Comedy Omake #45 - Rei Can Sleep Through Noise
Also occurs to me that that's a huge apartment for one teenage girl whose interior decorating philosophy can be charitably summed up as 'Spartan.' What's she do with the other two bedrooms? Rent one to Asuka to store all her boxes in?
Pretty much. The mirror to Shinji's old room is basically a big closet/dressing room, where Asuka teaches Rei 'How to dress like a normal girl'.

And now for sillies:

Asuka: "Still, Rei... having Misato and Kaji just one wall away... that's got to be... er... awkward at times. How do you put up with it?"

Rei: "Asuka... you remember my old apartment, yes?"

Asuka: "Yeah... so?"

Rei: "The demolition crew working on the next building over? I am used to having a constant loud pounding in the background. Major Katsuragi and Inspector Kaji's... activities provide a familiar background noise. Admittedly, the demolition crew did not shout 'give it to me' quite as much, but the effect is similar."

Shinji: ~blushing~ "Oh... I see. I hope we're not a bother, either."

Rei: "They did sometimes have a jackhammer team in, so that too is familiar."

Asuka: "Annnnd I think we're about done here." ~grabs Shinji, runs~

Kaworu: "I am confused. What was that all about?"

Rei: "I think it will be funnier if I do not tell you."
Later that night...

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*next door and high as shit*
Rei: "Tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling dooown."
Yui: "And they have no idea this is why your eyes are red?"
Rei: "Not a one."
*high five*
Someone might at some point in the future, after many sleepless nights and if she ever decides to mention that the neighbors are... loud... at night, that she could just as easily have used one of the bedrooms that's on the far side of the apartment instead of the one sharing a wall with an enthusiastic couple.

This may cause a facepalm. :D
Relevant(ish) XKCD.
o_OYou don't have a sig.
U wot m8?
Jake's sig said:
The Next Frontier (AO3) (Kerbal Space Program/[SPOILER REDACTED]) The Kerbals go interstellar, and discover their new neighbours are... a colourful bunch, to put it mildly.
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Look more closely...
Doing It Right This Time (AO3) (Evangelion Peggy Sue) Shinji wakes up to a familiar ceiling. Rei gets a maternity test. Asuka leans on the fourth wall. Gendo has a problem.
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