched the anime. :V
Well I did always feel there that the series basically just "wussed out" of having Touji killed.

Hm. What else. Manga has more R/S, which is good, but of course can't have that actually going anywhere... OTOH, Kaworu is an asshole... but hey, Asuka gets her solo kill! Against Gaghiel, too! That's good for her.
Asuka literally states that she hates everyone when she wakes from her coma. :sad:
Isn't that the equivalent to the "I'm so fucked up" scene? So, arguably, well... at least that wasn't done to her. Plus, at least that hate is directed outwards. Of course, one has to wonder what has been done to her that she has such a hate for the world... and then her double-faced nature when she arrives, and Misato's later notice she doesn't need to play the good little girl here as she does with her foster parents... hmmm... :-/
Yes, that's the "I'm so fucked up" scene.

But on another note, Shinji expresses that "the Asuka I want to protect isn't a lifeless shell" as well during that scene, which I always liked a lot.
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I recently heard of an theory that Mari Illustrious Makinami is really Kyoko Zeppelin-Soryu from NGE who after Third Impact was thrown into the Rebuild world.

What do guys think of this?
I recently heard of an theory that Mari Illustrious Makinami is really Kyoko Zeppelin-Soryu from NGE who after Third Impact was thrown into the Rebuild world.

What do guys think of this?
If that was all they said on that, I'd ask if they did all the drugs, or if they left some for us.
If the person you read this from went into more detail, then that's something you kinda should have shared in the first place.
I recently heard of an theory that Mari Illustrious Makinami is really Kyoko Zeppelin-Soryu from NGE who after Third Impact was thrown into the Rebuild world.

What do guys think of this?
It's mostly based on that one photo we see of (probably) Kyoko in Rebuild, and yes, she looks very much like Mari. One theory I have heard is that Mari is to Asuka what Rei is to Shinji - i.e., a clone of the "dead" mother. That would explain why she can synch with 02, but then again, Asuka can also synch with 03, so... Really, Mari is nothing like Rei or Kaworu, so I'd dismiss the clone theory, and I really doubt it's Kyoko herself, either.
Advice and Trust is certainly good, it does speak well for @Strypgia's writing skills that he keeps making me forget how the canon characterizations look.
Thank you! I know I've moved a fair bit away from the canon characterizations by now, but that's pretty intentional, as the whole idea was to see how different they've have been if they'd had that one change of knowing someone loves them. A&T!Asuka would really look at her canon self of this point like a whole different person, for one: A broken, isolated, and depressed girl spiraling into catatonia and passive suicide, versus herself, the confident, loved, and vibrant woman who's ready to take on any threat with her love and friends at her side.
This of course resulted in me having to rewatch Evangelion, resulting in reading the manga and seeing some more stuff and I ultimately ended up sad due to Asuka's desperate fight against the MP-Evas.

I have something of a soft spot for that fight. :sad:
That fight is going to be slightly different this time. Just saying. :V
That fight is going to be slightly different this time. Just saying. :V

K: "Oh, good. I have some self-contempt issues to work out."
A: "...Rei, is it a good thing that your Trout is having such a good time carving up the MPEs with Dummy Plugs based on his own psyche?"
R: "He's not my-- nevermind. I'm hoping it's a good thing."
S: "So, does this count as serial homicide, or serial suicide? By proxy, maybe...?"
K: "Oh, good. I have some self-contempt issues to work out."
A: "...Rei, is it a good thing that your Trout is having such a good time carving up the MPEs with Dummy Plugs based on his own psyche?"
R: "He's not my-- nevermind. I'm hoping it's a good thing."
S: "So, does this count as serial homicide, or serial suicide? By proxy, maybe...?"

I'm still wondering if Kaworu can externally hijack the MP Evas like he could Unit-02 in canon. That would be a real hoot... anticlimactic, but hilarious.

Of course, if SEELE suspected he could do such a thing, they'd hold off on the assault on Tokyo-3 until they thought he was dead. Perhaps if Kaworu's death were faked to protect him from SEELE...
I'm still wondering if Kaworu can externally hijack the MP Evas like he could Unit-02 in canon. That would be a real hoot... anticlimactic, but hilarious.

Of course, if SEELE suspected he could do such a thing, they'd hold off on the assault on Tokyo-3 until they thought he was dead. Perhaps if Kaworu's death were faked to protect him from SEELE...

Well, IIRC, SELEE HAD to wait until Tabris was dead before launching their attack. I think there was something on the order of "if we try to initiate Third Impact before all of the Angels are dead, things will not go as we wish."
Thank you! I know I've moved a fair bit away from the canon characterizations by now, but that's pretty intentional, as the whole idea was to see how different they've have been if they'd had that one change of knowing someone loves them. A&T!Asuka would really look at her canon self of this point like a whole different person, for one: A broken, isolated, and depressed girl spiraling into catatonia and passive suicide, versus herself, the confident, loved, and vibrant woman who's ready to take on any threat with her love and friends at her side.

Yeah, I imagined that. If AnT!Shinji said "the Asuka I want to defend isn't a lifeless shell!" like he did in the manga, Asuka would smile instead of trying to strangle him. Advice and Trust builds on the fact that Neon Genesis Evangelion is (to quote my good friend's words) "a bunch of broken people in charge of a bunch of broken teenagers who should really learn to talk to each other, and oh right something about cyborg magic" and then it actually goes "but what if Shinji wasn't born with a tragic disease that causes him to have an invisible foot in his mouth?" and "but what if Asuka didn't feel inexplicable anger whenever someone talks to her?".

And it did this without changing more than a few (a single?) canon event.

So yeah, I really like Advice and Trust. It would be a perfect counter to the fatalistic sadness I feel after watching Evangelion, if only there was another chapter. *glares aggressively* :V
That fight is going to be slightly different this time. Just saying. :V

Yeah, I imagined.

I hope it will involve less "me sobbing myself to sleep" and more "Asuka and Shinji earning their happy ending".

Likewise, I'm excited to see what you'll end up doing to Gendo, because I've always really liked Gendo because of how he's really just a sad, depressed man who wants his wife back. He just happens to be a firm believer in "the end justifies the means" and "sacrifices for a greater cause".

I've always loved how most of what he does is just him being really good at keeping his pokerface and manipulating people, not actually planning ahead.